Thomas Garfield and Agnes
Husband Thomas Garfield 1
Born: 1557 - Warwick, Warwickshire, , England 1 2 3 Baptized: Died: July 31, 1596 - England 1 3 Buried:
Father: Edward Garfield 1 2 Mother: Alice 1
Marriage: 1582 - England 1 3
Other Spouse: Agnes
Wife Agnes 1 2
Born: Baptized: Died: 1616 1 Buried: February 22, 1616 - Holy Trinity, Coventry, Warwickshire, England 1
1 M Edward Garfield 1
Born: July 28, 1583 - Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England 1 2 4 5 Baptized: Died: June 14, 1672 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA 1 6 Buried:Spouse: Joanna Marr: September 1, 1661 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA 1 2 6Spouse: Rebecca Marr: 1637 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA 2
2 F Sara Garfield
Born: June 2, 1591 - Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England 2 Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M Henry Garfield 1
Born: October 20, 1593 - Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England 2 Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Elizabeth Garfield
Born: July 31, 1596 - Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England 2 Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Margaret Garfield 1
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 M Thomas Garfield 1
Born: - Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England 2 Baptized: Died: Buried:
7 M William Garfield 1
Born: - Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England 2 Baptized: Died: Buried:
8 F Sarah Garfield 1
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Thomas Garfield
We have tried to prove and document all information correctly. If you find any errors or would like to add information to this family tree, please post a note.
General Notes: Wife - Agnes
We have tried to prove and document all information correctly. If you find any errors or would like to add information to this family tree, please post a note.
General Notes: Child - Edward Garfield
We have tried to prove and document all information correctly. If you find any errors or would like to add information to this family tree, please post a note.
Research Notes: Child - Edward Garfield
Edward Garfield - b abt 1575 England. d 14 June 1672 age 97 years,Wate rtown, Mass. He was the progenitor of the Garfield families inAmerica a nd the ancestor of President James A. Garfield and also anancestor of B righam Young. m (1) Rebecca ----- b abt 1606. d 16 Apr. 1661age 55 year s. m (2) 1 Sept, 1661 to Joan, widow of Thomas Buckmaster.Probably arri ved in America about 1633 because he was approved a Freemanon 6 May 163 5. He was one of the earliest proprietors of Watertown,Mass.
Selectman 1638, 1655, and 1662. Constable 1661. His youngest child was born when he was 71 years old.
The following from: The Great Migration - Profile of EDWARD GARFIELD
ORIGIN: Coventry, Warwickshire.
MIGRATION: 1634 (based on admission to freemanship at 1635 electioncour t).
OCCUPATION: Husbandman.
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Admission to Watertown church prior to 6 May 1635imp lied by freemanship. On 23 May 1665, "Goody Gearfeild Senior" was oneof s ix persons called before the selectmen "to answer for not attendingthei r seats in the meetinghouse appointed them by the town" [WaTR 1:85].
FREEMAN: 6 May 1635 (third in a sequence of three Watertown men) [MBCR1 :371].
OFFICES: Watertown selectman, 30 December 1637, 4 December 1654, 6[Dece mber] 1661 [WaTR 1:3, 39, 74]. Constable, 12 November 1660 (as "oldGarf ield") [WaTR 1:67, 72, 77].His inventory included "a fowling piece, asw ord & belt, powder & bullets," valued at 1lb. 8s. [MPR 3:296, Case#8905 ].
EDUCATION: His inventory included "his wearing apparel & his Bible"valu ed at 4lb. [MPR 3:297, Case #8905].
ESTATE: Granted thirty acres in the Great Dividend in Watertown, 25 Jul y1636 [WaBOP 4]. Granted seven acres in the Beaverbrook Plowlands, 28Fe bruary 1636/7 [WaBOP 8]. Granted five acres in the Remote Meadows, 26Ju ne 1637 [WaBOP 10].
In the Watertown Inventory of Grants, "Edward Garfield" held sevenparce ls: "an homestall of six acres"; "two acres of marsh"; "seven acresof p lowland by estimation in the Further Plain"; "five acres of RemoteMeado w by estimation being the eighty-fourth lot"; "thirty acres ofupland by e stimation being a Great Dividend in the second division & thesecond lot "; "an homestall of one acre & half"; and "seven acres ofupland" [WaBOP 1 11-12].
In the Watertown Inventory of Possessions, "Edward Garfield" held fourp arcels: "four acres of plowland by estimation in the Hither Plain"; "si xacres of meadow by estimation in Pond Meadow"; "four acres of RemoteMe adow by estimation & the hundred & ninth lot"; and "four acres ofmeadow i n Pond Meadow" [WaBOP 144].
In the Watertown Composite Inventory, "Edward Garfield" held nineparcel s: "an homestall of six acres"; "two acres of meadow"; "six acresof mea dow in Pond Meadow"; "seven acres of plowland in the Further Plain& the 1 05 lot"; "four acres of plowland in the Hither Plain & the 33lot"; "fiv e acres of meadow in the Remote Meadows & the 84 lot"; "fouracres of me adow in the Remote Meadows & the 109 lot"; "thirty acres ofupland being a G reat Dividend in the 2 division & the 2 lot"; and "a farmof one hundred a cres of upland" [WaBOP 63-64].
On 7 October 1651, "Robert Daniell of Watertowne ..., husbandman," sold to "Edward Garfeild of Watertowne ... one parcel of land lying & being i nWatertowne on the hither plain, by estimation six acres" [MLR 1:29]. I nan undated deed, acknowledged on 9 October 1651, "George Munnings ofBo ston ... and Elizabeth Munnings his wife" sold to "Edward Garfeild ofWa tertowne ... two acres of meadow commonly known by the name of PondMead ow, as also four acres of plowland upon the plain commonly called thehi ther plain, ... and also four acres of meadow called Remote Meadow, all which particular parcels of land ... was by the freemen of the said tow ngiven & granted to the said George Mullings" [MLR 1:30].
On 11 April 1649, "Samuell Philips, student of Harvard College inCambri dge" sold to "Edward Garfeild of Watertowne, husbandman, ... twentyacre s of planting land, commonly called plowground, situate, lying &being i n Watertowne, upon the hither plain ... which twenty acres of landis pa rt of the forty acres of the hither plain, granted by the town ofWatert owne to my father Mr. George Phillips deceased, and by hisexecutrix Mrs . Elizabeth Phillips given, granted and sold to me theabovesaid Sam[ue] ll Phillips, in part of my portion of my father'sestate" [MLR 1:69-70]. I n an undated deed, acknowledged 17 May 1651,"whereas Elizabeth Phillips o f Watertowne, widow ... and sole executrixof George Phillips of the tow n aforesaid, deceased, was debtor unto JobBishop of Ipswich ... for cer tain sum or sums of money, due to ElizabethBishop the wife of the said J ob Bishop and daughter of the said GeorgePhillips deceased by will of t he deceased or otherwise for a fulldischarge whereof ... there was twen ty acres of plowland lying inWatertowne aforesaid upon the little plain . .., which parcel of land isthe half of forty acres of plowland granted b y the townsmen of Watertowneto George Phillips deceased, which land for p ayments aforesaid was byElizabeth Phillips given, granted, aliened & co nfirmed ... to the saidJob Bishop ..., now this witnesseth that the sai d Job Bishop" sold to"Edward Garfeild of the town of Watertowne ... all t he aforesaid premisedpremises of twenty acres of plowland" [MLR 1:67-68 ].
On 22 December 1651, "William Payne of Ipswich ... & Hannah his wife"so ld to "Edward Garfeild of Watertowne ... eight acres of meadow,commonly k nown by the name of Pond Meadow, lying and being in Watertowneaforename d, which meadow was given and granted to him the said WilliamPayne by t he townsmen of Watertowne" [MLR 1:186-87]. On the same day,"William Pay ne of Ipswich ... and Hannah his wife" sold to "EdwardGarfeild of Water towne ... 10 acres of meadow, commonly known by the nameof Chester's Me adow, lying and being in Watertowne aforesaid, whichmeadow was granted b y the town to Chester and sold by the said Chester toWilliam Payne" [ML R 1:187-88].
On 5 April 1659, "Elliz Barron Junior of Watertowne ... & Hannah Barron his wife" sold to "Edward Garfeild of the same town ... twenty-nine acr esof upland, lying & being in the town aforesaid, called by the name of plowland upon the plain, called by the further plain ... which twenty a ndnine acres was by the inhabitants of Watertowne granted unto John Cut ting& Richard Kemball & Nathaniel Bowman, and by them sold to John Stow ers, &by Stowers sold unto Thomas Hamand, & by Hamand sold unto Elliz B arron"[MLR 2:82-83]. On 27 March 1662, "Jno. Page Junior of Watertowne" s old to"Edward Garfeild of the same town ... a small parcel of land cont ainingby estimation one acre more or less, situate & being in Watertown e, & onthe north side of Beaver Brook, ... the foresaid parcel of land t he saidJno. Page Junior bought of John Page his father [MLR 2:221].
In his will, dated 30 December 1668 and proved 11 July 1672, "EdwardGar feild of Watertowne" bequeathed to "my son Samuell Garfeild ten pounds. .. and forty acres of my land being on the side of Prospect Hill and ap iece of meadow containing about two acres and a half being in the easts ide of Stony Brook ... [and] all my wearing cloathes & my great Bible,n ow the reason why I give no more to my said son Samuell is because hema rrying many years ago I have formerly given him both land & otherestate "; to "my son Joseph Garfeild that house & land which he now livesin, t he land containing about nine & twenty acres, also I give unto thesaid J oseph ten acres of meadow lying on the further side of ChestnutBrook we stward commonly called Plain Meadow, also I give unto the saidJoseph my f arm, as also a mare colt of about a year old"; to "my daughterRebecka M ixter twenty pounds ..., as also two pewter platters"; to "mydaughter A bigall Garfield twenty pounds, ten pounds to be paid at thetime of her m arrige & ten pounds to be paid two years after, but if thesaid Abigall s hall die unmarried then my will is that the said twentypounds be equall y divided to Samuell Garfeild my son & Joseph Garfeild &Beniamen Garfei ld my son & Rebecka Mixter my daughter, & if the saidAbigall do live un married that then my will is she shall be allowed five& twenty shilling s a year so long as she live unmarried"; to "mygrandchild Sarah Parkhur st one ewe sheep & a ewe lamb"; to "SarahGarfeild my grandchild seven p ounds, provided she serve out her time, butif she serves not out her ti me then my will is that she shall have butfifty shillings only"; to "Ep hram Garfeild my grandchild two cows"; to"my beloved wife" a cow, also " five pound a year as long as she lives forwhich my wife had a bond of m e before marriage"; "also my will is that mysaid wife shall if she plea se continue in my house, she shall have thenew bed chamber for her use w ith all the furniture in it for the space ofseven months"; "also my wil l is that my beloved wife abovesaid & mydaughter Abigall aforesaid & my m aid Ann should enjoy the benefit of whatflax or hemp" is in the house, a nd also be fed at the expense of theestate for seven months; "as an add ition to my beloved wife's legacy mywill is that she shall enjoy a feat herbed & bolster & two little pillowswhich were of her own making, also a w oollen wheel and linen wheel"; "myloving son Beniamine Garfeild" to be e xecutor; "my loving friends NathanFisk Senior [and] Will[iam] Bond Seni or" to be overseers [MPR 3:294-95,Case #8905].
The inventory of the estate of "Edward Garfeild of Watertowne whodeceas ed the 14th of June 1672, " taken 26 June 1672, totalled 457lb. 3s.6d., o f which 318lb. 10s. was real estate: "a homestall containing aboutsix a cres with a dwelling house & outhouses belonging to it & a smallorchard ," 80lb.; "sixteen acres of meadow commonly called Pond Meadow,"40lb.; " a lot called a dividend about thirty-two acres near Pond Meadow,"21lb. 1 0s.; "forty-two acres of upland upon the little plain near SudburyRoad, " 60lb.; "more upon the little plain about eight acres of upland,"10lb. ; "twenty-nine acres of upland with a dwelling house upon it on thefart her plain," 40lb.; "ten acres of meadow lying in the meadow calledChest er's Meadow," 15lb.; "five acres of meadow lying upon Stony Brook,"10lb .; "fourscore & thirteen acres of upland lying upon the west side ofBea r Hill," 30lb.; and "a farm by town grant containing about a hundredacr es," 12lb. [MPR 3:296-97, Case #8905].
BIRTH: Baptized Hillmorton, Warwickshire, 28 July 1583, son of Thomas a ndAgnes (_____) Garfield.
DEATH: Watertown 14 June 1672, "aged about 97" [WaVR 1:36].
MARRIAGE: (1) By 1611 _____ _____. She probably died in England, as she is not seen in any New England record, and Edward had married his secon dwife within about two years of his migration.
(2) By 1635 Rebecca _____. She died at Watertown on 16 April 1661 [WaVR 1:23].
(3) Watertown 1 September 1661 Joanna (_____) Buckmaster [WaVR 1:23],wi dow of Thomas Buckmaster.
With first wife
i JONATHAN GARFIELD, bp. Coventry, Warwickshire, 13 October 1611; bur. there 31 October 1611.
ii SAMUEL GARFIELD, bp. Coventry 1 October 1613; m. (1) by about 1644S usanna _____ (son John was b. 8 February 1645/6 [WaVR 1:12], and sonSam uel was older); m. (2) Watertown 28 September 1652 Mary Benfield [WaVR1 :16].
iii SARAH GARFIELD, bp. Coventry 1 November 1616; possibly m. by 1649G eorge Parkhurst (see COMMENTS below).
With second wife
iv JOSEPH GARFIELD, b. Watertown 11 September 1637 [WaVR 1:5]; m.Water town 3 April 1663 Sarah Gale, daughter of RICHARD GALE 1640,Watertown ( bride's surname given incorrectly as "Balle" in publishedrecords [WaVR 1 :25]; in his will of 25 February 1678/8, Richard Galeincuded a bequest t o "my daughter Sarah Garfield" [MPR Case #8823]).
v REBECCA GARFIELD, b. Watertown 10 March 1640[/1?] [WaVR 1:7]; m. by1 662 Isaac Mixer (eldest known child b. Watertown 9 March 1662 [WaVR1:24 ]), son of ISAAC MIXER 1634, Watertown.
vi BENJAMIN GARFIELD, b. say 1643; m. (1) by 1674 Mehitable Hawkins(el dest known child b. Watertown 8 May 1674 [WaVR 1:39]), daughter ofTIMOT HY HAWKINS 1633, Watertown [GMB 2:889-90]; m. (2) Watertown 17January 1 677[/8?] Elizabeth Bridge [WaVR 1:43].
vii ABIGAIL GARFIELD, b. Watertown 29 June 1646 [WaVR 1:13]; probablym . by 1671 John Parkhurst (eldest known child b. Watertown 26 February16 71/2 [WaVR 1:34; Bond 389]).
COMMENTS: Bond created much confusion in the accounts of this family, b ysplitting the immigrant into two men, and then doing the same with his eldest son. He first presents "SAMUEL GARFIELD ... a proprietor 1642, a ndhad a son SAMUEL, who was apprenticed to John Flemming, Nov. 1, 1653. H ewas probably a son of the first Edward Garfield, but there is no furth errecord of him." This is followed by "EDWARD GARFIELD died in Watertow n,June 14, 1672, aged 97. He was probably the father of Samuel, aboveme ntioned, and of Edward, next following." And what follows is an account of Edward Garfield, who had a son Samuel, the latter being credited wit hfifteen children, the eldest of whom was a son John, born on 8 Februar y1645/6 [Bond 231-32]. Savage was unable to untangle this presentation, and so went along with Bond, although with obvious reservations ("if Bo ndbe correct," and "It seems to me, that Dr. Bond has confused the fath erand son making each die on the same day, and the age of the elderforb idding the likelihood of his being the father of the children")[Savage 2 :231-32].
Savage had, in fact, put his finger accurately on the problem. The date of death of the supposed elder Edward (14 June 1672) is bracketed by th edates of making and proving of the will of the supposed younger Edward (30 December 1668 and 16 July 1672). (This set of circumstances ispreci sely parallelled by the case of WILLIAM DADY 1630, Charlestown[GMB 1: 505-8], and, as we shall see, the solution to the problem is thesame in b oth cases.)
If Bond's position were the correct one, we would expect to see manyins tances in which the father and son were distinguished by the markersof " Junior" and "Senior," but this never occurs. And the Edward Garfieldwho m arried the widow Buckmaster gave his age on 8 October 1670 as "agednine ty-four years or thereabouts" [SJC Case #2997]. When we combine theseob servations with the data reported above on Edward Garfield ofHillmorton a nd Coventry, Warwickshire, we conclude that there was onlyone man of th at name in early New England, and that he had two sets ofchildren, two d ecades and more apart, with two wives.
The supposed elder Samuel Garfield was a proprietor in 1642 and had a s onSamuel who was old enough to be apprenticed in 1653. In his listing o fthe children of the supposed younger Samuel, there is no son Samuel, b uthis will (abstracted by Bond) does give a son of that name, apparentl ythe eldest child, and so presumably born by about 1644 [Bond 231-32]. T hediscovery of the baptism on 1 October 1613 of a Samuel Garfield, son o fthe immigrant, relieves the difficulties. This man is certainly of the right age to be the proprietor in 1642, and to have a child by 1644, an dto leave a will in 1684. There was only one Samuel Garfield where Bond postulated two.
Edward Garfield's bequest to "my grandchild Sarah Parkhurst" raises som einteresting questions. His youngest child, daughter Abigail, is said t ohave married John Parkhurst. But at the time of her father's will she w asstill unmarried, with provision being made for the reallocation of he rlegacy if she should die unmarried, so this "grandchild Sarah Parkhurs t"was not her daughter.
Only two women named Sarah Parkhurst have been identified prior to thed ate of Edward Garfield's will: Sarah (Brown) Parkhurst, daughter ofABRA HAM BROWN 1630, Watertown and wife of the younger George Parkhurst[GM B 1:244-46]; and her daughter Sarah, born at Watertown on 14 September1 649 [WaVR 1:14]. (They had recorded an earlier child, John, born on 10J une 1644 [WaVR 1:11].)
An interesting solution to this problem is possible. In the distributio nof the estate of Abraham Browne there is mention only of his grandsonJ ohn Parkhurst, whereas Edward Garfield refers only to granddaughterSara h Parkhurst. With his first wife, Edward Garfield had a daughterSarah, b aptized on 1 November 1616. The records cited here allow thepossibility t hat George Parkhurst married Sarah Browne, that they had sonJohn born i n 1644, that this wife died, and that George then marriedSarah Garfield , with whom he had daughter Sarah.
This brings us back to Abigail Garfield, who is supposed to have marrie dJohn Parkhurst. The reference to Sarah Parkhurst in the will of Edward Garfield does not provide support for this marriage, nor has anyindepen dent evidence been found for this event. The marriage has beenretained i n this account as a probability, but a careful study of theParkhurst fa mily should be undertaken, both for this problem and the onediscussed j ust above.
BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1855 Henry Bond prepared an account of theGarfie lds of Watertown [Bond 231-33, 771-72]. In 1883 and in 1895,William P.W . Phillimore published two important articles with extensivedata on the G arfield family in England [NEHGR 37:253-63, 49:194-201,300-4, 44951]. I n 2002 Robert Charles Anderson, building on the cluesunearthed by Phill imore, presented the evidence for the English origin ofthis immigrant [ NEHGR forthcoming].
General Notes: Child - Henry Garfield
We have tried to prove and document all information correctly. If you find any errors or would like to add information to this family tree, please post a note.
General Notes: Child - Margaret Garfield
We have tried to prove and document all information correctly. If you find any errors or would like to add information to this family tree, please post a note.
General Notes: Child - Thomas Garfield
We have tried to prove and document all information correctly. If you find any errors or would like to add information to this family tree, please post a note.
General Notes: Child - William Garfield
We have tried to prove and document all information correctly. If you find any errors or would like to add information to this family tree, please post a note.
General Notes: Child - Sarah Garfield
We have tried to prove and document all information correctly. If you find any errors or would like to add information to this family tree, please post a note.
Robert II The Poitevin Dalencon Dmontgomerie and Agnes
Husband Robert II The Poitevin Dalencon Dmontgomerie
Born: 1056 - Alencon, Belleme-Maine, Perche, Orme, France Baptized: Died: 1120 Buried:
Father: Roger II Earl Of Arundel De Montgomerie Mother: Mable Dalencon Belleme Dtalvas
Marriage: September 9, 1087
Other Spouse: Agnes Countess Of Ponthieu
Other Spouse: Almodis De La Marche
Other Spouse: Countess Almodis De Marche
Noted events in his life were:
1. Alt. Birth, 1039
2. Alt. Death, 1131
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: 1103 Buried:
Ademius De Mortagne and Agnes
Husband Ademius De Mortagne
Born: 1075 - Mortagne-Du-Perch, Orm, France Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: - Cornwall, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M William Fitzaldheim Lord Connaught De Burgh
Born: 1108 - Burgh-Next-Aylsh, Norfolk, England Baptized: Died: 1198 - Ulster, Counnty Cannaught, Ireland Buried:Spouse: Juliane Daisnel
Death Notes: Husband - Ademius De Mortagne
William De Lalee and Agnes
Husband William De Lalee
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Isabel
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: William De Lalee
Nigel De Ouilly and Agnes
Husband Nigel De Ouilly
Born: 1048 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Fougue Fulco De Aulney Mother:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Robert De Buci
Born: 1070 - Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England Baptized: Died: 1142 - Abington Abbey, Berkshire, England Buried:Spouse: Edith Fitzforne
Gefrey De Workesley and Agnes
Husband Gefrey De Workesley
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Richard De Workesley Mother:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Richard De Worseley
Born: 1252 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joan
Thurstan The Flem De Whitney and Agnes
Husband Thurstan The Flem De Whitney 7 8
Born: 1170 - Whitney, Herefordshire, England Baptized: Died: 1270 Buried:
Father: Rolf De Whitney 7 8 Mother:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Eustace Whitney 7 8
Born: 1195 - Bowdon, England Baptized: Died: 1295 Buried:Spouse: Anne Talbot
General Notes: Husband - Thurstan The Flem De Whitney
1 _UID 9F9073D0E16A37468671ADCFEAFBEB77F436
General Notes: Child - Eustace Whitney
1 _UID 09D5DFF006680F4486139559DFF9F526E88E
Roger III De Somery and Agnes
Husband Roger III De Somery
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Knight Roger De Somery Mother: Annabilla Chaucombe
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Margaret De Somery
Born: 1286 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: John De Sutton
2 F Joan De Somery
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Thomas De Botetourt
William Hillary and Agnes
Husband William Hillary
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Roger Hillary
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Katherine Margaret De Sutton
Gilbert De Lacy and Agnes
Husband Gilbert De Lacy
Born: 1104 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Hugh De Talbot Mother: Emma De Lacy
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Eve De Lacy
Born: 1129 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Hugh I De Longchamp
John De Stuteville and Agnes
Husband John De Stuteville
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Robert III De Estoteville De Stuteville Mother: Erneburga Lady Skipwith Fitzbalderic
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Agnes De Stuteville
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Maldred Fitzdolphin Marr: 1170 - England
William De Lalee and Agnes
Husband William De Lalee
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Henry De Lalee Mother:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M William De Lalee
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Isabel
Alard De Orreby and Agnes
Husband Alard De Orreby
Born: - Orby, Lincolnshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Herbert De Orreby Mother:
Other Spouse: Agnes
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Herbert De Orreby
Born: - Orby, Lincolnshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Agnes Fitzwilliam De Kyme
Morgund Earl Mar and Agnes
Husband Morgund Earl Mar
Born: 1115 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Gillocher Earl Mar Mother:
Wife Agnes
Born: 1120 Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Duncan Earl Mar
Born: 1153 Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Gilchrist Mar
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
William Waldron and Agnes
Husband William Waldron
Born: - Lamborne Berkshire England Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Thomas Waldron Mother: Maryann
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Julianne Waldron
Born: 1568 - Lambourn, Berkshire, England Baptized: Died: 1603 - Bennington, Lincolnshire, England Buried:Spouse: Lawrence Cheney Marr: 1589 - Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA., USA
General Notes: Child - Julianne Waldron
William De Bruley and Agnes
Husband William De Bruley
Born: 1350 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: John De Bruley Mother:
Wife Agnes
Born: 1360 Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M John Bruley
Born: 1375 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Matilda Quartermain
Henry De Miners and Agnes
Husband Henry De Miners
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: William De Miners Mother:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Elizabeth De Miners
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: William De Gamage
Henry Lewaleys and Agnes
Husband Henry Lewaleys
Born: - Skellow Doncaster West Riding Yorkshire England Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Robert Lewaleys
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Denise Lepoitevin
Roger De Stuteville and Agnes
Husband Roger De Stuteville
Born: Baptized: Died: 1202 Buried:
Father: Osmund De Stuteville Mother: Isabel De Gressenhall
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Alice De Stuteville
Born: 1163 - England Baptized: Died: 1250 Buried:Spouse: Roger De Merlay Marr: 1173 - England
2 F Agnes De Stuteville
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Herbert St Quentin
John Harrison and Agnes
Husband John Harrison
Born: 1513 - Bishop Stortf. Herefordshire Engalnd Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: 1571 Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Joan Harrison
Born: 1538 - Watham Abbey Exxex England Baptized: Died: May 14, 1597 - Waltham Abbey, Essex, England Buried:Spouse: Robert Cheney
Henry Essex and Agnes
Husband Henry Essex
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M William De Cranage
Born: 1308 - Chester Eng Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Felice
Nigel Doyly and Agnes
Husband Nigel Doyly
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Sire Doilly Mother: Frances Barney
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Robert Doyly
Born: 1070 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Edith Sigulfson
William Curtis and Agnes
Husband William Curtis
Born: May 17, 1540 - Nazing, Essex, England Baptized: Died: May 17, 1585 - Nazing, Essex, England Buried:Marriage: 1555
Wife Agnes
Born: 1551 Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Thomas Curtis
Born: August 25, 1560 - Ash Juxte, Sandwich, Kent, England Baptized: Died: December 11, 1631 - Nazing, Essex, England Buried:Spouse: Mary Gore Shelley Marr: July 3, 1596 - Nazing, Essex, EnglandSpouse: Richardene Marr: July 16, 1618 - Ash, Kent, England
Death Notes: Wife - Agnes
Arthur McGlauflin and Agnes
Husband Arthur McGlauflin
Born: May 10, 1893 Baptized: Died: 1948 Buried:
Father: Percy McGlauflin Mother: Sarah Sadie D. Leighton
Other Spouse: Sarah
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Thomas Somes and Agnes
Husband Thomas Somes
Born: - Wootton, Bedfordshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Morris Somes
Born: - Edmund, England Baptized: Died: - Gloucester, Essex, MA Buried:Spouse: Margerie Johnson Marr: June 4, 1635 - Cranfield, Bedford, EnglandSpouse: Elizabeth Kendall Marr: June 26, 1647 - Gloucester, Essex, MA
General Notes: Child - Morris Somes
Morris was one of the earliest settlers of Gloucester, receiving grants of land on the east side of Mill River. Upon his death he left an estate of 198 Pounds.
Thomas Flint and Agnes
Husband Thomas Flint
Born: 1525 - Matlock, Derbyshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: 1530 - Matlock, Derbyshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Thomas Flint
Born: 1550 - Matlock, Derbyshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Millicent
Husband Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Joan Agnes Yorkshire 10
AKA: Baroness Joan Agnes Lescrope,9 Joan Scrope 9 Born: 1317 - Clifton, Yorkshire, England Baptized: Died: 1417 9 Buried:Spouse: Henry Le Scrope Scrope 9 10 Marr: 1307 - England
John De Newdegate and Agnes
Husband John De Newdegate
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: William De Newdegate Mother: Amice Echingham
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M John Harefield Manor Newdigate
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joanna De Swanland
Sir Knight John Russell and Agnes
Husband Sir Knight John Russell
Born: 1363 Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Elizabeth Russell
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Sir Knight Robert Wingfield
Hamelin De Ballon and Agnes
Husband Hamelin De Ballon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Drew De Ballon Mother:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Lucia Adeliza De Baalun
Born: - Hocknorton, Oxfordshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Baldwin De Redvers
Johnn De Nywdegate and Agnes
Husband Johnn De Nywdegate
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Richard Nywdegate
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Alicia De Horley
Herbert St Quentin and Agnes
Husband Herbert St Quentin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Oliver St Quentin Mother: Adeliza
Wife Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Amatellus St Quentin
Born: - Skipsey, Yrkshr, England Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Catherine Freshmarsh
William Neves and Agnas Agnes
Husband William Neves
Born: 1540 - Suffolk, England Baptized: Died: 1562 - Suffolk, England Buried:Marriage: 1562 - Suffolk , England
Wife Agnas Agnes
Born: - Lavenham, Suffolk, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Ann Neves 7 8
Born: - Lavenham, Suffolk, England Baptized: Died: October 8, 1645 - Lavenham, Suffolk, England Buried:Spouse: William Paine 7 8 Marr: December 28, 1584 - Lavenham, England 7 8
2 F Agnes Neves
Born: - Lavenham, Suffolk, Suffolk, England Baptized: Died: - Lavenham, Suffolk, Suffolk, England Buried:Spouse: William Payne Paine Marr: December 28, 1584 - Lavenham, Suffolk, Suffolk, England
General Notes: Child - Ann Neves
1 _UID 1C7DE23BD4073C468F99E0EE6AF9AEC9E3BE
Robert De Percy and Agnes Agnes
Husband Robert De Percy
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Ernaldo De Percy Mother:
Marriage: 1155 - England
Wife Agnes Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M William De Percy
Born: 1155 - Kildale, Yorkshire, England Baptized: Died: 1204 Buried:Spouse: Agnes De Flamville Marr: 1170 - England
Roger II Bertram and Agnes Agnes
Husband Roger II Bertram
Born: 1187 - Mitford Northumberland England Baptized: Died: 1242 Buried:
Father: William II Bertram Mother: Alice De Umphreville
Marriage: 1220 - England
Wife Agnes Agnes
Born: 1205 - Mitford Northumberland England Baptized: Died: August 20, 1253 Buried:
Father: Roger De Bertram Mother: Agnes
1 M Rowland De Bertram
Born: 1203 Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 F Isabel Bertram
Born: 1214 - Mitford Nortumberland England Baptized: Died: June 15, 1281 - Nocton, Lincolnshire, England Buried:Spouse: Philip Lord Nocton Darcy Marr: 1235 - England
3 F Ida De Bertram De Bertram
Born: 1220 - Mitford, Northumberland, England Baptized: Died: 1320 Buried:Spouse: Robert Baron Raby De Neville Marr: 1235
4 F Ada De Bertram
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Simon II De Vere
5 F Agnes De Bertram
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Thomas FitzwilliamSpouse: Hugh Fitzjohn De Eure
Notes: Marriage
Thomas Masters and Agnes Agnes
Husband Thomas Masters
Born: 1462 - Wye Kent England Baptized: Died: March 3, 1509 - Wye, Kent, England Buried: - St. Gregory, Mary, Wye, Kent, England
Father: Thomas Masters Mother: Denyse Denyse
Father: Thomas II Maisters Mother: Denyse Denyse
Marriage: 1490 - England
Wife Agnes Agnes
Born: 1470 - Kent, England Baptized: Died: 1517 - Wye, Kent, England Buried:
1 M John Masters
Born: 1490 - Sandwich, Kent, England Baptized: Died: September 1, 1558 - Sandwich, Kent, England Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Payne Marr: 1509 - Canterbury, Kent, England
2 M Richard Masters
Born: 1492 - Sandwich, Kent, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M William Masters
Born: 1494 - Sandwich, Kent, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Thomas Masters
Born: 1496 - Sandwich, Kent, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Alice Masters
Born: 1498 - Sandwich, Kent, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Child - John Masters
Also have him married too:
m. 1547
Elizabeth Thompson b. 1528 Canterbury, Kent, England, d. 1603 Sandwich, Kent, England
Thomas De Camville and Agnes Agnes
Husband Thomas De Camville
Born: - Coughton Court, Warwickshire, England Baptized: Died: 1227 - Coughton, Warwick, England Buried:
Father: Sir Knight Gerard De Camville Mother: Athelaise De Vere
Marriage: 1217 - England
Wife Agnes Agnes
Born: 1196 - Coughton, Warwickshire, England Baptized: Died: 1296 Buried:
1 F Felicia De Camville
Born: 1228 - Arrow, Eng Baptized: Died: 1317 Buried:Spouse: Philip Durvassal Marr: 1239 - England
Stephen Payne and Agnes Agnes
Husband Stephen Payne
Born: 1398 - Kent, England Baptized: Died: 1498 Buried:Marriage: 1420
Wife Agnes Agnes
Born: 1395 Baptized: Died: 1495 Buried:
1 M John Payne
Born: 1420 - Frittenden Kent England Baptized: Died: April 12, 1463 - Frittenden, Kent, England Buried:Spouse: Joane Joane Marr: 1420
Norman Darcy and Agnes Agnes
Husband Norman Darcy
Born: 1192 - Nocton Lincolnshire England Baptized: Died: October 16, 1254 - Nocton, Lincolnshire, England Buried:
Father: Thomas Darcy Mother: Johanna Johanna
Marriage: 1213 - England
Wife Agnes Agnes
Born: 1193 - Nocton Lincolnshire England Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Philip Lord Nocton Darcy
AKA: Lord Of Nocton Born: 1213 - Nocton Lincolnshire England Baptized: Died: May 28, 1264 - Nocton, Lincolnshire, England Buried:Spouse: Isabel Bertram Marr: 1235 - England
Notes: Marriage
General Notes: Child - Philip Lord Nocton Darcy
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord of Nocton Darcy
Hugh De Dives and Agnes Agnes
Husband Hugh De Dives
Born: 1164 - Dives Northamptomshire England Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: 1190
Wife Agnes Agnes
Born: 1168 - Dives Northamptomshire England Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Alice De Dives 7 8
Born: 1190 - Dives Northamptomshire England Baptized: Died: 1290 Buried:Spouse: Richard De Muscegros 7 8 Marr: 1198 - England 7 8
General Notes: Child - Alice De Dives
1 _UID 4D86F66BF6A9354EB0744E438645C926C596
Gilbert De Lacy Lacy and Agnes Agnes
Husband Gilbert De Lacy Lacy
Born: 1105 - Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire, England Baptized: Died: - Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire, England Buried:
Father: Hugh De Talbot Mother: Emma Agnes De Lacy
Father: Roger De Lacy Mother:
Marriage: 1115
Noted events in his life were:
1. Title (Facts Pg) - Lord Meath
Wife Agnes Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Hugh De Lacy Clavering
Born: 1140 - Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire, England Baptized: Died: July 26, 1186 - Durrow, Westmeath, Ireland Buried:Spouse: Rohese De Monmouth Marr: 1170
2 F Eve De Lacy
Born: 1112 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Hugh De Longchamp
General Notes: Husband - Gilbert De Lacy Lacy
This feudal lord, in the conflict between Stephen of Blois and the Empress Maud, over the successor of Henry I, espoused the cause of the latter. He eventually became a Knight Templar, and was succeeded by his son, Hugh.
William Tylle and Agnes Agnes
Husband William Tylle 11
Born: 1515 - Henlow, Beds, Eng Baptized: Died: 1578 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England Buried:
Father: Thomas Tilly Mother: Margaret
Marriage: 1534 - Henlow, Beds, Eng 11
Wife Agnes Agnes 11
Born: 1519 - Henlow, Beds, Eng Baptized: Died: June 1, 1582 - Henlow, Beds, Eng Buried:
1 F Elizabeth Tille
Born: 1535 - Henlow, Beds, Eng Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Richard Huckle
2 M Robert Tilley 11
Born: 1545 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England Baptized: Died: December 31, 1612 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Elizabeth 11 Marr: 1570 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England 11
3 F Mary Tilley
Born: - Henlow, Beds, Eng Baptized: Died: May 5, 1585 Buried:Spouse: William WardeSpouse: Thomas Younge Marr: 1579
4 F Alice Tille
Born: 1550 - Henlow, Beds, Eng Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: William Sheffield
Robert Clements and Alice Agnes
Husband Robert Clements 7 8 12
Born: 1536 - Croft At Leicestshire, England Baptized: Died: June 26, 1606 - Croft At Leicestshire, England Buried: June 26, 1606 - Croft, Leicester, England
Father: Richard Clements 7 8 12 Mother: Elizabeth 7 8 12
Marriage: 1570 - England 7 8 12
Other Spouse: Margaret
Noted events in his life were:
1. Probate - Co. Leicester, England
2. Will
Wife Alice Agnes 7 8 12
Born: 1540 - Crofts, Leicestershire, England Baptized: Died: November 1585 - Crofts, Leicestershire, England Buried: November 1585 - Croft, Leicestershire, England
1 F Jane Clements
Born: 1562 - England Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Roger Clements
Born: - England Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Isabel Clements
Born: 1564 - England Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Robert Clements
Born: 1566 - England Baptized: Died: Buried: August 31, 1612 - Leire
5 M Thomas Clements
Born: 1568 - England Baptized: Died: Buried: May 12, 1629 - Broughton Astley, Co Leicester, England
6 M Richard Clements 7 8 12
Born: 1570 - Croft, Leicestershire, England Baptized: Died: July 18, 1617 - Cosby, Leicestershire, England Buried: July 18, 1617 - Cosby, Co Leicester, EnglandSpouse: Agnes Fellows 7 8 12 Marr: Cosby, Co Leicester, England 7 8 12
7 M John Clements
Born: 1572 - England Baptized: Died: Buried:
8 M James Clements
Born: 1574 - England Baptized: Died: Buried: July 9, 1624 - Frowlesworth, Co Leicester, England
General Notes: Husband - Robert Clements
"IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN Anno domini one thousand sixe hundred and
sixe the fiue and Twentith daye of Maye I ROBERT CLEMENTES of Croft in
the countie of Lecester yeoman haue made and ordeined this my last
will and Testamente in manner and forme followinge Imprimis I give and
bequeathe my soule into the hands of Almightie God trustinge that by
the merites death and passion of my sauiour Jesus Christe I shall haue
pardon and forgiuenesse of all my sinnes and my bodie to be interred
into the earth after the manner of a Christian.
ITEM I give vnto Margaret my wiffe two Kye the one a brinded cowe and
the other a browne cowe and her bedd shee lyeth in with the furniture
thereto three Coffers in the same parler a Cubbarde and seaven peeces
of pewter that she brought with her and Twentie pounds in money.
ITEM I give vnto Roger Clementes my sonnne Thirtie pounds to be paid
him with in one yeare after my decease.
ITEM I give vnto Alyce Roberts my daughter Janes daughter Tenne
shillings to buye her a hatt.
ITEM I giue to all the rest of my daughter Janes children fortie
shillings a peece to be paid within one year after my decease and to
be put forward by my Executors for their vse and behoofe vntill the
sonnes be of one and twentie yeares of age and the daughters Eighteene
And if it happens that any of the said children doe decease before
they come of age of one and twentie and eighteen as aforesaid MY will
is that their aprtes shall equalle be diuided amongst the rest that
are lyving.
ITEM I give to Alyce Johnson my daughter Isabells daughter fortie
shillings to be put forwardes for her vse and behoofe within one yeare
after my decease and the said fortie shillinges with the vse of it to
be paid her at eighteene years of age.
ITEM I giue to all the rest of my Childrens Children fortye shillinges
a peece to be put forwardes for their vse within one yeare after my
decease and the sonnes to have their fortie shillings a peice and the
use of it at one and twentie years of age and the daughters at
eighteene. And if it happen that any one or more of my Sonnes
Children to decease before they come to age my will is that the rest
of the brethren and Sisters shall have their partes equallie diuided
amongst them. And whereas myh sonne Roberts wife is nowe with Chield
my will is that Chield which she is now withall shall haue ffortie
shillings to be put forward as aforesaid.
ITEM I giue to my sonne Richards wiues two sonnes Three shillings
fower pence a piece.
ITEM I giue to my sonne John his wiues two sonnes Three shillings
fower pence a piece.
ITEM I giue to my sonne Roberte Clement of Layre the howse wherein he
dwelleth with all and singular the appurtenauneces to him and his
heirs forever.
ITEM I giue vnto John Clementes my sonne all the interest I haue in
Earle Shilton field and Towne and also the money that Richard and
William Orton or one of them or their executors or administrators are
to paie by their Covenaunts in a pare of Indentures at the tyme it is
due. I giue to my daughter Jane Cooke Twelue pence.
ITEM I giue to my sonne James Clementes twelven pence.
ITEM I giue to my maids Alyce Neale Tenne shillings to be paid her at
Michaelmasse next if I depart this life before to buye her a ewe and a
ITEM I giue to my sonne Robert Clements of Layre the third parte of
all my goodes and Chattells within the Towne and fields of Croft.
ITEM I give to all the poore people in Crofts severallie to everye
one of them a hoope of Corne and a tw peny loafe. All the rest of my
goodes vnbequeathed I giue to Thomas Clements and Richard Clements my
two sonnes whom I make my Executors. In wittness hereof I haue put to
my hand the daie and yeare first aboue written. And I entreate Thomas
Lucas and William fflude to be my Ouerseers of this my last will and
Testament/ Robt: Clemen'ts marke/ Witnesses to this my will
William fflude & John Lucas marke/ Thomas Lucas
ITEM I giue vnto Thomas Clements my sonne one Lease of a quarter of
lande of the haule of Braughton which I had by lease from Ralfe
Brookesbye gentleman and Thomas Orum of Tharpe. Memorandu' that
Roberte Clements of Crofte in the county of Leicester yeoman vppon the
daie of May Anno domini one thousand six hundred and sixe did will and
bequeath to his children hereafter named certain somes of monehy which
were owninge vnto him. Imprimis he did giue and bequeath vnto his
sonne Robert Clements of Lear one debte of twentie two pounds which
was owing vnto him by Cristofer Dawe and William Turner of Sharneford.
ITEM he did giue vnto the said Robert Clements his sonne one other
debts of twentie two poundes which Robert Garner and Robert Lord of
Bitteswell did own vnto him.
ITEM a he did giue and bequeath vnto his sonne James Clements of
Ilston a debte of Eleuen poundes which Edward Hodge of Gabbeabie and
William Holliocke of Gabbie did own vnto him.
ITEM he did giue and bequeath vnto his daughter Jane Cooks of
Lemington a debt of Twentie foure poundes fouer shillings which
William Butler and Robert Newton of Sutton did owe vnto him. More one
debt of Thirteen poundes ffower shillings and one debt of fyue poundes
ffue shillings which ffawsern Collins of Lililburie did own vnto him.
And also to her one debte of Eleven poundes and another of Sixe
poundes which Robert Marston of Kings Newenham and others did owe vnto
[IT:Probatum fuit Testementum suprasoriptum spud London duodecimo dis
mensis Augusti Anno domini Millesimo sexcentesimo sexte juramento
Thome et Richardi Clements filiorum et executorum:IT]. Prerogative
Court of Canterbury, Register Stafford, pg 98.
General Notes: Wife - Alice Agnes
1 _UID 6AF5ACFBF7B54E4096479907C66D8AEC6682
Notes: Marriage
General Notes: Child - Robert Clements
Proved by the executors, Thomas Clements of Broughton Astley and
Richard Clements of Cosby.
General Notes: Child - Richard Clements
1 _UID CFCEF5A2AAA71D45ACDF277F0059865D54A8
General Notes: Child - James Clements
Bartram Webster and Anne Agnes
Husband Bartram Webster
Born: Baptized: Died: July 11, 1608 Buried:
Father: William Webster Mother:
Wife Anne Agnes
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Thomas Webster
Born: November 11, 1582 Baptized: Died: April 27, 1634 Buried:Spouse: Margery
Edward Silsby Farrington and Celia Agnes
Husband Edward Silsby Farrington
Born: September 6, 1856 - Amherst, Maine, USA Baptized: Died: - Elko, NV Buried:
Father: Daniel Farrington Mother: Ann Elizabeth Silsby
Marriage: August 14, 1892 - Elko, Nevada, USA
Wife Celia Agnes
Born: 1858 - Elko, Nevada, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
Other Spouse: Tabor - 1876 - Elko, Nevada, USA
General Notes: Husband - Edward Silsby Farrington
was in Source: "Farringtons" pg 48
graduated Amherst Col in 1876
was admitted to the bar in CA
General Notes: Wife - Celia Agnes
was in Source: "Farringtons" pg 48
Tabor and Celia Agnes
Husband Tabor
Born: 1856 Baptized: Died: 1880 - Elko, Nevada, USA Buried:Marriage: 1876 - Elko, Nevada, USA
Wife Celia Agnes
Born: 1858 - Elko, Nevada, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
Other Spouse: Edward Silsby Farrington - August 14, 1892 - Elko, Nevada, USA
General Notes: Husband - Tabor
was in Source: "Farringtons" pg 48
General Notes: Wife - Celia Agnes
was in Source: "Farringtons" pg 48
Richard Byron and Elizabeth Agnes
Husband Richard Byron
Born: 1274 - Clayton, Lancashire, England Baptized: Died: 1347 Buried:
Father: John Byron , Sir Mother: Alice Banastre
Marriage: 1300
Wife Elizabeth Agnes
Born: 1278 - England Baptized: Died: 1378 Buried:
1 M James Byron
Born: 1300 - Clayton, Lancashire, England Baptized: Died: 1352 - Byron, Lancashire, England Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Barnake Marr: 1335
Thomas Chandler and Jane Agnes
Husband Thomas Chandler 13
Born: 1500 - Bishops Stortford, England Baptized: Died: 1555 - Bishops Stortford, Herts Buried:
Father: Thomas Chandler 13 Mother: Agnes Thomas 13
Marriage: 1525 - England
Wife Jane Agnes
Born: 1502 - Bishops Stortford Baptized: Died: 1554 - Bishops Stortfor, Herts, England Buried:
1 M Thomas Chandler 14
Born: 1528 - Bishops, Stortford, Hertfordshire, England Baptized: Died: June 4, 1611 - Bishop, Stortford, Herts, England Buried:Spouse: JoaneSpouse: Isabella ChiltonSpouse: Joan Page 13 14 Marr: 1550 - Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England
2 M John Chandler 15
Born: 1525 - Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England Baptized: 1525 - Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England Died: - Bishops Stortford, Hertford, England Buried:
3 F Agnes Chandler
Born: 1530 - Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England Baptized: 1530 - Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England Died: Buried:
4 M Robert Chandler
Born: 1532 - Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England Baptized: 1532 - Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Thomas Chandler
info-Clunies 199
General Notes: Wife - Jane Agnes
info-Clunies 199
Notes: Marriage
General Notes: Child - Thomas Chandler
info-Clunies 199
BURI 4 Jun 1611
Robert Touchet and Joan Agnes
Husband Robert Touchet
Born: 1275 - Buglawton Cheshire England Baptized: Died: 1350 - Mark Eaton, Derbyshire, England Buried:
Father: Thomas Touchet Mother: Agnes Margery
Wife Joan Agnes
Born: 1279 - Buglawton Cheshire England Baptized: Died: 1327 - Mark Eaton, Derbyshire, England Buried:
1 M John Touchet
Born: 1324 - Mark Eaton Cerby England Baptized: Died: June 23, 1372 - La Rochelle, Derbyshire, England Buried:Spouse: Joan Audley Marr: 1350 - England
Thomas Echingham and Anne Oregon Agnesshoyeswell
Husband Thomas Echingham 7 8
Born: 1394 - England Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: 1420 - England 7 8
Wife Anne Oregon Agnesshoyeswell 7 8
Born: 1398 - England Baptized: Died: - England Buried:
1 F Anne Echingham 7 8
Born: 1420 - Echingham, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: May 7, 1498 - England Buried:Spouse: John Rogers 7 8 Marr: 1447 - Echingham, Sussex, England 7 8
General Notes: Husband - Thomas Echingham
1 _UID 2F18965EF387CC45933DCCA4572E137614A9
General Notes: Wife - Anne Oregon Agnesshoyeswell
1 _UID 1DB1CBC4637AD649A89F0F0606B9443BF323
Notes: Marriage
1 _UID D02F15AC1DF11847B0A3834DDC712430F18C
General Notes: Child - Anne Echingham
1 _UID 97E57F1A0342AA4ABE225118D42B006F05D3
Alrek Agnesson and Dagreld Dagsdottir
Husband Alrek Agnesson
Born: 0445 - Sweden Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Agni Dagsson Mother: Skjalf Frostsdottir
Wife Dagreld Dagsdottir
Born: 0450 - Sweden Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Yngvi Alreksson
Born: 0465 - Sewden Baptized: Died: Buried:
Death Notes: Husband - Alrek Agnesson
Death Notes: Wife - Dagreld Dagsdottir
Death Notes: Child - Yngvi Alreksson
Annie Clarke Agnew
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Annie Clarke Agnew 16 17
Born: 1875 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: October 6, 1899 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Cause of Death: child birth Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 18
Father: George Agnew 16 17 19 Mother: Flora Keith 16 17 19
General Notes: Wife - Annie Clarke Agnew
Agnew, Annie Clarke - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
When Annie's parents moved west to Hartney, Annie stayed behind to
continue her education. She later moved to Hartney where she met and
married George Bennett.
Annie Died at the birth of her child. The child, Annie Georgina died at
the age of 3 months. George later married Annie's sister Flora.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
DATE OF DEATH: 10/01/1899
AGE: 24
Notes: Marriage
John Shaw and Ealoner Agnew
Husband John Shaw
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: James Shaw Mother: Isabella Brisbane
Wife Ealoner Agnew
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Isabella Shaw
Born: - County Londonderry, Ireland Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: John Montgomery Marr: 1658
Edith Agnew
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Edith Agnew 16 19
AKA: Ede Born: August 4, 1918 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Neil Keith Agnew 16 17 Mother: Mary S. Storey 16
Elizabeth Agnew
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Elizabeth Agnew
Born: 1847 - Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: John Agnew 19 Mother: Ann Annie Clarke 19
Notes: Marriage
Ontario - Canada, 1858-1869 Marriage Index
Agnew, Elizabeth Age : 20
Birth Place : Canada
Residence : Ireland
Father : John
Mother : Ann
Spouse : Braham, Robert
Age : 24
Birth Place : Canada
Residence : Nelson Township
Father : John
Mother : Maria
Marriage Date : 4/24/1867
County : Halton
Microfilm Roll : 1030057
Maurice Meredith Fry and Evelyn Maire Agnew
Husband Maurice Meredith Fry 16 19
Born: February 5, 1914 - Hartney, Manitoba Baptized: Died: May 26, 1993 - Edmonton, Alberta Buried:
Father: Arthur Edgar Fry 16 Mother: Ida Jane Edwards 16
Marriage: March 12, 1937 - Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
Wife Evelyn Maire Agnew 16 19
Born: May 30, 1913 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: November 7, 1984 - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Buried:
Father: Neil Keith Agnew 16 17 Mother: Mary S. Storey 16
1 F Joanne Fry
AKA: Living Fry Born: June 26, 1938 - Edmonton, Alberta Baptized: Died: April 11, 2007 Buried:Spouse: G. Blair McNabb
2 F Jackie Fry
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Lynn Fry
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Donald Fry
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Child - Joanne Fry
Joanne Marie Fry b: June 26, 1938 in Edmonton, Alberta d: April
-MCNABB, Joanne Marie On the morning of April 11th 2007 Joanne Marie McNabb passed away in her sleep at the age of 67. She is survived by her son Jeff (Marissa), sisters Jackie and Lynn (Toby), brother Donald, several nieces and nephews and a number of wonderful friends. A Memorial Service to celebrate her life will be held at Robertson Wesley United Church (10209-123 Street) on Tuesday, April 17th at 1:30 p.m. Those wishing to honor her memory may do so by donating to the Alberta Lung Association. Connelly-McKinley Ltd., 10011-114th St.; (780) 422-2222, to send condolences:
Published in The Edmonton Journal on April 14, 2007
Flora Agnew
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Flora Agnew 16 17 19 20 21
Born: August 20, 1873 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: January 20, 1919 - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
Father: George Agnew 16 17 19 Mother: Flora Keith 16 17 19
General Notes: Wife - Flora Agnew
Agnew, Flora - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
Flora moved west with her mother in 1883 to follow er father to Hartney.
Her sister Annie had married George Bennett but has passed away at the
birth of her child. Flora married George Bennett in 1902.
George came from Ontario - Canada about 1890. He and his cousin Gideon Fields
settled on E1/2 35-4-23 where George broke up much of the NE quarter.
Later George moved to 14-6-23 and the to 20-6-23 west of Hartney.
George and Flora's three children were born in Hartney. The family later
moved to Vancouver where Flora became ill with cancer shortly after. Her
sister Mary Bell traveled out to see her shortley before she died. Flora
passed away in 1919 abd was buried in Hartney, Manitoba - Canada.
George continued to live in Vancouver where he passed away in 1950.
Notes: Marriage
George Agnew and Flora Keith
Husband George Agnew 16 17 19
Born: August 20, 1845 - Ireland Baptized: Died: April 25, 1910 - Brandon, Manitoba, Canada Cause of Death: Heart attack Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 23
Father: John Agnew 19 Mother: Ann Annie Clarke 19
Marriage: May 24, 1870 - Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Emigrated, 1879 - To Manitoba, Canada From Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada
Wife Flora Keith 16 17 19
Born: May 10, 1851 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: July 20, 1909 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
Father: Neil Keith 19 20 Mother: Flora McDougall 19 20
Noted events in her life were:
1. Christened, 1854 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Married By, Rev. Wodrupp
1 F Jennie Christina Agnew 16 17 19 24
AKA: Jen, Jane Thomas Agnew Born: April 29, 1889 - R.M. Of Whitewater, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: June 1, 1977 - Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada Buried: - Pine Hill Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2 M George Angus Agnew 17 19
Born: June 9, 1892 - R.M. Of Whitewater, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: March 9, 1944 - Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
3 M John Agnew 16 17 19
Born: January 10, 1872 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: May 23, 1946 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
4 M Neil Keith Agnew 16 17
Born: November 1876 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: April 16, 1946 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22Spouse: Mary S. Storey 16 Marr: January 18, 1905 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada
5 M Robert James Agnew 16 17 19
AKA: Bob Born: July 18, 1881 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: January 24, 1955 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
6 F Mary Bell Agnew 16 17 19
Born: June 26, 1885 - R.M. Of Cameron, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: October 13, 1959 - Lauder, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Lauder Cemetery, Lauder, Manitoba, Canada
7 F Annie Clarke Agnew 16 17
Born: 1875 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: October 6, 1899 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Cause of Death: child birth Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 18
8 F Flora Agnew 16 17 19 20 21
Born: August 20, 1873 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: January 20, 1919 - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
Death Notes: Husband - George Agnew
at the Langham Hotel
General Notes: Husband - George Agnew
Household Record 1881 Canadian Census
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation
George AGNEW M Male Irish 35 Ireland Labourer C.
Flora AGNEW M Female Scottish 29 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
John AGNEW Male Irish 9 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
Flora AGNEW Female Irish 7 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
Annie AGNEW Female Irish 6 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
Neil AGNEW Male Irish 4 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
Robert AGNEW Male Irish <1 Born: Jul; 8/12 O <Ontario - Canada>
C. Presbyterian
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Source Information:
Census Place Esquesing, Halton, Ontario - Canada
Family History Library Film 1375894
NA Film Number C-13258
District 150
Sub-district G
Division 1
Page Number 96
Household Number 445
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1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District: MB BRANDON (#6)
Subdistrict: Cameron D-5 Page 5
Image: View the image using a split screen or
new window: large medium small MrSid
Images are from National Archives Web Site
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6431
29 41 Agnew George M Head M Aug 20 1845 55
30 41 Agnew Flora F Wife M May 10 1851 49
31 41 Agnew Flora F Daughter S Aug 20 1873 27
32 41 Agnew Neil M Son S Oct 29 1876 24
33 41 Agnew Robt. M Son S Jul 18 1880 20
34 41 Agnew Mary F Daughter S Jun 26 1885 15
35 41 Agnew Jennie F Daughter S Apr 29 1889 11
36 41 Agnew George M Son S Jun 9 1892 8
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1906 Census Page Data
District: MB Souris District (#9)
Subdistrict: 13 (Townships 4, 5, 6 in ranges 23, 24 west) Page 23
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-18356
25 182 Agnew George Head M M 61
26 182 Agnew Forla Wife F M 56
27 182 Agnew Robert Son M S 25
28 182 Agnew Jannie Daughter F S 17
29 182 Agnew George Son M S 14
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Mr. George Agnew, Sr. emigrated to Manitoba - Canada from Acton, Halton Co., Ontario - Canada, in 1879, filed for a homestead and was given Section 14-5-23. His wife Flora Keith, came in 1883 bring their children Flora, Neil and Robert.
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Agnew, George Sr., News appeared in Acton Free Press, 28 Apr 1910, page 3, column 2
Death of George Agnew Sr.
Friends here received the news on Monday of the sudden death of Mr. George Agnew, Sr., of Hartney, Man., at Brandon that morning. Mr. Agnew spent the winter with friends in Acton, returning in good health and spirits early in March. Mrs. Agnew died suddenly last July and he felt the bereavement very keenly. He retired from farming last fall. Four sons, Messrs. John, Neil, Robert and George, and three daughters, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Peake and Miss Jennie, survive. They all reside at Hartney or vicinity. Mr. Agnew went from Acton to Manitoba - Canada twenty-nine years ago. Until last winter he had visited the old home but once, about fourteen years ago. He was a genial, kind-hearted man, and highly esteemed. He was successful in his enterprises in the west.
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Agnew, George, News appeared in Acton Free Press, 5 May 1910, page 3, column 2
Mr. George Agnew's Sudden Death
From the Brandon papers we learn that it was cardiac collapse that caused the sudden death of Mr. George Agnew, of Hartney, while visiting at Brandon. He was stricken at the Langham Hotel and died in the ambulance when being taken to the hospital. The funeral at Hartney was one of the largest ever held there.
The George Agnew, Sr. and R.J. Agnew Histories -Golden Memories 1882-1967 - A History of the Dand Community
Mr. George Agnew, Sr. emigrated to Manitoba - Canada from Acton, Ontario in 1879, arriving in Winnipeg by train. He filed for a homestead and was given Section 14-5-23. As there was no mode of travel southwest of Winnipeg, he and other settlers walked from Winnipeg to Deloraine.
Once he located his homestead he lived with Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Robinson for one year while he built a sod shanty. That same year, 1890, he broke his land with a yolk of oxen and walking plow. He walked to Souris for supplies and carried his plough shears to be sharpened. He had to swim the Souris River and split wood all night in order to pay for sharpening the shears.
In 1883 Mrs. Agnew, the former Flora Keith, and family, came west. She brought Flora, Neil and Robert, leaving John and Annie to be educated in Ontario. After settling in Manitoba - Canada, three more children were born to this union, namely Mary Bell (Mrs. Walter Peake), Jennie (Mrs. R.B. Mullett) and George, Jr. Bob was educated at Whitewater School and farmed with his father.
The first set of frame buildings were burned in 1905 and the present set of stone buildings were built from stones off of the farm.
In 1909 Mrs. Agnew pass away. Mr. Agnew followed within the year, 1910. This same year Bob and I (Margaret Hammond) were married. Three children were born to this union - Harvey, Bernice and Orville. The family was educated at Whitewater and Dand Schools. Our most outstanding memory of this era was the depression of the early thirties, when we clothed and fed the family on $8 a month. Nothing grew and stock died of hunger. Our mode of transportation was the Bennett buggy and a team of horses. In winter we used a van. We went to the Dand Community Club by wagon, and our admission was a five gallon cam of water and dry beef sandwiches. The men paid 25 cents each.
During these trying years Bob's health failed and the boys took on the responsibility of the farm work. Bernice left home in 1936 and went to Brandon to train as a nurse.
In 1943 Harvey married Mae Caswell of Deloraine. They lived with us until 1947 when Bob and I retired to Hartney.
In 1941 Bernice married George Douglas and lived in Brandon until the war broke out and Gord enlisted.
In 1946 Orville married Jean Godfrey and moved to the Dick Mullett farm.
In 1955 Bob passed away and I have lived on alone in Hartney. I have seven living grandchildren and one deceased. I also have one great granddaughter.
General Notes: Wife - Flora Keith
Keith, Flora - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
Flora was born in 1852 and christened in 1954 in Acton, Halton Co., Ontario - Canada. George
Agnew was born in 1843 in Ireland. He moved with his parents to
Lancashire, Scotland. From Scotland, George came to a Acton, Halton Co., Ontario - Canada as
did other members of his family. (See Robert Agnew story). It was in
Acton that George met Flora and they were married in 1870 at the Chalmers
Presbyterian Church, Guelph, Ontario - Canada by Rev. Wodrupp. The witnesses
where Christine Keith and James Chricnton.
George moved to Hartney and 1879. He traveled to Winnipeg by train,
where he filed for a homestead NW 1/4 14-5-23. Since there was no other
way off traveling to Hartney, George and other settlers walked from
Winnipeg to Deloraine. Once he located his homestead, he lived with Mr.
and Mrs. Cuthbert Robinson for one year until he built a slotted shanty.
That same year, 1880, he broke his land with a yoke of oxen and walking
plow. He walked to Souris for supplies and carried his plow shears to
have them sharpened. He had to swim the Souris River, and split wood all
night in order to pay for the sharpening of the shears.
Flora followed George to Hartney and 1883. She brought their children
Flora, Neil and Robert with her, leaving John and Annie behind to
continue their education. Three more children were born in Hartney to
complete the family of 8. The children attended Whitewater school.
Leader George Agnew applied for a second homestead in 1889 on SE 1/4
14-5-23. But he later lost this homestead and Mr. Little took over this
quarter for a short period. Mr. Little was not able to his fill his
homestead obligations and moved away. George then applied for this 1/4
section again. He stated that since he had a large family, had continued
to live on NE 1/414-5-23, and during the years 1895-1898, he had an
average of 43 cattle, 16 horses, a stone stable 40x70 ft. worth $1800 and
640 rods (1 mile) of two wire fence with cedar posts. On January 15th
1899, Ottawa approved and George now owned the SW1/4 and NE1/4 14-5-23
Flora Agnew died suddenly July 20th 1909. George retired from farming in
the fall and spent the winter with friends in Acton "as he felt the
bereavement very keenly" of his wife Flora. In early March, 1910, George
returned to Hartney in good health and spirits. He had visited his home
in Acton only once before, about 14 years before his death.
On Monday April 26th 1910, George was that the Langham hotel in Brandon
when he suffered a heart attack. He died in the ambulance on the way to
the hospital. The funeral was attended by the Odd fellows.
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DATE OF DEATH: 07/21/1909
AGE: 57
Notes: Marriage
Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Record
Name: George Agnew
Birth Place: Ireland
Age: 23
Father Name: John Agnew
Mother Name: Ann Clark
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1847
Spouse Name: Flora Keith
Spouse's Age: 19
Spouse Birth Place: Canada
Spouse Father Name: Reid Keith
Spouse Mother Name : Flora McDougal
Marriage Date: 24 May 1870
Marriage Place: Wellington
Marriage County: Wellington
Source: Indexed by:
General Notes: Child - Jennie Christina Agnew
DATE OF BIRTH: 05/02/1889
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Agnew, Jennie - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
Jennie was born in Hartney. She attended Whitewater school.
In 1910 Jennie married Richard Mullett.
Dick Mullett was born near Belleville, Ontario - Canada. He was the son of Alfred Mullett and Sarah Brown. About 1890 Dick moved with his parents and family to the Lauder area. They lived there for several years and then moved to a farm, 9-5-23 in the Chain Lakes District south of Hartney. Dick was a sport's enthusiast involved in lacrosse, hockey and curling. For several years he coached the Hartney Hockey team.
In 1906 Dick took over the farm when his parents moved back to Ontario - Canada. Dick and Jennie's children were born there and attended the Whitewater, Dand and Hartney schools. Dick and Jennie later moved to the farm 34-5-23 but later returned to the original home site, remaining there until the farm was sold and Dick retired in 1945.
Dick and Jennie moved to Toronto, Ontario - Canada. But often returned to visit family and friends in the Hartney area. Dick passed away in 1955. Jenny spent her remaining years with her daughter Jean, until her death in 1977.
General Notes: Child - George Angus Agnew
DATE OF BIRTH: 07/01/1892
MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: KEITH Given Names: FLORA
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Agnew, George - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
George was born in Hartney and attended the Whitewater school.
George married Beatrice in 1920.
"A wedding of local interest took place on Tuesday of last week at
Saskatoon, when two papular Tofield's were united. The contracting
parties were Mr. George Agnew and Miss Beatrice A. Scott. Both parties
are well known here. Mr. Agnew having been with the McLaughlin Hardware
for a number of years. While until a few months ago Miss. Scott was head
operator at the local telephone exchange. After spending a short
honeymoon at Manitou Lake, the happy couple arrived at Tofield, where
they will reside. Along with their many friends, the Mercury wishes them
every good thing in life."
"Tofield Mercury" "Hartney Star"
George lived in several places before his marriage. In 1902, he was at
Alezia Lake, British Columbia and in 1913 he was at a hardware store at Limerick,
George Died in Grand Prairie Alberta and Beatrice went to live in Ft.
McMurray, Alberta with her son Keith and Leila. She died in Ft. McMurray
and was buried beside her husband in Hartney.
General Notes: Child - John Agnew
1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District: MB BRANDON (#6)
Subdistrict: Cameron D-5 Page 5
Image: View the image using a split screen or
new window: large medium small MrSid
Images are from National Archives Web Site
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6431
39 42 Agnew John M Head M Jan 10 1872 29
40 42 Agnew Mary F Wife M Feb 21 1877 24
41 42 Agnew Charles M Son S Mar 20 1889 2
42 42 Agnew Robt. G. M Son S Jun 7 1900 10 m.
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Home / 1911 / Manitoba - Canada / Souris / 18 Township 5 in range 23 west of the 1st M / page 5
9 46 Agnew John M Head M Jan 1872 39
10 46 Agnew Mary F Wife M Feb 1880 30
11 46 Agnew Charles M Son S Mar 1900 11
12 46 Agnew Robert M Son S Jun 1901 9
13 46 Agnew John M Son S Nov 1903 7
14 46 Agnew Joseph M Son S Jul 1904 6
15 46 Agnew George M Son S Dec 1907 3
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Agnew, John Sr. - by Jos. A. Agnew (A Century of Living Hartney
History means looking back one hundred or more years in a family.
George and Flora (Keith) Agnew came from Acton, Halton Co., Ontario - Canada to reside in
Manitoba - Canada. Their family consisted of John, Neil married Mary Storey;
Robert married Margaret Hammond; George married Beatrice Scott; Mary
Belle, Mrs. W. Peake; Jenny, Mrs. Richard Mullett; Annie, Mrs. Geo.
Bennett, who passed away and Flora who married Geo. Bennett after her
sisters death.
George and Flora resided on E 14-5-23. Son, John, remained in Acton to
receive his education. Later he joined his family. In 1897 John and
Mary Douglas, daughter of George Douglas, were married. They resided on
W 14-5-23. Their family consisted of Charles, married Hazel McKeen;
Robert married Dorothy Reynolds; John Jr. married Marguerite Black;
George married Lena Daum; Joseph married Roberta Black; Annie married
Wilf Draper.
The family received their education at Chain Lakes, Whitewater, Dand and
Hartney schools. They attended Dand United Church.
Mrs. Agnew was a devoted member of Dand Women's Missionary Society and
Red Cross. In earlier years they enjoyed social evenings at Dand
station, where John played the fiddle for dances. Then later Dand
Community Club events held at Dand school were enjoyed by our family,
with many of us taking part in plays readings by Charlie and Annie, and
dancing by all. In earlier days, Christmas concerts were highlighted by
John Agnew's witty remarks as chairman for the occasion. Visits were
enjoyed from neighbors.
John enjoyed his big radio, one of the few in the district, and on many
occasions he'd invite company in for a special program. Many times Steve
Black and John Had visits in the field corners while their hitched horses
had a good rest until the noon mealtime.
I recall a raging blizzard while we were at Chain Lakes school. We
weren't able to get home and we spent the night at the Jim Dunning
residence. Ida McCullough was out teacher.
The Agnews had the misfortune of three fires, which burned their barns.
Good Neighbors, on each occasion, came to their assistance and
soon shelters were erected to accommodate their livestock.
My father served as councillor for eighteen years and reeve for two
years. Ill health forced him to retire. As councillor during the
Thirties, he had great trials and assisted many welfare programs. He was
keenly interested in road improvements. He had a threshing out fit which
served many farms of the district. He judged horses at many fairs in
Manitoba - Canada. He was president of the 50th celebration of Whitewater School
District, which was very successful, also president of the Agricultural
Society, Hartney.
Mother and Father retired to Hartney in 1944. Father's health failed
soon after retirement and he passed away in 1946. Mother enjoyed fair
health until 1956. She passed away in 1957 during Hartney's 75th Sunday
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Agnew, John - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
John moved west in 1886 to join his family in the Hartney area. Mary
followed with her brothers John and Neil. She kept house for her
brothers until her parents and the rest of the family arrived. In 1897
Mary and John were married and they homesteaded on 14-5-23. The children
attended Whitewater, Chain Lakes and Hartney schools.
John was a lifelong conservative. He was a director of the
Hartney-Lauder Agricultural Society from when it started and served as
president for several terms. He was a member of the Clydesdale horse
breeder's association and judged this class of horses at many provincial
fairs. He was a counselor for 18 years and a reevefrom 1944 - 1945. He
lost his barn on the farm three times from fires.
Mary was active in the Chain Lakes (Dand) Church and the missionary
society. She was secretary-treasurer for the British and Foreign society
for many years and worked for the Red Cross. She was a constant
supporter of the Baptist hour over C. K. X. radio, Brandon, after she was
confined to her home.
John and Mary retired to Hartney in 1944 and John health failed soon
after. Mary passed away in 1957 after two months of illness. In Hartney
be attended the St. Paul's Presbyterian church and both their funerals
were held in the St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Hartney.
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The John Agnew Family History -written by Dorothy Agnew -Golden Memories 1882-1967 - A History of the Dand Community
John Agnew was born in Acton, Ontario in the year 1871. In 1886 he followed his parents to the west. In 1894 Mary Douglas came west with her two brothers, John and Neil. She kept house for them until the following year when her parents and the rest of the family arrived. On November 15, 1897 she married John Agnew and they homesteaded on 14-5-23. As time went on six children were born to this couple, Charles, Robert, John, Joseph, George and Annie. As with all pioneers they had plenty of hard work. All clothing was made at home and with five active boys, this was no mean task. Many times, after the children were in bed, a new pair of pants was made for one of the boys to replace a pair torn beyond repair in a scuffle at school. The children all attended Whitewater School for their elementary education except for a short time when it was closed for lack of scholars. During this time they went to Chain Lakes School. Later George and then Annie attended high school at Dand.
John Agnew was a life-long Conservative. In 1932 he made a unsuccessful bid as member for Deloraine constituency against the sitting member, Hugh McKenzie. He was a director of the Hartney-Lauder Agricultural Society from when it started, and served as President for several terms. He was also a member of the Clydesdale Horse Breeders' Association and judged this class of horses at many of the provincial fairs. He was a councillor for many years and during the tough times of the thirties, worked hard to keep yeoman / farmers on the land. On his own farm, he lost his barn three times by fire: in 1906, 1916 and again in 1934.
Although Mrs. Agnew had little to do with politics, she was active in the Chain Lakes (later called Dand) church and in the Missionary Society. She was Secretary-Treasurer for the British and Foreign Society for many years. She also worked for the Red Cross. In 1944 she and her husband retired to Hartney where he died in 1946. When the move was made to Hartney she transferred her membership to St. Paul's Presbyterian Church which she attended as long as she was able to go. In her later years, when she was confined to her home, she was a constant supporter of the Baptist Hour over CKX Radio, Brandon. She lived alone most of the time from the death of her husband until she entered Hartney Hospital a short time before her own death in 1957.
As the children grew older all attended the Community Club at Dand. Charlie and Bob and later George took part in plays during several winters. These were Fogal and were 2 1/2 to three hours long. Practising for these meant driving the seven miles to Dand with a team and cutter, and sometimes when the roads were breaking up in the spring they drove in a wagon. Miss Edith Dunning was usually called for on the way. Charlie was called on many times for his humorous readings. Annie also helped with programs at Community Club and all loved to dance except Johnie.
In 1922 Charlie began farming for himself a mile east of home. In 1934 he married Hazel Keene and they had three children from this marriage: Fay, Mervin and Joy. They left the farm and moved to Hartney in 1946. All three children are now married. Fay (Mrs. Leonard Darvill) lives in Brandon. Mervin in Calgary and Joy (Mrs. John Applegate) in Winnipeg.
Bob started "on his own" in 1928 on the west half of 28-5-23. Five years later he married Dorothy Reynolds of Dand. During two years of Bob's illness in 1935-36 most of their time was spent in Winnipeg while brother Joe looked after the farm. In 1937 they moved to the Melgund district to 32-5-23 and in 1945 they bought the north half of 5-6-23. They moved to this place in 1946 but still belonged to the Melgund district. They sold this farm in the spring of 1965 but still reside in the house. They had no children.
Johnie began farming north of Hartney in 1941. He spent a couple of winters in town with his Mother but returned to the farm each spring. In 1952 he moved to the S. 1/2 of 22-5-23 and is still there. In 1953 he married Marguerite Clay. They have no children.
Joe attended high school in Hartney and then worked in the bank for several years. Later he worked in Winnipeg for the Advance Rumely Threshing Co. and after that returned to work on the farm at home. In 1934 he worked at Portage la Prairie but returned in 1935 to take over from brother Bob. In 1939 he married Roberta Black and their family history is given with that of Mr. and Mrs. S.N. Black.
After George completed his high school education he entered Wesley College in Winnipeg but because of illness was unable to complete the year. He returned to work at home and in 1944 married Aline Daum, better known as Lena.
After Annie finished her high school education at Dand, she was badly needed to help her mother at home and remained there until 1937 except for a few months during the winter of 1934-35 when she worked in Winnipeg. In 1937 she married Wilfred Draper. They spent their first winter in Winnipeg. then moved to Elgin and later to Hartney where they now reside. They have two children: Don, who is married and lives in Winnipeg, and Judy, who plans to make teaching her career. Wilfred works for Atkinson Implements and Annie is employed part-time in the local post office.
Charlie now has four grandchildren and so generation follows generation, each with its own problems to face and its own way of life to live.
General Notes: Child - Neil Keith Agnew
1906 Census Page Data
District: MB Souris District (#9)
Subdistrict: 13 (Townships 4, 5, 6 in ranges 23, 24 west) Page 45
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-18356
30 353 Agnew Neal Head M M 28
31 353 Agnew Mary Wife F M 26
Home / 1911 / Manitoba - Canada / Souris / 18 Township 5 in range 23 west of the 1st M / page 2
24 17 Agnew Mary F Wife M Jul 1880 30
25 17 McDonald James M Servant S Nov 1874 35
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Agnew, Neil - by Keith Agnew (A Century of Living Hartney 1882-1982)
Neil received his education at Whitewater School and farmed with his
father until he started farming on his own, on land which now is the J.
Whetter farm. He later disposed of the farm and moved to the former
William Witt farm. While living there he married Mary Storey of Acton,
Ontario - Canada, on January 18, 1905. In 1911 he purchased the J. R. Shepherd
farm, the E1/2 of 34-5-23, and in subsequent years he purchased the W1/2
of 34-5-23 from Ed Briggs and the NW1/4 of 27-5-23.
From this marriage five children were born:- Keith (writer of this
article), Evelyn, Arthur, Edith and Wesley. All the children are living
with the exception of Arthur, who died in 1917. Keith and Evelyn attended
Whitewater and Hartney schools. Edith and Wesley attended Hartney school.
Neil Agnew, commonly called N. K., continued to farm until 1918 when he
retired and moved into Hartney. In 1926 he took up farming again for two
years. He continued living in Hartney. Neil took an active part in the
town life, serving on the Council, president of the curling club,
president of the golf club and a keen member of the Men's Social Club,
organized at that time. He was a faithful adherent and worker in the
Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Agnew took an active interest in the curling club and golf club and
was a ardent supporter of the hockey teams on which her sons played. She
continued to be a staunch fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs up to her 92nd
year. Visitors were never welcome on Saturday's Hockey Night in Canada.
She just couldn't be disturbed during a game of the N.H.L. on radio or
T.V. Mrs. Agnew's church was very dear to her. She was a member of the
Presbyterian church, taught Sunday School for many years and was active
in all departments of the church. She was keenly interested in Missions,
being president of the Women's Missionary Society, and was a life member.
Mr. Agnew continued to reside in Hartney until his death in 1946. Mrs.
Agnew continued to live alone in her large brick home on Souris Street
until her death in 1970, her 92nd year.
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Agnew, Neil Keith - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
Neil moved a Hartney with his mother in 1883. He went to the Whitewater
school. He farmed with his father until starting his own. After two
moves, in 1911 he purchased E1/2 34-5-23 and in later years W1/2 34-5-23
and NW1/4 27-5-23.
In 1905 Neil and Mary were married.
"A very pretty wedding, tinged with an element of romance, was celebrated
in the Presbyterian manse, Nassagaweya, on Wednesday the 18th inst. on
that occasion of your Rev. A. Blair, united in wedlock, Mr. Neil Keith
Agnew of Hartney Manitoba - Canada and Miss Mary Storey, of Nassagaweya. Mr.
Agnew is a son of Mr. George Agnew of Hartney, and went to the west with
his parents when a very small lad. Two years ago he came to a Acton to
visit his uncle, Robert Agnew, Esq. and other friends here and during the
visit he met Miss Storey, and Cupid's darts took true aim. A couple of
years of delightful correspondents culminated in the happy event on the
18th, and a life of happiness now spreads out before these esteemed young
people. They will spend a few weeks in Ontario - Canada before proceeding to the
west. Mr. Agnew is a prosperous young yeoman / farmer and owns a very fine farm
near Hartney. The congratulations of a wide circle of friends here are
being extended" "Acton Star"
Neil and Mary farmed until 1918, retiring to a large brick house on
Souris Street in Hartney, where they live the rest of their lives. In
1926, they took a farming again for two years. Neil served on town
council, president of the curling club and the golf club and a member off
the men's social club. He was a faithful adherent and worker in the
Presbyterian church.
Mary took an active interest in the curling and golf club and was an
ardent supporter of the hockey teams on which her sons played. She
continued to be a staunch pan out the Toronto Maple Leafs up to her 92nd
year. Visitors were never well come on Saturday's hockey night in Canada
and she just couldn't be disturbed during a game of the N. H. L. on radio
or T.V. Mary was a member of the Presbyterian church, taught Sunday
school for many years and was active in all departments of the church.
She was keenly interested in missions, and was president off the women's
missionary society of what she was life member.
General Notes: Child - Robert James Agnew
Agnew, Robert and Family - by Maggie (Hammond) Agnew - (A Century of
Living Hartney 1882-1982)
Mr. George Agnew, Sr., emigrated to Manitoba - Canada from Action, Ontario - Canada, in
1879, arriving in Winnipeg by train. He filed for a homestead and was
given section 14-5-23. As there was no mode of travel southwest of
Winnipeg, he and other settlers walked from Winnipeg to Deloraine.
Once he located his homestead, he lived with Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert
Robinson for one year while he built a sod shanty. That same year, 1880,
he broke his land with a yoke of oxen and walking plow. He walked to
Souris for supplies and carried his plough shares to be sharpened. He
had to swim the Souris River, and split wood all night in order to pay
for sharpening the shares.
In 1883 Mrs. Agnew, the former Flora Keith, and family, came west. She
brought Flora, Neil and Robert, leaving John and Annie to be educated in
Ontario - Canada. After settling in Manitoba - Canada, three more children were born to
this union, namely Mary Belle, (Mrs. Walter Peake), Jennie, (Mrs. R. B.
Mullett) and George Jr.
Bob was educated at Whitewater School and farmed with is father.
In 1909 Mrs. Agnew (Flora Keith) passed away. Mr. Agnew (George Sr.)
followed within the year, 1910. This same year Bob and I (Margaret
Hammond) were married. Three children were born to this union - Harvey,
Bernice and Orville. The family was educated at Whitewater and Dand
schools. Our most outstanding memory of this era was the depression of
the early thirties, when we clothed and fed the family on eight dollars a
month. Nothing grew and stock died of hunger. Our mode of
transportation was the Bennett buggy and a team of horses. In winter we
used a van. We went to the Dand Community Club by wagon, and our
admission was a five gallon can of water and dry beef sandwiches. The
men paid twenty-five cents each.
During these trying years Bob's health failed and the boys took on the
responsibility of the farm work. Bernice left home in 1936 and went to
Brandon to train as a nurse.
In 1943 Harvey married May Caswell of Deloraine. They lived with us
until 1947 when Bob and I retired to Hartney. In 1941 Bernice married
Gordon Douglas and lived in Brandon until Gord enlisted. In 1946 Orville
married Jean Godfrey and moved to the Dick (Richard) Mullett farm. In
1955 Bob passed away and I lived on alone in Hartney.
[ Mother Agnew, better known as Aunt Maggie, made an active life for
herself after the death of her husband. She had the misfortune to break
a hip in 1967 but still continued to live alone. During these years she
had two great-grandsons and five more great-daughters of which she was
very proud. After a short illness, she passed away at the age of 90 in
---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
Agnew, Robert James - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
Bob moved west with his mother in 1883 to join his father at Hartney. He
attended the Whitewater school. Later he farmed with his father and
bought the farm NE1/4 14-5-23 after his father's death. The first set of
frame buildings burned in 1905 and was replaced with a set of stone
building from stones collected from the Farm. Bob and Maggie retired
from the farm in 1947 to Hartney.
Bob and Maggie were married in 1910 at Maggie's family resident. Maggie
came with her family to Manitoba - Canada in 1900. She was raised and educated in
the West Hall District. Bob and Maggie's family attended the Whitewater
and Dand schools.
Bob passed away in 1955 and Maggie continued to live in her home. Maggie
was a member of the Woman's Missionary Society and Hartney United
Church. Maggie always kept a keen interest in her family and it was a
enjoyment to receive her letters and Christmas cards. Maggie passed away
in 1978 at the Deloraine Hospital, a few days after celebrating her 90th
birthday. She was known to many as "Aunt Maggie".
Lloyd and Sherry Agnew now live on the farm and their children are the
fifth generation who have lived on the original Agnew farm.
General Notes: Child - Mary Bell Agnew
DATE OF BIRTH: 06/23/1885
MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: KEITH Given Names: FLORA
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
Agnew, Mary Belle - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
Mary Belle was the first of the family to be born in Hartney. She
attended the Whitewater school. In 1907, she married Walter Peake.
Walter Peake was the son of William Henry Peake and Mary Grace Morris.
He was born in Pickering, Ontario - Canada. Walter came to Dand in 1901 and his
brother Nelson Joined him in 1902 and they went out to work on farms. A
few years later they went to Oxbow, Saskatchewan, but were unsuccessful
and they returned to Manitoba - Canada.
Mary Belle and Walter settled in the Lauder District where they lived for
several years and where the children were born. Some years later Walter
and Mary Belle moved into Lauder. Walter drove the district doctor on
his country calls.
The family later moved to Hartney. They lived in town during the winter
and on the farm during the summer for the first 2 years and then moved to
the farm.
Mary Belle passed away in 1959 and Walter in 1951.
General Notes: Child - Annie Clarke Agnew
Agnew, Annie Clarke - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
When Annie's parents moved west to Hartney, Annie stayed behind to
continue her education. She later moved to Hartney where she met and
married George Bennett.
Annie Died at the birth of her child. The child, Annie Georgina died at
the age of 3 months. George later married Annie's sister Flora.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
DATE OF DEATH: 10/01/1899
AGE: 24
General Notes: Child - Flora Agnew
Agnew, Flora - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
Flora moved west with her mother in 1883 to follow er father to Hartney.
Her sister Annie had married George Bennett but has passed away at the
birth of her child. Flora married George Bennett in 1902.
George came from Ontario - Canada about 1890. He and his cousin Gideon Fields
settled on E1/2 35-4-23 where George broke up much of the NE quarter.
Later George moved to 14-6-23 and the to 20-6-23 west of Hartney.
George and Flora's three children were born in Hartney. The family later
moved to Vancouver where Flora became ill with cancer shortly after. Her
sister Mary Bell traveled out to see her shortley before she died. Flora
passed away in 1919 abd was buried in Hartney, Manitoba - Canada.
George continued to live in Vancouver where he passed away in 1950.
George Angus Agnew
Husband George Angus Agnew 17 19
Born: June 9, 1892 - R.M. Of Whitewater, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: March 9, 1944 - Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
Father: George Agnew 16 17 19 Mother: Flora Keith 16 17 19
Marriage: August 1920 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - George Angus Agnew
DATE OF BIRTH: 07/01/1892
MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: KEITH Given Names: FLORA
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Agnew, George - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
George was born in Hartney and attended the Whitewater school.
George married Beatrice in 1920.
"A wedding of local interest took place on Tuesday of last week at
Saskatoon, when two papular Tofield's were united. The contracting
parties were Mr. George Agnew and Miss Beatrice A. Scott. Both parties
are well known here. Mr. Agnew having been with the McLaughlin Hardware
for a number of years. While until a few months ago Miss. Scott was head
operator at the local telephone exchange. After spending a short
honeymoon at Manitou Lake, the happy couple arrived at Tofield, where
they will reside. Along with their many friends, the Mercury wishes them
every good thing in life."
"Tofield Mercury" "Hartney Star"
George lived in several places before his marriage. In 1902, he was at
Alezia Lake, British Columbia and in 1913 he was at a hardware store at Limerick,
George Died in Grand Prairie Alberta and Beatrice went to live in Ft.
McMurray, Alberta with her son Keith and Leila. She died in Ft. McMurray
and was buried beside her husband in Hartney.
Jennie Christina Agnew
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Jennie Christina Agnew 16 17 19 24
AKA: Jen, Jane Thomas Agnew Born: April 29, 1889 - R.M. Of Whitewater, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: June 1, 1977 - Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada Buried: - Pine Hill Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Father: George Agnew 16 17 19 Mother: Flora Keith 16 17 19
General Notes: Wife - Jennie Christina Agnew
DATE OF BIRTH: 05/02/1889
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
Agnew, Jennie - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
Jennie was born in Hartney. She attended Whitewater school.
In 1910 Jennie married Richard Mullett.
Dick Mullett was born near Belleville, Ontario - Canada. He was the son of Alfred Mullett and Sarah Brown. About 1890 Dick moved with his parents and family to the Lauder area. They lived there for several years and then moved to a farm, 9-5-23 in the Chain Lakes District south of Hartney. Dick was a sport's enthusiast involved in lacrosse, hockey and curling. For several years he coached the Hartney Hockey team.
In 1906 Dick took over the farm when his parents moved back to Ontario - Canada. Dick and Jennie's children were born there and attended the Whitewater, Dand and Hartney schools. Dick and Jennie later moved to the farm 34-5-23 but later returned to the original home site, remaining there until the farm was sold and Dick retired in 1945.
Dick and Jennie moved to Toronto, Ontario - Canada. But often returned to visit family and friends in the Hartney area. Dick passed away in 1955. Jenny spent her remaining years with her daughter Jean, until her death in 1977.
Notes: Marriage
John Agnew and Ann Annie Clarke
Husband John Agnew 19
Born: - Ireland Baptized: Died: December 9, 1884 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Buried:Marriage: - Ireland
Wife Ann Annie Clarke 19
Born: 1813 - Ireland Baptized: Died: 1882 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Buried:
1 M George Agnew 16 17 19
Born: August 20, 1845 - Ireland Baptized: Died: April 25, 1910 - Brandon, Manitoba, Canada Cause of Death: Heart attack Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 23Spouse: Flora Keith 16 17 19 Marr: May 24, 1870 - Guelph, Ontario, Canada
2 M Robert Agnew 19 20
Born: October 18, 1836 - Armagh Co., Ireland Baptized: Died: May 1908 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Buried:
3 F Elizabeth Agnew
Born: 1847 - Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Margaret Agnew
Born: 1844 - Ireland Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 M Thomas Agnew
Born: 1835 - Armagh Co., Ireland Baptized: Died: February 25, 1899 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Buried:
General Notes: Husband - John Agnew
Household Record 1881 Canadian Census
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation
Robert AGNEW M Male English 43 Ireland Hotel Keeper C.
Mary AGNEW M Female Scottish 43 Scotland C. Presbyterian
Jennie AGNEW Female English 22 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
John AGNEW Male English 16 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
George AGNEW Male English 5 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
Joseph AGNEW Male English 4 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
John STOREY Male Irish 26 Ireland Carpenter C.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
**John AGNEW M Male Irish 70 Ireland C. Presbyterian
**Annie AGNEW M Female Irish 68 Ireland C. Presbyterian
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Robert STOREY W Male Irish 41 Ireland Butcher C.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Emanuel GARRET W Male English 42 England Tanner Church of
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Richard E. NELSON Male English 24 England Tailor
Episcopal Methodist
Thomas HARDING Male English 21 O <Ontario - Canada> Storekeeper
Church of England
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Henry H. KITTREDGE M Male English 38 U.S.A. Banker C.
Maria M. KITTREDGE M Female Irish 31 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Source Information:
Census Place Acton, Halton, Ontario - Canada
Family History Library Film 1375894
NA Film Number C-13258
District 150
Sub-district H
Page Number 15
Household Number 78
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Agnew, John - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
John Agnew and Annie Clarke lived in Ireland. They later moved to
Lancashire, Scotland and then to Acton, Halton Co., Ontario - Canada. Where they live up for
a number of years. Ann and John Agnew died at their sons Dominion House
John and Ann had two sons Robert and George. If there where other
children in the family, it is not know at this time.
Death Notes: Child - George Agnew
at the Langham Hotel
General Notes: Child - George Agnew
Household Record 1881 Canadian Census
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation
George AGNEW M Male Irish 35 Ireland Labourer C.
Flora AGNEW M Female Scottish 29 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
John AGNEW Male Irish 9 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
Flora AGNEW Female Irish 7 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
Annie AGNEW Female Irish 6 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
Neil AGNEW Male Irish 4 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
Robert AGNEW Male Irish <1 Born: Jul; 8/12 O <Ontario - Canada>
C. Presbyterian
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Source Information:
Census Place Esquesing, Halton, Ontario - Canada
Family History Library Film 1375894
NA Film Number C-13258
District 150
Sub-district G
Division 1
Page Number 96
Household Number 445
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District: MB BRANDON (#6)
Subdistrict: Cameron D-5 Page 5
Image: View the image using a split screen or
new window: large medium small MrSid
Images are from National Archives Web Site
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6431
29 41 Agnew George M Head M Aug 20 1845 55
30 41 Agnew Flora F Wife M May 10 1851 49
31 41 Agnew Flora F Daughter S Aug 20 1873 27
32 41 Agnew Neil M Son S Oct 29 1876 24
33 41 Agnew Robt. M Son S Jul 18 1880 20
34 41 Agnew Mary F Daughter S Jun 26 1885 15
35 41 Agnew Jennie F Daughter S Apr 29 1889 11
36 41 Agnew George M Son S Jun 9 1892 8
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
1906 Census Page Data
District: MB Souris District (#9)
Subdistrict: 13 (Townships 4, 5, 6 in ranges 23, 24 west) Page 23
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-18356
25 182 Agnew George Head M M 61
26 182 Agnew Forla Wife F M 56
27 182 Agnew Robert Son M S 25
28 182 Agnew Jannie Daughter F S 17
29 182 Agnew George Son M S 14
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Mr. George Agnew, Sr. emigrated to Manitoba - Canada from Acton, Halton Co., Ontario - Canada, in 1879, filed for a homestead and was given Section 14-5-23. His wife Flora Keith, came in 1883 bring their children Flora, Neil and Robert.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Agnew, George Sr., News appeared in Acton Free Press, 28 Apr 1910, page 3, column 2
Death of George Agnew Sr.
Friends here received the news on Monday of the sudden death of Mr. George Agnew, Sr., of Hartney, Man., at Brandon that morning. Mr. Agnew spent the winter with friends in Acton, returning in good health and spirits early in March. Mrs. Agnew died suddenly last July and he felt the bereavement very keenly. He retired from farming last fall. Four sons, Messrs. John, Neil, Robert and George, and three daughters, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Peake and Miss Jennie, survive. They all reside at Hartney or vicinity. Mr. Agnew went from Acton to Manitoba - Canada twenty-nine years ago. Until last winter he had visited the old home but once, about fourteen years ago. He was a genial, kind-hearted man, and highly esteemed. He was successful in his enterprises in the west.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
Agnew, George, News appeared in Acton Free Press, 5 May 1910, page 3, column 2
Mr. George Agnew's Sudden Death
From the Brandon papers we learn that it was cardiac collapse that caused the sudden death of Mr. George Agnew, of Hartney, while visiting at Brandon. He was stricken at the Langham Hotel and died in the ambulance when being taken to the hospital. The funeral at Hartney was one of the largest ever held there.
The George Agnew, Sr. and R.J. Agnew Histories -Golden Memories 1882-1967 - A History of the Dand Community
Mr. George Agnew, Sr. emigrated to Manitoba - Canada from Acton, Ontario in 1879, arriving in Winnipeg by train. He filed for a homestead and was given Section 14-5-23. As there was no mode of travel southwest of Winnipeg, he and other settlers walked from Winnipeg to Deloraine.
Once he located his homestead he lived with Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Robinson for one year while he built a sod shanty. That same year, 1890, he broke his land with a yolk of oxen and walking plow. He walked to Souris for supplies and carried his plough shears to be sharpened. He had to swim the Souris River and split wood all night in order to pay for sharpening the shears.
In 1883 Mrs. Agnew, the former Flora Keith, and family, came west. She brought Flora, Neil and Robert, leaving John and Annie to be educated in Ontario. After settling in Manitoba - Canada, three more children were born to this union, namely Mary Bell (Mrs. Walter Peake), Jennie (Mrs. R.B. Mullett) and George, Jr. Bob was educated at Whitewater School and farmed with his father.
The first set of frame buildings were burned in 1905 and the present set of stone buildings were built from stones off of the farm.
In 1909 Mrs. Agnew pass away. Mr. Agnew followed within the year, 1910. This same year Bob and I (Margaret Hammond) were married. Three children were born to this union - Harvey, Bernice and Orville. The family was educated at Whitewater and Dand Schools. Our most outstanding memory of this era was the depression of the early thirties, when we clothed and fed the family on $8 a month. Nothing grew and stock died of hunger. Our mode of transportation was the Bennett buggy and a team of horses. In winter we used a van. We went to the Dand Community Club by wagon, and our admission was a five gallon cam of water and dry beef sandwiches. The men paid 25 cents each.
During these trying years Bob's health failed and the boys took on the responsibility of the farm work. Bernice left home in 1936 and went to Brandon to train as a nurse.
In 1943 Harvey married Mae Caswell of Deloraine. They lived with us until 1947 when Bob and I retired to Hartney.
In 1941 Bernice married George Douglas and lived in Brandon until the war broke out and Gord enlisted.
In 1946 Orville married Jean Godfrey and moved to the Dick Mullett farm.
In 1955 Bob passed away and I have lived on alone in Hartney. I have seven living grandchildren and one deceased. I also have one great granddaughter.
General Notes: Child - Robert Agnew
Household Record 1881 Canadian Census
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation
**Robert AGNEW M Male English 43 Ireland Hotel Keeper C.
**Mary AGNEW M Female Scottish 43 Scotland C.
Jennie AGNEW Female English 22 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
** John AGNEW Male English 16 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
**George AGNEW Male English 5 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
** Joseph AGNEW Male English 4 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
John STOREY Male Irish 26 Ireland Carpenter C.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
John AGNEW M Male Irish 70 Ireland C. Presbyterian
Annie AGNEW M Female Irish 68 Ireland C. Presbyterian
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Robert STOREY W Male Irish 41 Ireland Butcher C.
Emanuel GARRET W Male English 42 England Tanner Church of
Richard E. NELSON Male English 24 England Tailor
Episcopal Methodist
Thomas HARDING Male English 21 O <Ontario - Canada> Storekeeper
Church of England
Henry H. KITTREDGE M Male English 38 U.S.A. Banker C.
Maria M. KITTREDGE M Female Irish 31 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Source Information:
Census Place Acton, Halton, Ontario - Canada
Family History Library Film 1375894
NA Film Number C-13258
District 150
Sub-district H
Page Number 15
Household Number 78
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District: ON HALTON (#68)
Subdistrict: Acton (Village) A-1 Page 2
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6470
Transcriber: Janet Swim
Proof reader: stewartsofontario
2 38 19 Agnew Robert M Head M Oct 18 1836 64
2 39 19 Agnew Mary F Wife M Jun 11 1836 64
2 40 19 Agnew Joseph M Son S Mar 2 1877 23
2 41 19 Agnew Julia F Sister-in-law W Aug 14 1841 59
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
2 42 19 Melholand(?) Nellie F Domestic S Feb 23 1878 23
2 43 19 Waldie Margaret F Domestic S Jul 20 1871 29
2 44 19 Brownlee Mary F Domestic S Mar 8 1877 24
2 45 19 Taylor Duncan M Lodger S Jan 9 1849 52
2 46 19 MacKinnon Archibald J M Lodger S Jan 13 1869 32
2 47 19 Lee Thomas M Lodger S Jun 2 1872 28
2 48 19 Froughton Charles M Lodger S Sep 1 1878 25
2 49 19 Mulroney Patrick M Butler S Nov 13 1841 59
2 50 19 Mulholland(?) Annie F Lodger S Aug 18 1876 24
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Agnew, Robert - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
(Robert Agnew and Mary Robinson)
Robert was a son of John Agnew and Ann Clarke. Robert was born in County
Armach, Ireland in 1838. As a young boy, Robert moved with his parents
to Lancashire, Scotland. There he met Mary Robinson. They were married
in 1856 by Rev. John White in the Hamilton Street United Free Church of
Scotland at Carluke. The day after their marriage Robert and Mary left
Scotland for Canada. It was their honeymoon to were and the voyage
across occupied two months.
Robert and Mary came directly to the Esquesing area in Acton, Halton Co., Ontario - Canada.
They settled at Kennedy's Saw Mill where they conducted a boarding
house. They later moved further west to another mill where they stayed
for eight years. About 1868, they moved to a Acton where they became
hosts and hostess of the old California Hotel on Main Street. They stand
between two and three years there and then took over the Royal Exchange,
which was later called the Acton House. About 1873 they bought property
and built the new Dominion Hotel, and for 29 years conducted this house.
The house enjoyed a good reputation as a comfortable home for commercial
travelers and the traveling public. Mary Agnew was familiar addressed as
"Mother" and the comfort of the "Boys of the Road" was well looked after.
Feeling the burden of years growing heavier and the extraction of a
public house living growing more and more, the hotel was sold. They
lived out the rest of their lives in quiet retirement and enjoyed their
well earned rest together. Robert was always concerned for his family's
welfare and anxious for their comfort. It was a favorite assertion of the
old man that although his eldest son been brought up in a hotel, he had
never know the taste of liquor. Robert was a adherent of the
Presbyterian Church.
Robert and Mary had nine children. When Robert died, in May 1908, he was
survived by his wife Mary, one daughter Annie, wife of George Hynds.
John J. of Hartney, Manitoba - Canada and sons George and Joseph. He was
predeceased by two infant daughters, daughter Mrs. Thomas Harding, and
two sons, James and Thomas.
Son John J. of Hartney was referred to as Black Jack. It was often a
custom of Scottish people who moved to Ontario - Canada to have a English nick
name. John J. moved to Hartney in 1905. He and his wife Mary Connor, of
Acton, had three children, Mary, Robert and Grace. Mary married Richard
Jackson in 1916, and had twin girls Grace and Betty. Robert married Lila
and had to girls, Joan and Lois. Grace was badly scalded and she finally
died in 1917 at the age of 19.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Agnew, Robert, News appeared in Acton Free Press, 14 May 1908, page 2, column 2
A Familiar Citizen to Acton for Forty
Years Called to Rest.
After more than two years of serious illness, and five months confined to bed, death ended the sufferings of one of our best-known citizens, in the person of Robert Agnew, last Saturday evening. The cozy home on Park Avenue, of which he was the highly esteemed head, is now bereft and the scene of much genuine sorrow.
Robert Agnew, was born in County Armagh, Ireland, in 1836. He was the son of the late John Agnew, who with his wife resided here for many years. The mother died at the Dominion Hotel, in 1889, and the father in 1884. In his boyhood the subject of this sketch removed with his parents to Lancashire, Scotland. Having formed the acquaintance of Mary Robinson, they were joined in the bonds of holy wedlock in 1856. The ceremony was performed by the late Rev. John White, in the Hamilton Street United Free Church of Scotland, at Carluke. This godly old man lived until the end of the past month, and only last week Mrs. Agnew received a copy of the Carluke local paper giving particulars of his death at over ninety years, with his portrait and the memorial sermon preached at the funeral.
The day after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Agnew left Scotland for Canada. It was their honeymoon tour, and the voyage across occupied two months.
They came direct to Esquesing and settled at Kennedy's saw mill on the check line, on the farm now owned by Mr. Peter Gibbons. Here they conducted a boarding house. Shortly after they were induced to remove to the mill a concession further west operated by Goldie & Smith. Here they kept the mill boarding house for eight years. They then came to Acton about forty years ago. After a short time spent in teaming lumber Mr. and Mrs. Agnew became host and hostess of the old California Hotel, which stood on the present site at Stephenson's blacksmith shop on Main Street. The building was destroyed by fire over thirty years ago. Here they spent between two and three years, and then took over the Royal Exchange, which is now the Acton House. About thirty-five years ago Mr. Agnew bought the property upon which the new Dominion Hotel stands, erected a commodious new hotel, and for twenty-nine years conducted this house. During his term as landlord the house enjoyed a provincial reputation as a comfortable home for commercial travellers and the travelling public. In all his efforts to conduct a well-ordered hostelry he was ably seconded by Mrs. Agnew. By scores of travellers she was familiarly addressed as "Mother" and the comfort of the "boys of the road" was well looked after.
Feeling the burden of years growing heavier and the exactions of a public house life growing more and irksome, the hotel property and all its interests were disposed of to Mr. A. J. Lehman. For six years he and his partner have lived a quiet retired life and they enjoyed their well-earned rest together.
Mr. Agnew was a kind-hearted man, and methodical, and as a hotel man far above the average. It was in the relations with his family, however, that his better character was most manifest. He was always concerned for their welfare and anxious for their comfort. It was a favorite assertion of the old man that although his eldest son had been brought up in a hotel he had never known the taste of liquor. Speaking of his good qualities to the FREE PRESS on Monday Mrs. Agnew handed the writer the following verse, remarking that it spoke truly of his character:
"He was a father kind and true,
A parent's love had he;
A friend to all who knew him here,
A heart both kind and free."
He was an adherent of the Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Agnew, one daughter and three sons survive. They are Annie, the wife of ex-Reeve Geo. Hynds; John, of Hartney, Man.; George, Chairman of Acton Board of Education, and Joseph. Mrs. Thomas H. Harding, James, Thomas and two infant daughters predeceased their father.
The funeral on Tuesday afternoon was in charge of Rev. J. C. Wilson, B.A., assisted by Rev. G. W. Barker. The members of Walker Lodge and visiting members of the Masonic fraternity from Georgetown and Milton attended, and conducted the funeral ceremony of the order, of which deceased was for many years a member. The following brethren were pall bearers, all but one of whom is a Past-master: W. R. Kenney, W. A. Storey, W. Stark, A. J. MacKinnon, Dr. John Lawson and Wm. Hampshire.
Many friends from a distance attended, among whom were: Dr. Webster, Norval; T. A. Reynolds, Oakville; Lachlan Grant, E. Finlay, J. N. O'Neil, S. McGibbon, Georgetown; and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnstone, Toronto.
General Notes: Child - Thomas Agnew
Agnew, Thomas, News appeared in Acton Free Press, 2 Mar 1899, page 3, column 3
James E. Cobban Died on Friday
Morning and Thomas Agnew
on Saturday.
On Saturday morning after a long period of illness, death ended the sufferings of Mr. Thomas Agnew, boot and shoe merchant. Mr. Agnew had been a familiar figure in Acton for forty-five years, though absent for a considerable interval during that time. He was a comparatively well read man, and followed closely the public affairs of the country as reported in the daily press. He was possessed of an even temper and those who knew him best esteemed him most highly.
Thomas Agnew was born in County Armagh, Ireland, in 1835, and when a young man of eighteen came to Canada. He spent a few months in Toronto and was employed in the lumber woods his first winter in Canada by the father of Wm. Lount, ex-M.P., of Barrie. He came to Acton in 1855 with his brother Robert, present proprietor of the Dominion Hotel, and during the period when the lumbering business was booming in Esquesing, and Acton was headquarters and the shipping point for a number of saw mills, he was one of the busiest men employed.
In 1871 he removed to Haliburton, where he remained for sixteen years, returning to Acton and engaging in the shoe business twelve years ago. During his residence in Haliburton he was for eleven years a member of the Municipal Council and the last year of the term was Reeve.
Mr. Agnew left no children. Two died in infancy, but Mrs. Agnew is left alone, and has not a blood relative in Canada. Though she is left fairly well provided for she will keenly miss her partner in life.
Mr. Agnew was an adherent of the Presbyterian Church and Rev. H. A. Macpherson conducted the funeral services on Monday afternoon. Messrs. Duncan Taylor, John Lawson, V. S. Robert Moore, John Mitten, John Dunn, and R. B. Johnson were the pall bearers.
Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1934
Name: Thomas Agnew
Death Date: 25 Feb 1899
Death Location: Halton
Gender: Male
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1835
Birth Location: Ireland
John Agnew
Husband John Agnew 16 17 19
Born: January 10, 1872 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: May 23, 1946 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
Father: George Agnew 16 17 19 Mother: Flora Keith 16 17 19
Marriage: November 16, 1897 - Deloraine, Manitoba, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Retired, 1944 - From The Farm To Hartney, Manitoba, Canada
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - John Agnew
1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District: MB BRANDON (#6)
Subdistrict: Cameron D-5 Page 5
Image: View the image using a split screen or
new window: large medium small MrSid
Images are from National Archives Web Site
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6431
39 42 Agnew John M Head M Jan 10 1872 29
40 42 Agnew Mary F Wife M Feb 21 1877 24
41 42 Agnew Charles M Son S Mar 20 1889 2
42 42 Agnew Robt. G. M Son S Jun 7 1900 10 m.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
Home / 1911 / Manitoba - Canada / Souris / 18 Township 5 in range 23 west of the 1st M / page 5
9 46 Agnew John M Head M Jan 1872 39
10 46 Agnew Mary F Wife M Feb 1880 30
11 46 Agnew Charles M Son S Mar 1900 11
12 46 Agnew Robert M Son S Jun 1901 9
13 46 Agnew John M Son S Nov 1903 7
14 46 Agnew Joseph M Son S Jul 1904 6
15 46 Agnew George M Son S Dec 1907 3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
Agnew, John Sr. - by Jos. A. Agnew (A Century of Living Hartney
History means looking back one hundred or more years in a family.
George and Flora (Keith) Agnew came from Acton, Halton Co., Ontario - Canada to reside in
Manitoba - Canada. Their family consisted of John, Neil married Mary Storey;
Robert married Margaret Hammond; George married Beatrice Scott; Mary
Belle, Mrs. W. Peake; Jenny, Mrs. Richard Mullett; Annie, Mrs. Geo.
Bennett, who passed away and Flora who married Geo. Bennett after her
sisters death.
George and Flora resided on E 14-5-23. Son, John, remained in Acton to
receive his education. Later he joined his family. In 1897 John and
Mary Douglas, daughter of George Douglas, were married. They resided on
W 14-5-23. Their family consisted of Charles, married Hazel McKeen;
Robert married Dorothy Reynolds; John Jr. married Marguerite Black;
George married Lena Daum; Joseph married Roberta Black; Annie married
Wilf Draper.
The family received their education at Chain Lakes, Whitewater, Dand and
Hartney schools. They attended Dand United Church.
Mrs. Agnew was a devoted member of Dand Women's Missionary Society and
Red Cross. In earlier years they enjoyed social evenings at Dand
station, where John played the fiddle for dances. Then later Dand
Community Club events held at Dand school were enjoyed by our family,
with many of us taking part in plays readings by Charlie and Annie, and
dancing by all. In earlier days, Christmas concerts were highlighted by
John Agnew's witty remarks as chairman for the occasion. Visits were
enjoyed from neighbors.
John enjoyed his big radio, one of the few in the district, and on many
occasions he'd invite company in for a special program. Many times Steve
Black and John Had visits in the field corners while their hitched horses
had a good rest until the noon mealtime.
I recall a raging blizzard while we were at Chain Lakes school. We
weren't able to get home and we spent the night at the Jim Dunning
residence. Ida McCullough was out teacher.
The Agnews had the misfortune of three fires, which burned their barns.
Good Neighbors, on each occasion, came to their assistance and
soon shelters were erected to accommodate their livestock.
My father served as councillor for eighteen years and reeve for two
years. Ill health forced him to retire. As councillor during the
Thirties, he had great trials and assisted many welfare programs. He was
keenly interested in road improvements. He had a threshing out fit which
served many farms of the district. He judged horses at many fairs in
Manitoba - Canada. He was president of the 50th celebration of Whitewater School
District, which was very successful, also president of the Agricultural
Society, Hartney.
Mother and Father retired to Hartney in 1944. Father's health failed
soon after retirement and he passed away in 1946. Mother enjoyed fair
health until 1956. She passed away in 1957 during Hartney's 75th Sunday
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Agnew, John - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
John moved west in 1886 to join his family in the Hartney area. Mary
followed with her brothers John and Neil. She kept house for her
brothers until her parents and the rest of the family arrived. In 1897
Mary and John were married and they homesteaded on 14-5-23. The children
attended Whitewater, Chain Lakes and Hartney schools.
John was a lifelong conservative. He was a director of the
Hartney-Lauder Agricultural Society from when it started and served as
president for several terms. He was a member of the Clydesdale horse
breeder's association and judged this class of horses at many provincial
fairs. He was a counselor for 18 years and a reevefrom 1944 - 1945. He
lost his barn on the farm three times from fires.
Mary was active in the Chain Lakes (Dand) Church and the missionary
society. She was secretary-treasurer for the British and Foreign society
for many years and worked for the Red Cross. She was a constant
supporter of the Baptist hour over C. K. X. radio, Brandon, after she was
confined to her home.
John and Mary retired to Hartney in 1944 and John health failed soon
after. Mary passed away in 1957 after two months of illness. In Hartney
be attended the St. Paul's Presbyterian church and both their funerals
were held in the St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Hartney.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
The John Agnew Family History -written by Dorothy Agnew -Golden Memories 1882-1967 - A History of the Dand Community
John Agnew was born in Acton, Ontario in the year 1871. In 1886 he followed his parents to the west. In 1894 Mary Douglas came west with her two brothers, John and Neil. She kept house for them until the following year when her parents and the rest of the family arrived. On November 15, 1897 she married John Agnew and they homesteaded on 14-5-23. As time went on six children were born to this couple, Charles, Robert, John, Joseph, George and Annie. As with all pioneers they had plenty of hard work. All clothing was made at home and with five active boys, this was no mean task. Many times, after the children were in bed, a new pair of pants was made for one of the boys to replace a pair torn beyond repair in a scuffle at school. The children all attended Whitewater School for their elementary education except for a short time when it was closed for lack of scholars. During this time they went to Chain Lakes School. Later George and then Annie attended high school at Dand.
John Agnew was a life-long Conservative. In 1932 he made a unsuccessful bid as member for Deloraine constituency against the sitting member, Hugh McKenzie. He was a director of the Hartney-Lauder Agricultural Society from when it started, and served as President for several terms. He was also a member of the Clydesdale Horse Breeders' Association and judged this class of horses at many of the provincial fairs. He was a councillor for many years and during the tough times of the thirties, worked hard to keep yeoman / farmers on the land. On his own farm, he lost his barn three times by fire: in 1906, 1916 and again in 1934.
Although Mrs. Agnew had little to do with politics, she was active in the Chain Lakes (later called Dand) church and in the Missionary Society. She was Secretary-Treasurer for the British and Foreign Society for many years. She also worked for the Red Cross. In 1944 she and her husband retired to Hartney where he died in 1946. When the move was made to Hartney she transferred her membership to St. Paul's Presbyterian Church which she attended as long as she was able to go. In her later years, when she was confined to her home, she was a constant supporter of the Baptist Hour over CKX Radio, Brandon. She lived alone most of the time from the death of her husband until she entered Hartney Hospital a short time before her own death in 1957.
As the children grew older all attended the Community Club at Dand. Charlie and Bob and later George took part in plays during several winters. These were Fogal and were 2 1/2 to three hours long. Practising for these meant driving the seven miles to Dand with a team and cutter, and sometimes when the roads were breaking up in the spring they drove in a wagon. Miss Edith Dunning was usually called for on the way. Charlie was called on many times for his humorous readings. Annie also helped with programs at Community Club and all loved to dance except Johnie.
In 1922 Charlie began farming for himself a mile east of home. In 1934 he married Hazel Keene and they had three children from this marriage: Fay, Mervin and Joy. They left the farm and moved to Hartney in 1946. All three children are now married. Fay (Mrs. Leonard Darvill) lives in Brandon. Mervin in Calgary and Joy (Mrs. John Applegate) in Winnipeg.
Bob started "on his own" in 1928 on the west half of 28-5-23. Five years later he married Dorothy Reynolds of Dand. During two years of Bob's illness in 1935-36 most of their time was spent in Winnipeg while brother Joe looked after the farm. In 1937 they moved to the Melgund district to 32-5-23 and in 1945 they bought the north half of 5-6-23. They moved to this place in 1946 but still belonged to the Melgund district. They sold this farm in the spring of 1965 but still reside in the house. They had no children.
Johnie began farming north of Hartney in 1941. He spent a couple of winters in town with his Mother but returned to the farm each spring. In 1952 he moved to the S. 1/2 of 22-5-23 and is still there. In 1953 he married Marguerite Clay. They have no children.
Joe attended high school in Hartney and then worked in the bank for several years. Later he worked in Winnipeg for the Advance Rumely Threshing Co. and after that returned to work on the farm at home. In 1934 he worked at Portage la Prairie but returned in 1935 to take over from brother Bob. In 1939 he married Roberta Black and their family history is given with that of Mr. and Mrs. S.N. Black.
After George completed his high school education he entered Wesley College in Winnipeg but because of illness was unable to complete the year. He returned to work at home and in 1944 married Aline Daum, better known as Lena.
After Annie finished her high school education at Dand, she was badly needed to help her mother at home and remained there until 1937 except for a few months during the winter of 1934-35 when she worked in Winnipeg. In 1937 she married Wilfred Draper. They spent their first winter in Winnipeg. then moved to Elgin and later to Hartney where they now reside. They have two children: Don, who is married and lives in Winnipeg, and Judy, who plans to make teaching her career. Wilfred works for Atkinson Implements and Annie is employed part-time in the local post office.
Charlie now has four grandchildren and so generation follows generation, each with its own problems to face and its own way of life to live.
Notes: Marriage
Margaret Agnew
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Margaret Agnew
Born: 1844 - Ireland Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: John Agnew 19 Mother: Ann Annie Clarke 19
Notes: Marriage
Ontario - Canada, 1858-1869 Marriage Index
Agnew, Margaret Age : 18
Birth Place : Ireland
Residence : Nelson Township
Father : John
Mother : Ann
Spouse : Fraser, Donald
Age : 23
Birth Place : Scotland
Residence : Nelson Township
Father : Alexander
Mother : Mary
Marriage Date : 4/16/1862
County : Halton
Microfilm Roll : 1030057
Mary Bell Agnew
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Mary Bell Agnew 16 17 19
Born: June 26, 1885 - R.M. Of Cameron, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: October 13, 1959 - Lauder, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Lauder Cemetery, Lauder, Manitoba, Canada
Father: George Agnew 16 17 19 Mother: Flora Keith 16 17 19
General Notes: Wife - Mary Bell Agnew
DATE OF BIRTH: 06/23/1885
MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: KEITH Given Names: FLORA
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
Agnew, Mary Belle - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
Mary Belle was the first of the family to be born in Hartney. She
attended the Whitewater school. In 1907, she married Walter Peake.
Walter Peake was the son of William Henry Peake and Mary Grace Morris.
He was born in Pickering, Ontario - Canada. Walter came to Dand in 1901 and his
brother Nelson Joined him in 1902 and they went out to work on farms. A
few years later they went to Oxbow, Saskatchewan, but were unsuccessful
and they returned to Manitoba - Canada.
Mary Belle and Walter settled in the Lauder District where they lived for
several years and where the children were born. Some years later Walter
and Mary Belle moved into Lauder. Walter drove the district doctor on
his country calls.
The family later moved to Hartney. They lived in town during the winter
and on the farm during the summer for the first 2 years and then moved to
the farm.
Mary Belle passed away in 1959 and Walter in 1951.
Notes: Marriage
Neil Keith Agnew and Mary S. Storey
Husband Neil Keith Agnew 16 17
Born: November 1876 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: April 16, 1946 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
Father: George Agnew 16 17 19 Mother: Flora Keith 16 17 19
Marriage: January 18, 1905 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Alt. Birth, October 29, 1886
2. Retired, 1918 - From The Farm To Hartney, Manitoba, Canada
Wife Mary S. Storey 16
Born: July 22, 1879 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Baptized: Died: May 8, 1970 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
Father: Thomas Storey Mother: Elizabeth McCurdy
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Married By, Rev. A. Blair
1 M Thomas Keith Agnew 16 19
AKA: Keith Born: October 5, 1911 - Whitewater District, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: September 7, 1989 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
2 F Evelyn Maire Agnew 16 19
Born: May 30, 1913 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: November 7, 1984 - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Buried:Spouse: Maurice Meredith Fry 16 19 Marr: March 12, 1937 - Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
3 M Arthur Roy Agnew 16 19
Born: October 13, 1915 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: April 13, 1917 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
4 F Edith Agnew 16 19
AKA: Ede Born: August 4, 1918 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 M Wesley Agnew 16 19
AKA: Wes Born: October 21, 1921 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: March 3, 2000 Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Neil Keith Agnew
1906 Census Page Data
District: MB Souris District (#9)
Subdistrict: 13 (Townships 4, 5, 6 in ranges 23, 24 west) Page 45
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-18356
30 353 Agnew Neal Head M M 28
31 353 Agnew Mary Wife F M 26
Home / 1911 / Manitoba - Canada / Souris / 18 Township 5 in range 23 west of the 1st M / page 2
24 17 Agnew Mary F Wife M Jul 1880 30
25 17 McDonald James M Servant S Nov 1874 35
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
Agnew, Neil - by Keith Agnew (A Century of Living Hartney 1882-1982)
Neil received his education at Whitewater School and farmed with his
father until he started farming on his own, on land which now is the J.
Whetter farm. He later disposed of the farm and moved to the former
William Witt farm. While living there he married Mary Storey of Acton,
Ontario - Canada, on January 18, 1905. In 1911 he purchased the J. R. Shepherd
farm, the E1/2 of 34-5-23, and in subsequent years he purchased the W1/2
of 34-5-23 from Ed Briggs and the NW1/4 of 27-5-23.
From this marriage five children were born:- Keith (writer of this
article), Evelyn, Arthur, Edith and Wesley. All the children are living
with the exception of Arthur, who died in 1917. Keith and Evelyn attended
Whitewater and Hartney schools. Edith and Wesley attended Hartney school.
Neil Agnew, commonly called N. K., continued to farm until 1918 when he
retired and moved into Hartney. In 1926 he took up farming again for two
years. He continued living in Hartney. Neil took an active part in the
town life, serving on the Council, president of the curling club,
president of the golf club and a keen member of the Men's Social Club,
organized at that time. He was a faithful adherent and worker in the
Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Agnew took an active interest in the curling club and golf club and
was a ardent supporter of the hockey teams on which her sons played. She
continued to be a staunch fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs up to her 92nd
year. Visitors were never welcome on Saturday's Hockey Night in Canada.
She just couldn't be disturbed during a game of the N.H.L. on radio or
T.V. Mrs. Agnew's church was very dear to her. She was a member of the
Presbyterian church, taught Sunday School for many years and was active
in all departments of the church. She was keenly interested in Missions,
being president of the Women's Missionary Society, and was a life member.
Mr. Agnew continued to reside in Hartney until his death in 1946. Mrs.
Agnew continued to live alone in her large brick home on Souris Street
until her death in 1970, her 92nd year.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Agnew, Neil Keith - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
Neil moved a Hartney with his mother in 1883. He went to the Whitewater
school. He farmed with his father until starting his own. After two
moves, in 1911 he purchased E1/2 34-5-23 and in later years W1/2 34-5-23
and NW1/4 27-5-23.
In 1905 Neil and Mary were married.
"A very pretty wedding, tinged with an element of romance, was celebrated
in the Presbyterian manse, Nassagaweya, on Wednesday the 18th inst. on
that occasion of your Rev. A. Blair, united in wedlock, Mr. Neil Keith
Agnew of Hartney Manitoba - Canada and Miss Mary Storey, of Nassagaweya. Mr.
Agnew is a son of Mr. George Agnew of Hartney, and went to the west with
his parents when a very small lad. Two years ago he came to a Acton to
visit his uncle, Robert Agnew, Esq. and other friends here and during the
visit he met Miss Storey, and Cupid's darts took true aim. A couple of
years of delightful correspondents culminated in the happy event on the
18th, and a life of happiness now spreads out before these esteemed young
people. They will spend a few weeks in Ontario - Canada before proceeding to the
west. Mr. Agnew is a prosperous young yeoman / farmer and owns a very fine farm
near Hartney. The congratulations of a wide circle of friends here are
being extended" "Acton Star"
Neil and Mary farmed until 1918, retiring to a large brick house on
Souris Street in Hartney, where they live the rest of their lives. In
1926, they took a farming again for two years. Neil served on town
council, president of the curling club and the golf club and a member off
the men's social club. He was a faithful adherent and worker in the
Presbyterian church.
Mary took an active interest in the curling and golf club and was an
ardent supporter of the hockey teams on which her sons played. She
continued to be a staunch pan out the Toronto Maple Leafs up to her 92nd
year. Visitors were never well come on Saturday's hockey night in Canada
and she just couldn't be disturbed during a game of the N. H. L. on radio
or T.V. Mary was a member of the Presbyterian church, taught Sunday
school for many years and was active in all departments of the church.
She was keenly interested in missions, and was president off the women's
missionary society of what she was life member.
Notes: Marriage
Agnew, Neil Keith, Marriage notice appeared in Acton Free Press, 2 Feb 1905, page 2, column 1
Agnew, Neil Keith, Wedding Announcement/Description appeared in Acton Free Press, 2 Feb 1905, page 3, column 2
General Notes: Child - Thomas Keith Agnew
Agnew, Keith - by Keith Agnew (A Century of Living Hartney 1882-1982)
Keith Agnew was born in the Whitewater district on his father's farm,
where Keith still resides. He attended Whitewater and Hartney schools.
After graduation he joined the staff of the Bank of Montreal, Hartney,
where he worked for three years. He was transferred to Winnipeg branches
of the bank and played on their hockey teams for the next four years. In
1936 Keith left the bank and returned to Hartney to take over his
father's farm.
On June 19, 1937 Keith married Mary Stewart, younger daughter if Reverend
J. H. Stewart, a former minister of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church,
Hartney. Keith and Mary were married at Neepawa, Manitoba - Canada by Mary's
father. Mary had been employed by the Hudson Bay Company of Winnipeg.
She, too, took a keen interest in sports. At one time Mary skipped a
Hartney ladies' rink for the Championship of Manitoba - Canada Ladies' Curling.
Of this marriage two daughters were born Marilyn Alice and Judith Ann.
Marilyn received her education in Hartney and the University of Manitoba - Canada,
Winnipeg, where she was elected Lady-Stick of her faculty, graduating
with a B.Sc. in Home Economics. She worked as a social worker in
Winnipeg, Minneapolis and Edmonton. On June 4, 1960 she married Roland
Laliberte of Winnipeg. Of this marriage there were three children,
Michele, Lisa and Gregory. Roland is employed by the Royal Bank of
Canada, International. Their homes have been in Canada, the Caribbean,
Europe, Japan and England. They now reside in Los Angeles.
Judith Ann also took her education in Hartney and Brandon University,
graduating with her B. Ed. degree. Her marriage to John Bertholet of
Grande Clairiere was in March of 1962. She taught in Hartney Elementary
School for seven years. Of this marriage there were two children, Eloi
and Sherilyn. John farmed with Keith for fourteen years and then left
farming. With his wife and children they went to India and Nepal where
John was an Agriculture advisor for three years. The family returned to
Canada for two years, then John and Judith took orientation once again
and left for Camarouns, Africa, to work as Agriculture and Education
Keith and his family took a very keen interest in their church and all
community activities. Keith led town and school bands for many years,
being the bandmaster at the time of Hartney's 75th anniversary. He was
also one of the first hockey coaches and a promoter of the organized
Junior Sports Club of Hartney and area.
In 1976 Keith and Mary retired from farming but continued to live on the
home farm during the summer months and the rest of the year at
Wickenburg, Arizona, U.S.A.
General Notes: Child - Arthur Roy Agnew
DATE OF DEATH: 04/13/1917
AGE: 18
General Notes: Child - Wesley Agnew
Agnew, Wesley (A Century of Living Hartney 1882-1982)
Wesley Agnew - youngest son of Mary and Neil K. Agnew, was raised and
educated in Hartney, prior to joining the R.C.A.F. (1942-45). He was a
flying instructor in many places on the prairies. He married Joyce
Burrill in 1944, while he was instructing at Davidson, Saskatchewan.
After his discharge in 1945 he returned to farm in the Hartney district,
where he still resides. They raised a family of five - two daughters,
Donna Payette and Barbara Barrows, both married and living in the Hartney
area, and three sons Neil, Roy and Tom, who live at Brandon and Kelowna,
British Columbia While farming, Wes became aviation minded again and got back into
flying, then gradually started searching the prairie provinces for the
relics and remains of old World War 2 aircraft. Bit by bit and piece by
piece he was able to set up his own private collection of aircraft. In
all, Wes has discovered and preserved 15 World War 2 aircraft, some of
which are now flying or in museums throughout the world. These aircraft
are being preserved for future generations to see, as they represent the
sacrifices and hardships of many young men who flew them. This
collection has since caught the eye of very interested and dedicated
group, R.C.A.F. Assoc., who will help form a "British Commonwealth Air
Training Plan" Museum in Brandon to represent and conserve some of this
history - the first of its kind on the prairies!
Donna Lynne - eldest daughter of Wes and Joyce Agnew, was raised and
educated in Hartney. She attended Brandon University from 1964-65,
taught school in Treherne, Manitoba - Canada from 1965-67. She married Celest
Payette of Somerset, Manitoba - Canada. They moved to Calgary, where Kimberley
Joyce was born. They moved back to Hartney in 1970 where Celest worked
with Wes, helping collect World War 2 aircraft. Later on he purchased
Molison's Service and Ed Graham's farm. A Son, Bradley Dean was born ????.
Barbara Doreen - youngest daughter of Wes and Joyce Agnew, was raised and
educated in Hartney. She married Jack Barrows in 1970. After their
daughter Tammy Doreen was born, they moved to Richmond, British Columbia Jack worked
at Richmond Ply. In 1975 they moved back to Hartney, where Jack worked
for the Co-op, driving the fuel truck. He is now employed with the Good
Roads Department. They have a son Gregory John, born ????. Tammy and
Greg attend school in Hartney. Barb is a teacher's aide at Hartney
Elementary School.
Neil - their oldest son, married Joyce Stone of Brandon on August 31,
1974. They have two daughters.
Roy - lives at home and is a painter, working around Hartney and district.
Tom - married Jane Denbow of Oak Lake, on October 6, 1973. They have a
son and a daughter. They reside at Kelowna, British Columbia.
Robert Agnew
Husband Robert Agnew 19 20
Born: October 18, 1836 - Armagh Co., Ireland Baptized: Died: May 1908 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Buried:
Father: John Agnew 19 Mother: Ann Annie Clarke 19
Marriage: 1856 - Carluke, Scotland
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Married By, Rev. John White
General Notes: Husband - Robert Agnew
Household Record 1881 Canadian Census
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation
**Robert AGNEW M Male English 43 Ireland Hotel Keeper C.
**Mary AGNEW M Female Scottish 43 Scotland C.
Jennie AGNEW Female English 22 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
** John AGNEW Male English 16 O <Ontario - Canada> C. Presbyterian
**George AGNEW Male English 5 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
** Joseph AGNEW Male English 4 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
John STOREY Male Irish 26 Ireland Carpenter C.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
John AGNEW M Male Irish 70 Ireland C. Presbyterian
Annie AGNEW M Female Irish 68 Ireland C. Presbyterian
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Robert STOREY W Male Irish 41 Ireland Butcher C.
Emanuel GARRET W Male English 42 England Tanner Church of
Richard E. NELSON Male English 24 England Tailor
Episcopal Methodist
Thomas HARDING Male English 21 O <Ontario - Canada> Storekeeper
Church of England
Henry H. KITTREDGE M Male English 38 U.S.A. Banker C.
Maria M. KITTREDGE M Female Irish 31 O <Ontario - Canada> C.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Source Information:
Census Place Acton, Halton, Ontario - Canada
Family History Library Film 1375894
NA Film Number C-13258
District 150
Sub-district H
Page Number 15
Household Number 78
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1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District: ON HALTON (#68)
Subdistrict: Acton (Village) A-1 Page 2
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6470
Transcriber: Janet Swim
Proof reader: stewartsofontario
2 38 19 Agnew Robert M Head M Oct 18 1836 64
2 39 19 Agnew Mary F Wife M Jun 11 1836 64
2 40 19 Agnew Joseph M Son S Mar 2 1877 23
2 41 19 Agnew Julia F Sister-in-law W Aug 14 1841 59
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2 42 19 Melholand(?) Nellie F Domestic S Feb 23 1878 23
2 43 19 Waldie Margaret F Domestic S Jul 20 1871 29
2 44 19 Brownlee Mary F Domestic S Mar 8 1877 24
2 45 19 Taylor Duncan M Lodger S Jan 9 1849 52
2 46 19 MacKinnon Archibald J M Lodger S Jan 13 1869 32
2 47 19 Lee Thomas M Lodger S Jun 2 1872 28
2 48 19 Froughton Charles M Lodger S Sep 1 1878 25
2 49 19 Mulroney Patrick M Butler S Nov 13 1841 59
2 50 19 Mulholland(?) Annie F Lodger S Aug 18 1876 24
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Agnew, Robert - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL]
(Robert Agnew and Mary Robinson)
Robert was a son of John Agnew and Ann Clarke. Robert was born in County
Armach, Ireland in 1838. As a young boy, Robert moved with his parents
to Lancashire, Scotland. There he met Mary Robinson. They were married
in 1856 by Rev. John White in the Hamilton Street United Free Church of
Scotland at Carluke. The day after their marriage Robert and Mary left
Scotland for Canada. It was their honeymoon to were and the voyage
across occupied two months.
Robert and Mary came directly to the Esquesing area in Acton, Halton Co., Ontario - Canada.
They settled at Kennedy's Saw Mill where they conducted a boarding
house. They later moved further west to another mill where they stayed
for eight years. About 1868, they moved to a Acton where they became
hosts and hostess of the old California Hotel on Main Street. They stand
between two and three years there and then took over the Royal Exchange,
which was later called the Acton House. About 1873 they bought property
and built the new Dominion Hotel, and for 29 years conducted this house.
The house enjoyed a good reputation as a comfortable home for commercial
travelers and the traveling public. Mary Agnew was familiar addressed as
"Mother" and the comfort of the "Boys of the Road" was well looked after.
Feeling the burden of years growing heavier and the extraction of a
public house living growing more and more, the hotel was sold. They
lived out the rest of their lives in quiet retirement and enjoyed their
well earned rest together. Robert was always concerned for his family's
welfare and anxious for their comfort. It was a favorite assertion of the
old man that although his eldest son been brought up in a hotel, he had
never know the taste of liquor. Robert was a adherent of the
Presbyterian Church.
Robert and Mary had nine children. When Robert died, in May 1908, he was
survived by his wife Mary, one daughter Annie, wife of George Hynds.
John J. of Hartney, Manitoba - Canada and sons George and Joseph. He was
predeceased by two infant daughters, daughter Mrs. Thomas Harding, and
two sons, James and Thomas.
Son John J. of Hartney was referred to as Black Jack. It was often a
custom of Scottish people who moved to Ontario - Canada to have a English nick
name. John J. moved to Hartney in 1905. He and his wife Mary Connor, of
Acton, had three children, Mary, Robert and Grace. Mary married Richard
Jackson in 1916, and had twin girls Grace and Betty. Robert married Lila
and had to girls, Joan and Lois. Grace was badly scalded and she finally
died in 1917 at the age of 19.
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Agnew, Robert, News appeared in Acton Free Press, 14 May 1908, page 2, column 2
A Familiar Citizen to Acton for Forty
Years Called to Rest.
After more than two years of serious illness, and five months confined to bed, death ended the sufferings of one of our best-known citizens, in the person of Robert Agnew, last Saturday evening. The cozy home on Park Avenue, of which he was the highly esteemed head, is now bereft and the scene of much genuine sorrow.
Robert Agnew, was born in County Armagh, Ireland, in 1836. He was the son of the late John Agnew, who with his wife resided here for many years. The mother died at the Dominion Hotel, in 1889, and the father in 1884. In his boyhood the subject of this sketch removed with his parents to Lancashire, Scotland. Having formed the acquaintance of Mary Robinson, they were joined in the bonds of holy wedlock in 1856. The ceremony was performed by the late Rev. John White, in the Hamilton Street United Free Church of Scotland, at Carluke. This godly old man lived until the end of the past month, and only last week Mrs. Agnew received a copy of the Carluke local paper giving particulars of his death at over ninety years, with his portrait and the memorial sermon preached at the funeral.
The day after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Agnew left Scotland for Canada. It was their honeymoon tour, and the voyage across occupied two months.
They came direct to Esquesing and settled at Kennedy's saw mill on the check line, on the farm now owned by Mr. Peter Gibbons. Here they conducted a boarding house. Shortly after they were induced to remove to the mill a concession further west operated by Goldie & Smith. Here they kept the mill boarding house for eight years. They then came to Acton about forty years ago. After a short time spent in teaming lumber Mr. and Mrs. Agnew became host and hostess of the old California Hotel, which stood on the present site at Stephenson's blacksmith shop on Main Street. The building was destroyed by fire over thirty years ago. Here they spent between two and three years, and then took over the Royal Exchange, which is now the Acton House. About thirty-five years ago Mr. Agnew bought the property upon which the new Dominion Hotel stands, erected a commodious new hotel, and for twenty-nine years conducted this house. During his term as landlord the house enjoyed a provincial reputation as a comfortable home for commercial travellers and the travelling public. In all his efforts to conduct a well-ordered hostelry he was ably seconded by Mrs. Agnew. By scores of travellers she was familiarly addressed as "Mother" and the comfort of the "boys of the road" was well looked after.
Feeling the burden of years growing heavier and the exactions of a public house life growing more and irksome, the hotel property and all its interests were disposed of to Mr. A. J. Lehman. For six years he and his partner have lived a quiet retired life and they enjoyed their well-earned rest together.
Mr. Agnew was a kind-hearted man, and methodical, and as a hotel man far above the average. It was in the relations with his family, however, that his better character was most manifest. He was always concerned for their welfare and anxious for their comfort. It was a favorite assertion of the old man that although his eldest son had been brought up in a hotel he had never known the taste of liquor. Speaking of his good qualities to the FREE PRESS on Monday Mrs. Agnew handed the writer the following verse, remarking that it spoke truly of his character:
"He was a father kind and true,
A parent's love had he;
A friend to all who knew him here,
A heart both kind and free."
He was an adherent of the Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Agnew, one daughter and three sons survive. They are Annie, the wife of ex-Reeve Geo. Hynds; John, of Hartney, Man.; George, Chairman of Acton Board of Education, and Joseph. Mrs. Thomas H. Harding, James, Thomas and two infant daughters predeceased their father.
The funeral on Tuesday afternoon was in charge of Rev. J. C. Wilson, B.A., assisted by Rev. G. W. Barker. The members of Walker Lodge and visiting members of the Masonic fraternity from Georgetown and Milton attended, and conducted the funeral ceremony of the order, of which deceased was for many years a member. The following brethren were pall bearers, all but one of whom is a Past-master: W. R. Kenney, W. A. Storey, W. Stark, A. J. MacKinnon, Dr. John Lawson and Wm. Hampshire.
Many friends from a distance attended, among whom were: Dr. Webster, Norval; T. A. Reynolds, Oakville; Lachlan Grant, E. Finlay, J. N. O'Neil, S. McGibbon, Georgetown; and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnstone, Toronto.
Notes: Marriage
Hamilton Street United Free Church of Scotland, Carluke, Scotland
Robert James Agnew
Husband Robert James Agnew 16 17 19
AKA: Bob Born: July 18, 1881 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: January 24, 1955 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
Father: George Agnew 16 17 19 Mother: Flora Keith 16 17 19
Marriage: December 21, 1910 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 20
Noted events in his life were:
1. Retired, 1947 - From The Farm To Hartney, Manitoba, Canada
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Alt. Marriage, December 21, 1910 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada
General Notes: Husband - Robert James Agnew
Agnew, Robert and Family - by Maggie (Hammond) Agnew - (A Century of
Living Hartney 1882-1982)
Mr. George Agnew, Sr., emigrated to Manitoba - Canada from Action, Ontario - Canada, in
1879, arriving in Winnipeg by train. He filed for a homestead and was
given section 14-5-23. As there was no mode of travel southwest of
Winnipeg, he and other settlers walked from Winnipeg to Deloraine.
Once he located his homestead, he lived with Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert
Robinson for one year while he built a sod shanty. That same year, 1880,
he broke his land with a yoke of oxen and walking plow. He walked to
Souris for supplies and carried his plough shares to be sharpened. He
had to swim the Souris River, and split wood all night in order to pay
for sharpening the shares.
In 1883 Mrs. Agnew, the former Flora Keith, and family, came west. She
brought Flora, Neil and Robert, leaving John and Annie to be educated in
Ontario - Canada. After settling in Manitoba - Canada, three more children were born to
this union, namely Mary Belle, (Mrs. Walter Peake), Jennie, (Mrs. R. B.
Mullett) and George Jr.
Bob was educated at Whitewater School and farmed with is father.
In 1909 Mrs. Agnew (Flora Keith) passed away. Mr. Agnew (George Sr.)
followed within the year, 1910. This same year Bob and I (Margaret
Hammond) were married. Three children were born to this union - Harvey,
Bernice and Orville. The family was educated at Whitewater and Dand
schools. Our most outstanding memory of this era was the depression of
the early thirties, when we clothed and fed the family on eight dollars a
month. Nothing grew and stock died of hunger. Our mode of
transportation was the Bennett buggy and a team of horses. In winter we
used a van. We went to the Dand Community Club by wagon, and our
admission was a five gallon can of water and dry beef sandwiches. The
men paid twenty-five cents each.
During these trying years Bob's health failed and the boys took on the
responsibility of the farm work. Bernice left home in 1936 and went to
Brandon to train as a nurse.
In 1943 Harvey married May Caswell of Deloraine. They lived with us
until 1947 when Bob and I retired to Hartney. In 1941 Bernice married
Gordon Douglas and lived in Brandon until Gord enlisted. In 1946 Orville
married Jean Godfrey and moved to the Dick (Richard) Mullett farm. In
1955 Bob passed away and I lived on alone in Hartney.
[ Mother Agnew, better known as Aunt Maggie, made an active life for
herself after the death of her husband. She had the misfortune to break
a hip in 1967 but still continued to live alone. During these years she
had two great-grandsons and five more great-daughters of which she was
very proud. After a short illness, she passed away at the age of 90 in
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Agnew, Robert James - Jean Ammeter [decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA
Bob moved west with his mother in 1883 to join his father at Hartney. He
attended the Whitewater school. Later he farmed with his father and
bought the farm NE1/4 14-5-23 after his father's death. The first set of
frame buildings burned in 1905 and was replaced with a set of stone
building from stones collected from the Farm. Bob and Maggie retired
from the farm in 1947 to Hartney.
Bob and Maggie were married in 1910 at Maggie's family resident. Maggie
came with her family to Manitoba - Canada in 1900. She was raised and educated in
the West Hall District. Bob and Maggie's family attended the Whitewater
and Dand schools.
Bob passed away in 1955 and Maggie continued to live in her home. Maggie
was a member of the Woman's Missionary Society and Hartney United
Church. Maggie always kept a keen interest in her family and it was a
enjoyment to receive her letters and Christmas cards. Maggie passed away
in 1978 at the Deloraine Hospital, a few days after celebrating her 90th
birthday. She was known to many as "Aunt Maggie".
Lloyd and Sherry Agnew now live on the farm and their children are the
fifth generation who have lived on the original Agnew farm.
Notes: Marriage
Thomas Agnew
Husband Thomas Agnew
Born: 1835 - Armagh Co., Ireland Baptized: Died: February 25, 1899 - Acton, Halton Co., Ontario, Canada Buried:
Father: John Agnew 19 Mother: Ann Annie Clarke 19
Marriage: 1859 - Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Thomas Agnew
Agnew, Thomas, News appeared in Acton Free Press, 2 Mar 1899, page 3, column 3
James E. Cobban Died on Friday
Morning and Thomas Agnew
on Saturday.
On Saturday morning after a long period of illness, death ended the sufferings of Mr. Thomas Agnew, boot and shoe merchant. Mr. Agnew had been a familiar figure in Acton for forty-five years, though absent for a considerable interval during that time. He was a comparatively well read man, and followed closely the public affairs of the country as reported in the daily press. He was possessed of an even temper and those who knew him best esteemed him most highly.
Thomas Agnew was born in County Armagh, Ireland, in 1835, and when a young man of eighteen came to Canada. He spent a few months in Toronto and was employed in the lumber woods his first winter in Canada by the father of Wm. Lount, ex-M.P., of Barrie. He came to Acton in 1855 with his brother Robert, present proprietor of the Dominion Hotel, and during the period when the lumbering business was booming in Esquesing, and Acton was headquarters and the shipping point for a number of saw mills, he was one of the busiest men employed.
In 1871 he removed to Haliburton, where he remained for sixteen years, returning to Acton and engaging in the shoe business twelve years ago. During his residence in Haliburton he was for eleven years a member of the Municipal Council and the last year of the term was Reeve.
Mr. Agnew left no children. Two died in infancy, but Mrs. Agnew is left alone, and has not a blood relative in Canada. Though she is left fairly well provided for she will keenly miss her partner in life.
Mr. Agnew was an adherent of the Presbyterian Church and Rev. H. A. Macpherson conducted the funeral services on Monday afternoon. Messrs. Duncan Taylor, John Lawson, V. S. Robert Moore, John Mitten, John Dunn, and R. B. Johnson were the pall bearers.
Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1934
Name: Thomas Agnew
Death Date: 25 Feb 1899
Death Location: Halton
Gender: Male
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1835
Birth Location: Ireland
Thomas Agnew and Gayle Burch
Husband Thomas Agnew
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Gayle Burch
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Robert Burch Mother: Lillie Margaret Davis
Thomas Keith Agnew
Husband Thomas Keith Agnew 16 19
AKA: Keith Born: October 5, 1911 - Whitewater District, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: September 7, 1989 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Buried: - Hartney Riverside Cemetery, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada 22
Father: Neil Keith Agnew 16 17 Mother: Mary S. Storey 16
Marriage: June 19, 1937 - Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Retired, 1976 - From The Farm To Hartney, Manitoba, Canada
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Thomas Keith Agnew
Agnew, Keith - by Keith Agnew (A Century of Living Hartney 1882-1982)
Keith Agnew was born in the Whitewater district on his father's farm,
where Keith still resides. He attended Whitewater and Hartney schools.
After graduation he joined the staff of the Bank of Montreal, Hartney,
where he worked for three years. He was transferred to Winnipeg branches
of the bank and played on their hockey teams for the next four years. In
1936 Keith left the bank and returned to Hartney to take over his
father's farm.
On June 19, 1937 Keith married Mary Stewart, younger daughter if Reverend
J. H. Stewart, a former minister of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church,
Hartney. Keith and Mary were married at Neepawa, Manitoba - Canada by Mary's
father. Mary had been employed by the Hudson Bay Company of Winnipeg.
She, too, took a keen interest in sports. At one time Mary skipped a
Hartney ladies' rink for the Championship of Manitoba - Canada Ladies' Curling.
Of this marriage two daughters were born Marilyn Alice and Judith Ann.
Marilyn received her education in Hartney and the University of Manitoba - Canada,
Winnipeg, where she was elected Lady-Stick of her faculty, graduating
with a B.Sc. in Home Economics. She worked as a social worker in
Winnipeg, Minneapolis and Edmonton. On June 4, 1960 she married Roland
Laliberte of Winnipeg. Of this marriage there were three children,
Michele, Lisa and Gregory. Roland is employed by the Royal Bank of
Canada, International. Their homes have been in Canada, the Caribbean,
Europe, Japan and England. They now reside in Los Angeles.
Judith Ann also took her education in Hartney and Brandon University,
graduating with her B. Ed. degree. Her marriage to John Bertholet of
Grande Clairiere was in March of 1962. She taught in Hartney Elementary
School for seven years. Of this marriage there were two children, Eloi
and Sherilyn. John farmed with Keith for fourteen years and then left
farming. With his wife and children they went to India and Nepal where
John was an Agriculture advisor for three years. The family returned to
Canada for two years, then John and Judith took orientation once again
and left for Camarouns, Africa, to work as Agriculture and Education
Keith and his family took a very keen interest in their church and all
community activities. Keith led town and school bands for many years,
being the bandmaster at the time of Hartney's 75th anniversary. He was
also one of the first hockey coaches and a promoter of the organized
Junior Sports Club of Hartney and area.
In 1976 Keith and Mary retired from farming but continued to live on the
home farm during the summer months and the rest of the year at
Wickenburg, Arizona, U.S.A.
William C. Howland and Veronica Magdalena Agnew
Husband William C. Howland
Born: October 14, 1859 - Madison, Florida Baptized: Died: April 24, 1913 - Savannah, , Georgia Buried: AFN: Q73N-J2
Father: Edward Church Howland Mother: Anna J. Allen
Wife Veronica Magdalena Agnew
Born: 1863 - Madison, Florida Baptized: Died: Buried: AFN: Q73N-K7
1 F Alma Allen Howland
Born: April 20, 1889 - Florida Baptized: Died: Buried: AFN: Q73N-MK
2 M William Agnew Howland
Born: November 15, 1887 - Fernandina, Nassau, Florida Baptized: Died: April 1982 Buried: - Arlington, National, Cemetery AFN: Q73N-LD
Death Notes: Wife - Veronica Magdalena Agnew
Wesley Agnew
Husband Wesley Agnew 16 19
AKA: Wes Born: October 21, 1921 - Hartney, Manitoba, Canada Baptized: Died: March 3, 2000 Buried:
Father: Neil Keith Agnew 16 17 Mother: Mary S. Storey 16
Marriage: December 26, 1944 - Langbank, Saskatchewan, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Military, R.C.A.F
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Wesley Agnew
Agnew, Wesley (A Century of Living Hartney 1882-1982)
Wesley Agnew - youngest son of Mary and Neil K. Agnew, was raised and
educated in Hartney, prior to joining the R.C.A.F. (1942-45). He was a
flying instructor in many places on the prairies. He married Joyce
Burrill in 1944, while he was instructing at Davidson, Saskatchewan.
After his discharge in 1945 he returned to farm in the Hartney district,
where he still resides. They raised a family of five - two daughters,
Donna Payette and Barbara Barrows, both married and living in the Hartney
area, and three sons Neil, Roy and Tom, who live at Brandon and Kelowna,
British Columbia While farming, Wes became aviation minded again and got back into
flying, then gradually started searching the prairie provinces for the
relics and remains of old World War 2 aircraft. Bit by bit and piece by
piece he was able to set up his own private collection of aircraft. In
all, Wes has discovered and preserved 15 World War 2 aircraft, some of
which are now flying or in museums throughout the world. These aircraft
are being preserved for future generations to see, as they represent the
sacrifices and hardships of many young men who flew them. This
collection has since caught the eye of very interested and dedicated
group, R.C.A.F. Assoc., who will help form a "British Commonwealth Air
Training Plan" Museum in Brandon to represent and conserve some of this
history - the first of its kind on the prairies!
Donna Lynne - eldest daughter of Wes and Joyce Agnew, was raised and
educated in Hartney. She attended Brandon University from 1964-65,
taught school in Treherne, Manitoba - Canada from 1965-67. She married Celest
Payette of Somerset, Manitoba - Canada. They moved to Calgary, where Kimberley
Joyce was born. They moved back to Hartney in 1970 where Celest worked
with Wes, helping collect World War 2 aircraft. Later on he purchased
Molison's Service and Ed Graham's farm. A Son, Bradley Dean was born ????.
Barbara Doreen - youngest daughter of Wes and Joyce Agnew, was raised and
educated in Hartney. She married Jack Barrows in 1970. After their
daughter Tammy Doreen was born, they moved to Richmond, British Columbia Jack worked
at Richmond Ply. In 1975 they moved back to Hartney, where Jack worked
for the Co-op, driving the fuel truck. He is now employed with the Good
Roads Department. They have a son Gregory John, born ????. Tammy and
Greg attend school in Hartney. Barb is a teacher's aide at Hartney
Elementary School.
Neil - their oldest son, married Joyce Stone of Brandon on August 31,
1974. They have two daughters.
Roy - lives at home and is a painter, working around Hartney and district.
Tom - married Jane Denbow of Oak Lake, on October 6, 1973. They have a
son and a daughter. They reside at Kelowna, British Columbia.
Alrek Agnisson
Husband Alrek Agnisson
Born: - Uppsala Baptized: Died: 0280 - Uppsala Buried:
Father: Agni Dagsson Mother:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Yngvi Alreksson
Born: - Uppsala Baptized: Died: 0300 - Uppsala Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Alrek Agnisson
Killed by Brother Eirik.
General Notes: Child - Yngvi Alreksson
Fuller Remington Merrell and Christina Agnus
Husband Fuller Remington Merrell
Born: December 23, 1877 - Paradise, Cache, UT Baptized: Died: February 22, 1963 - St. George, Washington, UT Buried: February 26, 1963 - Vernal, Uintah, UT AFN: 2ZR0-1L
Father: Porter William Merrell Mother: Harriet Amelia Remington
Marriage: September 18, 1902
Other Spouse: Sarah Christeena Angus - September 18, 1902 - Salt Lake City, UT
Other Spouse: Christina Angus - September 18, 1902
Wife Christina Agnus
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried: AFN: C0QC-7C
King Pharamond Of Westphalia and Argotta Cimbri Queen Agotta
Husband King Pharamond Of Westphalia
Born: 0370 - Germany, Nordrhein, Westphalia Baptized: Died: 0427 Buried:
Father: Marcomir Mother: Siegse
Father: Marcomir Duke East Franks Mother: Ildegonde Lombardy
Marriage: 0394
Noted events in his life were:
1. Alt. Birth
Wife Argotta Cimbri Queen Agotta
Born: 0368 - France Baptized: Died: 0445 Buried:
Father: Genebald Duke The East Franks King Cimbri Mother:
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth
1 M Fredemundus Desposyni
Born: 0385 Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Clodion
Born: 0420 - France Baptized: Died: 0458 Buried:
3 M Clodius Long Hair King Of Westphalia
Born: 0395 - Westphalia, Germany Baptized: Died: 0447 Buried:Spouse: Basina Princess Thuringia Marr: France
4 M Adalbertus Duke Moselle
Born: Baptized: Died: 0491 Buried:
General Notes: Child - Clodion
Robert Lotin and Marie Aguenin
Husband Robert Lotin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Aguenin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Justine Lotin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Leprevost
Richard Bouchard De Meherenc and Marguerite Agues De Suhard
Husband Richard Bouchard De Meherenc
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Renoul Bouchard Mother: Henrye De Thaon
Marriage: 1391
Wife Marguerite Agues De Suhard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Guillaume Ier De Meherenc
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marguerite De La Haye De Bouillon Marr: 1445
General Notes: Husband - Richard Bouchard De Meherenc
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Seigneur des Landes
(Seigneur des Landes)
General Notes: Wife - Marguerite Agues De Suhard
Name Prefix:<NPFX> demoiselle
General Notes: Child - Guillaume Ier De Meherenc
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Seigneur des landes
(Seigneur des Landes)
Paulo Aguiar and Crystal Thurlow
Husband Paulo Aguiar
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Crystal Thurlow
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Eddie Thurlow Mother: June Ferreira
1 F Michelle Aguiar
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 F Christina Aguiar
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M Antonio Aguiar
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Damion Aguiar
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Hugh Bardolph and Isabella Aguillon
Husband Hugh Bardolph
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Isabella Aguillon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Thomas Bardolph
Born: October 4, 1282 - Watton At Stone, Hertfordshire, England Baptized: Died: - Watton At Stone, Hertfordshire, England Buried: 1328 - Shelford Priory, Nottinghamshire, EnglandSpouse: Agnes De Grandeson Marr: 1308
Ralph Fitzbernard and Joan Aguillon
Husband Ralph Fitzbernard
Born: 1208 - Kingsdown, Kent, England Baptized: Died: June 10, 1238 - Frome Vallis, Somersetshire, England Buried:
Father: Thomas Fitzbarnard Mother: Alice De Jarpenville
Marriage: 1234
Wife Joan Aguillon
Born: 1210 - Frome Vallis, Somersetshire, England Baptized: Died: 1310 Buried:
Father: Robert De Hastang ,Sir Mother: Margery De Fresney
1 F Joan Fitzbernard
Born: 1234 - Kingsdown, Kent, England Baptized: Died: 1310 Buried:Spouse: Guncelin Badlesmere Badlesmere Marr: 1277
2 M John Fitzbarnard
Born: - Kingsdown, Kent, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Bona Fitzbernard
Born: 1216 - Waltham, Kent, England Baptized: Died: 1286 Buried:Spouse: Roger De Northwoode Marr: 1254
General Notes: Child - Bona Fitzbernard
Bone, alias Bonnefille or Banafilia, ('good daughter')
was the sister and heir of John de Waltham in 1265,
and daughter of Henry de Waltham or Wautham.
Bona was possibly a grandaughter of Ralph
FitzBernard and Alianora de Thruham, heiress of
Binbury and Thurnham Court. [James G. Dempsey,
"Norwood - Northwood families of Kent Warwickshire
and Gloucestershire.]
Humbert Pogeys and Joan Aguillon
Husband Humbert Pogeys
Born: 1230 Baptized: Died: 1330 Buried:Marriage: 1258
Wife Joan Aguillon
Born: 1210 - Old Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: 1263 Buried:
Father: Robert Aguillon Mother: Margery Of Fresney
1 M Sir Knight Robert Pugeys
Born: 1258 - Stoke Poges Buckinghamshire England Baptized: Died: 1330 Buried:Spouse: Amicia Stoke Marr: 1284
Manasser Aguillon I Of Marden & Wallon
Husband Manasser Aguillon I Of Marden & Wallon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: 1120
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Manasser II Aguillon
Born: 1120 - Marden, Westbourne, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: 1172 - Nutborne, Sussex, England Buried:
Manasser II Aguillon
Husband Manasser II Aguillon
Born: 1120 - Marden, Westbourne, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: 1172 - Nutborne, Sussex, England Buried:
Father: Manasser Aguillon I Of Marden & Wallon Mother:
Marriage: 1143
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Richard Aguillon
Born: 1143 - Marden, Westbourne, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: July 10, 1201 - Nutborne, Sussex, England Buried:Spouse: Ela De Freville Marr: 1164 - England
Richard Aguillon and Ela De Freville
Husband Richard Aguillon
Born: 1143 - Marden, Westbourne, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: July 10, 1201 - Nutborne, Sussex, England Buried:
Father: Manasser II Aguillon Mother:
Marriage: 1164 - England
Wife Ela De Freville
Born: 1145 - Congham, Freebridge, Lyn, Norfolks, England Baptized: Died: 1245 Buried:
1 M Robert Aguillon
Born: 1164 - Marden, Westbourne, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: 1232 Buried:Spouse: Agatha Beaufo Marr: 1186
Robert Aguillon and Agatha Beaufo
Husband Robert Aguillon
Born: 1164 - Marden, Westbourne, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: 1232 Buried:
Father: Richard Aguillon Mother: Ela De Freville
Marriage: 1186
Wife Agatha Beaufo
Born: 1165 - Thatcham, Newbury, Berks, England Baptized: Died: 1265 Buried:
Father: Fulk Of Thatcham Beaufo Mother:
1 M Robert Aguillon
Born: 1186 - Old Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: 1249 Buried:Spouse: Margery Of Fresney Marr: 1210
Robert Aguillon and Margery Of Fresney
Husband Robert Aguillon
Born: 1186 - Old Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: 1249 Buried:
Father: Robert Aguillon Mother: Agatha Beaufo
Marriage: 1210
Wife Margery Of Fresney
Born: 1188 - Fresney, Eure, Normandy, France Baptized: Died: 1288 Buried:
Father: Guillaume Of Fresney Mother:
1 F Joan Aguillon
Born: 1210 - Old Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex, England Baptized: Died: 1263 Buried:Spouse: Humbert Pogeys Marr: 1258
William II De Whitynton and Hawise Agullion
Husband William II De Whitynton
Born: 1235 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: William De Whitynton Mother:
Wife Hawise Agullion
Born: 1235 - England Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M William Whittington
Born: 1260 - Pauntley Gloucestershire England Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Maud De Solers
Athanagildo Visigoth Spain and Flavia Juliana Agusto
Husband Athanagildo Visigoth Spain
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: St. Hermenegild Visigoth Spain Mother: Ingunda Soissons
Wife Flavia Juliana Agusto
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pedro Agusto Mother:
1 M Ardebasto Visigoth Spain
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Pedro Agusto
Husband Pedro Agusto
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Paulus Aradisco Mother: Joanna
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Flavia Juliana Agusto
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Athanagildo Visigoth Spain
Johann Bernardin Trott and Mathilde Aha
Husband Johann Bernardin Trott
Born: May 18, 1882 - Hofaschenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Preussen Baptized: Died: April 29, 1957 - Hofaschenbach, Germany Buried:
Father: Josef Trott Mother: Frederika Hess
Marriage: October 8, 1912 - Hofaschenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Preussen
Wife Mathilde Aha
Born: June 5, 1888 - Mittelaschenbach, , Hessen-Nassau, Preussen Baptized: Died: August 13, 1966 - Hofaschenbach, Germany Buried:
Ahab and Jezebel
Husband Ahab
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Jezebel
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Ethbaal Mother:
1 F Athaliah
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jehoram King Judah
Ahaziah and Zibiah
Husband Ahaziah
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jehoram King Judah Mother: Athaliah
Wife Zibiah
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Joash King Judah
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jehoaddan
Thomas Lawless and Helen Ahearn
Husband Thomas Lawless
Born: December 15, 1848 - County Waterford, Ireland Baptized: Died: - Prince Edward Island, Canada Buried:
Father: Thomas Lawless Mother: Mary Dunn
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism
Wife Helen Ahearn
Born: - Darnley, Lot #18, Prince Edward Island, Canada Baptized: Died: 1847 - Prince Edward Island Buried:
Father: Peter Heron Ahearn Mother: Mary
Other Spouse: Thomas Lawless - Prince Edward Island
1 F Mary Lawless 25
Born: 1818 - Malpeque, Prince Edward Island, Canada Baptized: Died: 1903 - Prince Edward Island Buried: 1903 - St. Pauls Cemetary, Sumerside, PEISpouse: John Granda Baker 25 Marr: September 2, 1839 - St. Eleanor's, Prince Edward Island, Canada
2 M James Lawless
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Sarah Doyle
3 M Peter Lawless
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Elizabeth Lawless
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 M Michael Lawless
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 M Nicholas Lawless
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
7 M Joseph Lawless
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
8 F Margaret Lawless
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
9 F Ellen Lawless
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Thomas Lawless
Thomas Lawless was a Sea Captain
Thomas Lawless and Helen Ahearn
Husband Thomas Lawless
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - Prince Edward Island
Other Spouse: Mary Dunn - 1847
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation
2. Residence
Wife Helen Ahearn
Born: - Darnley, Lot #18, Prince Edward Island, Canada Baptized: Died: 1847 - Prince Edward Island Buried:
Father: Peter Heron Ahearn Mother: Mary
Other Spouse: Thomas Lawless
1 M James Lawless
Born: 1817 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Sarah Doyle Marr: Malpeque, PEI St. Mary's
2 F Mary Lawless 25
Born: 1818 - Malpeque, Prince Edward Island, Canada Baptized: Died: 1903 - Prince Edward Island Buried: 1903 - St. Pauls Cemetary, Sumerside, PEISpouse: John Granda Baker 25 Marr: September 2, 1839 - St. Eleanor's, Prince Edward Island, Canada
3 M Peter Lawless
Born: 1820 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joanna Long Marr: November 29, 1850 - PEI - St Mary's
4 F Elizabeth Lawless
Born: 1821 - Norboro, PEI Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: John Reeves
5 M Michael Lawless 25
Born: 1828 Baptized: Died: 1914 - Norboro, Prince Edward Island - Canada Buried: - Summerfield, Prince Edward Island, CanadaSpouse: Mary Ann Baker 25 Marr: November 14, 1853 - Norboro, P.E.I. - Canada
6 M Nicholas Lawless
Born: 1828 Baptized: Died: Buried:
7 M Joseph Lawless
Born: 1829 Baptized: Died: Buried:
8 F Margaret Lawless
Born: April 17, 1833 - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Baptized: Died: Buried:
9 F Ellen Lawless
Born: June 10, 1835 - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Thomas Lawless
Thomas Lawless was a Sea Captain....
General Notes: Child - Michael Lawless
In Michaels will dated Sept. 16, 1914 and proved Jan 14, 1915, left his
daughter Martha his bedclothes and $20.00. His son and family the
balance of the estate. He directed that $26.00 dollars be paid to the
priest of the Freetown Roman Catholic Church(Summerfield) for "Masses
for the repose of my soul, to be paid to said priest as the masses are
said by him" (P.E.I. wills, Liber 19, folio 458)
James Ahearn and Margaret Gavin
Husband James Ahearn
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Peter Ahearn Mother: Mary Quinahan
Wife Margaret Gavin
Born: 1800 - Ireland Baptized: Died: February 2, 1892 Buried:
Father: John Galvin Mother: Mary Kinsole
Peter Ahearn and Mary Quinahan
Husband Peter Ahearn
Born: 1777 - Darnley, Prince Edward Island, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Peter Heron Ahearn Mother: Mary
Wife Mary Quinahan
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M James Ahearn
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Margaret Gavin
Gnaeus Domitas Ahenobarbus and Julia Agrippina The Younger
Husband Gnaeus Domitas Ahenobarbus
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Julia Agrippina The Younger
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Drusus Germanicus Mother: Vipsania Augusta
1 M Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Born: - Dec 15, 037 Ad Antium Near Rome Baptized: Died: - June 09, 068 Ad Buried:Spouse: Claudia OctaviaSpouse: Statilia MessinaSpouse: Poppea Sabina
General Notes: Child - Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Born; Lucius Dormiticus Ahenobarbus
Pierre Andre Ouellet and Anne Ahier
Husband Pierre Andre Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Ouellet Mother: Genevieve Ouellet
Marriage: September 27, 1836 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Anne Ahier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Henriette Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: William Ouellet Marr: February 20, 1870 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
Husband Ahimaaz
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: High Priest Zadok Mother:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Azariah
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Husband Ahithophel
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Ammiel
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Husband Ahitub
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Amariah Mother:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Meraioth
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Eric Aho and May Hendsbee
Husband Eric Aho
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife May Hendsbee
Born: November 6, 1906 - Madison ME Baptized: Died: October 5, 2005 - Skowhegan ME Buried:
Father: Lloyd Ellot Hendsbee Mother: Jane Pheobie Knowland
General Notes: Wife - May Hendsbee
MADISON --ÊMay Hendsbee Aho passed away on the afternoon of Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2005, at Redington-Fairview General Hospital in Skowhegan.
She was born Nov. 6, 1906, in Madison, the daughter of Lloyd and Jane (Knowlan) Hendsbee. May attended schools in Madison and graduated from Madison Memorial in 1925. After graduation, May moved to Rockport, Mass., to stay with family to work. She became a switchboard operator, as well as working in other various capacities, for New England Telephone Co. for 40 years.
She met and married Eric Aho on Feb. 1, 1936; they resided in Rockport and operated a rooming house during the summer months.
May also worked for the telephone company in Gloucester, Mass., Salem, Mass., and Danvers, Mass. She was an excellent seamstress and cook for many, many years. She knitted mittens for family and for the local elementary school in Massachusetts.
She was a member of the First Congregational Church in Rockport and was very involved in all her church's activities. When she and her husband retired they moved back home to Madison. She attended the United Baptist Church in Madison where she was active in the Mission Circle. She was also a member of the Forget Me Not Branch of the International Sunshine Society of Madison. May also enjoyed being a camp owner on Embden Pond and on Moose Pond, various years throughout her life.
She is survived by three brothers, Wilfred and Harold "Bud" Hendsbee of Madison and Donald "Tata" Hendsbee of East Millinocket; three sisters, Milly Moody and Margaret Cowan of Madison and Murial Remick of Rockport, Mass.; many nieces, nephews and cousins.
She was predeceased by her husband, Eric Aho; her parents, two brothers, Lauria and Alfred Hendsbee; and one sister, Lilian Craven.
Honoring her wishes there will be no visiting hours or funeral service
Carl Christian August Bohne and Gesine Margaretha Ahrens
Husband Carl Christian August Bohne
Born: October 15, 1826 Baptized: Died: November 19, 1893 - Dorfhagen, Germany Buried:Marriage:
Wife Gesine Margaretha Ahrens
Born: January 8, 1828 - Hasbergen Baptized: January 13, 1828 - Hasbergen Died: March 13, 1913 - Hambergen, Germany Buried:
1 F Marie Johanne Gesine Bohne
Born: May 20, 1859 - Delmenhorst Baptized: Died: November 16, 1935 - Hambergen, Germany Buried:Spouse: Claus Freidrich Pingel Marr: July 3, 1882 - Bokel, Germany
Jean Aide and Jacquette Vaine
Husband Jean Aide
Born: Baptized: Died: December 12, 1726 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried:Marriage: - St-Sornin, Rochefort, France
Wife Jacquette Vaine
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Jean Aide Crequis
Born: 1664 - St-Sornin, Rochefort, France Baptized: Died: December 1726 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: December 12, 1726 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Catherine Angelique Delisle 26 Marr: November 3, 1689 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Louis Joseph Bossu Lyonnais Boissel and Francoise Aide Creguy
Husband Louis Joseph Bossu Lyonnais Boissel
Born: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: December 1760 - Québec, Qc Buried: December 15, 1760 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Father: Jean Baptiste Francois Bossu Lyonnais Mother: Elisabeth Ursule Proulx
Marriage: May 26, 1729 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Other Spouse: Charlotte Villeneuve - July 13, 1745 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc
Wife Francoise Aide Creguy
Born: April 24, 1708 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: April 24, 1708 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: - Québec, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
1 M Louis Joseph Bossu Lyonnais
Born: May 1731 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: May 8, 1731 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: January 1779 - Québec, Qc Buried: January 20, 1779 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Marie Louise Gaffay Gaffe Gasse Marr: January 12, 1761 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Joseph Louis Dubuc and Angelique Aide Crequis
Husband Joseph Louis Dubuc
Born: July 4, 1702 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: July 4, 1702 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Romain Dubuc Mother: Anne Pinel
Marriage: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Wife Angelique Aide Crequis
Born: April 20, 1713 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: April 20, 1713 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: May 3, 1758 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: May 4, 1758 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Jean Aide Crequis Mother: Catherine Angelique Delisle 26
1 M Louis Joseph Dubuc
Born: October 1734 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: October 22, 1734 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Genevieve Loriot Marr: January 31, 1757 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Marie Anne Beland Marr: September 20, 1779 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
2 M Romain Dubuc
Born: April 1736 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: April 21, 1736 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Louise Amyot Villeneuve Marr: August 22, 1757 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
3 M Jean Baptiste Dubuc
Born: March 29, 1738 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: March 30, 1738 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Therese Bordeleau Marr: April 22, 1771 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
4 F Angelique Dubuc
Born: October 1739 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: October 24, 1739 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Eustache Godin Marr: February 19, 1759 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
5 F Madeleine Dubuc
Born: April 16, 1741 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: April 16, 1741 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Louis Joseph Dore Marr: October 6, 1766 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Joseph Louis Dubuc
Death Notes: Child - Louis Joseph Dubuc
Death Notes: Child - Romain Dubuc
Death Notes: Child - Jean Baptiste Dubuc
Death Notes: Child - Angelique Dubuc
Death Notes: Child - Madeleine Dubuc
Raphael Bouchard Dorval and Catherine Aide Crequis
Husband Raphael Bouchard Dorval
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Jacques Bouchard Dorval Mother: Angelique Lambert Champagne
Marriage: September 1, 1766 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Wife Catherine Aide Crequis
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Louis Aide Crequis Mother: Marie Helene Lefebvre
1 F Genevieve Bouchard Dorval
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Boivin Marr: February 19, 1798 - Baie-St-Paul, Cté Charlevoix, Qc
Pierre Jourdain Bellerose and Catherine Aide Crequis
Husband Pierre Jourdain Bellerose
Born: 1676 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Jourdain Mother: Catherine Dupuis
Marriage: April 5, 1723 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Other Spouse: Marguerite Barbeau
Other Spouse: Marie Anne Crête - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Wife Catherine Aide Crequis
Born: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: November 6, 1757 - Québec, Qc Buried: November 7, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Father: Jean Aide Crequis Mother: Catherine Angelique Delisle 26
Other Spouse: Louis Joseph Moreau - Notre-Dame-DE-Foy, Ste-Foy, Qc
1 F Therese Jourdain Bellerose
Born: July 29, 1726 - Québec, Qc Baptized: July 30, 1726 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Seguin Marr: October 5, 1744 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
2 F Catherine Madeleine Jourdain
Born: April 17, 1732 - Québec, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Charles Thomas Guilbault Marr: June 8, 1750 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Francois Marie Thouin Marr: November 24, 1766 - St-Pierre-Du-Portage, L'assomption. Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Pierre Jourdain Bellerose
Death Notes: Child - Therese Jourdain Bellerose
Death Notes: Child - Catherine Madeleine Jourdain
Louis Joseph Moreau and Catherine Aide Crequis
Husband Louis Joseph Moreau
Born: August 4, 1698 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'annonciation-DE-L'ancienne-Lorette, Qc Baptized: August 4, 1698 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'annonciation-DE-L'ancienne-Lorette, Qc Died: October 31, 1776 - Hôpital Général DE Québec. Qc Buried: November 3, 1776 - Hôpital Général DE Québec. Qc
Father: Louis Moreau Mother: Marie Catherine Bonhomme Beaupre
Marriage: - Notre-Dame-DE-Foy, Ste-Foy, Qc
Wife Catherine Aide Crequis
Born: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: November 6, 1757 - Québec, Qc Buried: November 7, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Father: Jean Aide Crequis Mother: Catherine Angelique Delisle 26
Other Spouse: Pierre Jourdain Bellerose - April 5, 1723 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Francois Belanger and Elisabeth Aide Crequis
Husband Francois Belanger
Born: November 18, 1723 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: November 18, 1723 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: July 13, 1811 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Buried:
Father: Charles Belanger Mother: Madeleine Jobidon
Marriage: November 3, 1748 27
Wife Elisabeth Aide Crequis
Born: Baptized: Died: October 7, 1794 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Buried: October 8, 1794 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
Father: Jean Baptiste Aide Crequis Mother: Marie Duboc
1 M Francois Belanger
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Therese Auge Marr: April 26, 1774 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
2 M Joseph Marie Belanger
Born: February 22, 1756 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Catherine Lemay Marr: February 16, 1802 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
3 M Jean Baptiste Belanger
Born: December 9, 1757 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Baptized: December 9, 1757 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Died: August 23, 1797 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Beaudet Marr: November 7, 1785 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
4 F Marie Josephte Belanger
Born: November 9, 1769 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Baptized: November 9, 1769 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Jacques Jacques Lapierre Marr: November 27, 1787 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Joseph Marie Belanger
Death Notes: Child - Marie Josephte Belanger
Jean Aide Crequis and Catherine Angelique Delisle
Husband Jean Aide Crequis
Born: 1664 - St-Sornin, Rochefort, France Baptized: Died: December 1726 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: December 12, 1726 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Jean Aide Mother: Jacquette Vaine
Marriage: November 3, 1689 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Wife Catherine Angelique Delisle 26
Born: June 5, 1674 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: June 11, 1674 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: 1727 Buried:
Father: Louis Delisle 28 Mother: Louise Desgranges 28
1 M Jean Baptiste Aide Crequis
Born: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: July 18, 1765 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Buried: July 19, 1765 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, QcSpouse: Marie DubocSpouse: Louise Mezeray Marr: St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
2 M Louis Aide Crequis
Born: August 5, 1695 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: August 5, 1695 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: February 27, 1755 - Québec, Qc Buried: February 28, 1755 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Marie Helene Lefebvre Marr: September 10, 1729 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
3 M Ignace Aide Dit Crequy
Born: June 20, 1700 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: June 21, 1700 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: July 9, 1765 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: July 9, 1765 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Marie Madeleine Angelique Pinel Lafrance Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
4 F Catherine Aide Crequis
Born: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: November 6, 1757 - Québec, Qc Buried: November 7, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Pierre Jourdain Bellerose Marr: April 5, 1723 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Louis Joseph Moreau Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-Foy, Ste-Foy, Qc
5 F Angelique Aide Crequis
Born: April 20, 1713 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: April 20, 1713 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: May 3, 1758 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: May 4, 1758 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Joseph Louis Dubuc Marr: St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Catherine Angelique Delisle
General Notes: Wife - Catherine Angelique Delisle
Je n
ai pu trouver sa sepulture. Cependant, au mariage de son fils
Antoine Aide-Crequi, le 18 octobre 1745, elle y tait. Donc sa mort est
survenue aprs cette date.
A trouver!
Notes: Marriage
Pierre Grenon - Cousin
Joseph Lie
Henri Chatel
Denis Genty
Prtre: J. Basset
Contrat de mariage: notaire Genaple de Bellefeuille, le 30 octobre 1689.
Jean Baptiste Aide Crequis and Marie Duboc
Husband Jean Baptiste Aide Crequis
Born: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: July 18, 1765 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Buried: July 19, 1765 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
Father: Jean Aide Crequis Mother: Catherine Angelique Delisle 26
Other Spouse: Louise Mezeray - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Wife Marie Duboc
Born: Baptized: Died: June 1717 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: June 25, 1717 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Jacques Duboc Bayonne Mother: Therese Marie Felix Arontio
1 F Elisabeth Aide Crequis
Born: Baptized: Died: October 7, 1794 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Buried: October 8, 1794 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, QcSpouse: Francois Belanger Marr: November 3, 1748 27
Jean Baptiste Aide Crequis and Louise Mezeray
Husband Jean Baptiste Aide Crequis
Born: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: July 18, 1765 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Buried: July 19, 1765 - St-Louis, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
Father: Jean Aide Crequis Mother: Catherine Angelique Delisle 26
Marriage: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Duboc
Wife Louise Mezeray
Born: May 19, 1695 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: May 19, 1695 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: 1766 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: February 1, 1766 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Jean Mezeray Mother: Madeleine Masse
Louis Aide Crequis and Marie Helene Lefebvre
Husband Louis Aide Crequis
Born: August 5, 1695 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: August 5, 1695 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: February 27, 1755 - Québec, Qc Buried: February 28, 1755 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Father: Jean Aide Crequis Mother: Catherine Angelique Delisle 26
Marriage: September 10, 1729 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Wife Marie Helene Lefebvre
Born: - Québec, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Thomas Lefebvre Mother: Helene Gonthier
1 F Catherine Aide Crequis
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Raphael Bouchard Dorval Marr: September 1, 1766 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Helene Lefebvre
Etienne Bordeleau and Louise Aide Crequis
Husband Etienne Bordeleau
Born: November 2, 1717 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: November 6, 1717 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Antoine Bordeleau Mother: Catherine Piche
Marriage: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Other Spouse: Genevieve Beland - April 17, 1747 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Wife Louise Aide Crequis
Born: December 1726 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: December 28, 1726 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Ignace Aide Dit Crequy Mother: Marie Madeleine Angelique Pinel Lafrance
1 M Louis Bordeleau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Francoise Lemonier Monier Marr: February 19, 1776 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Etienne Bordeleau
Death Notes: Wife - Louise Aide Crequis
Francois Joachim Lemonier Monier and Marie Anne Aide Crequis
Husband Francois Joachim Lemonier Monier
Born: 1712 - Ste-Anne, Villebaudon, Manche, France Baptized: December 15, 1712 - Ste-Anne, Villebaudon, Manche, France Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Lemonnier Mother: Marie Lebas
Marriage: January 19, 1761 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Other Spouse: Therese Beland - April 29, 1743 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Aide Crequis
Born: June 1731 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: June 10, 1731 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Ignace Aide Dit Crequy Mother: Marie Madeleine Angelique Pinel Lafrance
Death Notes: Husband - Francois Joachim Lemonier Monier
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Aide Crequis
Jean Baptiste Toupin Dussault and Marie Clothilde Aide Crequis
Husband Jean Baptiste Toupin Dussault
Born: December 8, 1707 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: December 8, 1707 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: September 15, 1780 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: September 17, 1780 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Jean Baptiste Toupin Dit Dussault Mother: Madeleine Jacquette Turcot
Marriage: April 11, 1763 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Anne Dizy Dit Montplaisir - July 27, 1729 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Champlain, Cté Champlain, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Catherine Veronneau - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Wife Marie Clothilde Aide Crequis
Born: October 12, 1740 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: October 13, 1740 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: August 31, 1796 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: September 2, 1796 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Ignace Aide Dit Crequy Mother: Marie Madeleine Angelique Pinel Lafrance
Other Spouse: Jean Baptiste Vezina - February 24, 1783 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
1 F Clothilde Dussault
Born: May 19, 1764 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: May 19, 1764 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Page Marr: July 23, 1781 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc
2 M Augustin Jean Baptiste Toupin Dussault
Born: October 21, 1765 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: October 22, 1765 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: June 20, 1839 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: June 22, 1839 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Angelique Faucher Dit Châteauvert Marr: February 6, 1782 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Marie Louise Matte Marr: February 20, 1797 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
3 F Madeleine Toupin Dussault Belair
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Eustache Faucher Châteauvert St Maurice Marr: January 23, 1785 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
4 M Jean Baptiste Toupin Dussault
Born: October 5, 1773 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: October 5, 1773 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: December 11, 1855 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: December 13, 1855 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Madeleine Proulx Marr: May 23, 1796 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Clothilde Dussault
Jean Baptiste Vezina and Marie Clothilde Aide Crequis
Husband Jean Baptiste Vezina
Born: April 1757 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: April 2, 1757 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: Buried:Marriage: February 24, 1783 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Wife Marie Clothilde Aide Crequis
Born: October 12, 1740 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: October 13, 1740 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Died: August 31, 1796 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: September 2, 1796 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Ignace Aide Dit Crequy Mother: Marie Madeleine Angelique Pinel Lafrance
Other Spouse: Jean Baptiste Toupin Dussault - April 11, 1763 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Jean Baptiste Vezina
Francois De Sales Beland and Marie Francoise Aide Crequis
Husband Francois De Sales Beland
Born: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: Died: September 19, 1791 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: September 20, 1792 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Mathurin Beland Mother: Marie Jeanne Anne Morel
Marriage: November 26, 1742 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Wife Marie Francoise Aide Crequis
Born: July 25, 1725 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: Died: January 27, 1795 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: January 28, 1795 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Ignace Aide Dit Crequy Mother: Marie Madeleine Angelique Pinel Lafrance
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, July 25, 1725 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc
1 M Jacques Beland
Born: July 10, 1755 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: Died: February 24, 1810 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: February 26, 1810 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Marie Josephe Marier Marr: June 25, 1782 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'annonciation-DE-L'ancienne-Lorette, Qc
Donnchad King Ossory and Aife
Husband Donnchad King Ossory
Born: 0922 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cillach King Ossary Mother: Echrad Princess Ulster
Wife Aife
Born: 0922 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Faelan King Dessi Munster Mother:
1 M Gilla Patrick King Ossory
Born: 0955 Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 parkhurst.FTW.
2 Anderson, Robert Charles. English Origin of Edward Garfield of Waterto wn, MA. In The N.E. Historical and Genealogical R.
3 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, NEHGS, [Boston, MA, October 2002] vol. 156, p. 331.
4 Early Settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, Henry Bond, [NEHGS, Boston, MA, 1860] vol. 1, p. 231.
5 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, NEHGS, [Boston, MA, October 2002] vol. 156, p. 332.
6 Early Settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, Henry Bond, [NEHGS, Boston, MA, 1860] vol. 1, p. 232.
7 Sharon V Pate, GEDCOM File :
8 Sharon V Pate, GEDCOM File : Alley-Shar-.ged.
9, Public Member Trees (Name: The Generations Network, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;), Database online.
10 Ancestry Family Trees (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members;), Ancestry Family Trees.
11 Jim Hier, GEDCOM File : Hier Genealogy4.ged.
12 GEDCOM File : ~AT7384.ged.
13 kacy davis, ReVeal-Davis Family Tree May 2007 (entry number 181598 in
15 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM), June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998.
16 Hartney and District Historical Committee, A Century of Living Hartney and District 1882-1982 (Name: Published by Hartney and District Historical Committee - printed by Derksen Printersm Steinbach, Manitoba - Canada;).
17 The Dand Women's Institute History Committee, Golden Memories 1882-1967 - A History of the Dand Community (Name: Leech Printing Ltd - Brandon, Manitoba - Canada;).
18 Hartney Riverside Cemetery Hartney, Manitoba - Canada, I was there and copied dates from Head Stones, age 24.
19 Jean Ammeter, decendants of NEIL KEITH & FLORA McDOUGALL (Name: 1993;).
20 Keith Agnew - e-mail-, Agnew (Name:;).
21 David Upham :- E-mail -, Uphams of Pitminster.
22 Hartney Riverside Cemetery Hartney, Manitoba - Canada, I was there and copied dates from Head Stones.
23 Hartney Riverside Cemetery Hartney, Manitoba - Canada, I was there and copied dates from Head Stones, age 67.
25 Ross Graves, William Schurman - Loyalist (Genealogy of the Schurman Line from 1590).
27 Contrat de mariage notaire Choret.
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