Gwriad Man King Gwynedd Ap Elidir and Nest Verch Cadell
Husband Gwriad Man King Gwynedd Ap Elidir
Born: 0738 - Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Elidure Prince Deheubarth Ap Sandde Mother: Celemion Verch Tudwal
Wife Nest Verch Cadell
Born: 0742 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cadelh Ap Brockwel Mother:
1 M Merfyn Frych The Freckled Ap Gwriad
AKA: Frych\The Freckled Born: 0764 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Esylit Verch Cyan
Gwriad Ap Elidir and Nest Verch Cadell
Husband Gwriad Ap Elidir
Born: 0738 - Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Elidur Ap Sandde Mother:
Wife Nest Verch Cadell
Born: 0780 - Powys, Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cadell Ap Brochwel Ysithrog Earl Of Chester Mother:
1 M Merfyn Frych Ap Gwriad
AKA: Frych, Frych Born: 0784 - Gwynedd, Cymru Baptized: Died: 0844 - Can Cyfeil, Ketell, Cymru Buried:Spouse: Nesta Ferch Cadell
Death Notes: Husband - Gwriad Ap Elidir
Death Notes: Wife - Nest Verch Cadell
General Notes: Child - Merfyn Frych Ap Gwriad
Alias:<ALIA> Merfyn "Frych" ap Gwriad Brenin /Gwynedd/
Merfyn the /Freckled/
Merfyn Frych (d 844), king of Gwynedd; son of Gwriad, probably a Ma
nx chieftain and reputed descendant of Llywarch Hen, by Ethyllt, a prince
ss of Gwynedd. On the death in 825, of Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog, his mothe
r's uncle, hebecame king in Anglesey, and later, on the death of Hyw
el ap Caradog, appears to have acquired the kingship of the adjacent mainl
and cantrefs. Thus were united the inheritances of the last direst descend
ants in Gwynedd of the lineof Cunedda Wledig. He m. Nest, daughter of Cad
ell ap Brochwel of Powys. Rhodri Mawr was their son.
[Dictionary of Welsh Biography p628]
with Merfyn Frych Cymru takes a great stride forward. In him Gwynedd h
ad a king of wide culture and penetrating political insight. He reinvigora
ted the culture of Gwynedd; he defended it successfully in a timeof turmo
il; he gave it strength to withstand the fierce attacks which tore at it f
rom every side. The Norsemen conquered a large part of England in the nin
th century; they held the Isle of Man and had established a powerful kingd
om, in Ireland around Dublin, only a few score miles from the shores of Cy
mru. In the first half of the tenth century they almost completely ruin
ed the fabric of western European civilisation. No Norse kingdom, howeve
r, was established on Welsh soil. They were successful only in giving the
ir names to portsand islands such as Swansea and Anglesey, Fishguard a
nd Bardsey, Milford andFlatholm. For this we have to thank the successi
on of outstanding leaders which Cymru had in the ninth and tenth centuri
es - Merfyn Frych, his son RhodriMawr, his grandson Anarawd and his great
-grandson Hywel Dda. In the eleventhcentury the whole of England was conq
uered by the Danes but Cymru remained afree land, living not under 'Dane-
law' but under the laws of Hywel Dda, thanks to Gruffydd ap Llywelyn and t
he loyalty of the people of Cymru to their leaders.
Merfyn came from the Isle of Man, the only Welsh king to do so. A sto
ne cross from this period has been discovered there which may be a memori
al to his father, Gwriad. Gwriad married Esyllt the daughter of Cynan ap R
hodri Molwynog, of the family of Maelgwn Gwynedd and Cunedda. In 818 Hyw
el ap Rhodri, Cynan's brother, died and Merfyn became the king of Anglese
y, which is moreopen than any other part of Cymru to attacks from the se
a. Perhaps his lineage would not have been sufficient in itself to give h
im the crown, were it not for his natural ability and the strength of h
is personality. At the death of Hywel ap Caradog in 825 he added the cantr
efs of Arfon to Anglesey, reuniting the heritage of the descendants of Cun
edda in Gwynedd. Merfyn made a greatenough name for himself for the Engli
sh to call Caer Segeint, in Arfon, Mirmanton - Merfyn's town. He married N
est, the sister of Cyngen, the king of Powys who raised the memorial ne
ar Llangollen. One of the sons of this marriage was Rhodri Mawr, who unit
ed the two kingdoms. Merfyn strengthened the tendency for large parts of C
ymru to recognise the authority of one prince, a tendency which develop
ed as the pattern of political development in the ensuing centuries. No
ra Chadwick refers to 'the gradual approximation to a Cymru united und
er a single family. It is I think the most remarkable feature of early Wel
sh history that the union of most of these kingdoms should have come abo
ut gradually with no record of conquest and no bloodshed. Those historia
ns who speak of the Welsh as a warlike people see Cymru only through the e
yes of the Norman conquerors, when the whole country became an armed fortr
ess on the defensive. The early history is very different - a history of p
eaceful development, of gradual unification by policy, and by a seri
es of royal marriages.'
Another branch of Merfyn Frych's family is also of
Merfyn Frych Ap Gwriad and Nesta Ferch Cadell
Husband Merfyn Frych Ap Gwriad
AKA: Frych, Frych Born: 0784 - Gwynedd, Cymru Baptized: Died: 0844 - Can Cyfeil, Ketell, Cymru Buried:
Father: Gwriad Ab Elidir. Manaw Mother: Esyllt
Father: Gwriad Ap Elidir Mother: Nest Verch Cadell
Wife Nesta Ferch Cadell
Born: 0780 - Powys, Cymru Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cynan Dindaethwy Ap Rhodri Mother: Cynan Dindaethwy Ap Rhodri.
1 M Rhodri Mawr Ap Merfyn Yr Mawr
Born: 0799 - Caer Seiont, Caernarfon, Cymru Baptized: Died: 0878 - Ynys Mon, Cymru Of Battle Wounds. Buried:Spouse: Angharad Ferch Meurig
General Notes: Husband - Merfyn Frych Ap Gwriad
Alias:<ALIA> Merfyn "Frych" ap Gwriad Brenin /Gwynedd/
Merfyn the /Freckled/
Merfyn Frych (d 844), king of Gwynedd; son of Gwriad, probably a Ma
nx chieftain and reputed descendant of Llywarch Hen, by Ethyllt, a prince
ss of Gwynedd. On the death in 825, of Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog, his mothe
r's uncle, hebecame king in Anglesey, and later, on the death of Hyw
el ap Caradog, appears to have acquired the kingship of the adjacent mainl
and cantrefs. Thus were united the inheritances of the last direst descend
ants in Gwynedd of the lineof Cunedda Wledig. He m. Nest, daughter of Cad
ell ap Brochwel of Powys. Rhodri Mawr was their son.
[Dictionary of Welsh Biography p628]
with Merfyn Frych Cymru takes a great stride forward. In him Gwynedd h
ad a king of wide culture and penetrating political insight. He reinvigora
ted the culture of Gwynedd; he defended it successfully in a timeof turmo
il; he gave it strength to withstand the fierce attacks which tore at it f
rom every side. The Norsemen conquered a large part of England in the nin
th century; they held the Isle of Man and had established a powerful kingd
om, in Ireland around Dublin, only a few score miles from the shores of Cy
mru. In the first half of the tenth century they almost completely ruin
ed the fabric of western European civilisation. No Norse kingdom, howeve
r, was established on Welsh soil. They were successful only in giving the
ir names to portsand islands such as Swansea and Anglesey, Fishguard a
nd Bardsey, Milford andFlatholm. For this we have to thank the successi
on of outstanding leaders which Cymru had in the ninth and tenth centuri
es - Merfyn Frych, his son RhodriMawr, his grandson Anarawd and his great
-grandson Hywel Dda. In the eleventhcentury the whole of England was conq
uered by the Danes but Cymru remained afree land, living not under 'Dane-
law' but under the laws of Hywel Dda, thanks to Gruffydd ap Llywelyn and t
he loyalty of the people of Cymru to their leaders.
Merfyn came from the Isle of Man, the only Welsh king to do so. A sto
ne cross from this period has been discovered there which may be a memori
al to his father, Gwriad. Gwriad married Esyllt the daughter of Cynan ap R
hodri Molwynog, of the family of Maelgwn Gwynedd and Cunedda. In 818 Hyw
el ap Rhodri, Cynan's brother, died and Merfyn became the king of Anglese
y, which is moreopen than any other part of Cymru to attacks from the se
a. Perhaps his lineage would not have been sufficient in itself to give h
im the crown, were it not for his natural ability and the strength of h
is personality. At the death of Hywel ap Caradog in 825 he added the cantr
efs of Arfon to Anglesey, reuniting the heritage of the descendants of Cun
edda in Gwynedd. Merfyn made a greatenough name for himself for the Engli
sh to call Caer Segeint, in Arfon, Mirmanton - Merfyn's town. He married N
est, the sister of Cyngen, the king of Powys who raised the memorial ne
ar Llangollen. One of the sons of this marriage was Rhodri Mawr, who unit
ed the two kingdoms. Merfyn strengthened the tendency for large parts of C
ymru to recognise the authority of one prince, a tendency which develop
ed as the pattern of political development in the ensuing centuries. No
ra Chadwick refers to 'the gradual approximation to a Cymru united und
er a single family. It is I think the most remarkable feature of early Wel
sh history that the union of most of these kingdoms should have come abo
ut gradually with no record of conquest and no bloodshed. Those historia
ns who speak of the Welsh as a warlike people see Cymru only through the e
yes of the Norman conquerors, when the whole country became an armed fortr
ess on the defensive. The early history is very different - a history of p
eaceful development, of gradual unification by policy, and by a seri
es of royal marriages.'
Another branch of Merfyn Frych's family is also of
Death Notes: Wife - Nesta Ferch Cadell
General Notes: Child - Rhodri Mawr Ap Merfyn Yr Mawr
Alias:<ALIA> Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn yr Mawr Tywysog Deau /Cymru/
A ccording tolegend, the first Dinefwr Castle (right) was built by Rhod
ri Mawr - King of Wales in the 9th century. It is unavoidable that attenti
on should focus on those Welsh rulers who extended their power over mu
ch of Wales in the centuriesprior to the Norman conquest. They foreshadow
ed the attempts by the princes of Gwynedd in the 13th century to crea
te a unified Welsh state, and they matched contemporary developments in En
gland, and similar, but later, developments in Scotland. So, Rhodri Mawr (
844-78) is presented as one who set a patternfor the future. He either ru
led or, by his personal qualities, dominated much of Wales.
Chroniclers of his generation hailed Rhodri ap Merfyn as Rhodri Mawr (Rhod
ri the Great), a distinction bestowed upon two other rulers in the same ce
ntury - Charles the Great (Charlemagne, died 814) and Alfred the Great (di
ed 899). The three tributes are of a similar nature - recognition of the a
chievements of men who contributed significantly to the growth of stateho
odamong the nations of the Welsh, the Franks and the English. Unfortunate
ly, the entire evidence relating to the life of Rhodri consists of a few s
entences; yet he must have made a deep impression upon the Welsh, for in l
ater centuries being of the line of Rhodri was a primary qualification f
or their rulers.Until his death, Rhodri was acknowledged as ruler of mo
re than half of Wales, and that as much by diplomacy as by conquest.
Rhodri's fame sprang from hissuccess as a warrior. That success was not
ed by The Ulster Chronicle and by Sedulius Scottus, an Irish scholar at t
he court of the Emperor Charles the Bald at Liege. It was his victory ov
er the Vikings in 856 which brought him international acclaim. Wales was l
ess richly provided with fertile land and withthe navigable rivers that a
ttracted the Vikings, and the Welsh kings had considerable success in resi
sting them. Anglesey bore the brunt of the attacks, and it was there in 8
56 that Rhodri won his great victory over Horn, the leader of the Danes, m
uch to the delight of the Irish and the Franks.
It was not only from the west that the kingdom of Rhodri was threatene
d. By becoming the ruler of Powys, his mother's land, he inherited the o
ld struggle with the kingdom of Mercia. Although Offa's Dyke had been cons
tructed in order to define the territories of the Welsh and the English, t
his did not prevent the successors of Offa from attacking Wales. The press
ure on Powys continued; after 855, Rhodri was its defender, and he and h
is son, Gwriad, were killed in battle against the English in 878.
Rhodri Mawr ('the Great') (c 877), king of Gwynedd, Powys, and Deheuba
rth; son of Merfyn Frych by Nest, daughter of Cadell ap Brochwel of Powy
s. He succeeded his father as king of Gwynedd in 844.In 855, on the dea
th of his uncle, Cyngen, he became king of Powys, and in 872, when Gwgo
n, king of Seisyllwg (Ceredigion and Ystrad Tywi) and brother tohis wif
e, Angharad, died, the southern realm came under his rule. There was th
us created for the first time a loose union of at least three major Wel
shprovinces, and though dissolved at Rhodri's death, this temporary assoc
iation gave birth to an aspiration which coloured the outlook of successi
ve generations of Rhodri's descendants as rulers of Deheubarth or Gwyne
dd down to the loss of Welsh independence. In his life-time Cymru was grav
ely menaced by theDanes, and evicence exists pointing to bold and vigoro
us leadership during this crisis. It would appear that he died in battle a
gainst the Saxons, leaving six sons of whom two became founders of mediev
al dynasties, Anarawd of the house of Aberffraw, and Cadell, father of Hyw
el Dda, of the house of Dinefwr.
[Dictionary of Welsh Biography p837]
Tewdwr Mawr Ap Cadell and Gwenllian Ferch Gwyn O. Dyfed
Husband Tewdwr Mawr Ap Cadell
AKA: Mawr Born: 0977 - Dynefor, Llandyfeisant, Caerfyrddin, Cymru Baptized: Died: - Pen Rhys Buried:
Father: Cadell Ab Einion Mother: Elinferch Gwerystan
Other Spouse: Gwen Yian Verch Gwen
Other Spouse: Gwenllian Verch Gwyn
Noted events in his life were:
1. Alt. Birth
Wife Gwenllian Ferch Gwyn O. Dyfed
Born: 0977 - Blaen Cuch, Gogledd Dyfed, Cymru Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Rhys Ab Tewdwr
Born: 1015 - Caerfyrddin, Cymru Baptized: Died: 1093 - Aberhonndu, Brycheiniog, Cymru Buried:Spouse: Catrin Ferch Iestyn
General Notes: Husband - Tewdwr Mawr Ap Cadell
Alias:<ALIA> Tewdwr Mawr ap Cadell Tywysog Deau /Cymru/
General Notes: Child - Rhys Ab Tewdwr
Alias:<ALIA> Rhys ap Tewdwr Mawr Tywysog /Deheubarth/
Rhys ap Tewdwr (d 1093), king of Deheubarth; grandson of Cadell ab Ein
ion ab Owain ap Hywel Dda. In 1075 he took possession of Deheubarth on t
he death of his second-cousin, Rhys ab Owain ab Edwin. In 1081 he was disl
odged by Caradog ap Gruffydd, but later in the year, with the help of Gruf
fudd ap Cynan, he was firmly reinstated after the historic battle of Myny
dd Carn. In the same year William the Conqueror made a demonstration of po
wer in South Cymru, traversing the lad as faras S Davids; it is reasonab
ly certain that during the visit the two kings came to an agreeme
nt as to their future good relations, which lasted to the endof William
's reign. A few years later it is recorded that Rhys is paying theking £
40 a year for Deheubarth, thereby becoming a vassal of the Norman Crown a
nd establishing a precedent with lasting consequences on Anglo-Welsh relat
ions. Henceforth, with the exception of the closing tragedy of his caree
r, Rhys had only to contend with the jealousies of his fellow prince
s. In 1088 he was attacked by the young rulers of Powys and was oblig
ed to seek refuge inIreland, but he soon returned and, with Danish hel
p, decisively defeated hisopponents. Again in 1091 he was opposed by a gr
oup of his own vassals in Dyfed, who sought to restore the kingship to t
he senior line of Hywel Dda in theperson of Gruffydd ap Maredudd ap Owai
n. At Llandudoch (St. Dogmaels) on theTeifi the rebels were defeated a
nd Gruffydd killed. Meanwhile the Norman conquest of the south had gather
ed a new momentum after William's death in 1087,and among the territori
es then being over-run was the old kingdom of Brycheiniog. It was while re
sisting the Norman advance in this all-important approach to his own domin
ion that Rhys was killed in uncertain circumstances near Aberhonddu (Breco
n). He was virtmaclly the last of the ancient kings of Deheubarth, a
nd it was in a different political setting that the power of the dynasty w
as eventually revived by his grandson - Rhys ap Gruffydd. He m Gwladus, da
ughter of Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn. He was survived by two sons, Gruffydd ap Rh
ys and Hywel, and by a daughter, Nest. [Dictionary of Welsh Biography p840
Acceded: 1081
AKA Rhys ap Tewdwr Prince of all Powys.
Known as Rhys "the Great".
Sources differ as to the wife of Rhys, therefore both are listed.
Rhys ap Tewdwr, Prince of Deheubarth (technically Seisyllwg and Dyfe
d) 1153-97.
[Burke's Peerage]
Rhys ap Twedwr (d 1093), Welsh king, was the son of Tewdwr ap Cade
ll ab Einon ab Owain ap Hywel Dda. Late authorities such as David Powel a
nd Lewis Dwnn, omit Cadell, and by making Rhys a son of Tewdwr ab Einon w
ho died about 994, would have it understood he performed the active dee
ds of his short reign between the ages of ninety and a hundred. He beca
me king of South Cymru on the death of Rhys ab Owain hissecond cousi
n, in 1078; according to the untrustworthy 'Gwentian Brut,' he came from B
rittany; but 'Brut Ieuan Brechfa,' another late authority, says it was fr
om Ireland, while other Bruts give no hint that he was an exile at all.F
or two or three years after his accession he was harassed by the attac
ks of Caradog ap Gruffydd ap Rhydderch, who had now made himself mast
er of the greater part of Gwent and Morgannwg. According to the twelfth-ce
ntury life of Gruffydd ap Cynan (1055?-1137), that prince found him in 108
1, when he landedat Porth Clais, near St David's, a refugee in the cathed
ral precincts, willing to promise homage and the half of his realm to Gruf
fydd in return for assistance. While this part of the story may have be
en coloured by the biographer's provincial zeal, it is certain the two pri
nces marched together against Caradog ap Gruffydd, Trahaern ap Caradog, a
nd Meilyr ap Rhiwallon, who met themat Mynydd Carn, a place not year iden
tified (th
Tewdwr Mawr Ap Cadell and Gwen Yian Verch Gwen
Husband Tewdwr Mawr Ap Cadell
AKA: Mawr Born: 0977 - Dynefor, Llandyfeisant, Caerfyrddin, Cymru Baptized: Died: - Pen Rhys Buried:
Father: Cadell Ab Einion Mother: Elinferch Gwerystan
Other Spouse: Gwenllian Ferch Gwyn O. Dyfed
Other Spouse: Gwenllian Verch Gwyn
Noted events in his life were:
1. Alt. Birth
Wife Gwen Yian Verch Gwen
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Gwen Ap Rhytherch Mother:
1 M Rhys Ap Tewdwr Mawr
Born: 0997 Baptized: Died: April 1093 - Aberhonddu, Breconshire, Wales Buried:Spouse: Gwladys Verch RhiwallonSpouse: Catrin Ferch IestynSpouse: Gwladys Verch Rhiwallon Powys
2 M Gryffydd Ap Tewdwr Mawr
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Elen Verch Tewdr
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Tewdwr Mawr Ap Cadell
Alias:<ALIA> Tewdwr Mawr ap Cadell Tywysog Deau /Cymru/
General Notes: Child - Rhys Ap Tewdwr Mawr
1 NAME Rhys Ap Tewdwr /Mawr/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1001 2 PLAC Wales 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 DEAT 2 DATE APR 1093 2 PLAC Glyn Rhoddnai, near Brecon, Wales, Wales 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001
[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: Kraentzler 1151a, 1446; History of Morgan Family; Dictionary of National Biography; Young; Complete Peerage; A. Roots 178.
King of Deheubarth, 1078.
History: "Led the fight against the Norman invaders. Restored to the crown of South Wales in 1078 and became the founder of the Third Royal Tribe. William the Conqueror met Rhys and accepted him as Prince of Deheubarth in 1081. Rhys was killed in battle by the Normans at Glyn Rhoddnai. Married Gwladus and had sons Griffith and Hywel and a daughter, Nest." Dictionary: Killed in battle with forces led by Bernard de Neufmarche in 1093. Roots: Prince of South Wales. Roots also gives name as Rhys ap Tudor Mawr.
(See J.E. LLoyd's History of Wales for his ancestry). Young: Rhys ap Tewdwr, died 1093, prince of South Wales, married Gwladus of Powys. *************** King of Deheubarth, 1078.
1. Morgan, Dennis. _A History of the Morgan Family_. "Led the fight against the Norman invaders. Restored the crown of South Wales in 1078 and became the founder of the Third Royal Tribe. William the Conqueror met Rhys and accepted him as Prince of Deheubarth in 1081. Rhys was killed in battle by the Normans at Glyn Rhoddnai. Married Gwladus and had sons Griffith and Hywel and a daughter, Nest." 2. Bartrum, Peter C. _Welsh Genealogies, AD 300-1400_. University of
Wales Press, 1978; "Rhys ap Tewdwr 1", page 776. 3. _Dictionary of National Biography_. Killed in battle with forces led by
Bernard de Neufmarche in 1093. 4. Weis, Frederick Lewis. _Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists_. 6th Ed. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1988. Name given
as Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, Prince of South Wales. 5. Weis, Frederick Lewis. _Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists_. Seventh Edition. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992; Line 178-1: Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, Prince of South Wales, d. 1093; md Gwladus, dau of Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn of Powys. (CP X 11; DWB, pp 837, 840. See J.E. Lloyd's _History of Wales_ II 767 for his ancestry.)
Tewdwr Mawr Ap Cadell and Gwenllian Verch Gwyn
Husband Tewdwr Mawr Ap Cadell
AKA: Mawr Born: 0977 - Dynefor, Llandyfeisant, Caerfyrddin, Cymru Baptized: Died: - Pen Rhys Buried:
Father: Cadell Ab Einion Mother: Elinferch Gwerystan
Other Spouse: Gwenllian Ferch Gwyn O. Dyfed
Other Spouse: Gwen Yian Verch Gwen
Noted events in his life were:
1. Alt. Birth
Wife Gwenllian Verch Gwyn
Born: 1020 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Gwyn Lord Dyvet Ap Rhytherch Mother:
1 M Rhys Ap Tewdwr Mawr
Born: 0997 Baptized: Died: April 1093 - Aberhonddu, Breconshire, Wales Buried:Spouse: Gwladys Verch RhiwallonSpouse: Catrin Ferch IestynSpouse: Gwladys Verch Rhiwallon Powys
2 F Nest Verch Tewdwr Maur
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M Rhydderch Ap Tewdwr Mawr
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Hunydd Verch Bleddyn
4 F Elen Verch Tewdwr Maur
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Bleddyn Ap Maenyrch
General Notes: Husband - Tewdwr Mawr Ap Cadell
Alias:<ALIA> Tewdwr Mawr ap Cadell Tywysog Deau /Cymru/
General Notes: Child - Rhys Ap Tewdwr Mawr
1 NAME Rhys Ap Tewdwr /Mawr/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1001 2 PLAC Wales 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 DEAT 2 DATE APR 1093 2 PLAC Glyn Rhoddnai, near Brecon, Wales, Wales 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001
[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: Kraentzler 1151a, 1446; History of Morgan Family; Dictionary of National Biography; Young; Complete Peerage; A. Roots 178.
King of Deheubarth, 1078.
History: "Led the fight against the Norman invaders. Restored to the crown of South Wales in 1078 and became the founder of the Third Royal Tribe. William the Conqueror met Rhys and accepted him as Prince of Deheubarth in 1081. Rhys was killed in battle by the Normans at Glyn Rhoddnai. Married Gwladus and had sons Griffith and Hywel and a daughter, Nest." Dictionary: Killed in battle with forces led by Bernard de Neufmarche in 1093. Roots: Prince of South Wales. Roots also gives name as Rhys ap Tudor Mawr.
(See J.E. LLoyd's History of Wales for his ancestry). Young: Rhys ap Tewdwr, died 1093, prince of South Wales, married Gwladus of Powys. *************** King of Deheubarth, 1078.
1. Morgan, Dennis. _A History of the Morgan Family_. "Led the fight against the Norman invaders. Restored the crown of South Wales in 1078 and became the founder of the Third Royal Tribe. William the Conqueror met Rhys and accepted him as Prince of Deheubarth in 1081. Rhys was killed in battle by the Normans at Glyn Rhoddnai. Married Gwladus and had sons Griffith and Hywel and a daughter, Nest." 2. Bartrum, Peter C. _Welsh Genealogies, AD 300-1400_. University of
Wales Press, 1978; "Rhys ap Tewdwr 1", page 776. 3. _Dictionary of National Biography_. Killed in battle with forces led by
Bernard de Neufmarche in 1093. 4. Weis, Frederick Lewis. _Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists_. 6th Ed. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1988. Name given
as Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, Prince of South Wales. 5. Weis, Frederick Lewis. _Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists_. Seventh Edition. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992; Line 178-1: Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, Prince of South Wales, d. 1093; md Gwladus, dau of Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn of Powys. (CP X 11; DWB, pp 837, 840. See J.E. Lloyd's _History of Wales_ II 767 for his ancestry.)
Claude Gervais and Marie Cadelle
Husband Claude Gervais
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - St-Étienne, Meaux, Seine-Et-Marne, France
Wife Marie Cadelle
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Jean Francois Gervais Beausejour
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Barbeau Boisdore Marr: November 21, 1723 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
William James Colety and Catherine Theresa Caden
Husband William James Colety
Born: March 8, 1877 - Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: October 29, 1946 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Cardiac Failure Buried: October 31, 1946 - St. Mary's Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Father: Patrick Henry Culloty Mother: Elizabeth Catherine Kepple
Marriage: August 28, 1906 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Wife Catherine Theresa Caden
Born: 1880 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: March 13, 1929 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Surgical Shock Buried: March 16, 1929 - St. Mary's Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Father: Edward Caden Mother: Rose Ann Cassidy
1 F Alice Colety
Born: 1909 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: 1998 - Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried:Spouse: Richard McCormack
2 M William James Colety
Born: April 7, 1912 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: December 15, 1976 - Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Kidney Failure Buried: March 1977 - St. Mary's Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USASpouse: Myrna ButlerSpouse: Yvonne Marie Boulay Marr: July 24, 1948 - Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
3 M Henry Colety
Born: 1913 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: 1951 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Kidney Failure Buried: 1951 - St. Mary's Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USASpouse: Lillian Masse Marr: 1939
Medical Notes: Husband - William James Colety
In the 1900 census, there is a reported sister Caroline @ 7 years old.
Arteriosclerotic heart disease for 3 years. Attended by Ralph PMcCarthy M.D. Spent the final seven months of his life in hospital.
Medical Notes: Wife - Catherine Theresa Caden
Shows up in the 1910 Massachusetts census as 33 years old with1 daughter Alice and 1 deceased child. Reported occupation is a bleacher.
March 1, 1929- Cholecystectomy
Hemolytic Jaundice- Operation
Surgical Shock 1 day
General Notes: Child - Henry Colety
2 SOUR S191
See attached sources.
Charles J. Caden and Margaret Sweeney
Husband Charles J. Caden
Born: 1873 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: 1944 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried:
Father: Edward Caden Mother: Rose Ann Cassidy
Marriage: - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Wife Margaret Sweeney
Born: 1876 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: 1933 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried:
1 F Rosanna Caden
Born: 1902 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 F Helen J. Caden
Born: 1903 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Margaret A. Caden
Born: 1907 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Edward C. Caden
Born: December 23, 1910 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: June 1963 - Massachusetts, USA Buried:Spouse: Valerie R.
General Notes: Wife - Margaret Sweeney
Father born in Ireland
General Notes: Child - Rosanna Caden
1 NAME Rose //
2 GIVN Rose
General Notes: Child - Edward C. Caden
Edward Caden and Rose Maxwell
Husband Edward Caden
Born: 1802 - County Fermanaugh, Ireland Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Noted events in his life were:
1. Immigration - Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA
Wife Rose Maxwell
Born: 1814 - Ireland Baptized: Died: May 29, 1889 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Congestion of lungs Buried:
Father: James Maxwell Mother:
1 F Elizabeth Caden
Born: 1841 - County Fermanaugh, Ireland Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Patrick Clark Marr: September 21, 1874 - Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
2 M Edward Caden
Born: March 17, 1846 - County Fermanaugh, Ireland Baptized: Died: February 13, 1926 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried: February 14, 1926 - St. Mary's Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USASpouse: Rose Ann Cassidy Marr: November 20, 1868 - Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
General Notes: Husband - Edward Caden
Per 1860 census birthdates of children.
General Notes: Child - Edward Caden
Witnesses are Michael Kelly and Charles Cassidy.
High School Janitor
on Crownshield Road adjacent to Lowell Street.
Edward Caden and Rose Ann Cassidy
Husband Edward Caden
Born: March 17, 1846 - County Fermanaugh, Ireland Baptized: Died: February 13, 1926 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried: February 14, 1926 - St. Mary's Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Father: Edward Caden Mother: Rose Maxwell
Marriage: November 20, 1868 - Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Noted events in his life were:
1. Immigration - New York, New York
2. Naturalization - Essex County Superior Court, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
3. Residence - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Wife Rose Ann Cassidy
Born: 1842 - County Fermanaugh, Ireland Baptized: Died: April 25, 1886 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Heart Disease Buried:
Father: Michael Cassidy Mother: Ann Tumelty
1 M Michael J. Caden
Born: 1872 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: 1897 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried:
2 M Charles J. Caden
Born: 1873 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: 1944 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried:Spouse: Margaret Sweeney Marr: Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
3 F Annie E. Caden
Born: June 1874 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: 1960 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried:
4 F Catherine Theresa Caden
Born: 1880 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: March 13, 1929 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Surgical Shock Buried: March 16, 1929 - St. Mary's Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USASpouse: William James Colety Marr: August 28, 1906 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
5 F Rose Ann Caden
Born: August 23, 1880 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: May 7, 1900 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Tuberculosis Buried: May 9, 1900 - St. Mary's Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
6 F Alice J. Caden
Born: May 1882 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: 1906 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried:
7 F Elizabeth M. Caden
Born: November 1883 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: 1940 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried:
8 M William B. Caden
Born: January 17, 1885 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: April 1966 - Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Edward Caden
Witnesses are Michael Kelly and Charles Cassidy.
High School Janitor
on Crownshield Road adjacent to Lowell Street.
Research Notes: Wife - Rose Ann Cassidy
1 NAME Rosa /Cassidy/
2 GIVN Rosa
2 SURN Cassidy
2 SOUR S270
3 PAGE County: Suffolk County, Township: 12 W. Boston, Page: 593
3 QUAY 3
See attached sources.
General Notes: Child - Elizabeth M. Caden
1 NAME Lizzie /Caden/
2 GIVN Lizzie
2 SURN Caden
General Notes: Child - William B. Caden
1 NAME Willie /Caden/
2 GIVN Willie
2 SURN Caden
Patrick Clark and Elizabeth Caden
Husband Patrick Clark
Born: 1846 Baptized: Died: 1909 Buried:Marriage: September 21, 1874 - Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Wife Elizabeth Caden
Born: 1841 - County Fermanaugh, Ireland Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Edward Caden Mother: Rose Maxwell
1 M Edward Clark
Born: 1876 Baptized: Died: 1876 Buried:
Charles Tumelty and Ellen Caden
Husband Charles Tumelty
Born: June 5, 1810 - Enniskillen, County Fermanaugh, Ireland Baptized: Died: 1871 Buried:
Father: Patrick Tumelty Mother: Mary McGuire
Marriage: November 29, 1838 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
Other Spouse: Ann McGuire - March 1, 1835 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
Noted events in his life were:
1. Immigration - Montpelier, Vermont, USA
2. Naturalization - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
Wife Ellen Caden
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M John Tumelty
Born: August 10, 1839 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M James Tumelty
Born: July 31, 1842 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Mary A. Kelany Marr: 1860 - South Danvers, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
3 F Mary Ann Tumelty
Born: June 3, 1844 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: June 10, 1844 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA Died: Buried:
4 F Ellen Tumelty
Born: April 1847 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: October 5, 1848 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Dysentery Buried:
5 F Rosa Tumelty
Born: March 9, 1847 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 M Charles Tumelty
Born: July 12, 1848 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
Tangno Ap Cadfael
Husband Tangno Ap Cadfael
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Nest Verch Tangno
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Cydrych Ap Gwaithfoed
Cadwaladr Fendigaid Ap Cadfam and Cadwaladr Ap Cadfan
Husband Cadwaladr Fendigaid Ap Cadfam
Born: 0591 - Wales Baptized: Died: 0635 - Wales Buried:
Father: Cadfan Ap Iago Mother: Tandreg Ddu Verch Cynan
Wife Cadwaladr Ap Cadfan
Born: 0594 - Mercia, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pybba Mother:
1 M Cadwaladr Fendigaid Ap Cadwallon King Of Brita
Born: 0615 - Wales Baptized: Died: 0664 - Wales Buried:Spouse: Cadwaladr Ap Cadwallon
Death Notes: Wife - Cadwaladr Ap Cadfan
Gwrfawr Ap Cadfan
Husband Gwrfawr Ap Cadfan
Born: 0358 Baptized: Died: 0415 Buried:
Father: Cadfan Ap Cynan Mother: Gwladys
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Frwdwr Ap Gwrfawr Dumnonia
Born: 0380 Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Gwrfawr Ap Cadfan
Coel Hen Rheged Godesbog and Ystradwal Ferch Cadfan
Husband Coel Hen Rheged Godesbog
Born: 0343 Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Ystradwal Ferch Cadfan
Born: 0357 - Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cadeon Ap Cynon Mother:
1 M Cenue Hen Ap Coel
Born: 0374 - Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 F Gwawl Verch Coel
Born: 0398 - Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Cunedda Wledig Ap Edern
Death Notes: Husband - Coel Hen Rheged Godesbog
Death Notes: Wife - Ystradwal Ferch Cadfan
Death Notes: Child - Cenue Hen Ap Coel
Death Notes: Child - Gwawl Verch Coel
Coel Hen Ap Tegfan and Ystradwal Ferch Cadfan
Husband Coel Hen Ap Tegfan
Born: 0350 - Efrog, Prydain Baptized: Died: 0420 - Coilsfield, Tarbolton, Ayrshire Buried: 0420 - Coylton
Father: Tehvant Mother:
Wife Ystradwal Ferch Cadfan
Born: 0352 - Dumnonia, Cymru Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Aie Ferch Coel Hen
Born: 0380 Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Ceneu Ap Coel Hen
Born: 0382 - Efrog, Prydain Baptized: Died: 0450 Buried:
3 F Gwawl Ferch Coel Hen
Born: 0384 Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Garbanion Ap Coel Hen
Born: 0390 Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Coel Hen Ap Tegfan
Alias:<ALIA> "the /Old"/
Coel Hen, King of Northern Britain
(Welsh: Coel; Latin: Coelius; English: Cole)
Coel Hen or Coel the Old is known to most of us through the famous nur
sery rhyme:
Old King Cole was a merryold soul
And a merry old soul was he.
He called for his pipe,
And he calledfor his bowl,
And he called for his fiddlers, three.
He is also a familiar figure in ancient Welsh genealogies, for mo
st of the Celtic British monarchiesclaimed descent from him in one fo
rm or another. He appears to have lived around the turn from the 4th to t
he 5th century, the time when the Roman officials returned to Italy, leavi
ng Britain and her people to fend for themselves.Coel's particular associ
ation with the north of Britain has led to the suggestion that he may actu
ally have been the last of the Roman Duces Brittanniarum with his headquar
ters at York. He certainly imposed his power over a great swathe of the co
untry, and can be considered the first King in Northern Britain. (This Co
el should not be confused with the legendary Coel Godhebog "the Magnificen
t", Lord of Colchester, whose daughter, St. Helen, supposedly married t
he Emperor Constantius Chlorus two centuries earlier.)
There is an old story told in the north about Coel's last campaign. Wh
at is now Scotland was originally inhabited by the Pictish race. It was du
ring Coel's time that immigrant Irishmen from the Scotti tribe began to se
ttle the Western coast around Argyle. Coel, fearing that the two peoples w
ould unite against the British, sent raiding parties across his northern b
order to stir up discord between them. The plan, however, backfired for t
he Picts and the Scots were not taken in.Coel merely succeeded in pushi
ng the two even closer together, and they began to attack the British King
dom of Strathclyde. Coel declared all out war andmoved north to expel t
he invaders. The Picts and Scots fled to the hills ahead of Coel's army, w
ho eventually set up camp at what became Coylton alongside the Water of Co
yle (Ayrshire). For a long time, the British were triumphant, while the Sc
ots and Picts starved. Desperate for some relief, however, the enemy advan
ced an all-or-nothing attack on Coel's stronghold. Coel and his men were t
aken by surprise, overrun and scattered to the winds. It is said thatCo
el wandered the unknown countryside until he eventually got caught in a b
og at Coilsfield (in Tarbolton, Ayrshire) and drowned. Coel was first buri
edin a mound there before being removed to the church at Coylton. The ye
ar wasabout AD 420. After his death, Coel's Northern Kingdom was divid
ed between two of his sons, Ceneu and Gorbanian.
Map of Britain
*Sometimes known as the Kingdom of Kyle.
COEL HEN is a familiar figure in many ancient Welsh genealogies. Mo
st of the Celtic British kings of the north of Britain could trace their d
escent from him in one form or another, as could many Welsh kings. In t
he short time after his life that Central and Northern Britain remained fr
ee of the invading Angles, between the start of the fifth century and mid-
sixth century, all of the kingdoms that wereestablished were by his so
ns or grandsons. Although the evidence is typically patchy, he appea
rs to have lived from around 350 - 420, during the time when the last Rom
an officials returned to the heart of the faltering empire, leaving Brita
in and her people to fend for themselves.
Coel's particular association with the north of Britain has led to t
he well-founded suggestion that he was the last of the Roman Duces Brittan
niarum (Dukes of the Britons). Only one existed at any time. They were sel
ected as generals of the army with direct authority from the governor of B
ritannia to defend the coast from the increasing barbarian raids). The Rom
an dux disappear
General Notes: Child - Ceneu Ap Coel Hen
Alias:<ALIA> Ceneu ap Coel Hen /St Cenue/
St. Ceneu, King of Northern Britain
(Born c.AD 382)
(Welsh-Cenyw, Latin-Ceneus, English-Kenneth)
Ceneu was an early King of Northern Britain, the heir of Coel Hen (t
he Old). His Kingdom stretched from Coast to Coast. Ceneu appears to ha
ve been canonized because he upheld the old Christian ways while under int
ense pressure from invading pagans. High-King Vortigern's policy of employ
ing Saxon mercenaries to defeat British enemies meant that, for most of h
is reign, Ceneu was obliged to accept the help of the Saxons, Octha and Eb
issa, in pushing back invading Picts from his kingdom. Their interferen
ce was widely resented and it was not until after the Kentish rebellion th
at they were finally brought under control. Magnanimous in victory, Cen
eu allowed the Saxons to settle in Deywr (Deira - East Yorkshire). Ceneu a
ppears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain as havi
ng attended the coronation of the great King Arthur. if so, he must have l
ived to an extreme old age. Upon his death, Ceneu's kingdom was divided be
tween his two sons, Gwrast and Mor.
Gwrast took the western lands stretching from the Salway to the Merse
y, while Mor inherited the central kingdomaround the old capital, Ebra
uc (York).
1 2 3 4
# Change Date: 3 Dec 2005 at 00:00:00
Father: Coel Hen "the Old" ap Tegfan King of Northern Britain b: ABT 03
50 in Efrog, Prydain
Mother: Ystradwal ferch Cadfan b: ABT 0352 in Dumnonia, Cymru
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
1. Has Children Gwrast Lledlwn "the Ragged" ap Ceneu Brenin Rheged b: A
BT 0422 in Rheged, Britain
2. Has Children Mor ap Ceneu b: ABT 0420 in Efrog, Prydain
3. Has No Children Maeswig Gloff ap Ceneu b: ABT 0424
1. Repository:
Title: David Nash Ford, Early Brittish Kingdoms: Geneaologies: Nor
th British Royal Pedegree: Bryneich, Rheged, Ebrauc, Elmet& th
Source Media Type: Book
2. Repository:
Title: History Files <>
Source Media Type: Book
3. Repository:
Title: Bonedd Gwyr Y Gogledd -Dark Age Northern Celtic Royalty (Pen
iarth MS 45)
Source Media Type:Book
4. Title: Welsh Genealogies, AD 300-1400; Peter C Bartrum
Page: 8, 9
General Notes: Child - Gwawl Ferch Coel Hen
# Name: Gwawl ferch Coel Hen
# Surname: ferch Coel Hen
# Given Name: Gwawl
# Sex: F
# Birth: ABT 0384 in Efrog, Prydain
# _UID: 9012C745C3958C448FC210D72645B1DE08D8 1
# Change Date: 31 Dec 2005 at 00:00:00
Father: Coel Hen "the Old" ap Tegfan King of Northern Britain b: ABT 03
50 in Efrog, Prydain
Mother:Ystradwal ferch Cadfan b: ABT 0352 in Dumnonia, Cymru
Marriage 1 Cunedda Gwledig Wledig ab Edern Brenin Gogledd Cymru b: ABT 03
80 in Manau Gododdin, FirthForth, Stirling, Yr Alban
* Married: in North Cymru
1. Has No Children Tybion ap Cunedda Gwledig b: ABT 0408
2. Has No Children Rhufon ap Cunedda Gwledig b: ABT 0412
3. Has No Children Dunog ap Cunedda Gwledig b: ABT 0414
4. Has Children Ysfael Gwron ap Cunedda Gwledig Brenin Ysfeilion b: A
BT 0420in Gwynedd, Cymru
5. Has No Children Dogfael ap Cunedda Gwledig b: ABT 0422 in Dogfeilin
g, Dyffryn Clwyd, Dinbych, Cymru
6. Has Children Einion Yrth ap Cunedda Gwledig b: 0425 in Gogledd Cymru
7. Has No Children Mael ap Cunedda Gwledig b: ABT 0426
8. Has No Children Gwron ap Cunedda b: 0426
9. Has Children Gwen ferch Cunedda Gwledig b: ABT 0427
10. Has No Children Cynias ap Cunedda Gwledig b: ABT 0428
11. Has No Children Coel ap Cunedda Gwledig b: ABT 0430
12. Has No Children Tegeingl ferch Gwledig b: ABT 0432
13. Has Children Ceredig ap Cunedda Gwledig Brenin Ceredigon b: ABT 04
35 in Manau Gododdin, Firth Forth, Strathclyde, Yr Alban
14. Has No Children Arwystl ap Cunedda Gwledig b: ABT0436
15. Has No Children Edern ap Cunedda b: 0410 in Edeirnion, Meirionnyd
d, Cymru
16. Has No Children Afloeg ap Cunedda b: 0414 in Cafflogion, Llyn, Caern
arfon, Cymru
General Notes: Child - Garbanion Ap Coel Hen
Garbonian, King of Bryneich
(Born c.AD 390)
(Welsh: Garbonian; Latin: Germanus; English: Carbon)
The son of King Coel Hen (the Old) of Northern Britain. Upon, Coel's dea
th around AD 420, his kingdoms appears to have been divided amongst his se
veral sons. Garbonian was given the kingdom along the north-east coastlin
e, what we today call Northumberland, but was then known as Bryneich.Noth
ing else is known of him for sure, but along with his brother, King Cene
u, he would have been obliged to accept the help Anglian mercenaries in ke
eping invading Picts from his kingdom, under the pro-Saxon policies of Hig
h-King Vortigern. He never did get rid of them and they quickly began to s
ettle around the Royal Palace at Din-Gmacrdi (Bamburgh). The Anglians misp
ronounced their knew country 'Bernicia'. Geoffrey of Monmouth appears to p
lace Garbonian, with his brother, Ceneu, at King Arthur's coronation; b
ut this would have taken place almost a hundred years after their tim
e. At his death, Garbonian was succeeded by his son, Dumnagmacl Moilmut.
Francoise Cadieu
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Francoise Cadieu
Born: December 15, 1669 - Quebec, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
General Notes: Wife - Francoise Cadieu
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Jeanne Cadieu
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Jeanne Cadieu
Born: April 2, 1663 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
General Notes: Wife - Jeanne Cadieu
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Vicent Vachon and Louise Cadieu
Husband Vicent Vachon
Born: - Quebec, Quebec, Canada Baptized: - Québec, Qc Died: December 4, 1716 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried: December 4, 1716 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Father: Paul Vachon 1 Mother: Marguerite Langlois 1
Marriage: June 25, 1685 - Beauport, Qc
Wife Louise Cadieu
Born: September 7, 1667 - Quebec, Qc Baptized: September 14, 1667 - Québec, Qc Died: - Beauport, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
1 F Francoise Vachon
Born: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: December 26, 1749 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: December 27, 1749 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Jean Menard Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
2 M Paul Vachon
Born: 1685 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: July 11, 1685 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Died: 1703 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried: - Beauport, Quebec, Canada
3 F Charlotte Vachon Lamine
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Marie Charlotte Vachon
Born: - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Antoine Parent Marr: September 2, 1720 - Beauport, Montmorency, P.Q.
5 F Marie Francoise Vachon
Born: 1689 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Died: December 27, 1749 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried:
6 M Francois Vachon Lamine
Born: October 30, 1693 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: October 31, 1693 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: October 23, 1729 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: October 24, 1729 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Marguerite Giroux Marr: November 14, 1718 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Dorothee Fougere Fugere Marr: June 13, 1729 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
7 M Louis Vachon
AKA: Laminee Born: September 2, 1691 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: September 2, 1691 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Angelique Landry Marr: October 25, 1723 - Beauport, Quebec, CanadaSpouse: Marie Louise Maillou Marr: November 16, 1716Spouse: Marie Louise Mailloux Marr: November 16, 1716 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Marie Angelique Landry
8 M Francois Vachon
Born: 1693 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: October 31, 1693 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Died: 1729 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried: October 24, 1729 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada
9 F Louise Vachon
Born: June 11, 1696 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: June 11, 1696 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: November 18, 1749 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: November 19, 1749 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Pierre Mailloux Desruisseaux Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
10 F Marie Louise Vachon
Born: 1696 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: June 11, 1696 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Died: December 19, 1749 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried:
11 M Vincent Vachon
Born: 1698 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: November 27, 1698 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Died: 1725 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried: April 9, 1725 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada
12 F Marie Anne Vachon
Born: December 1, 1700 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: December 1, 1700 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: September 3, 1727 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried: September 3, 1727 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Charles Grenier Marr: November 6, 1719 - Beauport, PQ 2 3
General Notes: Husband - Vicent Vachon
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Wife - Louise Cadieu
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Paul Vachon
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Charlotte Vachon
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Francoise Vachon
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Louis Vachon
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Francois Vachon
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Louise Vachon
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Vincent Vachon
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Anne Vachon
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
Marie Madeleine Cadieu
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Madeleine Cadieu
Born: October 23, 1659 - Quebec, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
General Notes: Wife - Marie Madeleine Cadieu
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Angelique Cadieux
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Angelique Cadieux
Born: July 12, 1686 - Beauport Baptized: Died: August 29, 1748 - Sorel Buried:
Father: Jean Charles Cadieux Mother: Madeleine Neveu
Michel Charles Lajeunesse and Anne Jeanne Cadieux
Husband Michel Charles Lajeunesse
Born: - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc Baptized: - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc Died: July 13, 1703 - Hôpital, Hôtel-Dieu, Montréal, Qc Buried: July 13, 1703 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Father: Etienne Charles Lajeunesse Mother: Madeleine Niel
Marriage: June 16, 1698 - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc
Wife Anne Jeanne Cadieux
Born: July 1678 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: July 10, 1678 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc Died: May 15, 1742 - Terrebonne, Qc Buried: May 16, 1742 - Terrebonne, Qc
Father: Jean Cadieux Mother: Marie Barbe Valade
1 F Marguerite Charles Lajeunesse
Born: - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc Baptized: - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Maisonneuve Marr: November 22, 1723 - St-Charles-DE-Lachenaie, Cté Terrebonne, Qc
2 F Madeleine Anne Charles Lajeunesse
Born: Baptized: Died: July 20, 1768 - Ste-Rose-DE-Lima, Ile-Jésus, Laval, Qc Buried: July 21, 1768 - Ste-Rose-DE-Lima, Ile-Jésus, Laval, QcSpouse: Noel Ignace Flavien Caille Marr: November 6, 1724 - St-François-DE-Sales, Ile-Jésus, Laval, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Marguerite Charles Lajeunesse
Joseph Marie Lacroix and Barbe Cadieux
Husband Joseph Marie Lacroix
Born: October 9, 1761 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: Died: October 26, 1844 - St-Pie-DE-Bagot, Qc Buried:
Father: Joseph Louis Lacroix Mother: Francoise Fortier
Marriage: February 28, 1791 - St-Mathias, Pointe-Olivier, Cté Rouville, Qc
Other Spouse: Marguerite Brouillet - July 29, 1793 - St-Mathias, Pointe-Olivier, Cté Rouville, Qc
Wife Barbe Cadieux
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Cecile Cadieux
Husband Cecile Cadieux
Born: November 22, 1690 - Beauport Baptized: Died: March 15, 1774 - Beloeil Buried:
Father: Jean Charles Cadieux Mother: Madeleine Neveu
Marriage: 1720 - Beauport
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Charles Cadieux and Michelle Madeleine Macard
Husband Charles Cadieux
Born: 1628 - Thury-Harcourt, Caen, Bayeux, Normandy, France Baptized: Died: August 8, 1715 - Beauport, Qc Buried: August 9, 1715 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcMarriage: 1654 - Qc
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation, indian fur trader
Wife Michelle Madeleine Macard
Born: 1640 - Larochelle, Aunis, France Baptized: Died: April 14, 1703 - Beauport, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
1 M Jean Charles Cadieux
Born: October 1655 - Québec, Qc Baptized: October 24, 1655 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: May 24, 1709 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: May 26, 1709 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc AFN: GWVB-8RSpouse: Madeleine Neveu Marr: April 28, 1681 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
2 F Marie Cadieux
Born: July 1657 - Québec, Qc Baptized: July 22, 1657 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: 1733 - Ile-Aux-Grues, Montmagny, P.Q. Buried: April 20, 1733 - Cap St. Ignace, Montmagny, P.Q.Spouse: Jean Langlois 1 Marr: December 5, 1675 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc 1Spouse: Jean Gosselin Marr: June 19, 1694 - Quebec City, Quebec, CanadaSpouse: Jean Baptiste Gosselin Marr: June 16, 1694 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
3 F Marie Cadieu
Born: July 22, 1657 Baptized: Died: - Quebec, Qc Buried:
4 F Madeleine Cadieux
Born: October 26, 1659 - Québec, Qc Baptized: October 27, 1659 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: February 26, 1715 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: February 27, 1715 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Antoine Fortier Marr: November 21, 1677 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
5 F Marie Madeleine Cadieu
Born: October 23, 1659 - Quebec, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 F Jeanne Cadieux
Born: April 1, 1663 - Québec, Qc Baptized: April 2, 1663 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: - Hôpital, Hôtel-Dieu DE Québec, Qc Buried:Spouse: Antoine Martin Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
7 F Jeanne Cadieu
Born: April 2, 1663 Baptized: Died: Buried:
8 F Agnes Cadieu
Born: May 16, 1666 - Quebec, Qc Baptized: Died: May 26, 1666 Buried:
9 F Louise Cadieu
Born: September 7, 1667 - Quebec, Qc Baptized: September 14, 1667 - Québec, Qc Died: - Beauport, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Vicent Vachon Marr: June 25, 1685 - Beauport, Qc
10 F Francoise Cadieu
Born: December 15, 1669 - Quebec, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
11 M Francois Cadieu
Born: December 3, 1673 - Beauport, Qc Baptized: Died: January 13, 1793 - Beauport, Qc Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Charles Cadieux
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General Notes: Wife - Michelle Madeleine Macard
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General Notes: Child - Jean Charles Cadieux
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General Notes: Child - Marie Cadieux
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General Notes: Child - Marie Cadieu
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Marie Madeleine Cadieu
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Jeanne Cadieux
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General Notes: Child - Jeanne Cadieu
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Agnes Cadieu
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Louise Cadieu
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General Notes: Child - Francoise Cadieu
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General Notes: Child - Francois Cadieu
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Chrysologue Cadieux and Rose Alma Drouin
Husband Chrysologue Cadieux 4
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: September 1898 - Hawkesbury 5
Wife Rose Alma Drouin 5
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Drouin 5 Mother: Adelaide Sabourin 4
Gabriel Cadieux and Elisabeth Fortin
Husband Gabriel Cadieux
Born: July 11, 1713 - Rivière-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: October 22, 1753 - Rivière-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Wife Elisabeth Fortin
Born: - Rivière-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: June 3, 1796 - Rivière-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Québec, Canada Buried:
Father: Joseph Fortin Mother: Jeanne Lorrain
Other Spouse: Francois Lauzon - November 16, 1739 - Rivière-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Joseph Noel Giroux and Genevieve Cadieux
Husband Joseph Noel Giroux
Born: - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: April 23, 1758 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried: April 23, 1758 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Father: Raphael Giroux 6 Mother: Marie Madeleine Vachon 6
Marriage: April 22, 1711 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Wife Genevieve Cadieux
Born: May 4, 1685 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: May 5, 1685 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: November 4, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: November 5, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Father: Jean Charles Cadieux Mother: Madeleine Neveu
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, April 5, 1685 - Beauport, Québec
1 F Genevieve Giroux
Born: September 26, 1711 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: September 27, 1711 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: June 23, 1784 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried: June 24, 1784 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada 7Spouse: Noel Parent Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc 7
2 M Joseph Noel Giroux
Born: August 18, 1714 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: August 19, 1714 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Therese Duprac Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
3 F Marie Giroux
Born: May 5, 1713 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: October 25, 1714 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried:
4 F Catherine Giroux
Born: April 3, 1716 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: April 4, 1716 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Ange Belanger Marr: Beauport, PQ
5 F Marie Catherine Giroux
Born: April 4, 1716 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 M Charles Giroux
Born: March 29, 1718 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: Died: September 22, 1783 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: September 24, 1783 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Barbe Parent Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
7 F Madeleine Giroux Courville
Born: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Jacques Parent Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
8 M Pierre Giroux
Born: October 26, 1719 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
9 M Jean Baptiste Giroux
Born: October 26, 1719 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
10 F Marie Madeleine Giroux
Born: - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: February 11, 1790 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried: February 12, 1790 - Notre Dame DE La Nativite, Beauport, Quebec, Canada 8
11 F Marie Louise Giroux
Born: September 22, 1723 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
12 F Marie Angelique Giroux
Born: October 30, 1724 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
13 M Joseph Giroux
Born: - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: March 27, 1727 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Buried:
14 M Raphael Giroux
Born: July 26, 1728 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
15 F Marie Catherine Giroux
Born: - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jacques Parent Marr: Beauport, Quebec, Canada
General Notes: Husband - Joseph Noel Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Wife - Genevieve Cadieux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
Death Notes: Child - Genevieve Giroux
General Notes: Child - Genevieve Giroux
died at age of 73 Beauport
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Joseph Noel Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
Death Notes: Child - Catherine Giroux
General Notes: Child - Marie Catherine Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Charles Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
Death Notes: Child - Madeleine Giroux Courville
General Notes: Child - Pierre Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Jean Baptiste Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Madeleine Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Louise Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Angelique Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Joseph Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Raphael Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Catherine Giroux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
Genevieve Cadieux
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Genevieve Cadieux
Born: May 4, 1685 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: May 5, 1685 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: November 4, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: November 5, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Father: Jean Charles Cadieux Mother: Madeleine Neveu
Other Spouse: Joseph Noel Giroux - April 22, 1711 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, April 5, 1685 - Beauport, Québec
General Notes: Wife - Genevieve Cadieux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
Jean Cadieux and Marie Barbe Valade
Husband Jean Cadieux
Born: 1629 - Pringe-Sur-Loir, Sarthe, France Baptized: August 29, 1629 - Pringe-Sur-Loir, Sarthe, France Died: September 30, 1681 - Montréal, Qc Buried: September 30, 1681 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Father: Pierre Cadieux Mother: Renee Foureau
Marriage: November 26, 1663 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Wife Marie Barbe Valade
Born: 1647 - St-Nicolas-DE-Rouen, La Rochelle, Aunis, France Baptized: Died: - Montréal, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Father: Andre Valade Mother: Sarah Cousseau
Other Spouse: Philippe Boudier Boutier - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
1 M Pierre Cadieux
Born: April 1666 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: April 7, 1666 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc Died: October 1727 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc Buried: October 8, 1727 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, QcSpouse: Jeanne Marsan Mercan Marr: May 29, 1702 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, QcSpouse: Marguerite Menard Lafontaine
2 M Jean Cadieux
Born: - Montréal, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc Died: 1709 Buried:Spouse: Marie Bourdon Marr: May 30, 1695 - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc
3 F Marie Therese Cadieux
Born: November 1672 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: November 23, 1672 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc Died: July 1756 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc Buried: July 12, 1756 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, QcSpouse: Jean Baptiste Thouin Marr: November 5, 1697 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc
4 F Marguerite Cadieux
Born: July 1676 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste LegardeurSpouse: Jean Bouvier Marr: September 26, 1696 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, QcSpouse: Francois Delboeuf Desboeuf Desjardins Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
5 F Anne Jeanne Cadieux
Born: July 1678 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: July 10, 1678 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc Died: May 15, 1742 - Terrebonne, Qc Buried: May 16, 1742 - Terrebonne, QcSpouse: Michel Charles Lajeunesse Marr: June 16, 1698 - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Marguerite Cadieux
Jean Charles Cadieux and Madeleine Neveu
Husband Jean Charles Cadieux
Born: October 1655 - Québec, Qc Baptized: October 24, 1655 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: May 24, 1709 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: May 26, 1709 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc AFN: GWVB-8R
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
Marriage: April 28, 1681 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Wife Madeleine Neveu
AKA: Neveu Born: November 24, 1660 - Québec, Qc Baptized: November 25, 1660 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: October 27, 1697 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: October 28, 1697 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc AFN: 1V78-RSK
Father: Philippe Neveu Mother: Denise Sevestre
1 F Madeleine Cadieux
Born: June 5, 1683 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: June 6, 1683 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: April 1770 - Kamouraska, Qc Buried: April 6, 1770 - Kamouraska, Qc AFN: J8FS-99Spouse: Pierre Michaud Jr. Marr: October 20, 1704 - Quebec City, P.Q.
2 F Genevieve Cadieux
Born: May 4, 1685 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: May 5, 1685 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: November 4, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: November 5, 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Joseph Noel Giroux Marr: April 22, 1711 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
3 F Angelique Cadieux
Born: July 12, 1686 - Beauport Baptized: Died: August 29, 1748 - Sorel Buried:
4 M Joseph Cadieux
Born: December 25, 1688 - Beauport, Qc Baptized: December 25, 1688 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Died: Buried:
5 M Cecile Cadieux
Born: November 22, 1690 - Beauport Baptized: Died: March 15, 1774 - Beloeil Buried:
6 M Ignace Alexandre Cadieux
Born: September 27, 1693 - Beauport Baptized: - Beloeil, Vercheres, Quebec Died: Buried:
7 M Charles Cadieux
Born: July 26, 1695 - Beauport Baptized: Died: - Beauport Buried:
8 M Jean Baptiste Charles Cadieux
AKA: Courville Born: July 27, 1695 - Beauport, Qc Baptized: July 27, 1695 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Died: - Beauport, Qc Buried: - Beauport, Quebec, Canada
9 M Michel Cadieux
Born: September 30, 1697 - Beauport, Qc Baptized: September 30, 1697 - Beauport, Quebec, Canada Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Jean Charles Cadieux
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General Notes: Wife - Madeleine Neveu
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Notes: Marriage
General Notes: Child - Madeleine Cadieux
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General Notes: Child - Genevieve Cadieux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Joseph Cadieux
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Ignace Alexandre Cadieux
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Jean Baptiste Charles Cadieux
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General Notes: Child - Michel Cadieux
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Antoine Martin and Jeanne Cadieux
Husband Antoine Martin
Born: August 28, 1654 - Québec, Qc Baptized: September 6, 1654 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: April 6, 1715 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc Buried: April 7, 1715 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc
Father: Antoine Martin Mother: Denise Sevestre
Marriage: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Therese Bonet Benet Choret - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc
Wife Jeanne Cadieux
Born: April 1, 1663 - Québec, Qc Baptized: April 2, 1663 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: - Hôpital, Hôtel-Dieu DE Québec, Qc Buried:
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
1 F Jeanne Martin
Born: April 4, 1691 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc Baptized: April 5, 1691 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Choret Marr: St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc
2 F Marie Anne Martin
Born: December 31, 1692 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc Baptized: - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc Died: December 1765 - La Visitation-Du-Sault-Aux-Récollets, Montréal, Qc Buried: December 30, 1765 - La Visitation-Du-Sault-Aux-Récollets, Montréal, QcSpouse: Jean Francois Turcot Marr: St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc
General Notes: Wife - Jeanne Cadieux
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Death Notes: Child - Jeanne Martin
Jeanne Cadieux
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Jeanne Cadieux
Born: April 1, 1663 - Québec, Qc Baptized: April 2, 1663 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: - Hôpital, Hôtel-Dieu DE Québec, Qc Buried:
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
Other Spouse: Antoine Martin - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
General Notes: Wife - Jeanne Cadieux
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Joseph Marie Cadieux and Simone Angelique Rheaume
Husband Joseph Marie Cadieux
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: June 28, 1790 - St-François-DE-Sales, Ile-Jésus, Laval, Qc
Wife Simone Angelique Rheaume
Born: November 10, 1743 - St-François-DE-Sales, Ile-Jésus, Laval, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Simon Rheaume Mother: Angelique Labelle
Other Spouse: Basile Paquet - September 27, 1762 - St-Vincent-DE-Paul, Ile-Jésus, Laval, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Simone Angelique Rheaume
Bertrand Viau Lesperance and Josephte Cadieux
Husband Bertrand Viau Lesperance
Born: November 8, 1695 - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc Baptized: November 10, 1695 - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc Died: June 27, 1742 - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc Buried: June 27, 1742 - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc
Father: Bertrand Viau Lesperance Mother: Reine Robin
Marriage: - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc
Wife Josephte Cadieux
Born: - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc Baptized: - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Cadieux Mother: Marie Bourdon
Other Spouse: Jean Goguet - August 21, 1745 - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc
1 F Josephte Viau
Born: June 21, 1724 - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc Baptized: June 21, 1724 - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc Died: April 9, 1756 - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc Buried: April 10, 1756 - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, QcSpouse: Jean Baptiste Sorel Chorel Marr: September 22, 1744 - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Josephte Cadieux
Jean Goguet and Josephte Cadieux
Husband Jean Goguet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: August 21, 1745 - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc
Wife Josephte Cadieux
Born: - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc Baptized: - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Cadieux Mother: Marie Bourdon
Other Spouse: Bertrand Viau Lesperance - St-Antoine-DE-Longueuil, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Josephte Cadieux
Antoine Fortier and Madeleine Cadieux
Husband Antoine Fortier
Born: June 1644 - St-Rémy, Dieppe, Rouen, Normandie, France Baptized: June 26, 1644 - St-Rémy, Dieppe, Rouen, Normandie, France Died: June 1707 - Rivière-L'assomption-Aux-Papinachois, Qc Buried:
Father: Noel Fortier Mother: Marie Golle
Marriage: November 21, 1677 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Wife Madeleine Cadieux
Born: October 26, 1659 - Québec, Qc Baptized: October 27, 1659 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: February 26, 1715 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: February 27, 1715 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Marriage Contract, November 11, 1677 - Contract Filion, Qc. CA
1 M Pierre Noel Fortier
Born: 1678 - Beauport, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 F M. Madeleine Fortier
Born: November 11, 1678 - St Laurent, Île D'orléans, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA Baptized: Died: July 31, 1756 - St Laurent, Île D'orléans, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA Buried:
3 F Marie Madeleine Fortier
Born: 1679 Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Pierre Noel Fortier
Born: 1678 - Beauport, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Marie Madeleine Fortier
Born: November 7, 1678 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: November 11, 1678 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: July 30, 1756 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: July 31, 1756 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Gervais Pepin Dit Lachance Marr: St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
6 F Marie Madeleine Fortier
Born: 1679 Baptized: Died: Buried:
7 M Antoine Fortier
Born: February 29, 1680 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: May 1749 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: May 23, 1749 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Madeleine Noel Marr: St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
8 M Jean Baptiste Fortier
Born: September 7, 1681 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: September 15, 1681 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: December 1750 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: December 30, 1750 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Madeleine Ruel Marr: October 15, 1708 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
9 M Michel Fortier
Born: February 5, 1685 - St Laurent, Île D'orléans, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA Baptized: Died: September 9, 1724 - Québec, (Co. Québec), Qc. CA Buried:
10 M Charles Fortier
Born: May 4, 1683 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: May 9, 1683 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: March 1753 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: March 11, 1753 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Francoise Blouin Marr: July 9, 1709 - St-Jean, I.O.
11 M Pierre Noël Fortier
Born: November 27, 1686 - St Laurent, Île D'orléans, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA Baptized: Died: February 19, 1731 - St Laurent, Île D'orléans, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA Buried:
12 M Louis Fortier
Born: 1690 - St Laurent, Île D'orléans, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA Baptized: Died: October 30, 1749 - St Jean, Île D'orléan, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA Buried:
13 M Pierre Noel Fortier
Born: November 25, 1686 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: November 27, 1686 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Anne Leclerc Marr: October 13, 1710 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
14 M Guillaume Fortier
Born: 1691 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: March 28, 1750 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: March 28, 1750 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Madeleine Dumas Marr: November 9, 1711 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
15 F Anne Fortier
Born: December 19, 1701 - St Laurent, Île D'orléans, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA Baptized: Died: June 11, 1703 - St Laurent, Île D'orléans, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA Buried:
16 M Joseph Fortier
Born: March 31, 1699 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: April 2, 1699 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: January 12, 1775 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: January 13, 1775 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, QcSpouse: Suzanne Plante Marr: September 4, 1720 - St-Jean, Ile D'orléans, Montmorency, QcSpouse: Marie Josephte Filteau FeuilletôtSpouse: Josette Filteau Marr: February 11, 1734 - St Jean, Île D'orléan, (Co. Montmorency # 2), Qc. CA
Notes: Marriage
General Notes: Child - Jean Baptiste Fortier
This work is on going and all should be doubled checked for errors.
Pierre Michaud Jr. and Madeleine Cadieux
Husband Pierre Michaud Jr.
AKA: La Cadet, Lacadet Born: February 11, 1672 - Ile Aux Grues, Montmagny Baptized: - Quebec, Canada Died: January 15, 1761 - Kamouraska Buried: - Kamouraska, Qc AFN: FZH0-3H
Father: Pierre Michaud 9 10 11 Mother: Marie Ancelin 9 10
Marriage: October 20, 1704 - Quebec City, P.Q.
Other Spouse: Magdeleine Thibodeau - February 5, 1697 - Quebec, , PQ, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism - Eglise Notre-Dame DE Québec, Québec
Wife Madeleine Cadieux
Born: June 5, 1683 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: June 6, 1683 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: April 1770 - Kamouraska, Qc Buried: April 6, 1770 - Kamouraska, Qc AFN: J8FS-99
Father: Jean Charles Cadieux Mother: Madeleine Neveu
1 F Madeleine Michaud 12
AKA: Madeleine Michaud Born: August 27, 1703 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: February 15, 1706 - Riviere Ouelle, P.Q., Canada Died: June 16, 1771 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc, Canada Buried: June 16, 1771 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada AFN: 1KZT-LFFSpouse: Joseph Ouellette Marr: July 1, 1725 - Kamouraska, Contrat Michon, PQ, CanadaSpouse: Jean Baptiste Dionne 13 Marr: 1728 - Kamouraska, Qc
2 M Pierre Michaud
Born: September 26, 1707 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: September 30, 1707 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: March 1756 - St-Louis-DE-Kamouraska, Qc Buried: March 26, 1756 - St-Louis-DE-Kamouraska, Qc AFN: C0ZX-8LSpouse: Charlotte Miville Deschenes Marr: June 2, 1745 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Marie Angelique Dupere Marr: Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
3 F Marie Ursule Michaud
Born: 1723 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: September 30, 1799 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc Buried: September 30, 1799 - St. Roch Des Aulnaies, L'islet, Quebec, Canada AFN: J8FS-BGSpouse: Jean Baptiste Morin Marr: January 12, 1773 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, QcSpouse: Pierre Roch Morin Marr: August 11, 1751 - Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Pierre Roch Morin Marr: November 8, 1751 - St. Louis, Kamouraska, Qc
4 M Alexandre Michaud
Born: August 15, 1707 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: 1710 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Died: September 1, 1800 - St. Andre DE Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Buried: September 3, 1800 - St. Andre, Kamouraska, Qc AFN: JQNZ-C1Spouse: Brigitte Cordeau Marr: Kamouraska, Qc 14Spouse: Brigitte Cordeau Deslauriers
5 M Antoine Michaud
Born: July 29, 1709 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: August 15, 1709 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Died: Buried: AFN: T12T-QC
6 F Dorothee Michaud
Born: 1713 - Qc Baptized: Died: Buried: AFN: M9P3-M4Spouse: Pierre Joseph Moreau Marr: May 24, 1734 - St. Louis, Kamouraska, Qc
7 F Charlotte Michaud
Born: 1726 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: 1726 Died: April 1775 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. Qc Buried: April 16, 1776 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. Qc AFN: ZG2C-QGSpouse: Gabriel Paradis Marr: May 9, 1746 - Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Jean Hyard Marr: June 23, 1760 - Kamouraska, Qc
8 F Jeanne Michaud
Born: - Kamouraska Baptized: Died: March 18, 1756 - Kamouraska Buried:
9 F Genevieve Michaud
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Cordeau Deslauriers Marr: Kamouraska, Qc
10 M Jean Baptiste Michaud
Born: 1721 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: February 8, 1765 - St-Louis-DE-Kamouraska, Qc Buried: February 9, 1765 - St-Louis-DE-Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Francoise Chasse Marr: April 2, 1743 - Kamouraska, Qc
11 M Francois Michaud
Born: 1711 - Qc Baptized: 1711 Died: - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc, Canada Buried: AFN: ZG24-ST
12 M Etienne Michaud
Born: - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: February 22, 1728 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc Died: November 15, 1756 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Buried: November 15, 1756 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc AFN: T12T-SPSpouse: Jeanne Chasse Marr: St. Louis, Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Marie Ursule Nadeau Marr: November 16, 1749 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Catherine Nadeau Marr: November 10, 1749 - Kamouraska, Quebec
Birth Notes: Husband - Pierre Michaud Jr.
1.1. Pierre Michaud #2174 n. 11 fŽvrier 1672, LÕIle aux Grues, 08 mars 6672, Notre-Dame de
QuŽbec(enr), rŽf: Marguiller, profession Cultivateur (Bedeau),m. 05 fevrier 1697, ˆ N.-D.
QuŽbec, Qc, 04 fŽvrier 1697, greffe Chambalon, Marie-Magdeleine Thibodeau #2488, n.
1672, (Trllede Mathurin Thibodo #4731et Marie Roy #4732) d. 28 janvier 1737, St-Louis
de Kamouraska, sŽpulture: 31 janvier 1737, St-Louis de Kamouraska. Pierre dŽcs :1761,
St-Louis de Kamouraska, Qc, sŽpulture: 15 janvier 1761, St-Louis de Kamouraska, Qc. Pierre dit
IÕainŽ; Parrain: Mathurin du Chiron dit Deslaurier et la Marraine: Anne Macart, femme du Sr. de
Granville. NŽ et baptisŽ ˆ lÕ”le-Aux-Grues par le prtre Mr Thomas Morel, Ptr-Miss du SŽminaire
de QuŽbec. DŽcŽdŽ ˆ lÕ‰ge de 89 ans. Le baptme est enregistrŽ a QuŽbec. Marie-Magdeleine:
Marie-MagdeleineThibodo dit Lalime. Marraine:...
General Notes: Husband - Pierre Michaud Jr.
This work is on going and all should be doubled checked for errors.
General Notes: Wife - Madeleine Cadieux
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Notes: Marriage
General Notes: Child - Madeleine Michaud
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Pierre Michaud
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Marie Ursule Michaud
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Alexandre Michaud
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Antoine Michaud
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Dorothee Michaud
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Charlotte Michaud
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Genevieve Michaud
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Child - Jean Baptiste Michaud
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General Notes: Child - Francois Michaud
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General Notes: Child - Etienne Michaud
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Jean Baptiste Legardeur and Marguerite Cadieux
Husband Jean Baptiste Legardeur
Born: - Québec, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Legardeur Derepentigny Mother: Marguerite Nicolet
Other Spouse: Marie Marthe Richaume - July 1690 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc
Wife Marguerite Cadieux
Born: July 1676 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Cadieux Mother: Marie Barbe Valade
Other Spouse: Jean Bouvier - September 26, 1696 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Other Spouse: Francois Delboeuf Desboeuf Desjardins - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, July 26, 1676 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
1 M Jean Baptiste Legardeur Derepentigny
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Anne Lalande Latreille Marr: May 3, 1732 - Sts-Anges-DE-Lachine, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Jean Baptiste Legardeur
Death Notes: Wife - Marguerite Cadieux
Francois Delboeuf Desboeuf Desjardins and Marguerite Cadieux
Husband Francois Delboeuf Desboeuf Desjardins
Born: September 12, 1699 - St-André, Angoulême, Charente-Maritime, France Baptized: Died: March 20, 1769 - Montréal, Qc Buried: March 22, 1769 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Father: Claude Desboeuf Delboeuf Mother: Antoinette Desbordes
Marriage: - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Wife Marguerite Cadieux
Born: July 1676 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Cadieux Mother: Marie Barbe Valade
Other Spouse: Jean Baptiste Legardeur
Other Spouse: Jean Bouvier - September 26, 1696 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, July 26, 1676 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marguerite Cadieux
Jean Langlois and Marie Cadieux
Husband Jean Langlois 1
Born: December 19, 1648 - Québec, Qc 1 15 16 17 18 Baptized: December 20, 1648 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: October 21, 1690 - Hôpital, Hôtel-Dieu DE Québec, Qc 1 15 16 18 19 Buried: October 21, 1690 - Beauport, Montmorency, Québec, Canada 17 18 AFN: 94TF-29
Father: Noel Langlois 1 20 21 Mother: Francois Caron 1 20 21
Marriage: December 5, 1675 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc 1
Other Spouse: Francoise Charlotte Belanger 1 - October 19, 1665 - Chateau-Richer, , Qc 1
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism 16 17 18, Quebec ,Quebec,Canada, February 24, 1641
2. Census 16 18, Lined in I'Lie D'Orleans (Charpenter), 1666
3. Census 16 18, Lined in I'Lie D'Orleans (Charpenter), 1667
4. Alt. Burial 16 18, St-Joachim, Quebec,Canada, December 8, 1688
Wife Marie Cadieux
Born: July 1657 - Québec, Qc Baptized: July 22, 1657 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: 1733 - Ile-Aux-Grues, Montmagny, P.Q. Buried: April 20, 1733 - Cap St. Ignace, Montmagny, P.Q.
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
Other Spouse: Jean Gosselin - June 19, 1694 - Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Other Spouse: Jean Baptiste Gosselin - June 16, 1694 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
1 F Madeleine Langlois St Jean
Born: November 20, 1678 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: November 21, 1678 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: August 29, 1741 - St-Thomas, Cté Montmagny, Qc Buried: August 30, 1741 - St-Thomas, Cté Montmagny, QcSpouse: Jean Gagne Marr: St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc
2 F Marguerite Madeleine Langlois St Jean
Born: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: October 12, 1714 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: October 13, 1714 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Jean Blouin Marr: November 10, 1700 - St-Thomas, Cté Montmagny, Qc
3 M Louis Langlois St Jean
Born: November 18, 1684 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Baptized: November 18, 1684 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Died: October 26, 1744 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc Buried: October 27, 1744 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, QcSpouse: Madeleine Guyon Marr: November 5, 1708 - St-François-DE-Sales, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Francoise Gabrielle Deneau Marr: November 23, 1711
4 M Francois Langlois
Born: - Ile-Aux-Grues, Cté L'islet, Qc Baptized: March 30, 1690 - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc Died: December 16, 1758 - Ile-Aux-Grues, Cté L'islet, Qc Buried: January 4, 1759 - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, QcSpouse: Marie Genest Marr: St-Jean, Ile D'orléans, Montmorency, Qc
General Notes: Husband - Jean Langlois
Please notify of any errors and verify before including in your file. This is intended to help others climb the Roberge family tree easier than we did. If you have any additions that will help others we will add them on a monthly basis. Happy climbing!
General Notes: Wife - Marie Cadieux
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Jean Gosselin and Marie Cadieux
Husband Jean Gosselin
Born: - Chateau-Richer, , Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: June 19, 1694 - Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Wife Marie Cadieux
Born: July 1657 - Québec, Qc Baptized: July 22, 1657 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: 1733 - Ile-Aux-Grues, Montmagny, P.Q. Buried: April 20, 1733 - Cap St. Ignace, Montmagny, P.Q.
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
Other Spouse: Jean Langlois 1 - December 5, 1675 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc 1
Other Spouse: Jean Baptiste Gosselin - June 16, 1694 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
1 M Jean Baptiste Gosselin
Born: April 5, 1695 - Cap-St-Ignace, , Qc Baptized: Died: - Cap-St-Ignace, , Qc Buried:Spouse: Marie Lemieux Marr: June 7, 1723 - Cap-St-Ignace, , Qc
General Notes: Wife - Marie Cadieux
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Jean Baptiste Gosselin and Marie Cadieux
Husband Jean Baptiste Gosselin
Born: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc Died: January 18, 1756 - St-Charles-DE-Lachenaie, Cté Terrebonne, Qc Buried: January 19, 1756 - St-Charles-DE-Lachenaie, Cté Terrebonne, Qc
Father: Gabriel Gosselin Mother: Francoise Lelievre
Marriage: June 16, 1694 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Wife Marie Cadieux
Born: July 1657 - Québec, Qc Baptized: July 22, 1657 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: 1733 - Ile-Aux-Grues, Montmagny, P.Q. Buried: April 20, 1733 - Cap St. Ignace, Montmagny, P.Q.
Father: Charles Cadieux Mother: Michelle Madeleine Macard
Other Spouse: Jean Langlois 1 - December 5, 1675 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc 1
Other Spouse: Jean Gosselin - June 19, 1694 - Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
1 M Jean Baptiste Gosselin
Born: April 3, 1695 - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc Baptized: April 5, 1695 - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc Died: - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc Buried: - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, QcSpouse: Marie Lemieux Marr: June 7, 1723 - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc
General Notes: Wife - Marie Cadieux
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Nicolas Demers Dumais and Marie Francoise Cadieux
Husband Nicolas Demers Dumais
Born: September 17, 1696 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: September 18, 1696 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: June 23, 1760 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Pierrefonds, Ile-DE-Montréal, Qc Buried: June 24, 1760 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Pierrefonds, Ile-DE-Montréal, Qc
Father: Eustache Demers Dumais Mother: Marie Francoise Dubois
Marriage: - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc
Other Spouse: Suzanne Cardinal Leroux - June 30, 1750 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Pierrefonds, Ile-DE-Montréal, Qc
Wife Marie Francoise Cadieux
Born: July 14, 1704 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc Baptized: July 14, 1704 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc Died: May 1749 - Montréal, Qc Buried: May 11, 1749 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Pierrefonds, Ile-DE-Montréal, Qc
Father: Pierre Cadieux Mother: Jeanne Marsan Mercan
1 F Genevieve Demers
Born: April 1, 1747 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Pierrefonds, Ile-DE-Montréal, Qc Baptized: April 1, 1747 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Pierrefonds, Ile-DE-Montréal, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre Martin Biort
Death Notes: Child - Genevieve Demers
Jean Baptiste Thouin and Marie Therese Cadieux
Husband Jean Baptiste Thouin
Born: December 1, 1674 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc Baptized: December 1, 1674 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc Died: December 1755 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc Buried: December 4, 1755 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc
Father: Roch Thouin Mother: Denise Colin
Marriage: November 5, 1697 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc
Wife Marie Therese Cadieux
Born: November 1672 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: November 23, 1672 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc Died: July 1756 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc Buried: July 12, 1756 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc
Father: Jean Cadieux Mother: Marie Barbe Valade
1 M Roch Thouin
Born: Baptized: Died: 1760 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, Qc Buried: November 9, 1760 - La Purification-DE-La-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie-DE-Repentigny, L'assomption, QcSpouse: Marie Anne Prudhomme Marr: November 9, 1739 - St-Sulpice, Cté L'assomption, Qc
Pierre Cadieux and Renee Foureau
Husband Pierre Cadieux
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Renee Foureau
Born: - St-Jean-DE-La Motte, Sarthe, France Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Jean Cadieux
Born: 1629 - Pringe-Sur-Loir, Sarthe, France Baptized: August 29, 1629 - Pringe-Sur-Loir, Sarthe, France Died: September 30, 1681 - Montréal, Qc Buried: September 30, 1681 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, QcSpouse: Marie Barbe Valade Marr: November 26, 1663 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Renee Foureau
Pierre Cadieux and Jeanne Marsan Mercan
Husband Pierre Cadieux
Born: April 1666 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: April 7, 1666 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc Died: October 1727 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc Buried: October 8, 1727 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc
Father: Jean Cadieux Mother: Marie Barbe Valade
Marriage: May 29, 1702 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc
Other Spouse: Marguerite Menard Lafontaine
Wife Jeanne Marsan Mercan
Born: - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc Baptized: - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc Died: December 28, 1755 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc Buried: December 30, 1755 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc
Father: Pierre Francois Mercan Lapierre Mother: Francoise Baiselat
1 F Marie Francoise Cadieux
Born: July 14, 1704 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc Baptized: July 14, 1704 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc Died: May 1749 - Montréal, Qc Buried: May 11, 1749 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Pierrefonds, Ile-DE-Montréal, QcSpouse: Nicolas Demers Dumais Marr: St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc
Pierre Cadieux and Marguerite Menard Lafontaine
Husband Pierre Cadieux
Born: April 1666 - Montréal, Qc Baptized: April 7, 1666 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc Died: October 1727 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc Buried: October 8, 1727 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Rivières-Des-Prairies, Montréal, Qc
Father: Jean Cadieux Mother: Marie Barbe Valade
Other Spouse: Jeanne Marsan Mercan - May 29, 1702 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc
Wife Marguerite Menard Lafontaine
Born: - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: Died: April 3, 1699 - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc Buried: April 4, 1699 - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc
Father: Jacques Menard Dit Lafontaine Mother: Catherine Fortier Forestier
Other Spouse: Francois Lanctôt - October 14, 1681 - Ste-Famille-DE-Boucherville, Qc
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Madog Cadivor Ap Cynillin Ap Gwaethloed and Dyddgu Verch Llewellyn Vychan Ap Llewellyn Ap M
Husband Madog Cadivor Ap Cynillin Ap Gwaethloed
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cadivor Cynillin Ap Gwaethloed Mother:
Wife Dyddgu Verch Llewellyn Vychan Ap Llewellyn Ap M
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Llewellyn Vychan Llewellyn Ap Meilir Grug Mother:
1 M Dafydd Madog Ap Cadivor Ap Cynillin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Gruffydd Madog Ap Cadivor Ap Cynillin
Born: - Aberllefni Alias Ceiswyn, Tanyllyn, Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:
Royce Oran Roy Dewing and Lottie M. Cadle
Husband Royce Oran Roy Dewing
Born: August 10, 1882 - Saginaw, MI Baptized: Died: March 24, 1965 - Wichita, Kansas Buried:
Father: Rodney Corvel Dewing Mother: Acquilla Thompson
Marriage: March 29, 1903 - Wichita, Kan
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation, Musician, worked at the Boeing Co., listed as a carpenter on the 1930 census
Wife Lottie M. Cadle
Born: February 14, 1883 - Kansas According To 1920 Census Baptized: Died: July 8, 1978 - Wichita, Kan Buried:
1 F Dewing
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Edwin L. Berkley
2 M Dewing
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Stout
3 F Dewing
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Bupp
4 M Dewing
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: DavisSpouse: Unknown
5 F Dewing
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Koetter
General Notes: Husband - Royce Oran Roy Dewing
Rachel Trumm has his death date as March 22. his son has his birth place as Saginaw, Mich so does Dorothy E. Dewing so does his obit his obit states his occupation ROY DEWING SSN 511-03-8991 Residence: Kansas Born 10 Aug 1882 Last Benefit: Died Mar 1965 Issued: KS (Before 1951)
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at
General Notes: Wife - Lottie M. Cadle
LOTTIE DEWING SSN 514-68-2240 Residence: 67213 Wichita, Sedgwick, KS Born 14 Feb 1883 Last Benefit: Died Jul 1978 Issued: KS (1973)
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at
General Notes: Child - Dewing
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at
General Notes: Child - Dewing
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at
General Notes: Child - Dewing
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at
General Notes: Child - Dewing
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
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General Notes: Child - Dewing
If you think you may be related, please contact me and I'd be happy to share relavent information
if you have any questions, comments, additions, or corrections, please contact me at
William White and Elizabeth Cadman
Husband William White
Born: June 6, 1690 - Rochester, Massachusetts, Plymouth, County Baptized: Died: 1780 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Buried: - MA AFN: HMV8-CHMarriage: October 2, 1729 - Dartmouth, Bristol, MA
Wife Elizabeth Cadman
Born: June 6, 1685 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: January 6, 1768 - Dartmouth, Bristol, MA Buried: AFN: HQJ6-SM
Father: George Cadman Mother: Hannah Hathaway
1 M George C. White
Born: 1710 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: March 29, 1764 - Dartmouth, Massachusetts, Bristol, County Buried: AFN: HQJ6-XBSpouse: Deborah Shaw Marr: Little Compton, Nwprt, RI
2 F Hannah White
Born: August 22, 1732 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: June 9, 1792 - Dover Plains, Duchess, NY Buried: AFN: HQJ6-V0Spouse: William Taber Marr: December 27, 1730 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA
3 F Sarah White
Born: 1705 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: October 1795 - Tiverton, Nwprt, RI Buried: AFN: GJ8J-W8
4 M William White
Born: October 16, 1701 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Baptized: Died: - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Buried: AFN: HQJ6-TS
5 M Thomas White
Born: 1730 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: Buried: AFN: HQJ7-4B
6 M Roger White
Born: 1705 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: June 17, 1802 - Hopkinton, Wshngtn, RI Buried: AFN: HQJ6-W5
7 M Oliver White
Born: 1722 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: April 19, 1791 - Hopkinton, Wshngtn, RI Buried: AFN: HQJ7-20
8 F Susanna White
Born: 1714 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: October 3, 1780 Buried: AFN: HQJ6-ZH
9 M Christopher White
Born: 1720 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: December 18, 1793 - Tiverton, Nwprt, RI Buried: August 12, 1795 - Tiverton, Newport, RI AFN: HQJ7-1S
10 M Abner White
Born: April 24, 1725 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: June 30, 1794 - Mabbetsville, Duchess, NY Buried: AFN: HQJ7-35
11 F Elizabeth White
Born: 1716 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Buried: AFN: BNGR-HW
12 M Christopher White
Born: 1715 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: October 5, 1795 Buried: AFN: PT8Q-GP
Death Notes: Child - Thomas White
George Cadman and Hannah Hathaway
Husband George Cadman
Born: 1656 - Of Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island Baptized: Died: November 24, 1718 - Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts Buried: AFN: HQJ7-5HMarriage: 1676 - Portsmouth, Nwprt, RI
Wife Hannah Hathaway
Born: 1662 - Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass Baptized: Died: 1748 - Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass Buried: 1748 - Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass AFN: 93VD-4J
Father: Arthur Hathaway Mother: Sarah Cooke
1 F Elizabeth Cadman
Born: June 6, 1685 - Dartmouth, Brstl, MA Baptized: Died: January 6, 1768 - Dartmouth, Bristol, MA Buried: AFN: HQJ6-SMSpouse: William White Marr: October 2, 1729 - Dartmouth, Bristol, MA
Stephen Edward Trueman and Vessa Maud Cadman
Husband Stephen Edward Trueman
Born: September 23, 1907 - Campbellton, Restigouche, New Brunswick, Canada Baptized: Died: August 3, 1977 - Riverview, Albert, New Brunswick, Canada Buried:
Father: Donald Stephen Trueman Mother: Mary Edith Wells
Marriage: November 5, 1932 - Amherst, Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Wife Vessa Maud Cadman
Born: December 16, 1911 Baptized: Died: 2001 Buried:
1 M Donald Edward Trueman
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Carole Butland
2 M John David Trueman
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Mary Eleanor Coneen
3 M Douglas Stephen Trueman
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Betty McGrath
4 F Audrey Louise Trueman
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Martin Hammerli
5 F Anne Bernice Trueman
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ron Murray
6 F Elizabeth Cadman Trueman
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Alan Alderson
David Edward Scriven and Joyce Cadogan
Husband David Edward Scriven
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Joyce Cadogan
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Richard Scriven
Born: 1330 22 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jane Acton Marr: 1348 - Acton Scot, Shropshire, England 23 24
General Notes: Husband - David Edward Scriven
David (or Edward) Scriven is the first Scriven of whom we have knowledge. Using the several sources available to us, we estimate that he lived in the late 1200's and early 1300's. However, a Scriven Pedigree compiled in the mid-19th Century states that the earliest Scriven on record in Shropshire was not named DAVID, but WALTER. See the Notes for John Scriven (27 October 1623 - 2 October 1675).
Antoine Cadoret and Madeleine Lambert Aubin
Husband Antoine Cadoret
Born: September 22, 1704 - Québec, Qc Baptized: September 22, 1704 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Georges Cadoret Caderet Mother: Barbe Boucher
Marriage: November 23, 1733 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
Wife Madeleine Lambert Aubin
Born: - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Aubin Lambert Champagne Mother: Marie Anne Houde
1 F Marguerite Cadoret
Born: April 26, 1746 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: April 27, 1746 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Louisbruno Duchesne Marr: August 8, 1776 - Baie-St-Paul, Cté Charlevoix, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Antoine Cadoret
Death Notes: Wife - Madeleine Lambert Aubin
Death Notes: Child - Marguerite Cadoret
Joseph Vivier and Genevieve Cadoret
Husband Joseph Vivier
Born: June 10, 1712 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc Baptized: June 10, 1712 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc Died: April 29, 1760 - St-François-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc Buried: April 30, 1760 - St-François-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc
Father: Claude Vivier Mother: Marie Anne Glinel Delinel
Marriage: - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Other Spouse: Claire Garand - St-François-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc
Wife Genevieve Cadoret
Born: 1712 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Cadoret Mother: Genevieve Moreau
1 F Marie Anne Vivier
Born: November 28, 1744 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: November 30, 1744 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Prisque Chamberland Marr: August 8, 1763 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Genevieve Cadoret
Death Notes: Child - Marie Anne Vivier
Joseph Vivier and Genevieve Cadoret
Husband Joseph Vivier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Claude Vivier Mother: Marie Anne Glinel
Marriage: November 2, 1741 - Lauzon, Lévis, Qc
Wife Genevieve Cadoret
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Cadoret Mother: Genevieve Moreau
1 F Marie Anne Vivier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre Tessier Marr: July 11, 1704 - Charlesbourg, Québec, Qc
Jean Baptiste Cadoret and Genevieve Moreau
Husband Jean Baptiste Cadoret
Born: September 12, 1687 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: September 13, 1687 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: May 1769 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: May 24, 1769 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Father: Georges Cadoret Caderet Mother: Barbe Boucher
Marriage: - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Wife Genevieve Moreau
Born: November 2, 1681 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: November 4, 1681 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: December 9, 1749 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: December 19, 1749 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Father: Louis Moreau Mother: Elisabeth Gagnon
1 F Genevieve Cadoret
Born: 1712 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Vivier Marr: St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Genevieve Cadoret
Jean Baptiste Cadoret and Genevieve Moreau
Husband Jean Baptiste Cadoret
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Georges Cadoret Mother: Barbe Boucher
Marriage: November 2, 1709 - Lauzon, Lévis, Qc
Wife Genevieve Moreau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Louis Moreau Mother: Elisabeth Gagnon
1 F Genevieve Cadoret
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Vivier Marr: November 2, 1741 - Lauzon, Lévis, Qc
Louisbruno Duchesne and Marguerite Cadoret
Husband Louisbruno Duchesne
Born: January 16, 1753 - Baie St-Paul Baptized: January 17, 1753 - Baie-St-Paul, Cté Charlevoix, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jacques Duchesne Mother: Marie Anne Thibault
Marriage: August 8, 1776 - Baie-St-Paul, Cté Charlevoix, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Francoise Tremblay - November 5, 1787 - St-Louis-DE-L'ile-Aux-Coudres, Cté Charlevoix, Qc
Wife Marguerite Cadoret
Born: April 26, 1746 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: April 27, 1746 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Antoine Cadoret Mother: Madeleine Lambert Aubin
1 M Augustin Duchesne
Born: November 7, 1777 - St-Étienne-DE-La-Malbaie, Sté Charlevoix, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Gagnon Marr: September 5, 1809 - L'assomption-DE-La-Ste-Vierge-Des-Éboulements, Cté Charlevoix, Qc
2 M Laurent Duchesne
Born: July 15, 1782 - Baie-St-Paul, Cté Charlevoix, Qc Baptized: July 15, 1782 - Baie-St-Paul, Cté Charlevoix, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Genevieve Lebreton Lalancette Marr: February 19, 1811 - St-Étienne-DE-La Malbaie, Cté Charlevoix, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Louisbruno Duchesne
Death Notes: Wife - Marguerite Cadoret
Death Notes: Child - Augustin Duchesne
Death Notes: Child - Laurent Duchesne
Bruno Duchesne and Marguerite Cadoret
Husband Bruno Duchesne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jacques Duchesne Mother: Marie Anne Thibault
Marriage: September 8, 1776 - Baie-St-Paul, Charlevoix, Qc
Wife Marguerite Cadoret
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Augustin Duchesne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Gagnon
Francois Dubois and Marie Angelique Cadoret
Husband Francois Dubois
Born: 1698 Baptized: Died: - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Father: Francois Dubois Mother: Marie Guay Briere
Marriage: July 27, 1723 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Wife Marie Angelique Cadoret
Born: August 7, 1701 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: August 8, 1701 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Georges Cadoret Caderet Mother: Barbe Boucher
Other Spouse: Noel Mathieu - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
1 M Francois Dubois
Born: June 20, 1725 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: June 20, 1725 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Francoise Poulin Marr: St-Joseph, Cté Beauce, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Angelique Cadoret
Death Notes: Child - Francois Dubois
Noel Mathieu and Marie Angelique Cadoret
Husband Noel Mathieu
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Wife Marie Angelique Cadoret
Born: August 7, 1701 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: August 8, 1701 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Georges Cadoret Caderet Mother: Barbe Boucher
Other Spouse: Francois Dubois - July 27, 1723 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Angelique Cadoret
Etienne Huot St Laurent and Marie Anne Cadoret
Husband Etienne Huot St Laurent
Born: April 25, 1706 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: April 25, 1706 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Laurent Etienne Huot St Laurent Mother: Francoise Faveron
Marriage: September 2, 1726 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Cadoret
Born: May 16, 1707 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: May 17, 1707 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Georges Cadoret Caderet Mother: Barbe Boucher
1 M Etienne Huot St Laurent
Born: August 17, 1727 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: August 22, 1727 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Louise Dubois Marr: May 3, 1762 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, QcSpouse: Marie Louise Côte Marr: July 27, 1767 - St-Antoine-DE-Tilly, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
2 M Joseph Huot St Laurent
Born: - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Monique Paulet Poulet Marr: November 16, 1767 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
3 F Marie Josephte Huot St Laurent
Born: Baptized: Died: April 23, 1790 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: April 24, 1790 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, QcSpouse: Denis Joseph Boucher Marr: October 17, 1757 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
4 F Genevieve Huot
Born: - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Huard Desilets Marr: February 15, 1776 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Etienne Huot St Laurent
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Cadoret
Death Notes: Child - Joseph Huot St Laurent
Death Notes: Child - Genevieve Huot
Laurent Etienne Huot St Laurent and Marie Josephte Cadoret
Husband Laurent Etienne Huot St Laurent
Born: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Nicolas Huot St Laurent Viot Mother: Marie Fayette St Laurent
Marriage: September 19, 1718 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Other Spouse: Francoise Faveron - November 3, 1699 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Wife Marie Josephte Cadoret
Born: July 25, 1699 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: July 28, 1699 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Georges Cadoret Caderet Mother: Barbe Boucher
Other Spouse: Francois Barbeau Boisdore - August 26, 1738 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
1 M Ignace Huot St Laurent
Born: August 1719 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: August 27, 1719 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Genevieve Boucher Marr: St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
2 F Madeleine Huot St Laurent
Born: - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: October 1798 - Québec, Qc Buried: October 28, 1798 - Québec, QcSpouse: Prisque Boucher Marr: April 19, 1751 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
3 F Marie Anne Huot St Laurent
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Begin Marr: St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Laurent Etienne Huot St Laurent
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Josephte Cadoret
Death Notes: Child - Ignace Huot St Laurent
Napoleon Cadoret and Florence Levesque
Husband Napoleon Cadoret
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Robert Cadoret Mother: Florida St Pierre
Marriage: July 14, 1940 - St-Romuald, Lévis, Qc
Wife Florence Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Arthur Levesque Mother: Delima Thibodeau
Pierre Jean Cadoret and Barbe Tortus Deslauriers
Husband Pierre Jean Cadoret
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - St-Patern, Morbihan, Vannes, France
Wife Barbe Tortus Deslauriers
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Georges Cadoret Caderet
Born: May 12, 1632 - St-Patern, Morbihan, Vannes, France Baptized: Died: April 16, 1711 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: April 18, 1711 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, QcSpouse: Marie Anne Jopie Joppy Marr: September 13, 1657 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Barbe Boucher Marr: April 22, 1686 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Raymond Cadoret and Catherine Couture
Husband Raymond Cadoret
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: October 7, 1799 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Wife Catherine Couture
Born: February 15, 1777 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: February 16, 1777 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Francois Couture Mother: Genevieve Huot St Laurent
Other Spouse: Louis Ignace Lambert - July 29, 1805 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Catherine Couture
Robert Cadoret and Florida St Pierre
Husband Robert Cadoret
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: March 30, 1897 - St-Romuald, Lévis, Qc
Wife Florida St Pierre
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Napoleon Cadoret
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Florence Levesque Marr: July 14, 1940 - St-Romuald, Lévis, Qc
Georges Cadoret Caderet and Marie Anne Jopie Joppy
Husband Georges Cadoret Caderet
Born: May 12, 1632 - St-Patern, Morbihan, Vannes, France Baptized: Died: April 16, 1711 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: April 18, 1711 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Father: Pierre Jean Cadoret Mother: Barbe Tortus Deslauriers
Marriage: September 13, 1657 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Other Spouse: Barbe Boucher - April 22, 1686 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Jopie Joppy
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Cadorette and Gagne
Husband Cadorette
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Gagne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Eugene Gagne Mother: Emond
Other Spouse: Charest
Cadorette and Gagne
Husband Cadorette
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Roland Cadorette Mother: Elise Rousseau
Wife Gagne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Eugene Gagne Mother: Emond
Other Spouse: Charest
Alphonse Cadorette and Ernestine Lavertu
Husband Alphonse Cadorette
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Ernestine Lavertu
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Richard Cadorette
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Yvette Voisine
Richard Cadorette and Yvette Voisine
Husband Richard Cadorette
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Alphonse Cadorette Mother: Ernestine Lavertu
Wife Yvette Voisine
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Remi Voisine Mother: Leona Fournier
Roland Cadorette and Elise Rousseau
Husband Roland Cadorette
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: 1944 - St-Joseph-DE-Coleraine, Mégantic, Qc
Wife Elise Rousseau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Cadorette
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Gagne
Nicolas Gamache and Jaqueline Cadot
Husband Nicolas Gamache 25
AKA: Nicolas Lamarre Born: 1615 - St. Ilier, Chartres Diocese, , France 18 25 26 Baptized: Died: November 1676 - France 18 25 26 Buried: Unknown 18
Father: Guillaume Gamache Mother: Renee Huan
Marriage: September 9, 1629 - Chartres, , France 18 25
Other Spouse: Michelle Poitel Partel 25 - 1625 - Breval, Nantes-La-Jolie, France 25
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism, St. Illiers, la Ville, France
Wife Jaqueline Cadot 25
AKA: Jacqueline Cadot Born: 1615 - St. Ilier, Chartres Diocese, , France 18 25 26 Baptized: Died: November 5, 1709 - L'islet, P.Q. 18 25 26 Buried: Unknown 18
Father: Jean Cadotte Cadot Mother:
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Death 25, 1693 - Québec, Canada
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Alt. Marriage 25, 1620 - Chartres, France
1 M Jacques Gamache 25
Born: 1630 18 19 25 27 Baptized: Died: Buried: Unknown 18
2 M Nicolas Lamarre Des Gamache Seigneur
Born: April 16, 1639 Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Genevieve Gamache 20 25 28 29
AKA: Geneviève Lamarre Born: 1635 - Illiers, Yvelines, , France 18 20 25 26 28 30 Baptized: October 3, 1636 - St-Illiers-La-Ville, Mantes-La-Jolie, Yvelines, France Died: November 5, 1709 - L'islet, , Qc 18 20 25 26 28 30 31 Buried: June 11, 1711 - L'islet-Sur-Mer, L'islet, Qc 18 25 31Spouse: Julien Fortin 20 25 28 29 32 Marr: November 11, 1652 - Cap Tourmente, Québec, Canada 18 19 25 30 33 34 35
4 M Nicolas Gamache, Lord Of Islet 25 29
Born: April 17, 1639 - St. Ilier, Chartres Diocese, , France 18 25 Baptized: Died: October 30, 1699 - Cap-St-Ignace, , Qc 18 25 27 36 Buried: October 30, 1699 - Cap-St-Ignace, Montmagny, Qc 18 25 27 36Spouse: Elizabeth Ursule Cloutier Marr: November 9, 1676 - Chateau-Richer, , Qc
General Notes: Husband - Nicolas Gamache
From St-Iliers-la-Ville, Chartres
Death Notes: Wife - Jaqueline Cadot
General Notes: Wife - Jaqueline Cadot
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone) (NEW E-MAIL)
Notes: Marriage
FICHIER ORIGINE, répertoire informatisé des actes de naissances et bapteme
des emigrants établis au Québec, des origines à 1865, compilés par M. Fournier
et diffusés par D. Beauregard
General Notes: Child - Jacques Gamache
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone) (NEW E-MAIL)
General Notes: Child - Genevieve Gamache
GÉNÉALOGIQUE DES FAMILLES CANADIENNE, 1608-1800; Volume 1, p 236, Vol 4, p 67.
BIOGRAPHY: Called Lamarre.
NOTE: The archive fgs lists Genevièves parentage as Nicolas and Jacquelyn
Cadot. Tanguay lists a Nicolas, but not a mother and there is no family group
noted in Tanguay. Where did this info come from. The Source listed was only
Birth of 13 Oct 1636 in St-Illiers-la-Ville, com. de Breval, Orleanais (Yvelines), France is supported by FICHIER ORIGINE
Note: From St-Illiers-la-Ville, Mantes-la-Jolie, Chartres, France. Had dit name;
Alias/autres noms: Lamarre
Les 12 enfants de Julien Fortin et Geneviève Gamache
1. Barbe née le 21 octobre, baptisée le 4 novembre 1654 à Québec.
1666, une attaque de pleurésie l'a met en danger de mort. Elle est recommandée à Sainte-Anne par ses père et mère qui lui firent un vœu et une neuvaine. Barbe est miraculeusement guérie.
mariée le 6 février 1669 à l'âge de 15 ans à Pierre Gagnon à Château-Richer. Ils ont 5 filles et 6 fils dont deux épousent des sœurs Bélanger, filles de Jean-François Bélanger et Marie Cloutier.
le 10 août 1687, Pierre Gagnon, l'époux de Barbe, est inhumé à Ste-Anne de Beaupré, victime de l'épidémie de fièvre pourpre et de rougeole qui a sévit cette année-là dans la région.
remariée à Pierre Lessard le 6 avril 1690 à Beaupré (3 fils, 3 filles) et inhumée le 27 août 1737 à L'Islet.
2. Charles né vers 1656, marié le 11 novembre 1681 au Château-Richer à Sainte Cloutier (5 fils et 5 filles), née en 1661, file de Jean Cloutier et Marie Martin; lieutenant de milice au Cap-Saint-Ignace en 1723.
3. Eustache né vers 1658; major de milice au Cap Saint-Ignace, marié le 25 mai 1693 au Cap-Saint-Ignace à Louise Cloutier (5 fils et 6 filles), née en 1676, file de René Cloutier et
4. Marie-Élisabeth Leblanc, décédé à Cap-Saint-Ignace le 23 janvier 1736.
4. Jacques né le 12 et baptisé le 15 janvier 1660 à Québec, marié le 11 juin 1689 à Québec à Catherine Biville (5 fils et 6 filles) née en 1674 file de François Biville, dit LePicard et de Marguerite Paquet, décédé à Petite-Rivière-St-François et inhumé le 28 février 1730 à Baie St-Paul
5. Geneviève née le 8, baptisée le 9 avril 1662, mariée le 8 juillet 1683 à Sainte-Anne à Noël Gagnon (4 fils et 7 filles) et inhumée le 22 mars 1703 à Château-Richer.
6. Joseph né le 15, baptisé le 20 mai 1664 au Château-Richer, marié le 25 octobre 1691 au même endroit à Agnès Cloutier (4 fils et 2 filles) et décédé vers 1704; Agnès Cloutier s'est remariée à Paul Cartier en 1705.
7. Marie-Anne née et baptisée le 1er mars 1666 au Château-Richer, mariée dans la chapelle du Cap-Tourmente en janvier 1683 à Jean Picard ou Lepicard, veuf de Marie Caron et de Marie-Madeleine Gagnon (1 fils et 1 fille) et remariée le 7 janvier 1702 à Québec, à Étienne Mirambeau (sans postérité) et inhumée à Québec le 28 décembre 1702; Étienne Mirambeau se remarie à Québec le 22 avril 1705 à Jeanne Levasseur.
8. Julien né le 17, baptisé le 23 avril 1667 au Château-Richer, décédé le 21 et inhumé le 22 novembre 1687 à Saint-Joachim
9. Pierre né le 21 à Beaupré, baptisé le 24 mai 1669 au Cap-Tourmente et marié à Marie-Gertrude Hudon le 4 juin 1697 à Rivière-Ouelle (7 fils et 7 filles).
10. Louis né le 7, baptisé le 19 mars 1671 à Beaupré, décédé le 8 et inhumé le 9 décembre 1687 à Saint-Joachim.
11. Jean né en 1674 à Beaupré et décédé vers 1682
12. Marguerite née le 25 mai, baptisée le 5 juin 1677 au Cap-Tourmente, mariée à Québec le 23 novembre 1699 à Pierre-François Fromage (1 fils) et inhumée le 15 janvier 1703 au même endroit.
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone) (NEW E-MAIL)
General Notes: Child - Nicolas Gamache, Lord Of Islet
Zacharie Cloutier is the oldest generation found on the Gamache line. Zacharie was born in 1590 and brought up in Mortagne au Perch France. He married Zainte Dupont there on the July 18 1616. They came to Canada with five children on August 8 1634.
There were 296 immigrants to Québec between 1608 and 1640. In 1629 only twenty men and six married women lived in Québec. Another 40 men arrived in Québec on June 4 1634, they stayed at Beauport. The Cloutier's arrival two months later may make them within the first hundred French settlers in Canada.
The Cloutiers settled on the manor of Robert Giffard at Beauport in 1644. They later moved to Château-Richer where Zacharie lived until his death on September 17 1677 at the age of eighty seven. Their five children were Zacharie, Jean, Charles, Anne and Louise.
Zacharie Cloutier's son Charles married Louise Morin. All that is known about them is that they had a daughter Elizabeth-Ursule Cloutier born on July 29 1660. She married Nicholas Gamache on November 9 1676 at Château-Richer Québec.
Nicholas was the son of Nicholas Gamache and Jaqueline Cadotte of St. Illiers-la-Ville, Diocese de Chartres, in Beauce, Departement d'Eure and Loir in France. The eldest Nicholas Gamache is the oldest Gamache found. Besides Nicholas, it is known that Nicholas Gamache and Jaqueline Cadotte also had a daughter Geneviève Gamache who married Julien Fortin on November 11 1652.
The younger Nicholas Gamache, Seigneur d'Islet, was buried on October 30 1699 at Cap St. Ignace. Nicholas and Elizabeth-Ursele were the benefactors and proprietors of the plot of ground where the Church of Cap St. Ignace was located. Their bodies were exhumed and reburied in the crypt of the new church on October 29 1728.
Nicholas Gamache and Elizabeth-Ursule Cloutier had a son Pierre Gamache who married Geneviève Bélanger on April 11 1734 in Cap St. Ignace. Geneviève's parents were Jean-François Bélanger and Geneviève Thibeault.
Pierre Gamache and Geneviève Bélanger had a son Augustine Georges Gamache who married on October 10 1780 in Baie St. Paul to Marie-Josèphte Bouchard, daughter of Michel Bouchard and Marie-Louise Tremblay. Marie-Josèphte and her father Michel Bouchard do not appear to be direct line ancestors of Ephrem Bouchard. Further research needs to be completed to see if there is any indirect relationship.
Augustine Georges Gamache and Marie-Josèphte Bouchard had a son Georges Gamache who married Marie Belere on February 17 1817 in l'Acadie Québec.
They had a son Moise Gamache who married on May 19 1840 in St. Cyprien Québec to Maxine Gagné.
Tanguay indicates he was Lordship - Mayor of lÎet.
Name: Nicolas Gamache
Sex: M
Birth: in St. Ilier, Chartres Diocese, France
Death: 30 OCT 1699 in Cap-St. Ignace, Québec
Notes for Nicolas Gamache:
!Source: Tanguay's Genealogical Dictionary.
Nicolas was "Seigneur" or LORD of L'Islet, Québec.
Tanguay said that Nicolas and wife were benefactors and landlords of the
of the church and rectory at Cap-St-Ignace, Québec, and that their bodies
exhumed on 10/29/1728 and put in the new church at Cap-St-Ignace.
Father: Nicolas Gamache b: ABT. 1636 in Saint-Alliers, La Ville, Chartres, France
Mother: Jacquelline Cadot b: ABT. 1614 in France
Marriage 1 Élisabeth-Ursule Cloutier b: 29 JUL 1660 in Ville de Québec, Québec
1. Marie-Marguerite-Geneviève Gamache
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone) (NEW E-MAIL)
Joseph Lefebvre Villemure and Marguerite Cadot
Husband Joseph Lefebvre Villemure
Born: - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc Baptized: - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc Died: October 2, 1815 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc Buried:
Father: Joseph Hercule Lefebvre Villemure Mother: Jeanne Lafond Mongrain
Marriage: January 11, 1768 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc 37
Other Spouse: Marie Anne Papilleau Perigny - January 7, 1753 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Francoise Amont Hamond Jeanmon - April 8, 1771 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc
Wife Marguerite Cadot
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Mathurin Cadot Mother: Marie Louise Ayot
Jean Cadotte Cadot
Husband Jean Cadotte Cadot
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Jaqueline Cadot 25
AKA: Jacqueline Cadot Born: 1615 - St. Ilier, Chartres Diocese, , France 18 25 26 Baptized: Died: November 5, 1709 - L'islet, P.Q. 18 25 26 Buried: Unknown 18Spouse: Nicolas Gamache 25 Marr: September 9, 1629 - Chartres, , France 18 25
Death Notes: Child - Jaqueline Cadot
General Notes: Child - Jaqueline Cadot
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone) (NEW E-MAIL)
Jean Cadran Cadrin and Marie Genevieve Marguerite Langevin Bergevin
Husband Jean Cadran Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Urbain Cadrin St Michel Mother: Therese Fortier
Marriage: November 17, 1794 - St-Michel-DE-Yamaska, Cté Yamaska, Qc
Wife Marie Genevieve Marguerite Langevin Bergevin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Louis Langevin Bergevin Mother: Marie Therese Desmarais
1 F Angele Cadran Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Borduas Lasonde Marr: January 24, 1826 - Ste-Anne-DE-Varennes, Cté Verchères, Qc
Edouard Cote and Alexina Cadrin
Husband Edouard Cote
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: September 6, 1919 - Québec, Qc
Wife Alexina Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Cote
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Fernand Bosse
2 F Cote
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Fernand Bosse
Andre Cadrin and Andre Lacroix
Husband Andre Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: October 12, 1847 - Ste. Marie, DE Beauce, Quebec, Canada
Wife Andre Lacroix
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Lacroix Mother: Helene Bilodeau
Nicolas Morriset and Anne Cadrin
Husband Nicolas Morriset
Born: - Ste. Famille, I.O., Montmorency, P.Q. 38 Baptized: - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Morisset Mother: Jeanne Choret
Marriage: April 20, 1708 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Other Spouse: Anne Cloutier - August 28, 1714 - Chateau-Richer, Montmorency, P.Q., Can. 38
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism 38 - Ste. Famille, I.O., Montmorency, P.Q.
Wife Anne Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Death Notes: Husband - Nicolas Morriset
Hermenegilde Cadrin and Aurelie Tanguay
Husband Hermenegilde Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: November 20, 1833 - St-Raphael Bell. PQ Can.
Wife Aurelie Tanguay
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Louis Tanguay Mother: Sophie Theberge
Other Spouse: Lazare Lemelin - St-Raphael Bell. PQ Can.
Jeanbaptiste Tanguay and Marguerite Cadrin
Husband Jeanbaptiste Tanguay
Born: - Ladurantaye Bell. PQ Can. Baptized: - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can. Died: Buried:
Father: Rene Tanguay Mother: Mariemadeleine Cloutier
Marriage: April 1772 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can.
Wife Marguerite Cadrin
Born: 1745 Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Marguerite Tanguay
Born: December 5, 1772 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can. Baptized: Died: January 7, 1812 Buried:Spouse: Abraham Jacques Langevinabran Marr: January 13, 1789 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can.
2 F Marierenee Tanguay
Born: December 18, 1773 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Josephrene Rouillard Marr: October 21, 1794 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can.
3 F Marthe Tanguay
Born: December 18, 1773 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can. Baptized: Died: Buried: March 5, 1774 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can.
4 M Jeanbaptiste Tanguay
Born: April 21, 1775 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can. Baptized: Died: Buried: May 24, 1777 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can.
5 M Jean Tanguay
Born: September 1778 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can. Baptized: Died: Buried: June 3, 1784 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can.
6 M Michel Tanguay
Born: September 29, 1779 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can. Baptized: Died: Buried: October 4, 1779 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can.
7 F Barbe Tanguay
Born: December 8, 1780 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can. Baptized: Died: Buried: April 28, 1781 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can.
8 M Louis Tanguay
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Charlotte Lamontagne Marr: November 7, 1808 - St-Gervais Bell. PQ Can.
9 M Jacques Tanguay
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Maheux Marr: November 20, 1815 - Chateauguay, PQ Can.Spouse: Marie Labrecque Marr: July 23, 1827 - Chateauguay, PQ Can.
10 F Margueritebarbe Tanguay
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Charles Pouliot Marr: November 21, 1802 - St-Michel Bell. PQ Can.
Jean Baptiste Tanguay and Marguerite Cadrin
Husband Jean Baptiste Tanguay
Born: - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Rene Tanguay Mother: Marie Madeleine Cloutier
Marriage: February 4, 1772 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Wife Marguerite Cadrin
Born: - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Cadrin Mother: Josephte Marthe Marceau
1 F Marie Barbe Marguerite Tanguay
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Charles Pouliot Marr: November 23, 1802 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Jean Baptiste Tanguay
Death Notes: Wife - Marguerite Cadrin
Robert Vermette and Marguerite Cadrin
Husband Robert Vermette
Born: April 8, 1672 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: April 16, 1672 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Father: Antoine Vermet Laforme Mother: Barbe Menard
Marriage: - St-Vallier, Bellechasse, Qc
Other Spouse: Madeleine Bernard Hains - June 12, 1703 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Wife Marguerite Cadrin
Born: June 29, 1698 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: June 30, 1698 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Nicolas Cadrin Mother: Francoise Delaunay
Other Spouse: Pierre Gagne Bellavance - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
1 F Genevieve Vermette
Born: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: July 21, 1754 - St-Charles, Cté DE Bellechasse, Qc Buried: July 22, 1754 - St-Charles, Cté DE Bellechasse, QcSpouse: Pascal Boucher Marr: September 2, 1733 - Berthier-Sur-Mer, Montmagny, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marguerite Cadrin
Pierre Gagne Bellavance and Marguerite Cadrin
Husband Pierre Gagne Bellavance
Born: September 30, 1693 - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc Baptized: October 6, 1693 - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc Died: February 3, 1755 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc Buried: February 4, 1755 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc
Father: Louis Gagne Mother: Louise Picard
Marriage: - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Other Spouse: Genevieve Fournier - October 10, 1715 - St-Thomas, Cté Montmagny, Qc
Wife Marguerite Cadrin
Born: June 29, 1698 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: June 30, 1698 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Nicolas Cadrin Mother: Francoise Delaunay
Other Spouse: Robert Vermette - St-Vallier, Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marguerite Cadrin
Joseph Pierre Marceau and Marie Anne Cadrin
Husband Joseph Pierre Marceau
Born: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jacques Marceau Mother: Marguerite Beaudoin
Marriage: April 22, 1802 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Other Spouse: Angelique Marcou - February 5, 1759 - St-Francois-Du-Sud, Montmagny, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Death Notes: Husband - Joseph Pierre Marceau
Joseph Roy and Marthe Cadrin
Husband Joseph Roy
Born: April 10, 1711 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: April 11, 1711 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: January 7, 1760 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: January 8, 1760 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Father: Etienne Roy Mother: Marie Francoise Casse Laccasse
Marriage: July 15, 1749 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Other Spouse: Genevieve Filteau - November 23, 1739 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Wife Marthe Cadrin
Born: April 1732 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: April 2, 1732 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Cadrin Mother: Josephte Marthe Marceau
Other Spouse: Francois Mercier - January 20, 1777 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
1 F Madeleine Roy
Born: June 25, 1757 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: Died: July 1833 - St-Anselme, Cté Dorchester, Qc Buried: July 24, 1833 - St-Anselme, Cté Dorchester, QcSpouse: Pierre Mercier Marr: January 27, 1777 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marthe Cadrin
Francois Mercier and Marthe Cadrin
Husband Francois Mercier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: January 20, 1777 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Wife Marthe Cadrin
Born: April 1732 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: April 2, 1732 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Cadrin Mother: Josephte Marthe Marceau
Other Spouse: Joseph Roy - July 15, 1749 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marthe Cadrin
Nicolas Cadrin and Francoise Delaunay
Husband Nicolas Cadrin
Born: 1654 Baptized: Died: December 12, 1700 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: December 13, 1700 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Father: Thomas Cadrin Catrin Mother: Marguerite Corsonniere
Marriage: October 23, 1679 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Wife Francoise Delaunay
Born: August 9, 1664 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: August 14, 1664 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Nicolas Delaunay Mother: Anne Antoinette Durand
1 F Francoise Cadrin
Born: September 1, 1680 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: September 2, 1680 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Bazin Marr: October 17, 1701 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
2 F Claire Cadrin Leclerc
Born: July 11, 1683 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: July 12, 1683 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: December 1749 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: December 3, 1749 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, QcSpouse: Jean Baptiste Roy Marr: October 17, 1701 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
3 F Marguerite Cadrin
Born: June 29, 1698 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: June 30, 1698 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Robert Vermette Marr: St-Vallier, Bellechasse, QcSpouse: Pierre Gagne Bellavance Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
4 M Pierre Cadrin
Born: - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: 1786 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried:Spouse: Josephte Marthe Marceau Marr: June 26, 1727 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Francoise Delaunay
Death Notes: Child - Francoise Cadrin
Death Notes: Child - Marguerite Cadrin
Paule. Cadrin and G. Yvette Tanguay
Husband Paule. Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: July 4, 1951 - St-Philemon Bell. PQ Can.
Wife G. Yvette Tanguay
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Eugene Tanguay Mother: Marieanna Fournier
Pierre Cadrin and Josephte Marthe Marceau
Husband Pierre Cadrin
Born: - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: 1786 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried:
Father: Nicolas Cadrin Mother: Francoise Delaunay
Marriage: June 26, 1727 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Wife Josephte Marthe Marceau
Born: December 7, 1704 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: December 14, 1704 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jacques Francois Marceau Mother: Elisabeth Isabelle Jinchereau
1 M Urbain Cadrin St Michel
Born: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Therese Fortier Marr: St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, QcSpouse: Marguerite Arrive Larrivee
2 F Marthe Cadrin
Born: April 1732 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: April 2, 1732 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Roy Marr: July 15, 1749 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, QcSpouse: Francois Mercier Marr: January 20, 1777 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
3 F Marguerite Cadrin
Born: - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Tanguay Marr: February 4, 1772 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Josephte Marthe Marceau
Death Notes: Child - Urbain Cadrin St Michel
Death Notes: Child - Marthe Cadrin
Death Notes: Child - Marguerite Cadrin
Raoul Cadrin and Georgette Tanguay
Husband Raoul Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: July 1934 - St-Vallier Bell. PQ Can.
Wife Georgette Tanguay
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Tanguay Mother: Ernestine Roy
Thomas Cadrin Catrin and Marguerite Corsonniere
Husband Thomas Cadrin Catrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - St-Pierre-DE-Cordières, Oise, France
Wife Marguerite Corsonniere
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Nicolas Cadrin
Born: 1654 Baptized: Died: December 12, 1700 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: December 13, 1700 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Francoise Delaunay Marr: October 23, 1679 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Jean Baptiste Roy and Claire Cadrin Leclerc
Husband Jean Baptiste Roy
Born: October 1678 - Québec, Qc Baptized: October 20, 1678 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: April 10, 1743 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: April 12, 1743 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Father: Nicolas Roy Ou Leroy Mother: Jeanne Lelievre
Marriage: October 17, 1701 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Other Spouse: Marguerite Bazin - November 17, 1698 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Wife Claire Cadrin Leclerc
Born: July 11, 1683 - Ste-Famille, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: July 12, 1683 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: December 1749 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: December 3, 1749 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Father: Nicolas Cadrin Mother: Francoise Delaunay
1 F Marie Claire Roy Leroy
Born: July 20, 1702 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: July 21, 1702 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, QcSpouse: Simon Queret Latulippe Marr: May 30, 1728 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
2 M Augustin Roy
Born: September 6, 1711 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: September 8, 1711 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: June 1801 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: June 30, 1801 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, QcSpouse: Marie Agathe Aube Marr: St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
3 F Marie Therese Theotiste Marie Theodore Roy
Born: May 27, 1714 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: May 27, 1714 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: March 1772 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: March 26, 1772 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, QcSpouse: Guillaume Guillemette Marr: October 22, 1738 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
4 M Etienne Baptiste Roy
Born: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Francoise Lemelin Marr: St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
5 M Michel Roy
Born: December 31, 1718 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Michelle Justine Fradet Marr: November 24, 1749 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
6 M Jean Baptiste Roy
Born: August 22, 1722 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: August 22, 1722 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Madeleine Tanguay Marr: June 22, 1748 - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Etienne Baptiste Roy
Death Notes: Child - Michel Roy
Urbain Cadrin St Michel and Therese Fortier
Husband Urbain Cadrin St Michel
Born: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: - St-Vallier, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Cadrin Mother: Josephte Marthe Marceau
Marriage: - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Other Spouse: Marguerite Arrive Larrivee
Wife Therese Fortier
Born: October 6, 1725 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: October 7, 1725 - St-Laurent, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Noel Fortier Mother: Anne Leclerc
1 M Jean Cadran Cadrin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Genevieve Marguerite Langevin Bergevin Marr: November 17, 1794 - St-Michel-DE-Yamaska, Cté Yamaska, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Urbain Cadrin St Michel
Death Notes: Wife - Therese Fortier
Wodin Signe Of Asgard and Friege Verch Cadwaladr
Husband Wodin Signe Of Asgard
Born: 0193 - Sweden Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: 0213 - Sweden
Wife Friege Verch Cadwaladr
Born: 0198 - Colchester, Dedham, Wessex, England Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cadwaladr Ap Llewfer Mother: Gwladys Verch Lleiffer Mwar
1 M Njord The Wealthy King Of The Swedes
Born: 0214 - Noatun, Sweden Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Skadi Sister Of Njorth Of Vanir Marr: 0234 - Sweden
Death Notes: Husband - Wodin Signe Of Asgard
Death Notes: Wife - Friege Verch Cadwaladr
Death Notes: Child - Njord The Wealthy King Of The Swedes
Gruffudd Ap Cadwaladr
Husband Gruffudd Ap Cadwaladr
Born: 1158 - Wales Baptized: Died: 1302 Buried:
Father: Seisyll Ap Dyfnwal Mother:
Marriage: 1240
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Cadwaladr Ap Gruffudd
Born: 1240 - Wales Baptized: Died: 1340 Buried:
Idwal Iwrch Ap Cadwaladr and Idwal Iwrch Ap Cadwaladr
Husband Idwal Iwrch Ap Cadwaladr
Born: 0664 - Wales Baptized: Died: 0688 Buried:
Father: Cadwaladr Fendigaid Ap Cadwallon King Of Brita Mother: Cadwaladr Ap Cadwallon
Wife Idwal Iwrch Ap Cadwaladr
Born: 0669 - Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Rhodri Molwynog Ap Idwal King Of Wales
Born: - Wales Baptized: Died: 0754 Buried:Spouse: Rhodri Molwynog Ap Idwal
Death Notes: Wife - Idwal Iwrch Ap Cadwaladr
Hywel Ap Einion and Letis Verch Cadwaladr
Husband Hywel Ap Einion
Born: 1281 - Parc Letis, Llangatwg Dyffry, Monmouthshire, Wales Baptized: Died: 1381 Buried:
Father: Einion Sais Ap Rhys Mother: Lucy Crest Ap Howell
Marriage: 1304
Wife Letis Verch Cadwaladr
Born: 1285 - Parc Letis, Llangatwg Dyffry, Monmouthshire, Wales Baptized: Died: 1385 Buried:
Father: Cadwaladr Ap Gruffudd Mother:
Other Spouse: Hywel Ap Einion Sais
1 M Hywel Fychan Ap Hywell Ap Hywel
Born: 1304 - Parc Letis, Llangatwg Dyffry, Monmouthshire, Wales Baptized: Died: 1404 Buried:Spouse: Alice Verch Llewwlyn Marr: 1330
Hywel Ap Einion Sais and Letis Verch Cadwaladr
Husband Hywel Ap Einion Sais
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Einion Sais Ap Rhys Mother:
Wife Letis Verch Cadwaladr
Born: 1285 - Parc Letis, Llangatwg Dyffry, Monmouthshire, Wales Baptized: Died: 1385 Buried:
Father: Cadwaladr Ap Gruffudd Mother:
Other Spouse: Hywel Ap Einion - 1304
1 M Hywel Fychan I Ap Hywel
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Dafydd Llwyd Ap Hywel
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Richard Ap Cadwaladr and Annes Verch Gwyn Ddistain
Husband Richard Ap Cadwaladr
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cadwaladr Ap Gruffydd Mother: Adeliza Alice De Clare De Clare
Wife Annes Verch Gwyn Ddistain
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Adles Verch Richard
Born: - Tegeingl Flintshire Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Tudur Ap EdnyfedSpouse: Fychan Ithel
Ynir Ap Cadwaladr and Nest Verch Gwrgan
Husband Ynir Ap Cadwaladr
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cadwaladr King The Britians Mother:
Wife Nest Verch Gwrgan
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jestin Ap Gurgan Mother:
1 M Ynyr Gwent
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Husband Cadwalladr
Born: 0193 - Hleithra, Denmark Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Frigg Friege Frea
Born: 0219 - Hleithra, Denmark Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Odin Woden
Death Notes: Husband - Cadwalladr
Death Notes: Child - Frigg Friege Frea
John Cadwallander and Elizabeth Hinkson
Husband John Cadwallander
Born: 1710 - Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: 1728 - Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Wife Elizabeth Hinkson
Born: 1706 - Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Abel Hinkson Mother: Elizabeth Thompson
1 M John Cadwallander
Born: 1729 - Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - John Cadwallander
fam hist-J. Beekman 1992 pg 49
General Notes: Wife - Elizabeth Hinkson
fam hist-J. Beekman 1992 pg 49
General Notes: Child - John Cadwallander
fam hist-J. Beekman 1992 pg 49
Maredudd Ap Gruffudd and Mawd Verch Cadwallon
Husband Maredudd Ap Gruffudd
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Mawd Verch Cadwallon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Cadwgon Ap Madog Mother: Gwladus Verch Philip
1 M Morgon Maredudd
Born: - Cyfoeth Meredydd, Gwynllwg, Monmouthshire Wales Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Crisli Verch Dadydd
Elisha Wadsworth and Ann Cadwell
Husband Elisha Wadsworth
Born: Baptized: - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Died: June 1, 1803 Buried:Marriage: July 30, 1749
Wife Ann Cadwell
Born: September 18, 1726 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: January 16, 1815 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Buried:
Father: Edward Cadwell Mother: Deborah Bunce
1 M Elisha Wadsworth
Born: August 28, 1750 Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M James Wadsworth
Born: July 27, 1752 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: October 7, 1804 - Or 13 Nov 1803 - Hartford CT-Buried Center Church Buried:Spouse: Mary Brace Marr: October 15, 1772
3 F Daughter Wadsworth
Born: January 21, 1765 Baptized: Died: January 21, 1765 Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Elisha Wadsworth
- married Ann Cadwell - 30 Jul 1749
Darius Cadwell and Ann Elizabeth Watrous
Husband Darius Cadwell
Born: 1821 Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: April 13, 1847
Wife Ann Elizabeth Watrous
Born: March 19, 1826 - Jefferson, Ashtabula County, OH Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Capt. John Buck Watrous Mother: Julia Montgomery
1 F Florence Isabel Cadwell
Born: March 20, 1848 - Jefferson, OH Baptized: Died: August 31, 1851 Buried:
2 M James R. Cadwell
Born: April 5, 1851 Baptized: Died: December 27, 1859 Buried:
3 M Frank Watrous Cadwell
Born: April 20, 1853 Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Clara Gertrude Cadwell
Born: November 5, 1855 Baptized: Died: Buried:
David Cadwell and Caroline Matilda Huntley
Husband David Cadwell
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: February 13, 1831
Wife Caroline Matilda Huntley
Born: March 20, 1775 - Colchester, Connecticut Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Richard Harris Huntley Mother: Rachel Little
Other Spouse: William Derby - October 21, 1823
Other Spouse: Elijah Williams - October 13, 1796
Jonathan Easton and Elizabeth Cadwell
Husband Jonathan Easton
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: March 26, 1709
Wife Elizabeth Cadwell
Born: December 5, 1687 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: December 11, 1687 - First Church, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut Died: June 16, 1780 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Buried: - Center Church, Hartford, Connecticut AFN: 8X0Z-Q0
Father: Edward Cadwell Mother: Elizabeth Butler
Other Spouse: Jonathan Butler - 1703 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Giles Morgan Hills and Harriet Cadwell
Husband Giles Morgan Hills
Born: February 8, 1821 - East Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: July 8, 1894 - East Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Buried:
Father: Anson Hills Mother: Pamelia A. Andrews
Marriage: November 28, 1846 - East Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut
Wife Harriet Cadwell
Born: June 13, 1823 - Manchester, Hartford, Connecticut Baptized: Died: July 1876 - East Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Buried:
John Cadwell and Abigail Hills
Husband John Cadwell
Born: 1735 - East Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: March 30, 1735 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Died: May 7, 1782 - East Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Buried:Marriage: May 7, 1782 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut
Wife Abigail Hills
Born: 1733 - East Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: - East Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Buried:
Father: William Hills Mother: Catherine Craw
William Pratt and Mary Cadwell
Husband William Pratt
Born: Baptized: Died: January 19, 1753 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Buried:
Father: John Pratt Mother: Hannah Sanford
Marriage: - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut
Other Spouse: Amy Pinney
Wife Mary Cadwell
Born: 1692 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Buried:
1 F Mary Pratt
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Zachariah Pratt
Born: - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Mabel Pratt
Born: 1724 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: May 5, 1813 - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY Buried:Spouse: Mathew Webster Marr: 1747 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut
Samuel Welles and Rachel Cadwell
Husband Samuel Welles
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: March 26, 1709 - Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut
Wife Rachel Cadwell
Born: April 3, 1689 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Edward Cadwell Mother: Elizabeth Butler
Samuel Cadwell and Mary Clark
Husband Samuel Cadwell
Born: April 30, 1675 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: 1724 Buried:Marriage: - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut
Wife Mary Clark
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Thomas Clark Mother: Sarah Peck
1 F Elizabeth Cadwell
Born: September 6, 1713 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: September 16, 1713 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Died: February 25, 1766 Buried:Spouse: Henry Brace Marr: July 15, 1740 - West Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
William Cadwell and Ruth Marsh
Husband William Cadwell
Born: August 24, 1684 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: Buried: June 11, 1775
Father: Edward Cadwell Mother: Elizabeth Butler
Marriage: 1704 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut
Other Spouse: Rebecca Goodwin
Wife Ruth Marsh
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
William Cadwell and Rebecca Goodwin
Husband William Cadwell
Born: August 24, 1684 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: Buried: June 11, 1775
Father: Edward Cadwell Mother: Elizabeth Butler
Other Spouse: Ruth Marsh - 1704 - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut
Wife Rebecca Goodwin
Born: - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Baptized: Died: - Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Buried:
Father: William Goodwin Mother: Elizabeth Shepard
1 PRDH on line.
Quebec Catholic Parish Register 1621-1900, Notre Dame de la Nativite, Beauport, Quebec, Canada ( Canadian Section - date of 1720 + records are in with 1751-68 starting with
pg 151. 1768-78 1681 starts of pg 175), volume 1700-51 pg 221 of 415 marr-.
Quebec Catholic Parish Register 1621-1900, Notre Dame de la Nativite, Beauport, Quebec, Canada ( Canadian Section - date of 1720 + records are in with 1751-68 starting with
pg 151. 1768-78 1681 starts of pg 175), volume 1768-78 pg 362 of 558 marr.
4 Roger A. Drouin, Les Chroniques de la Drouinerie, Association Drouin.
5 Roger A. Drouin, Les Chroniques de la Drouinerie, Association Drouin, p.169.
6 PRDH on line, University of Montreal.
7 Programme de Recherche en Démographie Historique (PRDH).
Quebec Catholic Parish Register 1621-1900, Notre Dame de la Nativite, Beauport, Quebec, Canada ( Canadian Section - date of 1720 + records are in with 1751-68 starting with
pg 151. 1768-78 1681 starts of pg 175), volume 1744-90 pg 504 of 512 sep- age of 69.
11 [S470] Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec des origines à 1825 , Rene Jetté, (Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1983), page 807. [S209] Our French Canadian Ancestors, Thomas LaForest:, Vol II page 179-187. [S801] LDS Ancestral File, AFN FZGZ-WJ. Also in LDS Ancestral File as AFN:9Z17-Z7 with birth as 1642.
12 S331] St Louis de Kamouraska Parish Register.Marriage entry of son Jean Baptiste Dionne to Marie Louis Paradis on 2 Sep 1748. .
13 [S331] St Louis de Kamouraska Parish Register.Marriage entry of son Jean Baptiste Dionne to Marie Louis Paradis on 2 Sep 1748.
14 S87] Quebec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967, ([database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007.).C: Alexandre is shown as agé de vingt six ans (26 years old) Brigitte is shown as agée de vingt deux ans (22 years old) .
15 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982).
16 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 645.
17 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982), 136,345.
18 the gravel family.FTW.
19 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec).
20 Pelletier.FTW.
21 lucien pelletier.FTW.
22 Robert Tresswell, THE VISITATION OF SHROPSHIRE TAKEN IN THE YEAR 1623, PART 1 (Name: London: Harleian Society Publications, 1889;), 434.
23 Robert Tresswell, THE VISITATION OF SHROPSHIRE TAKEN IN THE YEAR 1623, PART 1 (Name: London: Harleian Society Publications, 1889;), 8.
24 George H. Sturt (submitter), "Richard Scriven Family Group Record"; FAMILYSEARCH PEDIGREE RESOURCE FILE (Name: Intellectual Reserve, Inc; Date: 2010;).
25 Denis Savard, Toronto, Ontario,
26 Brøderbund Software, Inc, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), Tree #0386.
27 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982), 250.
28 otis.FTW.
29 Tremblay.FTW.
30 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982), 67,236,250.
31 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 431.
32 madonna.ftw.
33 b. PONTBRIAND 2390, MARIE-VICTORIN QUEBEC 6, Mariages of N.D. Quebec [1621-1900 ], 318,338.
34 Eloi-Gerard Talbot, B.A., B.P.,Mariste, Genealogie (From The Church of Montmagny, L'islet ,Bellchasse), 29,253.
36 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 460.
37 BMS2000.
Jette, ReneDictionnaire genealogique des familles du Quebec.
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