William Bassett
Husband William Bassett 1 2 3
Born: 1624 - Plymouth, Massachusetts 4 Baptized: Died: June 10, 1670 - Sandwich , Mass. Buried:
Father: William Bassett 2 5 Mother: Elizabeth Tilden 2 5
Marriage: 1652 - Sandwich, Barnstable Co., Massachusetts
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation 4, Keeper of an Ordinary - Sandwich, Barnstable, MA
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Alt. Marriage - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
William Bassett
Husband William Bassett 1 2 3
Born: 1624 - Plymouth, Massachusetts 4 Baptized: Died: June 10, 1670 - Sandwich , Mass. Buried:
Father: William Bassett 2 5 Mother: Elizabeth Tilden 2 5
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation 4, Keeper of an Ordinary - Sandwich, Barnstable, MA
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Notes: Marriage
William Bassett and Mary Rainsford
Husband William Bassett
Born: - Plymouth, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts Baptized: Died: May 29, 1670 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Buried:
Father: William Bassett 2 5 Mother: Elizabeth
Wife Mary Rainsford
Born: June 1, 1632 Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M William Bassett
Born: 1656 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Baptized: Died: September 29, 1721 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Buried:Spouse: Rachael Wilkinston Marr: October 9, 1675 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA
William Bassett and Rachael Wilkinston
Husband William Bassett
Born: 1656 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Baptized: Died: September 29, 1721 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Buried:
Father: William Bassett Mother: Mary Rainsford
Marriage: October 9, 1675 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA
Wife Rachael Wilkinston
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M William Bassett
Born: 1680 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Baptized: Died: - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Buried:Spouse: Abigail Bourne
William Bassett and Elizabeth Tilden
Husband William Bassett 2 5
Born: 1590 - Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England 5 6 Baptized: October 24, 1600 - Stepney, London, England Died: April 4, 1667 - Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts 5 6 Buried: May 12, 1667 - Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MassachusettsMarriage: - Leiden, Holland
Other Spouse: Elizabeth
Other Spouse: Margaret Oldham 2
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation 4, Blacksmith
Wife Elizabeth Tilden 2 5
Born: 1603 - Bridgewater, Worcester, England 5 6 Baptized: May 20, 1610 Died: 1650 - Duxbury, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts 5 6 Buried:
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth - Bridgewater, Worcester, Massachusetts
2. Alt. Death - Bridgewater Village, Plymouth Colony
"Bassett Genealogy"; by Stephen P. H. Frakes from "Footprints in Marion County, Illinois"; XII:3:21; Winter, 1988 (ACPL)
1 M William Bassett 1 2 3
Born: 1624 - Plymouth, Massachusetts 4 Baptized: Died: June 10, 1670 - Sandwich , Mass. Buried:
2 M Nathaniel Bassett 2
Born: 1628 - Plymouth , Mass. 4 Baptized: Died: July 16, 1709 - Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., Massachusetts 4 Buried:
3 F Elizabeth Bassett 2
Born: 1629 - Bridgewater, Worcester, Massachusetts 4 Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Sarah Bassett 2 5
AKA: Sarah White Born: 1630 - Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts 4 5 7 8 Baptized: Died: - Marshfield, Plymouth, MA 4 5 7 8 Buried: - Old Home Cemetary At The 'Webster Place' 4 AFN: 8J4J-5TSpouse: Peregrine WhiteSpouse: Peregrine White Marr: November 7, 1647 - Marshfield, Plymouth, MA
5 M Joseph Bassett 2 5
Born: - Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts 4 5 Baptized: Died: 1712 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA 4 5 Buried:
6 F Ruth Bassett 2 5
Born: - Bridgewater, Massachusetts 4 Baptized: Died: March 26, 1676 - Marshfield , Mass. 6 Buried:Spouse: John Sprague Sr. 2 5 Marr: 1655 - Duxbury, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts 9
General Notes: Husband - William Bassett
He was a member of the Leiden Separatist congregation
Immigration: 1621 aboard 'FORTUNE' age 26 (was a gunsmith and metal worker).
!The Bassett family in Sandwich, England is Huguenot per Barber's"British Family Names" {-"The Trail of the Huguenots...," G. ElmoreReaman (Toronto: Thomas Allen Ltd., 1963, p.263)}
William is of the Sandwich, England and Bethnal Green, Middlesex line. {-"Saints and Strangers", G.F.Williston, and "The Pilgrim Reader".} The surname appears in 1066--Thurstine de Bassett was Grand Falconer tothe Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings. The name is thereafter notablein England - in the Domesday Book as well as the Battle Abbey Roll.Thurstine built Beaupre Castle near Cambridge in Glamorgan, Wales, soonafter the Conquest, and his son Ralph was Lord Chief Justice of Englandunder King Henry I. Another Bassett castle is at Tehidy Park in Camborne,Cornwall; this line had large incomes from mining. Two Bassetts wereamong the King's counsellors at the signing of the Magna Charta.
!BACKGROUND ON WILLIAM BASSETT THE PILGRIM - Compiled and edited byLoyal Gordon Bassett from several sources, February, 2000.
SURNAME The Bassett surname is believed to be associated with the English wordmeaning "the short man" or the French word meaning "of low physicalstature". The family name may have its origins in Normandy, France. Thename sometimes is spelled "Bassit", "Bassite" or "Basset". BASSETT HISTORY
The earliest Bassett record in England is of Thurstine de Bassett, whocame from Normandy in 1066, as Grand Falconer of William the Conqueror.His name is in the Doomsday Book and in the Battle Abbey Roll. Thurstinebuilt Beaupre Castle, near Cowbridge in Glamoragn, Wales, soon after thebattle of Hastings. His son Lord Ralph Bassett was Chief Justice ofEngland, under Henry I (1068-1135). The Bassetts of England are probablydescended from this family but we have no records that show anyline.(Bassett-Preston Ancestors, 1930, p 23) The surname name isthereafter notable in England. Another Bassett castle is at Tehidy Parkin Camborne, Cornwall; this line had large incomes from mining. There areseveral villages in England named "Bassett" and there were many Bassettswho were Barons.
Sir Thomas Bassett and Sir Francis Bassett were major generals to theKing. Two other Bassetts, Alan and Thomas, were among the King'scounselors at the signing of the Magna Charta.(Bassett Family book DARLibrary, Washington DC)
WILLIAM BASSETT IN ENGLAND William was baptized October 24, 1600 in Stepney, England. He probablywas the son of William from Bethnal Green, England and descends from thisfamily. He is of the Sandwich, England and Bethnal Green, Middlesex line.{"Saints and Strangers", G.F.Williston, and "The Pilgrim Reader"}
(Geocities.com/~valerie reports his parents are Walter and SconsolateBassett and was born 1590 in Sandwich, Kent, England. Sara-Jane Tarr reports under Familytreemaker.comthat Cecilia Light may be his mother. Also reported birth abt 1572 inSandwich, Kent, England by Jeff Manson.)
"… no proof has yet been discovered as to the parentage of our WilliamBassett in England. The Leyden records indicate that he came fromSandwich, Kent County near the Dover Coast." (Buell Burdett Bassette1611, July 29, P12 report of the 2nd ReunionBassett Family, 1898, from Steven Bassett)
WILLIAM BASSETT IN LEYDEN, HOLLAND William Bassett, a Leyden Separatist, was a drayman and a master masonfrom Sandwich, Kent. He was a widower of Cicely Bassett, and he wasbetrothed in Leyden in 1611 to Mary Butler, with William Brewster, RogerWilson, Anna Fuller, and Rose Lisle as witnesses, but Mary died beforethe marriage. "On the 19th of March, 1611, were affianced Wm. Bassett, drayman, fromSandwich in England, the widower of Cecilia Light, accompanied by RogerWilson and Wm. Brewster, his friends, and Margaret Butler.' ... the bridedied before the 3rd calling and was interred April 9, 1611." (From "TheBassett-Preston Ancestry", Preston, 929.2 B2948P, Burton Library, DetroitPublic Library (researched June 13, 1998), Records from the City ofLeyden, Holland. From Steven Bassett)
VOYAGE TO AMERICA William Bassett's original trip to America was delayed. He was on theship "Speedwell" and it developed a leak and could not continue with the"Mayflower". The "Speedwell" became unseaworthy and both ships returnedto port. The "Speedwell" proved to be unfit for anymore sea duty and areplacement ship could not be found. So the "Mayflower" left alone inAugust. The following spring the ship "Fortune" was found and hired tomake the trip with "Speedwell's" passengers and others. Wm. Bassett thensailed with the "Fortune" to Plymouth.
"One (of 35) of the passengers arriving on the FORTUNE was themuch-married master mason WILLIAM BASSETT who was forced to give up hisplace in the original MAYFLOWER to wait for the next departing ship."(http://members.tripod.com/~MEJPA/MYMAYFLOWERS.html)
He sailed on the "Fortune" in 1621, arrived November 19. This was thesecond ship to reach Plymouth. "The (ship's) company included a few more from Leyden ... WilliamBassett, the much married master mason, with his third wife..." ("Saintsand Strangers", p 191). "Saints: (9 men, 2 women, 1 child): Bassett,William (c. 1590-c.1655)- master mason, of Bethnal Green, Middlesex.Married Leyden, 1611, to 2nd wife, Margaret Oldham; later married 3rdwife; Purchaser, 1626; removed to Bridgewater, 1649. (p444)
Elizabeth Bassett arrived in the second ship to reach Plymouth, "TheFortune", with her husband, at least it is thought so. If not she came inthe "Ann" or the "Little John" which came in 1623, in which case Williamand Elizabeth probably married on this side at Plymouth in the same year,for their first child was born in 1624. (From Steven Bassett) "On the 29th of July, 1611, were affianced William Bassett, anEnglishman, the widower of Cecelia Leight, accompanied by Roger Wilsonand Edward Southworth, his friends and Margaret Oldham." On August 13,1611, the wedding bells rang and they were married, the great JohnRobinson the pilgrim pastor, no doubt officiating. There are many whoclaim that this William is the same William who may have started forAmerica with the first pilgrims, as described in the next paragraph, andwho finally came in the Fortune in 1621.
1620, July 22. Vol. I, P 317 Southeastern Massachusetts: The author says,"The family bearing the name of Bassett is one among the oldest inMassachusetts, as well as one of prominence and eminent respectability."He says further, " William Bassett left Delft Haven in the ship SpeedwellJuly 22, 1620, and went to Southhampton, England, with the otherPilgrims. There the "Mayflower" was waiting for them and after the Company was divided between the twovessels, "Speedwell" and "Mayflower", they set sail for America on August5, 1620. The "Speedwell" was found to be leaking and both ships put intoDartmouth for repairs and again set sail on August 21, 1620. The"Speedwell" again commenced to leak and with such immigrants as could notbe accommodated in the "Mayflower", about 20 in all, including RobertCushman and William Bassett, returned to London". (Note-the authentication of this historic event has not been found.)
1621, Nov. 19, P 127 Bradford History: This is a memorable day of surprise and rejoicing for Plymouth for theFortunes arrives with 35 more Pilgrims, "mostly lustly young men butsadly lacking in provisions" as Bradford says. Our William was one ofthem and if he was lacking in eatables, etc., he did not forget hisprovisions of books, a large library for those days, which attests to hisscholarly education. Perhaps he had his blacksmith tools also for thiswas his trade, as will appear.
1633, March 25. Vol. I, Plymouth Colony, P1: "The Names of the Freemen of the Incorporation of Plymouth in NewEngland, An: 1633, " we find a list of 68 freemen, the 28th name being"William, Bassett." This is the oldest freemen's list of record inAmerica.(From Steven Bassett)
WILLIAM BASSETT FAMILY Marriage #1 to Cecilia Light (Leight, Lecht) before 1611 in England Engaged to Mary Butler in March 19, 1611 in Leyden, Holland Marriage #2 to Margaret Oldham July 29,1611 in Leyden, Holland Marriage #3 to Elizabeth Tilden about 1620 in Leyden, Holland Marriage #4 to Mary Tilden after June 5, 1651 in Plymouth, MA
Only children with Elizabeth: 1. William 2. Elizabeth 3. Joseph 4. Sarah 5. Nathaniel 6. Jane 7. Ruth (Sources: Title: Ancestral File (TM), Author: The Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints, Publication: July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January1996, Repository:, Note: NAME Family History Library, ADDR 35 N WestTemple Street, CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
Records of William Spooner of Plymouth, MA & his descendants ThomasSpooner, 1883 The Family of Nathan Bassett of Chatham, By Robert Ray King, of Munich,Germany (FTM CD #117) (Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691 by Eugene AubreyStratton) From Steven Bassett
He was betrothed on 29 July 1611 to Margaret Oldham, with EdwardSouthworth, Roger Wilson, Elizabeth Neal, and Wybra Pontus as witnesses,and they married 13 August 1611. "On the 26th of July, 1611, were affianced, and on the 13th August weremarried Wm. Bassett, Englishman, widower of Cecilia Light, accompanied byRoger Wilson and Edward Southworth, his friends, and Margaret Oldham,young maid from England" (From "The Bassett-Preston Ancestry", Preston, 929.2 B2948P, BurtonLibrary, Detroit Public Library (researched June 13, 1998), Records from the City of Leyden, Holland, quoted by Steven Bassett)
He married in Leyden a third time to Elizabeth (Dexter, p. 165), and he brought her and their son William to Plymouth. Wife Elizabeth and children William and Elizabeth were in the 1627 division, but the wifedied later. Bassett married at Plymouth a fourth wife after 5 June 1651Mary (Tilden) Lapham, for on that date Timothy Hatherly proved the willof Thomas Lapham, deceased. The widow Lapham, being weak, was not able toappear in court (PCR 2:169). Earlier, 22 June 1650, Mary Lapham, widow ofThomas Lapham of Scituate, confirmed the sale of land in Tenterden, Kent,to Thomas Hiland (MD 10:199; PCR 12:194). The will of Timothy Hatherlydated 12 December 1664 (MD 16:158-59), left L5 to the wife of WilliamBassett, "my wifes Daughter," and thus Mary would have been the daughterof Nathaniel Tilden of Scituate. (Submitted to the Rootsweb WorldConnect Project by Harry C. Hadaway, Jr.hhadaway@mail.tds.net)
BASSET, WILLIAM -William Basset, of the Leiden Separatists, arrived in 1621 on the Fortune. In Leiden records, he is shown as a master mason,from Sandwich, Kent. He was a widower of Cicely Bassett, and he wasbetroth ed in Leiden in 1611 to Mary Butler, with William Brewster, RogerWilson, Ann a Fuller, and Rose Lisle as witnesses, but Mary died beforethe marriage. He was betrothed on 29 July 1611 to Margaret Oldham, withEdward Southworth, Roger Wilson, Elizabeth Neal, and Wybra Pontus aswitnesses, and they married 1 3 August 1611. He married in Leiden a thirdtime to Elizabeth (Dexte r, p. 165), and he brought her and their sonWilliam to Plymouth. Wife Eliza beth and children William and Elizabethwere in the 1627 division, but the wi fe died later. Basset married atPlymouth a fourth wife after 5 June 1651 Ma ry (Tilden) Lapham, for onthat date Timothy Hatherly proved the will of Thomas Lapham, deceased.The widow Lapham, being weak, was not able to appear in court (PCR2:169). Earlier, 22 June 1650, Mary Lapham, widow of Thomas Laph am ofScituate, confirmed the sale of land in Tenterden, Kent, to Thomas Hiland (MD 10:199; PCR 12:194). The will of Timothy Hatherly dated 12 December 1664 (MD 16:158-59), left L5 to the wife of William Basset, "mywifes Daught er," and thus Mary would have been the daughter of NathanielTilden of Scitua te. On 8 November 1666 William Basset, who describedhimself as a blacksmith of Bridgewater, sold four lots to John Sprague ofDuxbury, and Basset's wife Mary gave her consent, John Sprague being herhusband's son-in-law (Ply. Co lony LR 3:66). In his will, dated 3 April1667, sworn 5 June 1667, William B asset mentioned his unnamed wife (Maryswore to his inventory), his son Josep h, and his son William's sonWilliam (MD 16:162); the inventory shows an inte resting collection ofbooks. On 2 June 1669 William Basset of Sandwich, olde st son of WilliamBasset sometime of Bridgewater, deceased, confirmed land to his youngestbrother, Joseph Basset of Bridgewater (Ply. Colony LR 3:140). WilliamBasset, Sr. also had a daughter Sarah, who married Peregrine White, q.v.; a daughter Ruth, who married John, son of Francis Sprague, q.v. (TAG41:178); and a daughter Elizabeth, who married Thomas Burgess in 1648(PCR 8: 6) and divorced him in 1661 after he was brought to court for anact of uncle anness with Lydia Gaunt (the first divorce in PlymouthColony), and the Court allowed Elizabeth to keep small things "that arein William Basset's hands" (PCR 3:221). On 6 June 1683 Goodwife Spragueand her son John agreed about l and which formerly belonged to JohnSprague's grandfather Basset (PCR 6:109). Ruth (Basset) Sprague married(2) a man whose surname was Thomas (TAG 41:17 9). William, Sr. also had ason Nathaniel 2 Basset. Robert Ray King, "The F amily of Nathan Basset ofChatham," NEHGR 125:7, has to do with Nathan 3 Bass et, the son ofNathaniel 2 Basset and his wife Dorcas Joyce, daughter of John . (Note:In correspondence, Robert S. Wakefield questions whether it was the sameWilliam Basset in all four marriages, and it is a surprisingly large number of Englishmen sharing a name with someone else that was resident in Lei den-) _____________________
WILLIAM BASSETT, the immigrant, came to Plymouth in the ship Fortune in 1621. He removed to Duxbury in 1638. In 1645 he was one of the originalproprietors of Bridgewater which was incorporated in 1656. He died therein April 1667. His will, dictated on his death bed "the third of thesecond month " (i.e. April), was probated at Plymouth 5 June 1667 (The Mayflower Descendant< hereafter May.Desc., vol. 16, p. 162-163). One of William Bassett's seven children was Nathaniel Bassett, born in Plymouth about 1628, who married Dorcas Joyce, the daughter
General Notes: Wife - Elizabeth Tilden
COMM: Passenger on the ship '' Fortune '' . WJD .
Notes: Marriage
alternate Marriage: 1622 in Leiden (Zuid-Holland) The Netherlands(source: "Bassett Genealogy" by Stephen P. H. Frakes from "Footprints in Marion County, Illinois" XII:3:21; Winter, 1988 (ACPL)
General Notes: Child - Nathaniel Bassett
Nathaniel was the Constable of Yarmouth. He first settled in Marshfield,and in 1664 removed to Yarmouth
General Notes: Child - Elizabeth Bassett
General Notes: Child - Sarah Bassett
1. "The Bassett-Preston Ancestry," Preston, 1930.
2. Records of Guest Kerr, kvnkerr@netscape.net.
3. Ancestral File.
General Notes: Child - Ruth Bassett
William Bassett
Husband William Bassett 2 5
Born: 1590 - Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England 5 6 Baptized: October 24, 1600 - Stepney, London, England Died: April 4, 1667 - Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts 5 6 Buried: May 12, 1667 - Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MassachusettsMarriage:
Other Spouse: Elizabeth
Other Spouse: Elizabeth Tilden 2 5 - Leiden, Holland
Other Spouse: Margaret Oldham 2
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation 4, Blacksmith
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Sarah Bassett 2 5
AKA: Sarah White Born: 1630 - Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts 4 5 7 8 Baptized: Died: - Marshfield, Plymouth, MA 4 5 7 8 Buried: - Old Home Cemetary At The 'Webster Place' 4 AFN: 8J4J-5TSpouse: Peregrine WhiteSpouse: Peregrine White Marr: November 7, 1647 - Marshfield, Plymouth, MA
General Notes: Husband - William Bassett
He was a member of the Leiden Separatist congregation
Immigration: 1621 aboard 'FORTUNE' age 26 (was a gunsmith and metal worker).
!The Bassett family in Sandwich, England is Huguenot per Barber's"British Family Names" {-"The Trail of the Huguenots...," G. ElmoreReaman (Toronto: Thomas Allen Ltd., 1963, p.263)}
William is of the Sandwich, England and Bethnal Green, Middlesex line. {-"Saints and Strangers", G.F.Williston, and "The Pilgrim Reader".} The surname appears in 1066--Thurstine de Bassett was Grand Falconer tothe Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings. The name is thereafter notablein England - in the Domesday Book as well as the Battle Abbey Roll.Thurstine built Beaupre Castle near Cambridge in Glamorgan, Wales, soonafter the Conquest, and his son Ralph was Lord Chief Justice of Englandunder King Henry I. Another Bassett castle is at Tehidy Park in Camborne,Cornwall; this line had large incomes from mining. Two Bassetts wereamong the King's counsellors at the signing of the Magna Charta.
!BACKGROUND ON WILLIAM BASSETT THE PILGRIM - Compiled and edited byLoyal Gordon Bassett from several sources, February, 2000.
SURNAME The Bassett surname is believed to be associated with the English wordmeaning "the short man" or the French word meaning "of low physicalstature". The family name may have its origins in Normandy, France. Thename sometimes is spelled "Bassit", "Bassite" or "Basset". BASSETT HISTORY
The earliest Bassett record in England is of Thurstine de Bassett, whocame from Normandy in 1066, as Grand Falconer of William the Conqueror.His name is in the Doomsday Book and in the Battle Abbey Roll. Thurstinebuilt Beaupre Castle, near Cowbridge in Glamoragn, Wales, soon after thebattle of Hastings. His son Lord Ralph Bassett was Chief Justice ofEngland, under Henry I (1068-1135). The Bassetts of England are probablydescended from this family but we have no records that show anyline.(Bassett-Preston Ancestors, 1930, p 23) The surname name isthereafter notable in England. Another Bassett castle is at Tehidy Parkin Camborne, Cornwall; this line had large incomes from mining. There areseveral villages in England named "Bassett" and there were many Bassettswho were Barons.
Sir Thomas Bassett and Sir Francis Bassett were major generals to theKing. Two other Bassetts, Alan and Thomas, were among the King'scounselors at the signing of the Magna Charta.(Bassett Family book DARLibrary, Washington DC)
WILLIAM BASSETT IN ENGLAND William was baptized October 24, 1600 in Stepney, England. He probablywas the son of William from Bethnal Green, England and descends from thisfamily. He is of the Sandwich, England and Bethnal Green, Middlesex line.{"Saints and Strangers", G.F.Williston, and "The Pilgrim Reader"}
(Geocities.com/~valerie reports his parents are Walter and SconsolateBassett and was born 1590 in Sandwich, Kent, England. Sara-Jane Tarr reports under Familytreemaker.comthat Cecilia Light may be his mother. Also reported birth abt 1572 inSandwich, Kent, England by Jeff Manson.)
"… no proof has yet been discovered as to the parentage of our WilliamBassett in England. The Leyden records indicate that he came fromSandwich, Kent County near the Dover Coast." (Buell Burdett Bassette1611, July 29, P12 report of the 2nd ReunionBassett Family, 1898, from Steven Bassett)
WILLIAM BASSETT IN LEYDEN, HOLLAND William Bassett, a Leyden Separatist, was a drayman and a master masonfrom Sandwich, Kent. He was a widower of Cicely Bassett, and he wasbetrothed in Leyden in 1611 to Mary Butler, with William Brewster, RogerWilson, Anna Fuller, and Rose Lisle as witnesses, but Mary died beforethe marriage. "On the 19th of March, 1611, were affianced Wm. Bassett, drayman, fromSandwich in England, the widower of Cecilia Light, accompanied by RogerWilson and Wm. Brewster, his friends, and Margaret Butler.' ... the bridedied before the 3rd calling and was interred April 9, 1611." (From "TheBassett-Preston Ancestry", Preston, 929.2 B2948P, Burton Library, DetroitPublic Library (researched June 13, 1998), Records from the City ofLeyden, Holland. From Steven Bassett)
VOYAGE TO AMERICA William Bassett's original trip to America was delayed. He was on theship "Speedwell" and it developed a leak and could not continue with the"Mayflower". The "Speedwell" became unseaworthy and both ships returnedto port. The "Speedwell" proved to be unfit for anymore sea duty and areplacement ship could not be found. So the "Mayflower" left alone inAugust. The following spring the ship "Fortune" was found and hired tomake the trip with "Speedwell's" passengers and others. Wm. Bassett thensailed with the "Fortune" to Plymouth.
"One (of 35) of the passengers arriving on the FORTUNE was themuch-married master mason WILLIAM BASSETT who was forced to give up hisplace in the original MAYFLOWER to wait for the next departing ship."(http://members.tripod.com/~MEJPA/MYMAYFLOWERS.html)
He sailed on the "Fortune" in 1621, arrived November 19. This was thesecond ship to reach Plymouth. "The (ship's) company included a few more from Leyden ... WilliamBassett, the much married master mason, with his third wife..." ("Saintsand Strangers", p 191). "Saints: (9 men, 2 women, 1 child): Bassett,William (c. 1590-c.1655)- master mason, of Bethnal Green, Middlesex.Married Leyden, 1611, to 2nd wife, Margaret Oldham; later married 3rdwife; Purchaser, 1626; removed to Bridgewater, 1649. (p444)
Elizabeth Bassett arrived in the second ship to reach Plymouth, "TheFortune", with her husband, at least it is thought so. If not she came inthe "Ann" or the "Little John" which came in 1623, in which case Williamand Elizabeth probably married on this side at Plymouth in the same year,for their first child was born in 1624. (From Steven Bassett) "On the 29th of July, 1611, were affianced William Bassett, anEnglishman, the widower of Cecelia Leight, accompanied by Roger Wilsonand Edward Southworth, his friends and Margaret Oldham." On August 13,1611, the wedding bells rang and they were married, the great JohnRobinson the pilgrim pastor, no doubt officiating. There are many whoclaim that this William is the same William who may have started forAmerica with the first pilgrims, as described in the next paragraph, andwho finally came in the Fortune in 1621.
1620, July 22. Vol. I, P 317 Southeastern Massachusetts: The author says,"The family bearing the name of Bassett is one among the oldest inMassachusetts, as well as one of prominence and eminent respectability."He says further, " William Bassett left Delft Haven in the ship SpeedwellJuly 22, 1620, and went to Southhampton, England, with the otherPilgrims. There the "Mayflower" was waiting for them and after the Company was divided between the twovessels, "Speedwell" and "Mayflower", they set sail for America on August5, 1620. The "Speedwell" was found to be leaking and both ships put intoDartmouth for repairs and again set sail on August 21, 1620. The"Speedwell" again commenced to leak and with such immigrants as could notbe accommodated in the "Mayflower", about 20 in all, including RobertCushman and William Bassett, returned to London". (Note-the authentication of this historic event has not been found.)
1621, Nov. 19, P 127 Bradford History: This is a memorable day of surprise and rejoicing for Plymouth for theFortunes arrives with 35 more Pilgrims, "mostly lustly young men butsadly lacking in provisions" as Bradford says. Our William was one ofthem and if he was lacking in eatables, etc., he did not forget hisprovisions of books, a large library for those days, which attests to hisscholarly education. Perhaps he had his blacksmith tools also for thiswas his trade, as will appear.
1633, March 25. Vol. I, Plymouth Colony, P1: "The Names of the Freemen of the Incorporation of Plymouth in NewEngland, An: 1633, " we find a list of 68 freemen, the 28th name being"William, Bassett." This is the oldest freemen's list of record inAmerica.(From Steven Bassett)
WILLIAM BASSETT FAMILY Marriage #1 to Cecilia Light (Leight, Lecht) before 1611 in England Engaged to Mary Butler in March 19, 1611 in Leyden, Holland Marriage #2 to Margaret Oldham July 29,1611 in Leyden, Holland Marriage #3 to Elizabeth Tilden about 1620 in Leyden, Holland Marriage #4 to Mary Tilden after June 5, 1651 in Plymouth, MA
Only children with Elizabeth: 1. William 2. Elizabeth 3. Joseph 4. Sarah 5. Nathaniel 6. Jane 7. Ruth (Sources: Title: Ancestral File (TM), Author: The Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints, Publication: July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January1996, Repository:, Note: NAME Family History Library, ADDR 35 N WestTemple Street, CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
Records of William Spooner of Plymouth, MA & his descendants ThomasSpooner, 1883 The Family of Nathan Bassett of Chatham, By Robert Ray King, of Munich,Germany (FTM CD #117) (Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691 by Eugene AubreyStratton) From Steven Bassett
He was betrothed on 29 July 1611 to Margaret Oldham, with EdwardSouthworth, Roger Wilson, Elizabeth Neal, and Wybra Pontus as witnesses,and they married 13 August 1611. "On the 26th of July, 1611, were affianced, and on the 13th August weremarried Wm. Bassett, Englishman, widower of Cecilia Light, accompanied byRoger Wilson and Edward Southworth, his friends, and Margaret Oldham,young maid from England" (From "The Bassett-Preston Ancestry", Preston, 929.2 B2948P, BurtonLibrary, Detroit Public Library (researched June 13, 1998), Records from the City of Leyden, Holland, quoted by Steven Bassett)
He married in Leyden a third time to Elizabeth (Dexter, p. 165), and he brought her and their son William to Plymouth. Wife Elizabeth and children William and Elizabeth were in the 1627 division, but the wifedied later. Bassett married at Plymouth a fourth wife after 5 June 1651Mary (Tilden) Lapham, for on that date Timothy Hatherly proved the willof Thomas Lapham, deceased. The widow Lapham, being weak, was not able toappear in court (PCR 2:169). Earlier, 22 June 1650, Mary Lapham, widow ofThomas Lapham of Scituate, confirmed the sale of land in Tenterden, Kent,to Thomas Hiland (MD 10:199; PCR 12:194). The will of Timothy Hatherlydated 12 December 1664 (MD 16:158-59), left L5 to the wife of WilliamBassett, "my wifes Daughter," and thus Mary would have been the daughterof Nathaniel Tilden of Scituate. (Submitted to the Rootsweb WorldConnect Project by Harry C. Hadaway, Jr.hhadaway@mail.tds.net)
BASSET, WILLIAM -William Basset, of the Leiden Separatists, arrived in 1621 on the Fortune. In Leiden records, he is shown as a master mason,from Sandwich, Kent. He was a widower of Cicely Bassett, and he wasbetroth ed in Leiden in 1611 to Mary Butler, with William Brewster, RogerWilson, Ann a Fuller, and Rose Lisle as witnesses, but Mary died beforethe marriage. He was betrothed on 29 July 1611 to Margaret Oldham, withEdward Southworth, Roger Wilson, Elizabeth Neal, and Wybra Pontus aswitnesses, and they married 1 3 August 1611. He married in Leiden a thirdtime to Elizabeth (Dexte r, p. 165), and he brought her and their sonWilliam to Plymouth. Wife Eliza beth and children William and Elizabethwere in the 1627 division, but the wi fe died later. Basset married atPlymouth a fourth wife after 5 June 1651 Ma ry (Tilden) Lapham, for onthat date Timothy Hatherly proved the will of Thomas Lapham, deceased.The widow Lapham, being weak, was not able to appear in court (PCR2:169). Earlier, 22 June 1650, Mary Lapham, widow of Thomas Laph am ofScituate, confirmed the sale of land in Tenterden, Kent, to Thomas Hiland (MD 10:199; PCR 12:194). The will of Timothy Hatherly dated 12 December 1664 (MD 16:158-59), left L5 to the wife of William Basset, "mywifes Daught er," and thus Mary would have been the daughter of NathanielTilden of Scitua te. On 8 November 1666 William Basset, who describedhimself as a blacksmith of Bridgewater, sold four lots to John Sprague ofDuxbury, and Basset's wife Mary gave her consent, John Sprague being herhusband's son-in-law (Ply. Co lony LR 3:66). In his will, dated 3 April1667, sworn 5 June 1667, William B asset mentioned his unnamed wife (Maryswore to his inventory), his son Josep h, and his son William's sonWilliam (MD 16:162); the inventory shows an inte resting collection ofbooks. On 2 June 1669 William Basset of Sandwich, olde st son of WilliamBasset sometime of Bridgewater, deceased, confirmed land to his youngestbrother, Joseph Basset of Bridgewater (Ply. Colony LR 3:140). WilliamBasset, Sr. also had a daughter Sarah, who married Peregrine White, q.v.; a daughter Ruth, who married John, son of Francis Sprague, q.v. (TAG41:178); and a daughter Elizabeth, who married Thomas Burgess in 1648(PCR 8: 6) and divorced him in 1661 after he was brought to court for anact of uncle anness with Lydia Gaunt (the first divorce in PlymouthColony), and the Court allowed Elizabeth to keep small things "that arein William Basset's hands" (PCR 3:221). On 6 June 1683 Goodwife Spragueand her son John agreed about l and which formerly belonged to JohnSprague's grandfather Basset (PCR 6:109). Ruth (Basset) Sprague married(2) a man whose surname was Thomas (TAG 41:17 9). William, Sr. also had ason Nathaniel 2 Basset. Robert Ray King, "The F amily of Nathan Basset ofChatham," NEHGR 125:7, has to do with Nathan 3 Bass et, the son ofNathaniel 2 Basset and his wife Dorcas Joyce, daughter of John . (Note:In correspondence, Robert S. Wakefield questions whether it was the sameWilliam Basset in all four marriages, and it is a surprisingly large number of Englishmen sharing a name with someone else that was resident in Lei den-) _____________________
WILLIAM BASSETT, the immigrant, came to Plymouth in the ship Fortune in 1621. He removed to Duxbury in 1638. In 1645 he was one of the originalproprietors of Bridgewater which was incorporated in 1656. He died therein April 1667. His will, dictated on his death bed "the third of thesecond month " (i.e. April), was probated at Plymouth 5 June 1667 (The Mayflower Descendant< hereafter May.Desc., vol. 16, p. 162-163). One of William Bassett's seven children was Nathaniel Bassett, born in Plymouth about 1628, who married Dorcas Joyce, the daughter
General Notes: Child - Sarah Bassett
1. "The Bassett-Preston Ancestry," Preston, 1930.
2. Records of Guest Kerr, kvnkerr@netscape.net.
3. Ancestral File.
William Bassett and Margaret Oldham
Husband William Bassett 2 5
Born: 1590 - Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England 5 6 Baptized: October 24, 1600 - Stepney, London, England Died: April 4, 1667 - Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts 5 6 Buried: May 12, 1667 - Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MassachusettsMarriage:
Other Spouse: Elizabeth
Other Spouse: Elizabeth Tilden 2 5 - Leiden, Holland
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation 4, Blacksmith
Wife Margaret Oldham 2
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - William Bassett
He was a member of the Leiden Separatist congregation
Immigration: 1621 aboard 'FORTUNE' age 26 (was a gunsmith and metal worker).
!The Bassett family in Sandwich, England is Huguenot per Barber's"British Family Names" {-"The Trail of the Huguenots...," G. ElmoreReaman (Toronto: Thomas Allen Ltd., 1963, p.263)}
William is of the Sandwich, England and Bethnal Green, Middlesex line. {-"Saints and Strangers", G.F.Williston, and "The Pilgrim Reader".} The surname appears in 1066--Thurstine de Bassett was Grand Falconer tothe Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings. The name is thereafter notablein England - in the Domesday Book as well as the Battle Abbey Roll.Thurstine built Beaupre Castle near Cambridge in Glamorgan, Wales, soonafter the Conquest, and his son Ralph was Lord Chief Justice of Englandunder King Henry I. Another Bassett castle is at Tehidy Park in Camborne,Cornwall; this line had large incomes from mining. Two Bassetts wereamong the King's counsellors at the signing of the Magna Charta.
!BACKGROUND ON WILLIAM BASSETT THE PILGRIM - Compiled and edited byLoyal Gordon Bassett from several sources, February, 2000.
SURNAME The Bassett surname is believed to be associated with the English wordmeaning "the short man" or the French word meaning "of low physicalstature". The family name may have its origins in Normandy, France. Thename sometimes is spelled "Bassit", "Bassite" or "Basset". BASSETT HISTORY
The earliest Bassett record in England is of Thurstine de Bassett, whocame from Normandy in 1066, as Grand Falconer of William the Conqueror.His name is in the Doomsday Book and in the Battle Abbey Roll. Thurstinebuilt Beaupre Castle, near Cowbridge in Glamoragn, Wales, soon after thebattle of Hastings. His son Lord Ralph Bassett was Chief Justice ofEngland, under Henry I (1068-1135). The Bassetts of England are probablydescended from this family but we have no records that show anyline.(Bassett-Preston Ancestors, 1930, p 23) The surname name isthereafter notable in England. Another Bassett castle is at Tehidy Parkin Camborne, Cornwall; this line had large incomes from mining. There areseveral villages in England named "Bassett" and there were many Bassettswho were Barons.
Sir Thomas Bassett and Sir Francis Bassett were major generals to theKing. Two other Bassetts, Alan and Thomas, were among the King'scounselors at the signing of the Magna Charta.(Bassett Family book DARLibrary, Washington DC)
WILLIAM BASSETT IN ENGLAND William was baptized October 24, 1600 in Stepney, England. He probablywas the son of William from Bethnal Green, England and descends from thisfamily. He is of the Sandwich, England and Bethnal Green, Middlesex line.{"Saints and Strangers", G.F.Williston, and "The Pilgrim Reader"}
(Geocities.com/~valerie reports his parents are Walter and SconsolateBassett and was born 1590 in Sandwich, Kent, England. Sara-Jane Tarr reports under Familytreemaker.comthat Cecilia Light may be his mother. Also reported birth abt 1572 inSandwich, Kent, England by Jeff Manson.)
"… no proof has yet been discovered as to the parentage of our WilliamBassett in England. The Leyden records indicate that he came fromSandwich, Kent County near the Dover Coast." (Buell Burdett Bassette1611, July 29, P12 report of the 2nd ReunionBassett Family, 1898, from Steven Bassett)
WILLIAM BASSETT IN LEYDEN, HOLLAND William Bassett, a Leyden Separatist, was a drayman and a master masonfrom Sandwich, Kent. He was a widower of Cicely Bassett, and he wasbetrothed in Leyden in 1611 to Mary Butler, with William Brewster, RogerWilson, Anna Fuller, and Rose Lisle as witnesses, but Mary died beforethe marriage. "On the 19th of March, 1611, were affianced Wm. Bassett, drayman, fromSandwich in England, the widower of Cecilia Light, accompanied by RogerWilson and Wm. Brewster, his friends, and Margaret Butler.' ... the bridedied before the 3rd calling and was interred April 9, 1611." (From "TheBassett-Preston Ancestry", Preston, 929.2 B2948P, Burton Library, DetroitPublic Library (researched June 13, 1998), Records from the City ofLeyden, Holland. From Steven Bassett)
VOYAGE TO AMERICA William Bassett's original trip to America was delayed. He was on theship "Speedwell" and it developed a leak and could not continue with the"Mayflower". The "Speedwell" became unseaworthy and both ships returnedto port. The "Speedwell" proved to be unfit for anymore sea duty and areplacement ship could not be found. So the "Mayflower" left alone inAugust. The following spring the ship "Fortune" was found and hired tomake the trip with "Speedwell's" passengers and others. Wm. Bassett thensailed with the "Fortune" to Plymouth.
"One (of 35) of the passengers arriving on the FORTUNE was themuch-married master mason WILLIAM BASSETT who was forced to give up hisplace in the original MAYFLOWER to wait for the next departing ship."(http://members.tripod.com/~MEJPA/MYMAYFLOWERS.html)
He sailed on the "Fortune" in 1621, arrived November 19. This was thesecond ship to reach Plymouth. "The (ship's) company included a few more from Leyden ... WilliamBassett, the much married master mason, with his third wife..." ("Saintsand Strangers", p 191). "Saints: (9 men, 2 women, 1 child): Bassett,William (c. 1590-c.1655)- master mason, of Bethnal Green, Middlesex.Married Leyden, 1611, to 2nd wife, Margaret Oldham; later married 3rdwife; Purchaser, 1626; removed to Bridgewater, 1649. (p444)
Elizabeth Bassett arrived in the second ship to reach Plymouth, "TheFortune", with her husband, at least it is thought so. If not she came inthe "Ann" or the "Little John" which came in 1623, in which case Williamand Elizabeth probably married on this side at Plymouth in the same year,for their first child was born in 1624. (From Steven Bassett) "On the 29th of July, 1611, were affianced William Bassett, anEnglishman, the widower of Cecelia Leight, accompanied by Roger Wilsonand Edward Southworth, his friends and Margaret Oldham." On August 13,1611, the wedding bells rang and they were married, the great JohnRobinson the pilgrim pastor, no doubt officiating. There are many whoclaim that this William is the same William who may have started forAmerica with the first pilgrims, as described in the next paragraph, andwho finally came in the Fortune in 1621.
1620, July 22. Vol. I, P 317 Southeastern Massachusetts: The author says,"The family bearing the name of Bassett is one among the oldest inMassachusetts, as well as one of prominence and eminent respectability."He says further, " William Bassett left Delft Haven in the ship SpeedwellJuly 22, 1620, and went to Southhampton, England, with the otherPilgrims. There the "Mayflower" was waiting for them and after the Company was divided between the twovessels, "Speedwell" and "Mayflower", they set sail for America on August5, 1620. The "Speedwell" was found to be leaking and both ships put intoDartmouth for repairs and again set sail on August 21, 1620. The"Speedwell" again commenced to leak and with such immigrants as could notbe accommodated in the "Mayflower", about 20 in all, including RobertCushman and William Bassett, returned to London". (Note-the authentication of this historic event has not been found.)
1621, Nov. 19, P 127 Bradford History: This is a memorable day of surprise and rejoicing for Plymouth for theFortunes arrives with 35 more Pilgrims, "mostly lustly young men butsadly lacking in provisions" as Bradford says. Our William was one ofthem and if he was lacking in eatables, etc., he did not forget hisprovisions of books, a large library for those days, which attests to hisscholarly education. Perhaps he had his blacksmith tools also for thiswas his trade, as will appear.
1633, March 25. Vol. I, Plymouth Colony, P1: "The Names of the Freemen of the Incorporation of Plymouth in NewEngland, An: 1633, " we find a list of 68 freemen, the 28th name being"William, Bassett." This is the oldest freemen's list of record inAmerica.(From Steven Bassett)
WILLIAM BASSETT FAMILY Marriage #1 to Cecilia Light (Leight, Lecht) before 1611 in England Engaged to Mary Butler in March 19, 1611 in Leyden, Holland Marriage #2 to Margaret Oldham July 29,1611 in Leyden, Holland Marriage #3 to Elizabeth Tilden about 1620 in Leyden, Holland Marriage #4 to Mary Tilden after June 5, 1651 in Plymouth, MA
Only children with Elizabeth: 1. William 2. Elizabeth 3. Joseph 4. Sarah 5. Nathaniel 6. Jane 7. Ruth (Sources: Title: Ancestral File (TM), Author: The Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints, Publication: July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January1996, Repository:, Note: NAME Family History Library, ADDR 35 N WestTemple Street, CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
Records of William Spooner of Plymouth, MA & his descendants ThomasSpooner, 1883 The Family of Nathan Bassett of Chatham, By Robert Ray King, of Munich,Germany (FTM CD #117) (Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691 by Eugene AubreyStratton) From Steven Bassett
He was betrothed on 29 July 1611 to Margaret Oldham, with EdwardSouthworth, Roger Wilson, Elizabeth Neal, and Wybra Pontus as witnesses,and they married 13 August 1611. "On the 26th of July, 1611, were affianced, and on the 13th August weremarried Wm. Bassett, Englishman, widower of Cecilia Light, accompanied byRoger Wilson and Edward Southworth, his friends, and Margaret Oldham,young maid from England" (From "The Bassett-Preston Ancestry", Preston, 929.2 B2948P, BurtonLibrary, Detroit Public Library (researched June 13, 1998), Records from the City of Leyden, Holland, quoted by Steven Bassett)
He married in Leyden a third time to Elizabeth (Dexter, p. 165), and he brought her and their son William to Plymouth. Wife Elizabeth and children William and Elizabeth were in the 1627 division, but the wifedied later. Bassett married at Plymouth a fourth wife after 5 June 1651Mary (Tilden) Lapham, for on that date Timothy Hatherly proved the willof Thomas Lapham, deceased. The widow Lapham, being weak, was not able toappear in court (PCR 2:169). Earlier, 22 June 1650, Mary Lapham, widow ofThomas Lapham of Scituate, confirmed the sale of land in Tenterden, Kent,to Thomas Hiland (MD 10:199; PCR 12:194). The will of Timothy Hatherlydated 12 December 1664 (MD 16:158-59), left L5 to the wife of WilliamBassett, "my wifes Daughter," and thus Mary would have been the daughterof Nathaniel Tilden of Scituate. (Submitted to the Rootsweb WorldConnect Project by Harry C. Hadaway, Jr.hhadaway@mail.tds.net)
BASSET, WILLIAM -William Basset, of the Leiden Separatists, arrived in 1621 on the Fortune. In Leiden records, he is shown as a master mason,from Sandwich, Kent. He was a widower of Cicely Bassett, and he wasbetroth ed in Leiden in 1611 to Mary Butler, with William Brewster, RogerWilson, Ann a Fuller, and Rose Lisle as witnesses, but Mary died beforethe marriage. He was betrothed on 29 July 1611 to Margaret Oldham, withEdward Southworth, Roger Wilson, Elizabeth Neal, and Wybra Pontus aswitnesses, and they married 1 3 August 1611. He married in Leiden a thirdtime to Elizabeth (Dexte r, p. 165), and he brought her and their sonWilliam to Plymouth. Wife Eliza beth and children William and Elizabethwere in the 1627 division, but the wi fe died later. Basset married atPlymouth a fourth wife after 5 June 1651 Ma ry (Tilden) Lapham, for onthat date Timothy Hatherly proved the will of Thomas Lapham, deceased.The widow Lapham, being weak, was not able to appear in court (PCR2:169). Earlier, 22 June 1650, Mary Lapham, widow of Thomas Laph am ofScituate, confirmed the sale of land in Tenterden, Kent, to Thomas Hiland (MD 10:199; PCR 12:194). The will of Timothy Hatherly dated 12 December 1664 (MD 16:158-59), left L5 to the wife of William Basset, "mywifes Daught er," and thus Mary would have been the daughter of NathanielTilden of Scitua te. On 8 November 1666 William Basset, who describedhimself as a blacksmith of Bridgewater, sold four lots to John Sprague ofDuxbury, and Basset's wife Mary gave her consent, John Sprague being herhusband's son-in-law (Ply. Co lony LR 3:66). In his will, dated 3 April1667, sworn 5 June 1667, William B asset mentioned his unnamed wife (Maryswore to his inventory), his son Josep h, and his son William's sonWilliam (MD 16:162); the inventory shows an inte resting collection ofbooks. On 2 June 1669 William Basset of Sandwich, olde st son of WilliamBasset sometime of Bridgewater, deceased, confirmed land to his youngestbrother, Joseph Basset of Bridgewater (Ply. Colony LR 3:140). WilliamBasset, Sr. also had a daughter Sarah, who married Peregrine White, q.v.; a daughter Ruth, who married John, son of Francis Sprague, q.v. (TAG41:178); and a daughter Elizabeth, who married Thomas Burgess in 1648(PCR 8: 6) and divorced him in 1661 after he was brought to court for anact of uncle anness with Lydia Gaunt (the first divorce in PlymouthColony), and the Court allowed Elizabeth to keep small things "that arein William Basset's hands" (PCR 3:221). On 6 June 1683 Goodwife Spragueand her son John agreed about l and which formerly belonged to JohnSprague's grandfather Basset (PCR 6:109). Ruth (Basset) Sprague married(2) a man whose surname was Thomas (TAG 41:17 9). William, Sr. also had ason Nathaniel 2 Basset. Robert Ray King, "The F amily of Nathan Basset ofChatham," NEHGR 125:7, has to do with Nathan 3 Bass et, the son ofNathaniel 2 Basset and his wife Dorcas Joyce, daughter of John . (Note:In correspondence, Robert S. Wakefield questions whether it was the sameWilliam Basset in all four marriages, and it is a surprisingly large number of Englishmen sharing a name with someone else that was resident in Lei den-) _____________________
WILLIAM BASSETT, the immigrant, came to Plymouth in the ship Fortune in 1621. He removed to Duxbury in 1638. In 1645 he was one of the originalproprietors of Bridgewater which was incorporated in 1656. He died therein April 1667. His will, dictated on his death bed "the third of thesecond month " (i.e. April), was probated at Plymouth 5 June 1667 (The Mayflower Descendant< hereafter May.Desc., vol. 16, p. 162-163). One of William Bassett's seven children was Nathaniel Bassett, born in Plymouth about 1628, who married Dorcas Joyce, the daughter
William Bassett and Abigail Bourne
Husband William Bassett
Born: 1680 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Baptized: Died: - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Buried:
Father: William Bassett Mother: Rachael Wilkinston
Wife Abigail Bourne
Born: July 22, 1684 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Baptized: Died: February 15, 1764 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, MA Buried:
1 F Mary Bassett 10
Born: December 24, 1709 - Sandwich, Barnstable Co., MA Baptized: Died: March 24, 1753 - Tolland, Connecticut Colony 11 Buried:Spouse: Captain Eliakim Tupper Eliakim Tupper 10 12 Marr: March 28, 1734 - Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts Colony 13
William Bassett and Elizabeth Tilden
Husband William Bassett
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Walter Bassett Mother:
Wife Elizabeth Tilden
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Nathaniel Tilden Mother: Lydia
1 M Joseph Bassett
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Mary Lapham Marr: 1587
Hans Basshart and Magdalena Rebsamen
Husband Hans Basshart
Born: 1680 - Switzerland Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - Wila, Zurich Kanton, Switzerland
Wife Magdalena Rebsamen
Born: - Wila, Zurich Kanton, Switzerland Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Rudolf Rebsamen Mother: Anna Ladmann
General Notes: Husband - Hans Basshart
info-B.George Turnipseed 1996
General Notes: Wife - Magdalena Rebsamen
info-B.George Turnipseed 1996
Ulrich Rebsamen and Verna Basshart
Husband Ulrich Rebsamen
Born: - Wila, Zurich Kanton, Switzerland Baptized: Died: - Turbenthal, Zurich Kanton, Switzerland Buried:
Father: Rudolf Rebsamen Mother: Anna Ladmann
Marriage: September 15, 1696 - Switzerland
Wife Verna Basshart
Born: 1680 - Kellersacher, Switzerland Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Hans Georg Rebsamen
Born: November 29, 1697 - Turbenthal, Zurich Kanton, Switzerland Baptized: Died: February 19, 1754 - Switzerland Buried:
2 M Hans Jakob Rebsamen
Born: December 26, 1698 - Switzerland Baptized: Died: May 17, 1699 - Switzerland Buried:
3 F Barbara Rebsamen
Born: July 21, 1700 - Switzerland Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Hans Heinrich Rebsamen
Born: - Switzerland Baptized: Died: September 13, 1709 - Switzerland Buried:
5 M Hans Jakob Rebsamen
Born: May 15, 1707 - Switzerland Baptized: Died: - Switzerland Buried:
6 F Magdelena Rebsamen
Born: September 20, 1711 - Switzerland Baptized: Died: - Switzerland Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Ulrich Rebsamen
info-B.George Turnipseed 1996
General Notes: Wife - Verna Basshart
info-B.George Turnipseed 1996
General Notes: Child - Hans Georg Rebsamen
info-B.George Turnipseed 1996
General Notes: Child - Hans Jakob Rebsamen
info-B.George Turnipseed 1996
General Notes: Child - Barbara Rebsamen
info-B.George Turnipseed 1996
General Notes: Child - Hans Heinrich Rebsamen
info-B.George Turnipseed 1996
General Notes: Child - Hans Jakob Rebsamen
info-B.George Turnipseed 1996
General Notes: Child - Magdelena Rebsamen
John Bassian and Mary L. Wadsworth
Husband John Bassian
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Mary L. Wadsworth
Born: May 7, 1836 - Henniker, Merrimack, New Hampshire Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Titus Vespasian Wadsworth Mother: Susanna Ward
General Notes: Husband - John Bassian
Baldwin Bassingbourne
Husband Baldwin Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1255 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Buried:
Father: Warin Bassingbourne 14 Mother:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Warin Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1275 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Buried:
Edmund Battell and Jane Bassingbourne
Husband Edmund Battell
Born: 1216 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Robert Battell Mother: Elizabeth Howe
Wife Jane Bassingbourne
Born: 1225 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: John Bassingbourne Mother:
1 M Jeffrey Battail
Born: 1248 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Christian Torell
Baron Walter Reynolds and Joan Bassingbourne
Husband Baron Walter Reynolds 14
Born: 1325 - Badingham, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: 1381 - Cambridgeshire, England Buried:
Father: John Reynolds Member Of Parliment 14 Mother: Maude Fulburne 14
Marriage: 1360 - England
Wife Joan Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1334 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: - England Buried:
Father: John Bassingbourne 14 Mother: Joan Frauncis 14
1 M Walter Reynolds 14
Born: 1363 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: 1430 - Sherford, Devonshire, Kent, England Buried:Spouse: Margaret Stighull 14 Marr: 1400 - Sherford, Devonshire, Kent, England
2 F Joan Reynolds 14
Born: 1364 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Maud Reynolds 14
Born: 1366 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Baron Walter Reynolds
16th great grandfather on mother's mother side
Thomas De Mauduit and Joane Bassingbourne
Husband Thomas De Mauduit
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Joane Bassingbourne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Matilda De Mauduit
Born: 1354 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Henry De Greene 15 16
John Bassingbourne and Joan Frauncis
Husband John Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1308 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Warin Bassingbourne 14 Mother:
Marriage: 1327 - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Wife Joan Frauncis 14
Born: 1312 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Alan Lefrauncis 14 Mother:
1 F Joan Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1334 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: - England Buried:Spouse: Baron Walter Reynolds 14 Marr: 1360 - England
John Bassingbourne
Husband John Bassingbourne
Born: 1197 Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Jane Bassingbourne
Born: 1225 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Edmund Battell
Warin Bassingbourne
Husband Warin Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1275 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Buried:
Father: Baldwin Bassingbourne 14 Mother:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M John Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1308 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joan Frauncis 14 Marr: 1327 - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Warin Bassingbourne
Husband Warin Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1225 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Buried:
Father: Warin Bassingbourne 14 Mother: Isabel Berners 14
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Baldwin Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1255 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Buried:
Warin Bassingbourne and Isabel Berners
Husband Warin Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1200 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Buried:
Father: Nicholas Bassingbourne 14 Mother: Alice Auberville 14
Marriage: 1218
Wife Isabel Berners 14
Born: 1202 - England Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Humphrey Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1220 - Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: 1280 - England Buried:
2 M Warin Bassingbourne 14
Born: 1225 - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Baptized: Died: - Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England Buried:
Bassingthwaite and Dewing
Husband Bassingthwaite
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Dewing
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Dewing Mother: Lemeiux
1 M Bassingthwaite
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Bassingthwaite
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M Bassingthwaite
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Bassingthwaite
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at adamdewing@mindless.com
General Notes: Wife - Dewing
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at adamdewing@mindless.com
General Notes: Child - Bassingthwaite
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at adamdewing@mindless.com
General Notes: Child - Bassingthwaite
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at adamdewing@mindless.com
General Notes: Child - Bassingthwaite
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at adamdewing@mindless.com
Alverdo S. Tibbetts and Theresa Basslett
Husband Alverdo S. Tibbetts
Born: May 13, 1923 - Dexter, Maine Baptized: Died: December 31, 1971 - Orneville, Maine Buried:
Father: Fred H. Tibbetts Mother: Pearl B. Jipson
Marriage: May 13, 1946
Noted events in his life were:
1. Military, World War 11 PFC in the US Army
Wife Theresa Basslett
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Gwgon Bleddyn and Elizabeth Basson
Husband Gwgon Bleddyn
Born: 1065 - Breconshire, Wales Baptized: Died: 1165 Buried:
Father: Bleddyn Ap Maenyrch Mother: Elen Verch Tewdwr
Wife Elizabeth Basson
Born: 1200 - Breigan, Glamorgan, Wales Baptized: Died: 1300 Buried:
Father: Steven Basson Mother: Elizabeth Brigan
1 M Hywel Cadwgon
Born: - Breigan, Glamorgan, Wales Baptized: Died: 1320 Buried:
Cadwgon Ap Bleddyn and Elizabeth Basson
Husband Cadwgon Ap Bleddyn
Born: 1197 Baptized: Died: 1297 Buried:Marriage: 1224
Wife Elizabeth Basson
Born: 1200 - Basson, Glamorganshire, Cymru Baptized: Died: 1300 Buried:
Father: Steven Bassen Mother: Elizabeth Brigan
1 M Ap Cadwgon Hywel
Born: 1224 Baptized: Died: 1324 Buried:
Cadwgon Ap Bleddyn and Elizabeth Basson
Husband Cadwgon Ap Bleddyn
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Bleddyn Ap Maenyrch Mother: Elen Verch Tewdwr Maur
Wife Elizabeth Basson
Born: - Breigan Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Steven Basson Mother: Elizabeth Brigan
1 M Hywel Ap Cadwgon
Born: - Breigan Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:
Cadwgon Bleddyn and Elizabeth Basson
Husband Cadwgon Bleddyn
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: 1240
Wife Elizabeth Basson
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Hywel Cadwgon
Born: 1240 - Breigan, Llansanwyr, Glamorgan, Wales Baptized: Died: 1340 Buried:
Steven Basson and Elizabeth Brigan
Husband Steven Basson
Born: - Breigan Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Elizabeth Brigan
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: John Brigan Mother:
1 F Elizabeth Basson
Born: - Breigan Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Cadwgon Ap Bleddyn
Anicius Auchenius Bassus and Turrenia Honorata
Husband Anicius Auchenius Bassus
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Amnius Manius Mother:
Wife Turrenia Honorata
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Turrenia Anicia Iuliana
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Hermogenianus Quintus Clodius
Charles Girouard and Anne Bastarache
Husband Charles Girouard
Born: - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jacques Girouard Mother: Marguerite Gauterot
Marriage: November 14, 1713 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 17
Other Spouse: Josephe Pitre - June 16, 1744 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Wife Anne Bastarache
AKA: Bastereche Born: 1689 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: September 20, 1737 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 18 Buried: September 21, 1737 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Father: Jean Bastarache Mother: Huguette Agatha Vincent
1 F Anne Girouard
Born: May 14, 1722 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: May 14, 1722 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Died: February 19, 1800 - Yamachiche, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried:Spouse: Jean Pierre Pellerin Marr: St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Pierre Vaillancourt and Anne Bastarache
Husband Pierre Vaillancourt
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Vaillancourt Mother: Josephte Chamberland
Marriage: October 18, 1824 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Lemelin - November 27, 1835 - St-François-D'assise, Beauceville, Qc
Wife Anne Bastarache
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Jean Baptiste Gaudet and Anne Bastarache
Husband Jean Baptiste Gaudet
Born: 1720 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Dit Varouel Gaudet Mother: Marie Madeleine Brun
Marriage: - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Wife Anne Bastarache
Born: - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: March 6, 1814 - St-Joseph, Memramcook, Westmorland-Kent, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada Buried:
Father: Pierre Bastarache Mother: Marguerite Forest
1 F Anne Gaudet
Born: - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Leger Marr: 1778 - St-Joseph, Memramcook, Westmorland-Kent, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada
2 F Marie Josephe Gaudet
Born: 1754 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Beliveau Jospiau Marr: Kingsclear, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada
Death Notes: Husband - Jean Baptiste Gaudet
Death Notes: Child - Marie Josephe Gaudet
Leon Leger and Caroline Bastarache
Husband Leon Leger
Born: July 29, 1848 - Barachois, Westmorland, NB Baptized: July 29, 1848 - St Henri, Barachois, NB Died: May 24, 1918 - Moncton, Westmorland, NB Buried: - St Jean-Baptiste, Bouctouche, NB
Father: Gregoire Leger Mother: Antoinette Bonnevie
Marriage: September 21, 1892 - NB
Wife Caroline Bastarache
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Celestin Bastarache and Virginie Leger
Husband Celestin Bastarache
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Olivier Bastarache Mother: Genevieve Leger
Marriage: November 20, 1889 - Ste Marie, , NB
Wife Virginie Leger
Born: - Bouctouche, Kent, NB Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Hyppolite Leger Mother: Suzanne Robichaud
General Notes: Husband - Celestin Bastarache
General Notes: Wife - Virginie Leger
Jean John Doiron and Emilie Bastarache
Husband Jean John Doiron
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Emilie Bastarache
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Doris Doiron
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Euclide Levesque
Francois Bastarache
Husband Francois Bastarache
Born: 1687 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: October 27, 1751 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 19 Buried:
Father: Jean Bastarache Mother: Huguette Agatha Vincent
Marriage: - St Jean Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 20
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Jean Bastarache and Huguette Agatha Vincent
Husband Jean Bastarache
AKA: Bastereche Born: 1658 - France Baptized: Died: September 5, 1733 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 21 Buried: September 6, 1733 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Father: Jean Bastarache Mother:
Marriage: 1684 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 22
Noted events in his life were:
1. Census 23, Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1693
Wife Huguette Agatha Vincent
Born: 1664 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 24 Baptized: Died: October 1717 - Port-Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada 25 Buried: October 28, 1717 - Port-Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Father: Pierre Vincent Mother: Marie Anne Gaudet
Noted events in her life were:
1. Burial Priest
Justinien Durand
1 F Marie Anne Bastarache
Born: June 1685 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: August 28, 1726 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 26 Buried: August 30, 1726 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, CanadaSpouse: Charles Orillon Marr: St Jean Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 27
2 M Jean Baptiste Bastarache
Born: 1696 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: December 21, 1757 - Québec, Qc Buried: December 22, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Marie Angelique Richard Marr: November 25, 1721 - St-François-DE-Sales, Ile-Jésus, Laval, Qc 28
3 M Francois Bastarache
Born: 1687 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: October 27, 1751 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 19 Buried:
4 M Pierre Bastarache
Born: July 18, 1702 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 29 Baptized: July 18, 1702 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Died: May 7, 1751 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 30 Buried: May 8, 1751 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, CanadaSpouse: Marguerite Forest Marr: St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
5 F Anne Bastarache
AKA: Bastereche Born: 1689 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: September 20, 1737 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 18 Buried: September 21, 1737 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, CanadaSpouse: Charles Girouard Marr: November 14, 1713 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 17
General Notes: Wife - Huguette Agatha Vincent
Source Citation; 1.S.A.White, Dictionnaire Genealogique, Vol.2.Pg.1575a. Vol.1.Pg.80.
2. St-Jean-Baptiste Parish Register, Port-Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Jean Bastarache
Husband Jean Bastarache
Born: 1632 - Bayonne, France Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Jean Bastarache
AKA: Bastereche Born: 1658 - France Baptized: Died: September 5, 1733 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 21 Buried: September 6, 1733 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, CanadaSpouse: Huguette Agatha Vincent Marr: 1684 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 22
Jean Baptiste Bastarache and Marie Angelique Richard
Husband Jean Baptiste Bastarache
Born: 1696 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: December 21, 1757 - Québec, Qc Buried: December 22, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Father: Jean Bastarache Mother: Huguette Agatha Vincent
Marriage: November 25, 1721 - St-François-DE-Sales, Ile-Jésus, Laval, Qc 28
Wife Marie Angelique Richard
Born: 1698 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: January 8, 1758 - Québec, Qc Buried: January 9, 1758 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Father: Alexandre Richard 31 Mother: Isabelle Petitpas
1 F Marie Modeste Bastarache
Born: 1738 Baptized: Died: February 8, 1788 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc Buried: February 8, 1788 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, QcSpouse: Jean Baptiste Guillemette Marr: January 12, 1768 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc
Charles Daigle and Madeleine Bastarache
Husband Charles Daigle
Born: 1735 Baptized: Died: March 22, 1790 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc Buried:
Father: Louis Rene Daigle Mother: Madeleine Hebert
Marriage: November 6, 1758 - Quebec, Canada
Other Spouse: Marguerite Comeau - 1756 - Petitcoudiac
Other Spouse: Marie Elizabeth Allard - November 23, 1761 - Charlesbourg, Quebec, Canada
Other Spouse: Madeleine Lirette - November 26, 1787 - Charlesbourg, Canada
Other Spouse: Marie Elisabeth Alard - November 23, 1761 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc
Wife Madeleine Bastarache
Born: 1737 Baptized: Died: November 12, 1769 - Charlesbourg, Quebec, Canada Buried:
1 F Ursule Daigle
Born: 1759 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Charles Orillon and Marie Bastarache
Husband Charles Orillon 32 33 34
AKA: Orion Rion Born: August 17, 1713 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 35 Baptized: - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Died: March 19, 1790 - Nicolet, Becancour, Quebec, Canada 36 Buried: - Nicolet, Quebec, Canada
Father: Charles Orillon Mother: Marie Anne Bastarache
Other Spouse: Maire Anne Richard 33 34 - September 22, 1734 - Port Royale, Acadie (Annapolis Royal, NS, Canada) 37 38
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism, St Jean Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 18, 1713
Wife Marie Bastarache 32
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Anne Orillon 32
Born: 1721 39 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Antoine Hebert 34 40 Marr: Port Royale, Acadie (Annapolis Royal, NS, Canada) 41 42
Charles Orillon and Marie Anne Bastarache
Husband Charles Orillon
AKA: Orion Rion Dit Champagne Born: September 15, 1653 - St. Thomas, La Fleche, Angers, Anjou, France Baptized: - St-Thomas, La Flèche, Sarthe, France Died: December 5, 1742 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 43 Buried: - St Jean Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada
Father: Julien Orillon Mother: Marie Anne Roger
Marriage: - St Jean Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 27
Wife Marie Anne Bastarache
Born: June 1685 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: August 28, 1726 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 26 Buried: August 30, 1726 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Father: Jean Bastarache Mother: Huguette Agatha Vincent
1 F Anne Orillon
AKA: Orion Born: September 1, 1710 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: August 12, 1760 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada Buried:
2 M Charles Orillon 32 33 34
AKA: Orion Rion Born: August 17, 1713 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 35 Baptized: - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Died: March 19, 1790 - Nicolet, Becancour, Quebec, Canada 36 Buried: - Nicolet, Quebec, CanadaSpouse: Marie Bastarache 32Spouse: Maire Anne Richard 33 34 Marr: September 22, 1734 - Port Royale, Acadie (Annapolis Royal, NS, Canada) 37 38
3 M Jean Baptiste Orillon
AKA: Orion Rion Born: - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 44 Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Jean Orillon
AKA: Orion Born: November 23, 1704 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 45 Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 M Joseph Orillon
AKA: Orion Born: August 21, 1718 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 46 Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 F Marie Orillon
Born: August 31, 1706 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 47 Baptized: Died: Buried:
7 M Pierre Orillon
AKA: Orion Dit Champagne Born: December 5, 1715 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 48 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Jean Baptiste Guillemette and Marie Modeste Bastarache
Husband Jean Baptiste Guillemette
Born: December 21, 1742 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc Baptized: December 27, 1742 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc Died: October 8, 1822 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc Buried:
Father: Claude Guillemette Mother: Genevieve Millet Maranda
Marriage: January 12, 1768 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc
Other Spouse: Amable Rivard - November 23, 1789 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc
Wife Marie Modeste Bastarache
Born: 1738 Baptized: Died: February 8, 1788 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc Buried: February 8, 1788 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc
Father: Jean Baptiste Bastarache Mother: Marie Angelique Richard
1 M Joseph Guillemette
Born: March 24, 1779 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Bastien Vanasse Marr: July 14, 1803 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
2 M Paul Guilmet Guillemette
Born: June 22, 1782 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Catherine Lefebvre Boulanger Marr: November 21, 1808 - Ste-Anne-DE-Yamachiche, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Joseph Guillemette
Death Notes: Child - Paul Guilmet Guillemette
Olivier Bastarache and Genevieve Leger
Husband Olivier Bastarache
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: January 22, 1856 - St Jean-Baptiste, Bouctouche, NB
Wife Genevieve Leger
Born: Baptized: May 10, 1836 - St Jean-Baptiste, Bouctouche, NB Died: Buried:
Father: Raphael Leger Mother: Appoline Jaillet
1 M Celestin Bastarache
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Virginie Leger Marr: November 20, 1889 - Ste Marie, , NB
General Notes: Child - Celestin Bastarache
Pierre Bastarache and Marguerite Forest
Husband Pierre Bastarache
Born: July 18, 1702 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 29 Baptized: July 18, 1702 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Died: May 7, 1751 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 30 Buried: May 8, 1751 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Father: Jean Bastarache Mother: Huguette Agatha Vincent
Marriage: - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism 49, St Jean Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 1702
Wife Marguerite Forest
Born: 1697 - Port Royal, Richmond, (Acadia), NS, Canada Baptized: Died: May 27, 1747 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Buried: May 28, 1747 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Father: Rene Forest Mother: Francoise Dugas
1 F Anne Bastarache
Born: - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: March 6, 1814 - St-Joseph, Memramcook, Westmorland-Kent, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Gaudet Marr: St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Pierre Bastarache
Husband Pierre Bastarache
Born: July 18, 1702 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 29 Baptized: July 18, 1702 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Died: May 7, 1751 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada 30 Buried: May 8, 1751 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Father: Jean Bastarache Mother: Huguette Agatha Vincent
Marriage: - St Jean Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 50
Other Spouse: Marguerite Forest - St-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal, Annapolis, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism 49, St Jean Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 1702
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Pierre Bourgoin and Andre Bastard
Husband Pierre Bourgoin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - Fontenay-Le-Comte, Vendée, France
Wife Andre Bastard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Pierre Bourgoin Bourgogne
Born: 1641 - Fontenay-Le-Comte, Vendée, France Baptized: Died: September 12, 1719 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: September 13, 1719 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Catherine Basset Marr: October 17, 1667 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Louis Mercier and Anne Bastard
Husband Louis Mercier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - St-Pierre-DE-Brie-Sous-Matha, Saintonge, France
Wife Anne Bastard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Jeanne Mercier
Born: - St-Pierre-DE-Brie-Sous-Matha, Saintonge, France Baptized: - St-Pierre-DE-Brie-Sous-Matha, Saintonge, France Died: 1701 Buried:Spouse: Michel Mailloux Marr: St-Pierre-DE-Brie-Sous-Matha, Saintonge, France
Pierre Christin and Elisabeth Bastard
Husband Pierre Christin
Born: Baptized: Died: August 1685 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France Buried: August 14, 1685 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France
Father: Antoine Christin Mother: Francoise Laduc
Marriage: June 14, 1643 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France
Wife Elisabeth Bastard
Born: Baptized: Died: October 1686 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France Buried: October 30, 1686 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France
Father: Isaac Bastard Mother: Isagelle Marot
1 M Pierre Christin
Born: September 1646 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France Baptized: September 4, 1646 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France Died: August 1685 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France Buried: August 14, 1685 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, FranceSpouse: Marie Thomas Marr: June 8, 1670 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France
Isaac Bastard and Isagelle Marot
Husband Isaac Bastard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Isagelle Marot
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Elisabeth Bastard
Born: Baptized: Died: October 1686 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France Buried: October 30, 1686 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, FranceSpouse: Pierre Christin Marr: June 14, 1643 - Notre-Dame, Deux-Sévres, Poitou, France
Raymond Scheidecker and Nettie Bastian
Husband Raymond Scheidecker
Born: 1885 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: George Scheidecker Mother: Emma Delbridge
Wife Nettie Bastian
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Narcisse Fleury and Adelaide Bastien
Husband Narcisse Fleury
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Abraham Fleury Mother: Madeleine Dupuis
Marriage: August 11, 1857 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Wife Adelaide Bastien
Born: April 8, 1837 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Elie Bastien Mother: Julie Blier
1 M Adem Fleury
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Guignard Marr: January 8, 1884 - St-Joseph, Cté Maskinongé. Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Adelaide Bastien
Alexis Bastien and Anne Lemire
Husband Alexis Bastien
Born: November 26, 1772 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: December 1, 1845 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried:
Father: Alexis Bastien Vanasse Mother: Antoinette Grondin
Marriage: February 22, 1802 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Wife Anne Lemire
Born: October 14, 1775 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: July 12, 1860 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried:
Father: Joseph Antoine Lemire Mother: Marie Anne Lampron Lacharite
1 M Elie Bastien
Born: August 7, 1808 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: August 6, 1873 Buried:Spouse: Julie Blier Marr: February 2, 1829 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Elie Bastien and Julie Blier
Husband Elie Bastien
Born: August 7, 1808 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: August 6, 1873 Buried:
Father: Alexis Bastien Mother: Anne Lemire
Marriage: February 2, 1829 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Wife Julie Blier
Born: May 1804 Baptized: Died: March 15, 1876 Buried:
Father: Benoni Blier Mother: Anne Sicard Carufel
1 F Adelaide Bastien
Born: April 8, 1837 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Narcisse Fleury Marr: August 11, 1857 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Adelaide Bastien
Fernand Gilbert and Julienne Bastien
Husband Fernand Gilbert
Born: September 16, 1908 - St-Augustin DE Desmaures, Cté Portneuf, Qc Baptized: Died: December 21, 2002 - St-Augustin DE Desmaures, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: December 23, 2002 - St-Augustin DE Desmaures, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Father: Alphonse Gilbert Mother: Emma Couture
Other Spouse: Cecile Auger
Other Spouse: Paquerette Fournier
Wife Julienne Bastien
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Pierre Daigle and M. Bastien
Husband Pierre Daigle
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Daigle Mother: Victoire Comeau
Marriage: October 14, 1839 - Montreal Qc
Other Spouse: Clemence Lebeau - August 13, 1821 - Sault-Au-Recollet Qc
Wife M. Bastien
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Joseph Daigle
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 F Marie Daigle
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Melina Daigle
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Andre Tanguay and Madeleine Bastien
Husband Andre Tanguay
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Napoleon Tanguay Mother: Jeannie Lecouteur
Marriage: 1939
Wife Madeleine Bastien
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Jean Perusse and Rita Bastien
Husband Jean Perusse
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: 1942 - Québec, Qc
Wife Rita Bastien
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Perusse
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Boucher
Alexis Bastien Vanasse and Francoise Beauparlant
Husband Alexis Bastien Vanasse
Born: 1734 Baptized: Died: September 15, 1794 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried:
Father: Sebastien Jean Baptiste Vanasse Mother: Suzanne Baron Lupien
Marriage: January 20, 1766 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Other Spouse: Antoinette Grondin - October 14, 1771 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Wife Francoise Beauparlant
Born: - St-Joseph-DE-Lanoraie, Cté Berthier, Qc Baptized: - St-Joseph-DE-Lanoraie, Cté Berthier, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Beauparlant Mother: Josephte Moreau
Death Notes: Wife - Francoise Beauparlant
Alexis Bastien Vanasse and Antoinette Grondin
Husband Alexis Bastien Vanasse
Born: 1734 Baptized: Died: September 15, 1794 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried:
Father: Sebastien Jean Baptiste Vanasse Mother: Suzanne Baron Lupien
Marriage: October 14, 1771 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Other Spouse: Francoise Beauparlant - January 20, 1766 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Wife Antoinette Grondin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Grondin Mother: Genevieve Ouellet
1 M Alexis Bastien
Born: November 26, 1772 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: December 1, 1845 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried:Spouse: Anne Lemire Marr: February 22, 1802 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Joseph Amable Bastien Vanasse and Francoise Vincent
Husband Joseph Amable Bastien Vanasse
Born: August 17, 1759 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: August 18, 1759 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Vanasse Bastien Mother: Elisabeth Sicard Decarufel
Marriage: November 12, 1781 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Wife Francoise Vincent
Born: Baptized: Died: April 1794 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried: April 15, 1794 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Father: Joseph Vincent Mother: Jeanne Benoit
1 F Marie Bastien Vanasse
Born: January 12, 1787 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: April 21, 1850 - St-Maurice, Yamachiche, Qc. Buried:Spouse: Joseph Guillemette Marr: July 14, 1803 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Joseph Guillemette and Marie Bastien Vanasse
Husband Joseph Guillemette
Born: March 24, 1779 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Guillemette Mother: Marie Modeste Bastarache
Marriage: July 14, 1803 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Wife Marie Bastien Vanasse
Born: January 12, 1787 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: April 21, 1850 - St-Maurice, Yamachiche, Qc. Buried:
Father: Joseph Amable Bastien Vanasse Mother: Francoise Vincent
1 F Cecile Guillemette
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Antoine Gelinas Marr: February 8, 1836 - St-Maurice, Yamachiche, Qc.
Death Notes: Husband - Joseph Guillemette
Antoine Lemire Lemyre and Suzanne Bastien Vanasse
Husband Antoine Lemire Lemyre
Born: 1719 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: 1780 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried:
Father: Jean Francois Lemire Gonneville Mother: Elisabeth Francoise Louise Courchesne Foucault
Marriage: - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Other Spouse: Francoise Laneuville Lecuyer - January 26, 1773 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Wife Suzanne Bastien Vanasse
Born: 1722 Baptized: Died: July 11, 1771 - St-Antoine-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Louiseville, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried:
Father: Sebastien Jean Baptiste Vanasse Mother: Suzanne Baron Lupien
1 M Joseph Antoine Lemire
Born: April 25, 1750 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: February 25, 1826 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried:Spouse: Marie Anne Lampron Lacharite Marr: August 15, 1771 - Maskinongé, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Olivier Lacoste Languedoc and Jeanne Bastier
Husband Olivier Lacoste Languedoc
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Jeanne Bastier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Alexandre Lacoste Languedoc
Born: 1665 - St-Julien-DE-Casagnas, Gard, France Baptized: Died: - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Denau Deniau Marr: April 24, 1690 - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, QcSpouse: Jeanne Catherine Robin Marr: Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc
Anselme Bastille and Lucie Pelletier
Husband Anselme Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: February 23, 1846 - St. Simon, Rimouski, Québec, Canada
Wife Lucie Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Laurent Pascal Pelletier Mother: Felicite Albert
Antoine Bastille and Sophie Hudon Beaulieu
Husband Antoine Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Antoine Rigaudiau Bastille Mother: Angelique Lebel
Marriage: March 2, 1845 - Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Sophie Hudon Beaulieu
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Benoni Hudon Beaulieu Mother: Victoire Phocas Raymond
1 F Victoire Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ferdinand Dancause Marr: September 24, 1872 - St-Epiphane, Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc
Francois Belanger and Arthemise Bastille
Husband Francois Belanger
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Marie Belanger Mother: Constance Belanger
Marriage: November 2, 1873 - St-Jean-Port-Joli, L'islet, Qc
Wife Arthemise Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Bastille Mother: Modeste St Pierre
1 F Arthemise Belanger
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Lucien Leclerc Marr: February 7, 1898 - St-Jean-Port-Joli, L'islet, Qc
2 F Maria Belanger
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Frederic Gagnon Marr: January 2, 1910 - St-Jean-Port-Joli, L'islet, Qc
Elzear Bouchard and Aurore Bastille
Husband Elzear Bouchard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: October 14, 1942 - St-Jean-DE-Dieu, Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc
Wife Aurore Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Bouchard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Danjou
2 F Bouchard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Danjou
Joseph Bastille and Modeste St Pierre
Husband Joseph Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Antoine Rigaudiau Bastille Mother: Angelique Lebel
Marriage: May 2, 1849 - St-Jean-Port-Joli, L'islet, Qc
Wife Modeste St Pierre
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Germain St Pierre Mother: Modeste St Amant
1 F Arthemise Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Belanger Marr: November 2, 1873 - St-Jean-Port-Joli, L'islet, Qc
2 F Sophie Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Louis Caron Marr: November 18, 1873 - St-Jean-Port-Joli, L'islet, Qc
Joachim St Pierre and Marie Anne Bastille
Husband Joachim St Pierre
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Michel St Pierre Mother: Francoise Chartier
Marriage: August 11, 1831 - L'isle-Verte, Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Antoine Rigaudiau Bastille Mother: Angelique Lebel
1 F Cesarie St Pierre
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Alphonse Dube Marr: January 26, 1864 - L'isle-Verte, Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc
2 M Joachim St Pierre
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Malvina Cote Marr: September 2, 1863 - St-Modeste, Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc
Louis Caron and Sophie Bastille
Husband Louis Caron
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Caron Mother: Ursule Kirouac
Marriage: November 18, 1873 - St-Jean-Port-Joli, L'islet, Qc
Wife Sophie Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Bastille Mother: Modeste St Pierre
1 M Louis Caron
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ledia Dube Marr: December 11, 1907 - St-Aubert, L'islet, Qc
Ferdinand Dancause and Victoire Bastille
Husband Ferdinand Dancause
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Francois Dancause Mother: Opportune Dionne
Marriage: September 24, 1872 - St-Epiphane, Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc
Wife Victoire Bastille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Antoine Bastille Mother: Sophie Hudon Beaulieu
1 M Joseph Dancause
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Claire Clarina Theriault Marr: October 1, 1910 - St-Hubert, Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc
Pierre Rivard and Marie Clemence Bastille Bray
Husband Pierre Rivard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: January 10, 1770 - Boucherville, Chambly, Qc
Wife Marie Clemence Bastille Bray
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Marie Clemence Rivard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Augustin Dube Marr: August 17, 1795 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Louis Saulnier and Louise Bastinaux-Pelletier
Husband Louis Saulnier
Born: 1663 - France Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Louise Bastinaux-Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Catherine Saulnier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Charles Hebert Marr: 1731 - Pisiguit, Acadie
Louis Saulnier and Louise Bastineaux Peltier
Husband Louis Saulnier
Born: 1663 Baptized: Died: April 4, 1730 Buried:Marriage: - Vitré, Bretagne, France
Wife Louise Bastineaux Peltier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Marie Anne Saulnier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Boisseau Blondin Marr: October 6, 1711 - St-Charles-Les-Mines, Grand-Pré, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
2 F Louise Saulnier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Boudreau Boudrot Marr: 1722 - St-Charles-Les-Mines, Grand-Pré, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
3 M Pierre Saulnier
Born: 1696 - St-Charles-Les-Mines, Grand-Pré, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Madeleine Comeau Marr: 1716 - Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Death Notes: Child - Pierre Saulnier
Raymond Bastkowski and Marylyn Young
Husband Raymond Bastkowski
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marylyn Young
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Ralph Young Mother: Mary Catherine Cotton
Andrew R. Baston and Lucy Lufkin
Husband Andrew R. Baston
Born: May 31, 1820 Baptized: Died: May 17, 1877 - North Yarmouth ME Buried:Marriage: September 10, 1844
Wife Lucy Lufkin
Born: January 31, 1819 - Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: May 17, 1877 Buried:
Father: Nehemiah Lufkin Mother: Bethiah B. Maxfield
Levi Bradley and Annette B. Baston
Husband Levi Bradley 51
Born: October 3, 1835 - Charleston. ME Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Levi Bradley 51 Mother: Margaret G. Patten 51
Wife Annette B. Baston 51
Born: July 3, 1830 Baptized: Died: October 6, 1878 Buried:
Noted events in her life were:
1. Residence - Ellswoth, ME
General Notes: Husband - Levi Bradley
Use at your own risk, some of the data has not yet been verified. Please contact me if you find errors.
General Notes: Wife - Annette B. Baston
Use at your own risk, some of the data has not yet been verified. Please contact me if you find errors.
Jacob Butler Lufkin and Lydia Brown Baston
Husband Jacob Butler Lufkin 52
Born: July 12, 1807 - North Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: September 1871 Buried:
Father: Jacob Butler Lufkin 52 Mother: Elizabeth Ludden 52 53
Marriage: February 1, 1832 - North Yarmouth ME
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation
Butcher, farmer
Wife Lydia Brown Baston
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M George Allen Lufkin
Born: December 16, 1832 - North Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: April 24, 1838 - Maine Buried:
2 M Asa Orland Lufkin
Born: October 12, 1834 - North Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Sarah Woods Lufkin
Born: January 6, 1837 - North Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Bradford Lufkin
Born: December 8, 1838 - North Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Elizabeth Humphrey Lufkin
Born: October 14, 1842 - Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: December 1850 Buried:
6 F Lydia Augusta Lufkin
Born: May 6, 1844 - North Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: July 11, 1851 Buried:
7 F Anna T. Lufkin
Born: October 14, 1848 - North Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: Buried:
8 M Howard Jacob Lufkin
Born: January 3, 1852 - Yarmouth ME Baptized: Died: Buried:
Richard Henry Bastone and Carolyn Yvonne Peirce
Husband Richard Henry Bastone
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Carolyn Yvonne Peirce
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Alva Peirce Mother: Alta Mae Waisner
Other Spouse: Clifton Steven Jenkins
William Alphee Daigle and Joyce Ann Bastyr
Husband William Alphee Daigle
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Henry Daigle Mother: Leda Fournier
Wife Joyce Ann Bastyr
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Daigle
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Daigle
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Joseph Kemper and Elizabeth Basye
Husband Joseph Kemper
Born: 1770 - Fauquier, VA Baptized: Died: 1843 - Paris, , IL Buried:
Father: John Kemper Mother: Ann Weaver
Marriage: 1800 - Culpeper, VA
Wife Elizabeth Basye
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Jean Bataiiler and Suzanne Thomas
Husband Jean Bataiiler
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Suzanne Thomas
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Pierre Batailler
Born: 1638 Baptized: Died: - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France Buried: - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, FranceSpouse: Angelique Roy Marr: April 2, 1663 - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France
Jean Fouquereau and Renee Bataille
Husband Jean Fouquereau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - Anjoue, France
Wife Renee Bataille
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Urbain Fouquereau
Born: 1649 - Continvoir, Chinon, Angers, Aujou, France Baptized: Died: - Montreal, Quebec Buried: - Montreal, QuebecSpouse: Jeanne Rossignol Marr: December 28, 1676 - Québec, Québec, Canada
General Notes: Husband - Jean Fouquereau
From Continvoir, Anjou
General Notes: Wife - Renee Bataille
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Urbain Fouquereau
Jean Paradis and Catherine Batailler
Husband Jean Paradis
Born: July 22, 1658 - Quebec, Qc 54 Baptized: July 22, 1658 - Quebec Quebec Quebec Canada Died: July 27, 1697 - Charlesbourg, Qc 54 55 Buried: July 27, 1717 - St Charles Borromee DE Charlesbourg Charlesbourg Quebec 55
Father: Pierre Tremblay 56 57 58 59 Mother: Marie Roussin 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
Marriage: June 8, 1693 - St. Jean, La Rochelle, Aunis, France
Other Spouse: Claudette Damize - 1674 - Repentigny, Québec, Canada
Other Spouse: Jeanne Pasque - Quebec, Qc 63
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism 55, November 14, 1650 - Ste Croix Montagne Perche France
2. Baptism, November 14, 1650 - Ste Croix Mortagne Perche France
Wife Catherine Batailler
Born: September 4, 1675 - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Batailler Mother: Angelique Roy
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, September 14, 1675 - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France
1 M Francois Joseph Paradis
Born: - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France Baptized: Died: - Québec, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Louise Veronique Michelle Constantin Marr: October 9, 1727 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Jean Paradis
General Notes: Husband - Jean Paradis
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Death Notes: Wife - Catherine Batailler
Pierre Batailler and Angelique Roy
Husband Pierre Batailler
Born: 1638 Baptized: Died: - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France Buried: - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France
Father: Jean Bataiiler Mother: Suzanne Thomas
Marriage: April 2, 1663 - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France
Wife Angelique Roy
Born: - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Roy Mother: Marie Unique
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France
1 F Catherine Batailler
Born: September 4, 1675 - St-Jean-Du-Perrot, Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Paradis Marr: June 8, 1693 - St. Jean, La Rochelle, Aunis, France
Death Notes: Wife - Angelique Roy
Death Notes: Child - Catherine Batailler
Peter Woodbury and Abigail Batchelder
Husband Peter Woodbury
Born: June 19, 1640 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 64 65 Baptized: Died: - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 66 Buried:
Father: John Woodbury Mother: Agnes Napper
Marriage: September 1, 1665 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Other Spouse: Sarah Dodge - July 2, 1667 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 67
Wife Abigail Batchelder
Born: - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts 68 Baptized: Died: 1667 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 68 Buried:
Other Spouse: Peter Woodbury Jr. - September 1, 1665 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
1 M Peter Woodbury Jr.
Born: December 12, 1666 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 66 69 Baptized: Died: - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 70 Buried:Spouse: Abigail Batchelder Marr: September 1, 1665 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Peter Woodbury Jr. and Abigail Batchelder
Husband Peter Woodbury Jr.
Born: December 12, 1666 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 66 69 Baptized: Died: - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 70 Buried:
Father: Peter Woodbury Mother: Abigail Batchelder
Marriage: September 1, 1665 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Wife Abigail Batchelder
Born: - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts 68 Baptized: Died: 1667 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 68 Buried:
Other Spouse: Peter Woodbury - September 1, 1665 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Peeter Woodbery and Abigail Batchelder
Husband Peeter Woodbery 71 72 73
Born: Baptized: September 19, 1640 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Died: July 5, 1704 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts Buried: August 14, 1704 - Wp Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts
Father: John Woodbery 74 75 76 77 78 79 Mother: Agnes Napper 74 80
Marriage: September 1665 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts
Other Spouse: Sarah Dodge 81 - July 1667 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts
Wife Abigail Batchelder
Born: Baptized: - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Died: December 12, 1666 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Buried: 1667 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts
Father: John Batchelder Mother: Elizabeth
1 M Peeter Woodberry 72
Born: December 12, 1666 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts Baptized: July 21, 1667 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Died: - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts Buried: - Wp Beverly, Essex, MassachusettsSpouse: Mary Dodg Marr: November 18, 1692 - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
General Notes: Husband - Peeter Woodbery
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sgt.
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 52KM-7V
!CHRISTENING: Vital Records of Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, births page 441, WOODBERY, Peeter,s. John, bp. 19 : 7 m : 1640. C.R.1. (19 Sep)
!MARRIAGE: Vital Records of Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, marriages page 349, WOODBERRY, Peeter, and Abbigaile Bathellour, Sept. ____ [bef. Dec., 1666.]
!MARRIAGE: Vital Records of Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, marriages page 349, WOODBERRY, Peeter, and Sarah Dodge, July __, 1667.
!DEATH: Vital Records of Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, deaths page 617, WOODBERY, Peter, Dea., July 5, 1704, a. abt. 64 y.
!PROBATE INDEX: www.ancestry.com ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS, Essex County Probate Index, 1648-1840, Deacon Peter Woodberry, 14 Aug 1704, testate, 30481, Beverly
General Notes: Wife - Abigail Batchelder
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8DWH-0X
!MARRIAGE: Vital Records of Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, marriages page 349, WOODBERRY, Peeter, and Abbigaile Bathellour, Sept. ____ [bef. Dec., 1666.]
Notes: Marriage
General Notes: Child - Peeter Woodberry
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Jr.
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> FV57-98
!BIRTH: Vital Records of Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, births page 383, WOODBERRY, Peeter, s. Peeter and Abbigaile (Bathellour), Dec. 12, 1666.
!CHRISTENING: Vital Records of Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, births page 441, WOODBERY, Peter, s. Peter, bp. 21 : 5 m : 1667. C.R.1. (21 Jul)
!MARRIAGE: Vital Records of Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, marriages page 465, WOODBERRY, Peter, and Mary Dodg, at Chebacco, Nov. 18, 1692.
!DEATH: Vital Records of Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, deaths page 617, WOODBERY, Peter, Dea., Jan. 8, 1706-7, a. abt. 40 y.
!PROBATE INDEX: www.ancestry.com ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS, Essex County Probate Index, 1648-1840,Deacon Peter Woodberry Jr., 27 Jan 1707, intestate, 30482 Beverly yeoman
Peter Woodbury and Abigail Batchelder
Husband Peter Woodbury
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: John Woodbury Mother: Johanna Humphery
Wife Abigail Batchelder
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Peter Woodbury
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Mary Dodge
General Notes: Husband - Peter Woodbury
Was about a year old when his father died. In 1667, church members petitioned to have a church separate from the one in Salem where he became a deacon in 1686. During the Salem witch trials, he was said to assist several of the accused in fleeing to New Hampshire where they were out of jurisdiction. It was said he kept a horse saddled for quick flight and that he housed some of the accused.
In 1675 he was elected a selectman of Beverley, MA. and continuously re-elected 1683-1686. He was a member of the cavalry and in records of 1686 he was called Sargent and by 1689 Lieutenant. In 1689, he was elected to represent Beverly in a legislature set up to seize power from King James who was being invadedby William of Orange.
John Dearborn and Abigail Batchelder
Husband John Dearborn 82 83 84 85
Born: October 10, 1666 - Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire 82 83 85 Baptized: Died: November 22, 1750 - Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire 82 83 85 Buried: November 1750
Father: Henry Dearborn 82 83 84 85 Mother: Elizabeth Marion 84 85 86 87
Marriage: November 14, 1689 - Hampton Rockingham NH 85
Wife Abigail Batchelder 82 84 85
Born: December 28, 1667 - Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire 85 Baptized: Died: November 14, 1736 - Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire 85 Buried: November 1736
Father: Nathaniel Batchelder Jr 82 83 84 85 88 89 Mother: Deborah Smith 82 85
Father: Nathaniel Batchelder Jr 82 83 84 85 88 89 Mother: Mary Carter 84 85 90 91
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth, December 28, 1667 - Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire
2. Alt. Death, November 13, 1736 - Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire
1 F Deborah Dearborn
Born: - North Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 F Sarah Dearborn 83 84 85 88 92
Born: 1699 - Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire 85 93 94 95 Baptized: Died: 1756 - Kensington, Rockingham County, New Hampshire 85 96 97 Buried:Spouse: Edward Tuck 84 85 98 99 100 Marr: November 24, 1720 - Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire 101 102
3 F Sarah Elizabeth Dearborn
Born: August 31, 1692 - Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire Baptized: Died: March 10, 1770 - Rye Rockingham New Hampshire Buried: March 1770
4 F Lydia Dearborn
Born: April 4, 1702 - Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jeremiah Sanborn Marr: Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire
5 M Simon Dearborn
Born: July 31, 1706 - Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire Baptized: Died: November 22, 1750 - Hampton Rockingham New Hampshire Buried:
General Notes: Husband - John Dearborn
I exchange data with people who have a interlocking marriage
into any surnames that interlocks into any of the branches
of my families.I started when I was 10 years old now 68years.
I am sharing my data in the interest of collaborative research.
I do this to help people to find there lineages and to fill
the pedigree charts.
I have not personally researched all families listed; dates
and information are subject to verification. Not responsible
for typographical errors misplaced citations. Missing
sources/references are because of my learning curve,not my
intention. You are encouraged to seek further documention
for your own confirmation.Further I have no control what
other people include about their families in any of the
data that they exchange.
If there are no dates about the living, then the computers
can not determine if the person is alive or deceased.
The sites set the living anywhere from 75 to 100 years
depending on the laws of the countries that they are in.
When I exchange with lineages the living are sometime shown
depending on who you are exchanging with, but my
request is that,if you update any of my data to the
internet, you also set the do not show the living,before
you update to the internet.
Also place in the source your contact email
address,and the lineage, so people can contact you
reqarding your update.
I have no claim to owning the data, except that which is
my immediate lineage, and even that is worked on by many
members of my family lineages. It is only as good as what
people put into it,that exchange with me. So look
in the notes of the genealogy for origin, if they put it
there,or the source.
If you are going to correct,update or put new branches on the
lineage your are inquirying about,please do not add from what
I have sent you,(This just duplicates how many more people
I have to find in the duplicates and merge them,edit your
notes to ensure that there is nothing there that you do not
want published.
Also do not submit information on copyrights that invades the
privacy of others especially for a relative that has not given
you permission to publish same.
Remember nothing is carved in stone except time.
The best way for me to describe the relationship, is for
example if you have 6,000 people in your data base
that are connected via interlocking marriages, and
you find that you have a marriage that is interlocked into
one of my people in my data base, then they are related
via interlocking marriages, does not matter how distant.
The difference here is that the interlocking into my data
base would link to over 631,749 people via interlocking
My hobby is working on interlocking marriages,to any
family surname that is in my data,and I exchange with
people to find them,and to assist them in finding lineage
that link into their families.
General Notes: Wife - Abigail Batchelder
I exchange data with people who have a interlocking marriage
into any surnames that interlocks into any of the branches
of my families.I started when I was 10 years old now 68years.
I am sharing my data in the interest of collaborative research.
I do this to help people to find there lineages and to fill
the pedigree charts.
I have not personally researched all families listed; dates
and information are subject to verification. Not responsible
for typographical errors misplaced citations. Missing
sources/references are because of my learning curve,not my
intention. You are encouraged to seek further documention
for your own confirmation.Further I have no control what
other people include about their families in any of the
data that they exchange.
If there are no dates about the living, then the computers
can not determine if the person is alive or deceased.
The sites set the living anywhere from 75 to 100 years
depending on the laws of the countries that they are in.
When I exchange with lineages the living are sometime shown
depending on who you are exchanging with, but my
request is that,if you update any of my data to the
internet, you also set the do not show the living,before
you update to the internet.
Also place in the source your contact email
address,and the lineage, so people can contact you
reqarding your update.
I have no claim to owning the data, except that which is
my immediate lineage, and even that is worked on by many
members of my family lineages. It is only as good as what
people put into it,that exchange with me. So look
in the notes of the genealogy for origin, if they put it
there,or the source.
If you are going to correct,update or put new branches on the
lineage your are inquirying about,please do not add from what
I have sent you,(This just duplicates how many more people
I have to find in the duplicates and merge them,edit your
notes to ensure that there is nothing there that you do not
want published.
Also do not submit information on copyrights that invades the
privacy of others especially for a relative that has not given
you permission to publish same.
Remember nothing is carved in stone except time.
The best way for me to describe the relationship, is for
example if you have 6,000 people in your data base
that are connected via interlocking marriages, and
you find that you have a marriage that is interlocked into
one of my people in my data base, then they are related
via interlocking marriages, does not matter how distant.
The difference here is that the interlocking into my data
base would link to over 631,749 people via interlocking
My hobby is working on interlocking marriages,to any
family surname that is in my data,and I exchange with
people to find them,and to assist them in finding lineage
that link into their families.
Notes: Marriage
General Notes: Child - Deborah Dearborn
I exchange data with people who have a interlocking marriage
into any surnames that interlocks into any of the branches
of my families.I started when I was 10 years old now 68years.
I am sharing my data in the interest of collaborative research.
I do this to help people to find there lineages and to fill
the pedigree charts.
I have not personally researched all families listed; dates
and information are subject to verification. Not responsible
for typographical errors misplaced citations. Missing
sources/references are because of my learning curve,not my
intention. You are encouraged to seek further documention
for your own confirmation.Further I have no control what
other people include about their families in any of the
data that they exchange.
If there are no dates about the living, then the computers
can not determine if the person is alive or deceased.
The sites set the living anywhere from 75 to 100 years
depending on the laws of the countries that they are in.
When I exchange with lineages the living are sometime shown
depending on who you are exchanging with, but my
request is that,if you update any of my data to the
internet, you also set the do not show the living,before
you update to the internet.
Also place in the source your contact email
address,and the lineage, so people can contact you
reqarding your update.
I have no claim to owning the data, except that which is
my immediate lineage, and even that is worked on by many
members of my family lineages. It is only as good as what
people put into it,that exchange with me. So look
in the notes of the genealogy for origin, if they put it
there,or the source.
If you are going to correct,update or put new branches on the
lineage your are inquirying about,please do not add from what
I have sent you,(This just duplicates how many more people
I have to find in the duplicates and merge them,edit your
notes to ensure that there is nothing there that you do not
want published.
Also do not submit information on copyrights that invades the
privacy of others especially for a relative that has not given
you permission to publish same.
Remember nothing is carved in stone except time.
The best way for me to describe the relationship, is for
example if you have 6,000 people in your data base
that are connected via interlocking marriages, and
you find that you have a marriage that is interlocked into
one of my people in my data base, then they are related
via interlocking marriages, does not matter how distant.
The difference here is that the interlocking into my data
base would link to over 631,749 people via interlocking
My hobby is working on interlocking marriages,to any
family surname that is in my data,and I exchange with
people to find them,and to assist them in finding lineage
that link into their families.
General Notes: Child - Sarah Elizabeth Dearborn
I exchange data with people who have a interlocking marriage
into any surnames that interlocks into any of the branches
of my families.I started when I was 10 years old now 68years.
I am sharing my data in the interest of collaborative research.
I do this to help people to find there lineages and to fill
the pedigree charts.
I have not personally researched all families listed; dates
and information are subject to verification. Not responsible
for typographical errors misplaced citations. Missing
sources/references are because of my learning curve,not my
intention. You are encouraged to seek further documention
for your own confirmation.Further I have no control what
other people include about their families in any of the
data that they exchange.
If there are no dates about the living, then the computers
can not determine if the person is alive or deceased.
The sites set the living anywhere from 75 to 100 years
depending on the laws of the countries that they are in.
When I exchange with lineages the living are sometime shown
depending on who you are exchanging with, but my
request is that,if you update any of my data to the
internet, you also set the do not show the living,before
you update to the internet.
Also place in the source your contact email
address,and the lineage, so people can contact you
reqarding your update.
I have no claim to owning the data, except that which is
my immediate lineage, and even that is worked on by many
members of my family lineages. It is only as good as what
people put into it,that exchange with me. So look
in the notes of the genealogy for origin, if they put it
there,or the source.
If you are going to correct,update or put new branches on the
lineage your are inquirying about,please do not add from what
I have sent you,(This just duplicates how many more people
I have to find in the duplicates and merge them,edit your
notes to ensure that there is nothing there that you do not
want published.
Also do not submit information on copyrights that invades the
privacy of others especially for a relative that has not given
you permission to publish same.
Remember nothing is carved in stone except time.
The best way for me to describe the relationship, is for
example if you have 6,000 people in your data base
that are connected via interlocking marriages, and
you find that you have a marriage that is interlocked into
one of my people in my data base, then they are related
via interlocking marriages, does not matter how distant.
The difference here is that the interlocking into my data
base would link to over 631,749 people via interlocking
My hobby is working on interlocking marriages,to any
family surname that is in my data,and I exchange with
people to find them,and to assist them in finding lineage
that link into their families.
General Notes: Child - Lydia Dearborn
I exchange data with people who have a interlocking marriage
into any surnames that interlocks into any of the branches
of my families.I started when I was 10 years old now 68years.
I am sharing my data in the interest of collaborative research.
I do this to help people to find there lineages and to fill
the pedigree charts.
I have not personally researched all families listed; dates
and information are subject to verification. Not responsible
for typographical errors misplaced citations. Missing
sources/references are because of my learning curve,not my
intention. You are encouraged to seek further documention
for your own confirmation.Further I have no control what
other people include about their families in any of the
data that they exchange.
If there are no dates about the living, then the computers
can not determine if the person is alive or deceased.
The sites set the living anywhere from 75 to 100 years
depending on the laws of the countries that they are in.
When I exchange with lineages the living are sometime shown
depending on who you are exchanging with, but my
request is that,if you update any of my data to the
internet, you also set the do not show the living,before
you update to the internet.
Also place in the source your contact email
address,and the lineage, so people can contact you
reqarding your update.
I have no claim to owning the data, except that which is
my immediate lineage, and even that is worked on by many
members of my family lineages. It is only as good as what
people put into it,that exchange with me. So look
in the notes of the genealogy for origin, if they put it
there,or the source.
If you are going to correct,update or put new branches on the
lineage your are inquirying about,please do not add from what
I have sent you,(This just duplicates how many more people
I have to find in the duplicates and merge them,edit your
notes to ensure that there is nothing there that you do not
want published.
Also do not submit information on copyrights that invades the
privacy of others especially for a relative that has not given
you permission to publish same.
Remember nothing is carved in stone except time.
The best way for me to describe the relationship, is for
example if you have 6,000 people in your data base
that are connected via interlocking marriages, and
you find that you have a marriage that is interlocked into
one of my people in my data base, then they are related
via interlocking marriages, does not matter how distant.
The difference here is that the interlocking into my data
base would link to over 631,749 people via interlocking
My hobby is working on interlocking marriages,to any
family surname that is in my data,and I exchange with
people to find them,and to assist them in finding lineage
that link into their families.
General Notes: Child - Simon Dearborn
I exchange data with people who have a interlocking marriage
into any surnames that interlocks into any of the branches
of my families.I started when I was 10 years old now 68years.
I am sharing my data in the interest of collaborative research.
I do this to help people to find there lineages and to fill
the pedigree charts.
I have not personally researched all families listed; dates
and information are subject to verification. Not responsible
for typographical errors misplaced citations. Missing
sources/references are because of my learning curve,not my
intention. You are encouraged to seek further documention
for your own confirmation.Further I have no control what
other people include about their families in any of the
data that they exchange.
If there are no dates about the living, then the computers
can not determine if the person is alive or deceased.
The sites set the living anywhere from 75 to 100 years
depending on the laws of the countries that they are in.
When I exchange with lineages the living are sometime shown
depending on who you are exchanging with, but my
request is that,if you update any of my data to the
internet, you also set the do not show the living,before
you update to the internet.
Also place in the source your contact email
address,and the lineage, so people can contact you
reqarding your update.
I have no claim to owning the data, except that which is
my immediate lineage, and even that is worked on by many
members of my family lineages. It is only as good as what
people put into it,that exchange with me. So look
in the notes of the genealogy for origin, if they put it
there,or the source.
If you are going to correct,update or put new branches on the
lineage your are inquirying about,please do not add from what
I have sent you,(This just duplicates how many more people
I have to find in the duplicates and merge them,edit your
notes to ensure that there is nothing there that you do not
want published.
Also do not submit information on copyrights that invades the
privacy of others especially for a relative that has not given
you permission to publish same.
Remember nothing is carved in stone except time.
The best way for me to describe the relationship, is for
example if you have 6,000 people in your data base
that are connected via interlocking marriages, and
you find that you have a marriage that is interlocked into
one of my people in my data base, then they are related
via interlocking marriages, does not matter how distant.
The difference here is that the interlocking into my data
base would link to over 631,749 people via interlocking
My hobby is working on interlocking marriages,to any
family surname that is in my data,and I exchange with
people to find them,and to assist them in finding lineage
that link into their families.
Abraham E. Batchelder and Rebecca Fifield
Husband Abraham E. Batchelder 103
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: November 18, 1841 - Loudon, Merrimack, NH 103
Wife Rebecca Fifield 103
Born: January 1820 103 Baptized: Died: November 1869 103 Buried:
Father: Willard Fifield 104 105 Mother: Rebecca Drew 106
Darius Philbrick and Adaline Batchelder
Husband Darius Philbrick
Born: May 10, 1823 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: August 18, 1903 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
Father: Perkins Philbrick Mother: Lucy Hamm
Wife Adaline Batchelder
Born: September 25, 1818 - NH Baptized: Died: February 16, 1897 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
1 F Addie Philbrick
Born: May 20, 1862 Baptized: Died: April 14, 1889 Buried:
Albert Laforest Batchelder
Husband Albert Laforest Batchelder
Born: September 6, 1848 - Lowell, Middlesex Co, MA Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: David Stephen Batchelder Mother: Clariena Butler Pearson
Marriage: December 25, 1878 - Lowell, Middlesex Co, MA
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Death Notes: Husband - Albert Laforest Batchelder
General Notes: Husband - Albert Laforest Batchelder
Alonzo Elbridge Batchelder
Husband Alonzo Elbridge Batchelder
Born: 1844 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: January 3, 1905 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
Father: George W. Batchelder Mother: Abigail B. Wells
Marriage: June 13, 1869 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Alonzo Elbridge Batchelder
Husband Alonzo Elbridge Batchelder
Born: 1844 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: January 3, 1905 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
Father: George W. Batchelder Mother: Abigail B. Wells
Marriage: August 10, 1895 - Deerfield, Rockingham Co, NH
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Amos Batchelder and Mary Molly Lane
Husband Amos Batchelder
Born: - Raymond, Rockingham Co, NH Baptized: Died: November 28, 1865 Buried:Marriage: 1813
Wife Mary Molly Lane
AKA: Molly Born: June 14, 1793 - Raymond, Rockingham Co, NH Baptized: Died: December 25, 1845 Buried:
Father: Jonathan Lane Mother: Susanna Emerson
1 F Hannah Batchelder
Born: 1815 - Raymond, Rockingham Co, NH Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Amos Batchelder
Born: 1817 - Raymond, Rockingham Co, NH Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Susanna Batchelder
Born: 1819 - Raymond, Rockingham Co, NH Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Amos Batchelder
!Children -
1. Hazen Batchelder b: abt 1814 in Raymond, NH
2. Amos Batchelder b: abt 1816 in Raymond, NH
3. Hannah Batchelder b: abt 1818 in Raymond, NH
4. Susanna Batchelder b: abt 1819/1826 in Raymond, NH
Death Notes: Child - Hannah Batchelder
Death Notes: Child - Amos Batchelder
Death Notes: Child - Susanna Batchelder
William Sanborn and Ann Batchelder
Husband William Sanborn
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Ann Batchelder
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Stephern Batchelder Mother:
1 M John Sanborn
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Mary Tuck
General Notes: Wife - Ann Batchelder
ANCILondon, England
General Notes: Child - John Sanborn
He and his brothers shared in the Hampton grants of thier Grandfather Batchelder in 1640, but the mother seems never to have come over. John Sanborn was the oldest of the brothes, and became active in town affairs; in1647 his grandfather Batchelder settled the balance of his property with John
Nathaniel Rideout and Ann Batchelder
Husband Nathaniel Rideout
Born: - Hollis, Hillsboro Co., New Hampshire Baptized: Died: - Salem, Mass., U.S.A. Buried:
Father: Nathaniel Rideout Mother: Susanna Spalding
Marriage: January 1, 1822 - Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., U.S.A.
Other Spouse: Sarah Abbott - September 26, 1805
Wife Ann Batchelder 107
Born: 1795 - Massachusetts, USA 107 Baptized: Died: May 21, 1877 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 107 Buried:
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth, 1795
2. Alt. Death, May 21, 1877
1 M Dennis Rideout
Born: October 22, 1822 - Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., U.S.A. Baptized: Died: 1829 - Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., U.S.A. Buried:
2 F Angelina Rideout 107
Born: February 12, 1824 - Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., U.S.A. Baptized: Died: May 22, 1879 107 Buried:Spouse: William KimballSpouse: William Kimball Marr: January 27, 1849
3 F Caroline Rideout
Born: July 10, 1825 - Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., U.S.A. Baptized: Died: August 22, 1878 Buried:Spouse: William PurbeckSpouse: William Purbeck Marr: October 31, 1850
4 F Susan Rideout
Born: 1838 - Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., U.S.A. Baptized: Died: February 7, 1838 - Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., U.S.A. Buried:
5 F Ellen Rideout
Born: October 9, 1828 - Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., U.S.A. Baptized: Died: March 23, 1890 - Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., U.S.A. Buried:
6 M Joseph Rideout
Born: August 2, 1829 - Worchester, Mass. Baptized: Died: November 8, 1888 Buried:Spouse: Nancy Elizabeth HairSpouse: Elizabeth Mcfarland McFarland Marr: June 4, 1857Spouse: Eliza Ellen ColeSpouse: Eliza Ellen Cole Marr: May 4, 1882
General Notes: Husband - Nathaniel Rideout
FROM THE BOOK - "RIDEOUTS OF AMERICA" - Nathaniel II died young.
General Notes: Child - Angelina Rideout
BOOK - RIDEOUTS IN AMERICA - No children found.
General Notes: Child - Joseph Rideout
No children found.
Benjamin Batchelder
Husband Benjamin Batchelder 82 84 85 108
Born: September 19, 1673 - Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire 82 85 108 Baptized: Died: - Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire 85 109 110 Buried:
Father: Nathaniel Batchelder Jr 82 83 84 85 88 89 Mother: Deborah Smith 82 85
Father: Nathaniel Batchelder Jr 82 83 84 85 88 89 Mother: Mary Carter 84 85 90 91
Marriage: December 25, 1696 - Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire 85 111 112
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Benjamin Batchelder
Benjamin Batchelder and Elizabeth Craig Walton
Husband Benjamin Batchelder
Born: August 31, 1816 - Fayette, Kennebec Co, ME Baptized: Died: March 18, 1895 Buried:
Father: Nathaniel Batchelder Mother: Jane Lunt Morse
Marriage: September 28, 1843
Wife Elizabeth Craig Walton
Born: July 6, 1819 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: August 1906 Buried:
1 F Ella Elizabeth Batchelder
Born: March 29, 1844 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: November 12, 1873 Buried:
2 F Ida J. Batchelder
Born: June 19, 1845 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: April 21, 1884 Buried:
3 M Park B. Batchelder
Born: January 29, 1847 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: November 5, 1878 Buried:
4 M H. N. Batchelder
Born: September 18, 1847 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Rose M. Batchelder
Born: November 8, 1850 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: April 14, 1880 Buried:
6 M T. Benton Batchelder
Born: September 20, 1852 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: September 30, 1874 Buried:
7 M Morrill Batchelder
Born: May 26, 1854 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: December 2, 1918 Buried:
8 M J. C. Fremont Batchelder
Born: May 19, 1856 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: December 25, 1865 Buried:
9 M A. Lincoln Batchelder
Born: August 7, 1858 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: June 11, 1876 Buried:
10 F Jessie Batchelder
Born: May 8, 1860 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: October 1, 1874 Buried:
11 M Fremont N. Batchelder
Born: January 9, 1863 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: 1932 Buried:
General Notes: Wife - Elizabeth Craig Walton
Father: Rufus Walton
Mother: Hannah
Death Notes: Child - H. N. Batchelder
Charles C. Batchelder
Husband Charles C. Batchelder
Born: June 28, 1840 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: November 17, 1902 - Pittsfield, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - Floral Park Cem, Pittsfield, Merrimack Co, NH
Father: George W. Batchelder Mother: Abigail B. Wells
Marriage: July 27, 1862 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Charles C. Batchelder
Note: He is a shoemaker; res. Pittsfield, N. H.
David Batchelder and Polly Marden
Husband David Batchelder
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Polly Marden
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Thomas Marden Mother: Sally Wiggin
David Stephen Batchelder and Clariena Butler Pearson
Husband David Stephen Batchelder
Born: October 29, 1814 - Fayette, Kennebec Co, ME Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Nathaniel Batchelder Mother: Jane Lunt Morse
Marriage: January 30, 1842 - Lowell, Middlesex Co, MA
Wife Clariena Butler Pearson
Born: 1821 - NY Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Jenny S. Batchelder
Born: 1845 - Lowell, Middlesex Co, MA Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 F Flora Mehitable Batchelder
Born: June 6, 1845 - Lowell, Middlesex Co, MA Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M Albert Laforest Batchelder
Born: September 6, 1848 - Lowell, Middlesex Co, MA Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Bridget Batchelder
Born: 1854 - Lowell, Middlesex Co, MA Baptized: Died: Buried:
Death Notes: Husband - David Stephen Batchelder
General Notes: Husband - David Stephen Batchelder
Occupation: Boarding House Owner & Keeper
Death Notes: Wife - Clariena Butler Pearson
General Notes: Wife - Clariena Butler Pearson
Mother: Mrs. Mary Pearson Culgan b. 1796, NH
1880Census Lowell, Middlesex, Mass. 84 Yrs. old, Widowed, living with daughter Clariena and son in law David//
Death Notes: Child - Jenny S. Batchelder
Death Notes: Child - Flora Mehitable Batchelder
Death Notes: Child - Albert Laforest Batchelder
General Notes: Child - Albert Laforest Batchelder
Occupation: School Teacher
Death Notes: Child - Bridget Batchelder
Deborah Batchelder
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Deborah Batchelder 82 84 85
Born: October 12, 1657 - Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire 82 85 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Nathaniel Batchelder Jr 82 83 84 85 88 89 Mother: Deborah Smith 82 85
Father: Nathaniel Batchelder Jr 82 83 84 85 88 89 Mother: Mary Carter 84 85 90 91
General Notes: Wife - Deborah Batchelder
John Wing and Deborah Batchelder
Husband John Wing
Born: - Banbury, Oxon, England Baptized: - Banbury, Oxon, England Died: April 1630 - St. Mary Aldermary, London, Middlesex Now London , England Buried: AFN: 2BSM-S0; 8MLD-GH
Father: Matthew Wing Mother: Mary
Marriage: 1609 - Hampshire Or Oxfordshire, England
Noted events in his life were:
1. Education
2. Graduation - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England
college graduation
3. No Name - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England
education, The year following the excitement attending the Armada, John Wing, entered Oxford University. The school was only twenty-three miles, from his home. The matriculation entry is as follows: "John Wynge of, Oxon, pleb, St. Alban's Hall, 15 October 1599, aged 14." And on 12, February 1603, Queen's College invested him with the degree of, Bachelor of Arts.[CI:186:?4:CI]
4. No Name - St. Mary Aldermary, London, Middlesex Now London , England
death2 (conflicting)
5. No Name - St. Mary Aldermary, London, Middlesex Now London , England
death2 (conflicting)
6. Ordination - Flushing, Zeeland, Holland Netherlands
On 19 June, 1620, he was ordained "under the direction of Mr. John, Paget, of Amsterdam, assisted by two Dutch clergymen, and in the, presence of the burgomaster and other magistrates," paster of the, English churches of Flushing and Middleburg, which were sufficiently, near together to be served by one chaplain."[CI:193:?4:CI], The following communication, written June 6, 1895, by Mr. Frater to, Mr. J. I. Helsdon Rix, from Middleburg, will be re:1571:?4:CI], Joseph Wing's will, 1, Brig
7. Ordination - Hamburg, Hamburg
His sermon, "Jacob's Staffe" was preached in November, 1617, as his, farewell "to the famous fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of, England, resident in Hamburg."[CI:191:?4:CI]
8. Ordination - Sandwich, Kent, England
9. Ordination - The Hague, Holland, Holland Netherlands
He was the first settled English pastor at the Hague, being admitted, 11 May 1627. The States of Holland allowed him a subsidy of £300, yearly, which by a decree of 17 August 1628, was augmented to £500. A, subscription of £100 was raised by the English, and expended in, repairing and beautifying the chapel. This church, or chapel, was, much frequented by the royal family, and, especially by Elizabeth,, daughter of King James, wife of the exil:1571:?4:CI], Joseph Wing's will, 1, Brig
10. Probate - London, Middlesex Now London , England
Wing will and Lawrence Palletti address, Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 12:25:06 EST, From: MMihalcik <MMihalcik@aol.com>, To: WING-L@rootsweb.com, Notes regarding the Will of Reverend John Wing:, Transcribed and annotated by James H. Stone. The original will
11. Residence - Flushing, Zeeland, Holland Netherlands
12. Residence - Hamburg, Hamburg
[For] a time he was the minister of the wealthy society of Englishmen, known as the "Merchants' Adventurers" at Hamburg, in, Germany."[CI:190:?4:CI]
13. Residence - Sandwich, Kent, England
14. Residence - Sandwich, Kent, England
"..and it is known definitely that he was in charge of a congregation, at the old Roman cinque port of Sandwich in Kent at some period prior, to 1620. The proof of this is contained in the dedication of his, first book, "The Crown Conjugall," printed in November, 1620. He, inscribes it "To the Right Worshipfull Master Matthew Peke Esquire,, Mayor of the Towne and Port of Sandwich, and to the Worshipfull, the, Jurates hes brethren, the , kindnes:1571:?4:CI], Joseph Wing's will, 1, Brig
15. Residence - St. Mary Aldermary, London, Middlesex Now London , England
16. Residence - The Hague, Holland, Holland Netherlands
17. Residence - Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
The Rev. John Wing and Deborah, his wife, were at one time in, Yarmouth, for their son John appears by the records to have been born, there.[CI:187:?4:CI]
18. Will - St. Mary Aldermary, London, Middlesex Now London , England
Wife Deborah Batchelder
AKA: Deborah Batchelor Born: - Wherwell, Hampshire, England Baptized: Died: 1667 - Yarmouth, Plymouth Colony Buried: - Yarmouth, Plymouth Colony AFN: N8MK-1P; 8MKJ-XC;
Father: Rev Stephen Bachelder 85 89 Mother: Ann Deborah Bates
Noted events in her life were:
1. Emigration - Boston, Mbc
When the gentlewoman Deborah and her four half-grown sons, landed, with their grandsire Bachiler at Boston in June, 1632, they were, unusual emigrants. They came from gentle English homes; they had, lived at Hamburg, at Middleburg, at the Hague, and in London; they had, crossed seas before; they had been nurtured in the very cradle of, English protestantism; they were protestants against the English, Church themselves; they were such notable arr:1571:?4:CI], Joseph Wing's will, 1, Brig
2. Emigration - Flushing, Zeeland, Holland Netherlands
3. Residence - Flushing, Zeeland, Holland Netherlands
It is conjectured that Deborah and her children returned to Holland after the death of her husband. The only proof of this is contained in Q.R. Miscell. 560 (licenses to pass beyond the seas. Eliz. to Car., I.) in the Public Record Office. An item reads: June 23, 1631, Stephen Bachiler, aged 70 years, resident of South Stoneham in Com., Southhampton et uxer Helen xiviii veeres, vrs fflushing to visite thier sonns and daughters, an, occurred the:1571:?4:CI], Joseph Wing's will, 1, Brig
4. Residence - Saugus, Mbc
At Book 2, page 20, in the record of Essex County deeds, there is a deed from Daniel King of Lynn, gent., of five acres of upland, 'being, a neck of land given to John Winge, abutting easterly uppon the highway that runneth from across the brooke which runneth out of the, marsh * * which lyeth northwest from the dwelling house of Henry Collem,' etc. given Sept. 1, 1654." The foregoing is one of the few sounds coming to us from the first landed :1571:?4:CI], Joseph Wing's will, 1, Brig
5. Residence - Shawme, Plymouth Colony
Five years went by at Saugus. Then our ancestress, Deborah, and her four sons took up the trek to Shawme--oldest town on the Cape--which, later was called Sandwich after their home town across the water.[CI:110:?4:CI], The name of John Wing was found in the list of the fifty "undertakers" who assisted the "Ten men of Saugus" in the settlement of Shawme, now Sandwich in 1637[CI:3439:?4:CI].
6. Residence - Southampton, Hampshire, England
7. Residence - Yarmouth, Plymouth Colony
While the old [IT:Owl:IT] records claim that John moved his family to Yarmouth around 1656, it is known that he was of Yarmouth by 1648, when his son Ephraim was recorded born there.
1 F Deborah Wing
Born: 1611 - England Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M John Wing Jr.
Born: 1613 - Yarmouth, Norfolk, England Baptized: Died: August 10, 1699 - Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Buried: - Harwich, Barnstable, MassachusettsSpouse: Elizabeth DavisSpouse: Miraim Deane
3 M Daniel Wing
Born: 1617 - Sandwich, Kent, England Baptized: Died: - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Buried: - Sandwich, Barnstable, MassachusettsSpouse: Hannah Swift Marr: December 5, 1641 - Sandwich, MASpouse: Anna Ewer Marr: June 2, 1666 - Sandwich, MA
4 M Stephen Wing
Born: 1621 - Sandwich, Kent, England Baptized: Died: April 24, 1710 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Buried: - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
5 M Matthew Wing
Born: 1625 - The Hague, Holland Netherlands Baptized: Died: 1680 - Stroud, Kent, England Buried:
Birth Notes: Husband - John Wing
John Wing, son of Matthew and Mare Wing, was Christened 12th Jan., 1584.[CI:2813:?4:CI]
General Notes: Husband - John Wing
Downloaded from the Bruce Cooley Pusch RootsWeb site. Please remove the symbols I've inserted in many of the names like (L),(P) and(BCP). Also please delete the (NOTES)I've written in some entries in the first person, the notes that refer just to me.
Birth Notes: Wife - Deborah Batchelder
In the "Q.R. Miscell., 560-562, Licenses to pass beyond the sea,, Eliz, to Car. I." Public Records office, London, is this quaint entry:, "XXII Junii 1624, Deborah Wynge XXXII years old, wife of Mr. John, Winge, preacher, resident in Vlishing, with her two children, vizi,, Stephen III years old and Debora Winge XIII years old. Vrs. ib. 't.", This is the only record authority we have of the age of Deborah or of, her daughter Deborah and son Stephe:1571:?4:CI], Joseph Wing's will, 1, Brig
Burial Notes: Wife - Deborah Batchelder
No Stone
General Notes: Wife - Deborah Batchelder
Downloaded from the Bruce Cooley Pusch RootsWeb site. Please remove the symbols I've inserted in many of the names like (L),(P) and(BCP). Also please delete the (NOTES)I've written in some entries in the first person, the notes that refer just to me.
General Notes: Child - Deborah Wing
Downloaded from the Bruce Cooley Pusch RootsWeb site. Please remove the symbols I've inserted in many of the names like (L),(P) and(BCP). Also please delete the (NOTES)I've written in some entries in the first person, the notes that refer just to me.
Birth Notes: Child - John Wing Jr.
John, the second child, is said by some student of family history to, have been born at Yarmouth. He is mentioned in his grand father's will, made in 1614, so that it is probable that his birth occurred in, 1613.[CI:108:?4:CI]
Death Notes: Child - John Wing Jr.
Burial Notes: Child - John Wing Jr.
No Stone
General Notes: Child - John Wing Jr.
Downloaded from the Bruce Cooley Pusch RootsWeb site. Please remove the symbols I've inserted in many of the names like (L),(P) and(BCP). Also please delete the (NOTES)I've written in some entries in the first person, the notes that refer just to me.
Death Notes: Child - Daniel Wing
The inventory of "Daniel Wing late of Sandwich who deceased the 10th, day of march 1697/8" was taken by William Bassett and Thomas Smith, on, 21 March, 1697/8.[CI:2244:?4:CI], No VR
Burial Notes: Child - Daniel Wing
The descendants of Daniel and Stephen Wing have nearly all been, connected with the society calling themselves Friends. The place in, Sandwich where they have from the first worshiped, is near Spring, Hill, about three miles eastward from the central village., There, in the midst of a thickly settled neighborhood of the same, faith, now rises the neat and commodious house of worship, which has, succeeded one or two less costly structures before i:1571:?4:CI], Joseph Wing's will, 1, Brig
General Notes: Child - Daniel Wing
Downloaded from the Bruce Cooley Pusch RootsWeb site. Please remove the symbols I've inserted in many of the names like (L),(P) and(BCP). Also please delete the (NOTES)I've written in some entries in the first person, the notes that refer just to me.
Birth Notes: Child - Stephen Wing
We are fortunate in knowing the age of Stephen and that he was three years old in 1624 when his mother embarked from England with him and his older sister Deborah for Holland. Stephen, like his brothers, spent the first years of his life at Flushing and at The Hague, and came to New England with his mother when nine years old., [CI:109:?4:CI]
Death Notes: Child - Stephen Wing
Stephen Wing Deceased ye 24 day of ye 2 mo 1710[CI:651:?4:CI], April 25 [1710] "Stephen Wing died aged 88"[CI:714:?4:CI]
Burial Notes: Child - Stephen Wing
It will be noted that Stephen committed, "my body to Decent Buruall, at our friends Burieng place att Spring Hill until when God shall, please to call me Hence." Unquestionably he lies there among the, unmarked graves.[CI:179:?4:CI], No Stone
General Notes: Child - Stephen Wing
Downloaded from the Bruce Cooley Pusch RootsWeb site. Please remove the symbols I've inserted in many of the names like (L),(P) and(BCP). Also please delete the (NOTES)I've written in some entries in the first person, the notes that refer just to me.
General Notes: Child - Matthew Wing
Downloaded from the Bruce Cooley Pusch RootsWeb site. Please remove the symbols I've inserted in many of the names like (L),(P) and(BCP). Also please delete the (NOTES)I've written in some entries in the first person, the notes that refer just to me.
Earl Sanford Batchelder and Eleanor Dyer
Husband Earl Sanford Batchelder
Born: September 1910 - Jackson Maine Baptized: Died: November 1993 - Safford AZ Buried:
Father: Sandford Collins Batchelder Mother: Nellie Hamm
Wife Eleanor Dyer
Born: December 2, 1911 - Kenduskeag, , ME Baptized: Died: Buried:
Elbridge G. Batchelder
Husband Elbridge G. Batchelder
Born: 1842 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: May 15, 1884 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
Father: George W. Batchelder Mother: Abigail B. Wells
Marriage: September 1865 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Joseph Wallace and Elizabeth Betsey Batchelder
Husband Joseph Wallace
Born: 1741 - Greenland, Rockingham Co, NH Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Samuel Wallace Mother: Phebe Libby
Marriage: December 14, 1775 - Deerfield, Rockingham Co, NH
Other Spouse: Margaret Fuller - November 23, 1769 - Rye, Rockingham Co, NH
Wife Elizabeth Betsey Batchelder
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Death Notes: Husband - Joseph Wallace
Death Notes: Wife - Elizabeth Betsey Batchelder
Ernest Batchelder and Fern Dingman
Husband Ernest Batchelder
Born: - Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA
Wife Fern Dingman
Born: March 29, 1910 - Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Henry Alexander Dingman Mother: Elsie Ann Annie Gay
General Notes: Husband - Ernest Batchelder
Was in info-Julie Hendricks 15 Nov 2002 <Jewelannah@aol.com>
General Notes: Wife - Fern Dingman
Was in info-Julie Hendricks 15 Nov 2002 <jewelannah@aol.com
Ervin Robert Colbath and Eva L. Batchelder
Husband Ervin Robert Colbath
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: December 27, 1926
Wife Eva L. Batchelder
Born: August 20, 1905 - Exeter, Maine Baptized: Died: August 5, 1983 Buried:
Father: Sandford Collins Batchelder Mother: Nellie Hamm
Francis Batchelder and Mary Blake
Husband Francis Batchelder
Born: Baptized: December 24, 1710 Died: Buried:Marriage: - Hampton Falls, , NH
Wife Mary Blake
Born: September 7, 1712 - Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire 113 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Moses Blake Sr. Mother: Abigail Smith
General Notes: Husband - Francis Batchelder
Frank O. Batchelder and Mary Shorey
Husband Frank O. Batchelder
Born: September 24, 1851 - Kenduskeag, Maine Baptized: Died: July 20, 1904 - Burlington, Maine Buried:Marriage: May 1, 1884 - Burlington, Maine
Wife Mary Shorey
Born: November 12, 1863 - Burlington, Maine Baptized: Died: June 29, 1927 - Lowell, Maine Buried: - Mount Repose Cemetery, Burlington, Maine
Father: Robert Smith Shorey Mother: Elizabeth Jipson
Other Spouse: Charles Applebee - June 26, 1907 - Burlington, Maine
1 M Ralph Evans Batchelder
Born: September 22, 1885 - Burlington, Maine Baptized: Died: July 2, 1966 - Lincoln, Maine Buried: - Mount Repose Cemetery, Burlington, MaineSpouse: Adelaide Matthews Marr: April 10, 1910 - Lowell, Maine
2 F Minnie F. Batchelder
Born: March 14, 1888 - Burlington, Maine Baptized: Died: 1937 Buried:Spouse: Freemont Milton
3 F Lena Batchelder
Born: December 28, 1892 - Burlington, Maine Baptized: Died: November 12, 1977 - Lincoln, Maine Buried: - Lincoln Cemetery, Lincoln, MaineSpouse: Bedford J. WilsonSpouse: Millard Melbourne Bruce
Fremont N. Batchelder
Husband Fremont N. Batchelder
Born: January 9, 1863 - Chesterville, Franklin Co, ME Baptized: Died: 1932 Buried:
Father: Benjamin Batchelder Mother: Elizabeth Craig Walton
Marriage: June 1890 - ME
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
George B. Batchelder and Clara Osearene Witham
Husband George B. Batchelder
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: May 14, 1887 - Phillips, Franklin, ME
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence
Wife Clara Osearene Witham
AKA: Orcarina C. Witham Born: September 7, 1870 - Madrid, Franklin, ME Baptized: Died: May 28, 1898 Buried: - Madrid Village Cemetery, Madrid, Franklin, ME
Father: Lewis Cass Witham Mother: Florence Maria Hinkley
Noted events in her life were:
1. Census
2. Residence
George G. Batchelder and Ellen Beedy
Husband George G. Batchelder
Born: July 10, 1837 - Sanbornton, Belknap, NH Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Ellen Beedy
Born: - Maine Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Harry Edgar Batchelder
Born: April 10, 1873 - Maine Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Florence Elverna Witham Marr: November 9, 1895 - Madrid, Franklin Co., ME
George W. Batchelder and Abigail B. Wells
Husband George W. Batchelder
Born: 1816 - Meredith/Laconia, Belknap Co, NH Baptized: Died: March 26, 1889 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NHMarriage: November 1, 1836 - Allenstown, Merrimack Co, NH
Wife Abigail B. Wells
Born: 1812 - Allenstown, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: December 14, 1881 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
Father: Samuel Wells Mother: Hannah Brown
1 F Lucetta M. Batchelder
Born: 1837 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: November 29, 1905 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
2 M Orison Batchelder
Born: July 22, 1838 - Allenstown, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: December 13, 1884 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
3 M Charles C. Batchelder
Born: June 28, 1840 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: November 17, 1902 - Pittsfield, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - Floral Park Cem, Pittsfield, Merrimack Co, NH
4 M Elbridge G. Batchelder
Born: 1842 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: May 15, 1884 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
5 M Alonzo Elbridge Batchelder
Born: 1844 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Baptized: Died: January 3, 1905 - Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH Buried: - McClary Cem, Epsom, Merrimack Co, NH
General Notes: Husband - George W. Batchelder
Father: Dearborn Batchelder b: 30 MAR 1778 in Northwood, NH
Mother: Sally Nealley b: in Meredith, NH
Children - Source: Epsom Historical Association
General Notes: Child - Orison Batchelder
Note: Batchelder genealogy -
b. Allenstown, N. H., July 22, 1838; m. at Concord, N. H., April 10, 1859, Anne Maria Clark, b. Oct. 5, 1840. Orison Batchelder was born in Allenstown, N. H., and soon moved to Epsom, N. H. He married Anne Maria Clark, of Lowell, Mass. He was superintendent of the Dover, N. H., Street Railway during its construction and several years afterwards. At the time of his death he was in business in Manchester, N. H. He d. Dec. 13, 1884; res. Lowell, Mass., and Manchester, N. H.
General Notes: Child - Charles C. Batchelder
Note: He is a shoemaker; res. Pittsfield, N. H.
George Washington Batchelder and Isabell Huse
Husband George Washington Batchelder
Born: January 1, 1809 - Fayette, Kennebec Co, ME Baptized: Died: September 18, 1889 - Castalia, Winneshiek Co, IA Buried:
Father: Nathaniel Batchelder Mother: Jane Lunt Morse
Marriage: October 20, 1830 - Castalia, Winneshiek Co, IA
Other Spouse: Cynthia Barto - August 7, 1853 - Jackson Co, IA
Wife Isabell Huse
Born: December 15, 1804 - Castalia, Winneshiek Co, IA Baptized: Died: June 15, 1852 - Castalia, Winneshiek Co, IA Buried:
General Notes: Husband - George Washington Batchelder
Occupation: Farmer, living with 3rd wife and family in Bloomfield, IA in 1880 Census.
Gertrude Batchelder
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Gertrude Batchelder
Born: October 20, 1910 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Ralph Evans Batchelder Mother: Adelaide Matthews
Notes: Marriage
John Wyman and Grace Lucretia Batchelder
Husband John Wyman
Born: January 4, 1797 - Georgetown, Maine Baptized: Died: April 20, 1883 - Georgetown, Maine Buried:
Father: Isaiah Wyman Mother: Margaret Todd
Marriage: February 20, 1824 - Webster, Maine
Wife Grace Lucretia Batchelder
Born: 1804 - Webster, Maine Baptized: Died: January 4, 1850 - Georgetown, Maine Buried:
1 F Nancy Ann Wyman
Born: May 10, 1826 - Phippsburg, Maine Baptized: Died: July 26, 1904 - Bath, Maine Buried:Spouse: John R. Mitchell Marr: January 15, 1846 - Bath, Maine
2 F Cordelia Cushing Wyman
Born: April 8, 1828 Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Lydia Margaret Wyman
Born: April 9, 1832 Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Octavia Batchelder Wyman
Born: October 11, 1834 Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Emily Jane Wyman
Born: April 9, 1836 Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 F Martha Johnson Wyman
Born: May 8, 1838 Baptized: Died: Buried:
7 M John Parson Wyman
Born: October 14, 1840 Baptized: Died: Buried:
8 F Louisa Chase Wyman
Born: October 29, 1846 Baptized: Died: Buried:
9 F Mary Ellen Wyman
Born: October 29, 1846 Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 compiled by Tammy Forsyth [(E-ADDRESS) FOR PRIVATE USE "Tammy Munson's Genealogy," supplied by Forsyth, 8-2-2006..
2 compiled by Bill Decker [(E-ADDRESS) FOR PRIVATE USE "WJD," supplied by Decker, 12-10-2008..
3 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM) (June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998).
4 copied by Capt. Elisha Jackson Chapter, Brown and Allied Families (DAR, Gardner, MA, 1939).
5 download.ged.FTW.
6 David Sylvester at Roots at filixplace dot com, Email: [BASSETT-L] Reviewing My Bassett Line (14 Jul 2006).
8 ball.ftw.
9 LDS, FamilySearch International Genealogical Index v4.02.
10 http://home.earthlink.net/~douglassjgraham/Tupper.htm, A Family Reunion of Douglas J. Graham.
11 Tolland Vital Records-Barbour Collection, page 212 Vol 1 page 312.
12 Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachuetts, to1885, Volume 1, p. 88, p. 1374.
13 Caroline Lewis Kardell and Russell A. Lovell, Jr., Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachuetts, to1885, Volume 1 (New England Historic Genealogical Society,), p. 142.
14 Ancestry Family Trees (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.), Ancestry Family Trees.
15 OneWorldTree.
16 The Kings.FTW.
17 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.306.
18 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26a p.169.
19 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean Baptiste (Name: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26a p.446.
20 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.307.
21 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26a p.112.
22 prdh 1691 Lieu inconnu.
23 1693 Acadian Census (Name: Name: ancestry.com; Location: The original census can be found on microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada;;).
24 based on burial age.
25 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean Baptiste (Name: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.360.
26 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.247.
27 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.269.
28 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.327.
29 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.2.
30 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean Baptiste (Name: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26a p.434.
31 Stephen A. White, Centre D'Etudes Acadiennes, Dictionnaire Genealogique Des Familles Acadiennes, 1295, 1373.
Paul Babin, Babin Family (Online database at RootsWeb WorldConnect
Updated: Sun Mar 31 07:23:43 2002 Contact: Paul Babin<pbabin@nbnet.nb.ca>), Online.
33 Wendy Pitre-Roostan, Descendants of Jean Pitre from his arrival in Port Royal, Acadia (Published online by Wendy: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/pitretrail/).
Eileen Avery, Avery/Deslauriers (Online database at RootsWeb WorldConnect:
updated Tue Nov 21 - 10:55:05 2000. Contact: Eileen Avery <ib4eexcept@aol.com >
Online database:http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=ib4eexcept), GEDCOM.
35 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.122.
36 le Dictionnaire genealogique de Cyprien Tanguay (Name: http://bibnum2.banq.qc.ca/bna/dicoGenealogie/;), 170 vol 6.
37 Stephen A. White, Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Acadiennes, Volume: I A-G; IIH-Z (Centre D'études Acadiennes - Universitâe de Moncton, Moncton (N.-B.),EiA 3E9, 1999).
38 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26a p.126.
Paul Babin, Babin Family (Online database at RootsWeb WorldConnect
Updated: Sun Mar 31 07:23:43 2002 Contact: Paul Babin<pbabin@nbnet.nb.ca>), [year].
Jean-Yves Charland, Descendants of Claude Charland dit Francoeur (Main Page: http://www.my-ged.com/charland/
Online database: http://www.my-ged.com/db/page/charland
Surnames list: http://www.my-ged.com/db/surnames/charland/A).
Paul Babin, Babin Family (Online database at RootsWeb WorldConnect
Updated: Sun Mar 31 07:23:43 2002 Contact: Paul Babin<pbabin@nbnet.nb.ca>), [location & year].
42 Bonaventure Arsenault, Histoire et Généalogie des Acadiens, vols. 1-6; 1630-1775 (Quebec, Le Conseil de la Vie Francaise en Amerique, 1965), volume 2, Port-Royal, page 601.
43 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean Baptiste (Name: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26a p.234.
44 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean Baptiste (Name: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.182.
45 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.24.
46 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.158.
47 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean Baptiste (Name: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.51.
48 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.138.
49 Details: Details: Details: Details: Citation Text: baptised by M.Maudoux.
50 Public Archives of Nova Scotia C@P Site, The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste (Name: Name: Annapolis Royal, 1702-175;; Location: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/;), RG 1 Vol. 26 p.334.
51 Dr. Leroy A Campbell, Earliest Campbell Families in Maine (Worcester Academy, Worcester, MA 1948), 13.
52 Dave Lufkin (1999) <davelufkin@iname.com>, 500 Elm St. Frederick, MD 21701 (The Lufkin Family <GedCom File from Ancestry.com>).
Marilyn E. (Bremner) Mansfield <Marilyn_Mansfield@msn.com>, The Genealogy of Richard Barker of Andover, MA 1643-1693
and some of his Maine Descendants ..
54 Doryl@freeway.net - Jack & Dory Langlois& PRDH.
55 Jette, Rene, Dictionaire Genealogique des familles du Quebec des origines a 1730, Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
56 Pelletier.FTW.
57 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R), Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998.
58 otis.FTW.
59 Mo Sabourin, Maurice Amedee Sabourin.
60 PRDH on line, University of Montreal.
61 Tanguay, Cyprien, 1819-1902, Dictionnaire G©bn©balogique des Familles Canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'a nos jours / par C. Tangu, Montr©bal : ©ditions ©lys©be, 1975, Volume 1/page 294.
62 PRDH on line.
63 PRDH - Le Programme de recherche en démographie historique. (The Researchof Historical Demography) (PRDH) at University.
65 Essex Antiquarian Vol. 3, page 94.
66 Beverly Vital Records Book, page 617.
67 Beverly Vital Records Book, page 349.
69 Dodge Genealogy, page 44.
70 Page 617 Beverly Vital Records Book.
71 Mrs. Lora A. Underhill, Woodbury Genealogy: Descendants of John and William of England and Massachusetts (manuscript typed and indexed by Ruth A. Woodbury, 1950-8), page 5.
72 William Richard Cutter, New England Families Genealogical and Memorial, THIRD SERIES, Vol. II (Lewis Historical Publishing Company (New York)), page 686.
73 Charles Levi Woodbury, Genealogical Sketches of the Woodbury Family its intermarriages and connections (Tuttle Antiquarian Book, Inc. Rutland, Vermont), page 53.
74 Mrs. Lora A. Underhill, Woodbury Genealogy: Descendants of John and William of England and Massachusetts (manuscript typed and indexed by Ruth A. Woodbury, 1950-8), page 1.
75 Charles Kemble Woodberry, Genealogy of the William Woodberry Family in the United States of America (1876) extended to 1934 by Charles Putnam Woodbury, page 2.
76 Sidney Perley, The History of Salem, Massachusetts: vol. I 1626-1637 (Salem, Mass. 1924).
77 William Richard Cutter, New England Families Genealogical and Memorial, THIRD SERIES, Vol. II (Lewis Historical Publishing Company (New York)), page 685-686.
78 Justin Winsor, The Memorial History of Boston, Vol. I. The Early and Colonial Periods (Boston: James R. Osgood and company, 1882), page 92.
79 Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633 (Great Migration Study Project, New England Historic Genealogical Society Boston 2000 (Ancestry.com CD)).
80 Charles Levi Woodbury, Genealogical Sketches of the Woodbury Family its intermarriages and connections (Tuttle Antiquarian Book, Inc. Rutland, Vermont), page 135.
81 Charles Levi Woodbury, Genealogical Sketches of the Woodbury Family its intermarriages and connections (Tuttle Antiquarian Book, Inc. Rutland, Vermont), page 138.
82 Submitter: fergy@nemaine.com, 109158 (includes 32309 individuals).
83 Source.
84 Kevin Mesmer, 1322383 - Family Tree (www.ancestry.com).
85 1758999.ged.
86 Submitter: fergy@nemaine.com, 109158 (includes 32309 individuals), Elizabeth MARRIAN (MARION).
87 Source, Elizabeth MARION.
88 Submitter: Daughters of the American Revolution, 117644 (including 58,062 individuals).
89 nathaniel batchelder sr ancestors.FTW.
90 Submitter: Daughters of the American Revolution, 117644 (including 58,062 individuals), Mary Carter.
91 Source, Mary Carter/Widow Wyman.
92 Submitter: MCPonyboy@aol.com, 20391 (including 365 individuals).
93 Submitter: Daughters of the American Revolution, 117644 (including 58,062 individuals), 17 Jun 1699 ("Rauch Files," Adam Rauch, manuscript).
94 Submitter: MCPonyboy@aol.com, 20391 (including 365 individuals), 17 Jun 1699, Hampton, New Hampshire.
95 Source, 27 Jan 1698/99, Hampton, NH.
96 Source, 15 Jan 1756, Kensington, NH.
97 Submitter: MCPonyboy@aol.com, 20391 (including 365 individuals), 15 Jan 1756, Kensington, New Hampshire.
98 Submitter: MCPonyboy@aol.com, 20391 (including 365 individuals), Edward Tuck.
99 Submitter: Daughters of the American Revolution, 117644 (including 58,062 individuals), Edward Tuck.
100 Source, Edward Tucker Berry.
101 Submitter: MCPonyboy@aol.com, 20391 (including 365 individuals), 24 Nov 1720, Hampton, New Hampshire.
102 Source, 24 Nov 1720.
103 Peter F. Wells, Fifield Website, Generation six page 2 of 79.
104 Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr, The American Genealogist (Donald Lines Jacobus, Box 32, Westville Station, New Haven, CT), v. 19, page 103.
105 Peter F. Wells, Fifield Website, Generation Six page 2 #86.
106 Peter F. Wells, Fifield Website, Generation five page 1 of 30.
107 Ancestry.com, Public Member Trees (Name: Name: The Generations Network, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;;), Database online.
108 Submitter: piper@tampabay.rr.com, 145907 (2072 individuals in file).
109 Submitter: fergy@nemaine.com, 109158 (includes 32309 individuals), 12 Jan 1718, Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire.
110 Submitter: piper@tampabay.rr.com, 145907 (2072 individuals in file), 12 Jan 1718, Hampton Falls, Rockingham County, New Hampshire.
111 Submitter: piper@tampabay.rr.com, 145907 (2072 individuals in file), 25 Dec 1696, Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire.
112 Submitter: fergy@nemaine.com, 109158 (includes 32309 individuals), 25 Dec 1696, Probably Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire.
1033653 page 42.
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