Pierre Roy Desjardins and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Pierre Roy Desjardins
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: April 11, 1748 - Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Louise Roy Desjardins
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Michel Gueret Dumont Marr: November 1, 1773 - Kamouraska, Qc
2 F Marie Anne Roy Desjardins
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Côte Marr: May 5, 1773 - Kamouraska, Qc
Jean Gagnon and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Jean Gagnon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Isidore Gagnon Mother: Elisabeth Isabelle Bonenfant
Marriage: June 16, 1858 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Opportune Gagnon - July 1, 1834 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Ignace Boucher Mother: Marie Basilisse Morin
1 M Louis Gagnon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Justine Dube Marr: October 25, 1887 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Justine Dube Marr: October 25, 1887 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
2 M Isidore Gagnon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Lumina Hudon Marr: April 9, 1888 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
3 M Arthur Gagnon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Amanda Lavoie Marr: September 18, 1911 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Toussaint Toupin and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Toussaint Toupin
Born: 1616 Baptized: Died: August 11, 1676 - Chateau Richer, , PQ, Canada Buried:Marriage: December 25, 1645
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: 1631 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Gaspard Boucher Mother: Nicole Lemere
1 M Antoine Toupin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Louise Cloutier Marr: October 24, 1679 - Chateau Richer, , PQ, Canada
2 F Marie Toupin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Augustin Morin and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Augustin Morin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Morin Mother: Dorothee Terrien
Marriage: January 8, 1770 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Scholastique Morin
Born: - Kamouraska, , Qc Baptized: Died: November 8, 1846 - Ste. Luce, Frenchville, ME Buried:Spouse: Benjamin Michaud Marr: November 24, 1812 - St. Basile, , N.B.
2 M Benoni Morin
Born: November 16, 1770 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M Augustin Honore Morin
Born: January 12, 1772 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Augustin Morin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Luce Dumont
Gabriel Parent and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Gabriel Parent 1
Born: November 7, 1723 - Duménigilbert, Diocese D'avranches, Normandie, France Baptized: Died: April 6, 1777 - Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Buried: April 6, 1777 - Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
Father: Jean Parent Mother: Jeanne Jardin
Marriage: June 10, 1754 - Kamouraska, P.Q., Canada 1
Noted events in his life were:
1. Alt. Birth, 1722 - Duménigilbert, Diocese D'avranches, Normandie, France
2. Alt. Birth, 1727 - Duménigilbert, Diocese D'avranches, Normandie, France
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: 1722 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 2 Baptized: 1722 Died: January 24, 1774 - Kamouraska, Qc Buried: AFN: FZJ0-PP
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
Other Spouse: Pierre Roy - November 4, 1748 - Kamouraska, P.Q., Canada 1
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth, 1722 - Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
1 M Gabriel Parent 1 3 4
Born: November 8, 1755 - Kamouraska Quebec Canada Baptized: November 9, 1755 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 1 Died: July 18, 1834 - Kamouraska Quebec Canada Buried:Spouse: Maire Judith Beaulieu 3 4 Marr: October 19, 1778 - Kamouraska Quebec Canada
2 F Marie Benonie Parent 1
Born: 1757 1 Baptized: Died: 1763 Buried: May 28, 1763 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 1
3 F Marguerite Parent 1
AKA: Zzz Born: 1760 Baptized: September 15, 1760 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 1 Died: Buried:
4 F Marie Euphrosine Parent 1
Born: 1762 - Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: October 7, 1762 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 1 Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Gabriel Parent
Gabriel Parent (1727-1777)
Par Jean-François Tardif
Il y a apparemment plusieurs ancêtres PARENT au Canada. Celui qui m'intéresse particulièrement est Gabriel PARENT, ancêtre en ligne directe de ma grand-mère paternelle Joséphine Parent. Il était déjà établi au village de Kamouraska en 1754. En vérifiant le bottin téléphonique de Rivière-du-Loup, j'ai trouvé un grand nombre d'inscriptions de Parent des régions de Kamouraska, Rivière-du-Loup et Témiscouata, ce qui confirme que mes espoirs de retracer sa descendance ne resteront probablement pas vains.
Plusieurs documents anciens y compris actes notariés, acte de l'état civil, recensements etc... attestent la présence de Gabriel PARENT à Kamouraska. Ces documents ont été retracés et consultés, permettant ainsi la rédaction de la présente histoire de Famille.
Première Génération
La famille de Jean Parent et Jeanne Jordin, réside dans le village de Duménigilbert, en Normandie, où naquit leur fils Gabriel en 1727.
Celui-ci quitte le foyer paternel pour tenter l'expérience De la Nouvelle-France au début des années 1750. Le premier document où il est fait mention de cet ancêtre est son contrat de mariage passé devant le notaire en 1754. Il a choisi comme lieu d'établissement le village de Kamouraska sur la rive sud du fleuve Saint-Laurent et lorsqu'il y est bien établi, il songe à se marier et à fonder une famille. Il prend pour épouse Marguerite Boucher, veuve de Pierre Roy dit Desjardins.
Le futur couple passe son contrat de mariage devant le notaire Joseph Dionne en date du 9 juin 1754 en présence de nombreux parents et amis. Les biens de l'épouse consistent en son premier contrat de mariage et à la part de communauté qui lui est due suite au décès de son premier conjoint. Marguerite ne possède pas bien en main sa dite part de communauté puisque l'inventaire n'a pas encore été dressé. Les biens de l'époux consistent en une somme estimée par l'assemblée au montant de deux cent soixante-dix-neuf livres, cinq sols qu'il apporte à la communauté tant en argent sonnant qu'en hardes et linge. Ce contrat est passé en présence du Sieur Jean Martin qui stipule pour Gabriel Parent puisque celui-ci est orphelin de père, et du curé de Kamouraska, Messire Augustin Plante.
Le futur couple unit sa destinée le 10 juin 1754 à Kamouraska. L'acte de mariage inscrit au registre civil de Kamouraska en 1754 est le suivant :
" L'an mil sept cent cinquante-quatre le dix de juin après avoir publié trois bans aux messes paroissialles pendant trois dimanche consécutif entre Gabriel Parent, fils de feu Jean Parent et de Jeanne Jordin de la paroisse Duménigilbert évêché d'Avranches, ses père et mère d'une part Marguerite Boucher veuve de Pierre Roy dit Desjardins, habitant de cette paroisse d'autre part sans qu'il ait eu aucun empêchement de mariage, je soussigné prêtre missionnaire de la paroisse St-Louis de Kamouraska ai reçu leur mutuel consentement de mariage par paroles de présent, et leur ai fait les cérémonies prescrittes par notre mère Ste-église en présence de Jean Martin de Pierre Roy, d'Antoine Roi, de Jean Déjardin de Louis Nevert, et plusieurs autres dont les uns ont signé et les autres ont déclaré ne scavoir signer de ce requis suivant l'ordonnance."
Marguerite Boucher, fille de Pierre Boucher et de Anne-Marie Michaud, est native de Kamouraska, mais il semble bien que son acte de baptême demeure introuvable. Sa naissance survient entre les années 1725 et 1730 à Kamouraska et les registres de l'état civil de cette période ont été détruits par les Indiens. La date de son décès est cependant connue puisque cet acte de sépulture est inscrit au registre de Kamouraska en 1806. Elle a enterré ses deux conjoints avant que son propre décès ne survienne à l'âge de 76 ans. En fait, elle survécut 29 ans à son second époux Gabriel Parent, avant de s'éteindre le 27 novembre 1806 à Kamouraska. Son inhumation eut lieu le lendemain au cimetière paroissial de Kamouraska.
Le premier mariage de Marguerite avec Pierre Roy dit Desjardins avait eu lieu le 4 novembre 1748 en l'église de Kamouraska. Celui-ci était né en 1722 à Kamouraska et décédé le 3 septembre 1753 à l'âge de 31 ans après 4 ans de vie conjugale. Il fut inhumé le lendemain au cimetière paroissial de Kamouraska. Pierre était le fils de Pierre Roy dit Desjardins et de Marie-Anne Bouchard de Serres. Une étude détaillée de cette famille Roy dit Desjardins a déjà été publiée par le Père Georges Desjardins.
Après son mariage, Gabriel Parent devient le tuteur des enfants de feu Pierre Roy dit Desjardins et de son épouse Marguerite Boucher. Louis Nevert, beau-frère de Marguerite, est nommé subrogé-tuteur. Marguerite a donné naissance à sept enfants au cours de sa vie qui sont tous enregistrés au registre de l'état civil de Kamouraska. De son premier mariage, avec Pierre Roy dit Desjardins sont issus les trois enfants suivants: Marie-Anne et Marie-Louise qui se sont mariées, ainsi que Marie-Catherine qui est décédée en bas âge. Quatre enfants sont issus du second mariage de Marguerite avec Gabriel Parent père. Gabriel fils et le premier-né et seul descendant mâle qui transmettra le nom de Parent à la troisième génération, le deuxième fils Marie Béroni était mort jeune. Les deux dernières sont Marie-Marguerite et Marie Euphrosine qui se sont mariées. [...]
Un inventaire des biens qui ont existé dans la communauté entre Marguerite et Pierre Roy est dressé à la requête de Gabriel Parent le 22 juillet 1754 devant le notaire Joseph Dionne. [...]. Les biens inscrits dans cet inventaire consistent en ustensiles et outils, chaudrons et vaisselles, nappes et serviettes, draperie, sommes d'argent qui étaient dues au couple Boucher-Roy dit Desjardins, ainsi qu'en deux terres.
Le 20 juin 1762, Gabriel Parent effectue un abandon à Barthélemy Jollet. Ce Jollet avait effectué une vente à Gabriel Parent, dont le contrat avait été passé devant le notaire Joseph Barthélémy Richard de Kamouraska. Il s'agissait d'une terre de 6 arpents de front sur 42 de profondeur située au troisième rang des concessions de Kamouraska, bornée au nord au deuxième rang des concessions, au sud-ouest à Jean Vasseur et au Nord-est à Pierre Bouche.(sic) Gabriel est dans l'impossibilité de fournir au Sieur Barthélémy Jollet la somme de 50 livres et les deux parties en sont satisfaites et, de plus, le contrat de vente du notaire devient nul.
GABRIEL2 PARENT (JEAN1) est né en 07 nov. 1723, et est décédé le 06 avril 1777 à KAMOURASKA. Il épousa MARGUERITE BOUCHER née vers 1730 à ST-LOUIS DE KAMOURASKA, fille de PIERRE BOUCHER et de MARIE-ANNE MICHAUD, est décédée le 27 nov 1806 à Kamouraska.
GABRIEL3 PARENT (GABRIEL2, JEAN1) est né le 08 11 1755 à KAMOURASKA, et est décédé le 16 07 1834 à KAMOURASKA. Il épousa JUDITH HUDON BEAULIEU le 19 10 1778 à KAMOURASKA.
MARIE-BÉNONIE PARENT, est née le 09 11 1757 à KAMOURASKA; décédé le 28 05 1763 à KAMOURASKA.
MARIE-EUPHROSINE PARENT, est née le 07 10 1762 à KAMOURASKA. Elle épousa FRANCOIS CHORET le 06 08 1781 à KAMOURASKA.
Source: http://membres.lycos.fr/chezpep/gabriel1.htm
Le nom de Gabriel Parent est inscrit au recensement de 1762 du gouvernement de Québec. Il possède alors deux arpents de terre, 12 semences de l'année 1762, une vache, une "tauraillé", trois moutons, trois chevaux et cinq cochons. Il vit avec son épouse et son fils Gabriel qui a moins de 15 ans. Six domestiques mâles ayant un âge supérieur à 15 ans sont présents à la résidence de Gabriel Parent.
( En 1772, Gabriel Parent reçoit une terre d'un arpent en "don" de Philippe Voisine. Pour cette terre, à chaque mois de décembre jusqu'au décès de Philippe Voisine, Gabriel doit payer et donner trois minots de blé, deux minots de pois, six libres de beurre et cinquante livres de lard en poids français. [...] )
Le 29 novembre 1773, Gabriel Parent et Marguerite Boucher effectuent une vente au nom de Catherine Roy dit Desjardins, fille de Marguerite Boucher, de son premier mariage, qui est d'âge mineur. Cette vente est faite à son demi-frère Gabriel Parent fils. Cette terre d'un demi-arpent de front est située au second rang des concessions de Kamouraska. Elle est bornée du côté du sud-ouest à la terre de Philippe Voisine et est vendue pour la somme de cinquante francs.
Le 29 novembre 1773, Gabriel et Marguerite donnent une terre à Marie-Anne Roy, fille du premier mariage de Marguerite Boucher, et son conjoint Baptiste Côté. La terre donnée est sise au second rang des concessions de Kamouraska et mesure trois arpents de frnt. Elle est bornée du côté du nord-est par la terre de Philippe Voisine et, du côté sud-ouest à une autre terre du même[...]..
Le couple Parent-Boucher réside désormais avec son fils Gabriel. En cas d'incompatibilité d'humeur, Gabriel, le fils devra tous les ans cinq minots de blé à ses parents, cinquante livres de lard ainsi que le bois nécessaire pour les chauffer. La maison et les meubles appartiennent à Gabriel, le père, qui est le donataire.
Le décès de Gabriel survint en avril 1777, à l'âge de 50 ans et il fut inhumé le 6 avril 1777 à Kamouraska. La date exacte du décès n'es pas mentionnée dans l'acte de décès inscrit au registre de l'état civil de Kamouraska. Voici le texte de cet acte de sépulture:
" L'an mil sept-cent soixante et dix sept le sis du mois d'avril par pr. sous-signé a été inhumé dans le cimetière de cette paroisse le corps de Gabriel Parent. Agé d'environ 50 ans muni des sacrements de malade la ditte inhumation a été faitte avec toutes les cérémonies accoutumée par notre mère la Ste-Église, présence de Charles Dubé Jean Martin et de beaucoup d'autres qui ont déclaré ne savoir écrire de ce enquis suivant l'ordonnance
Source: http://membres.lycos.fr/chezpep/gabrielparent2.htm
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone)
valyer@cox.net (NEW E-MAIL)
General Notes: Wife - Marguerite Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Notes: Marriage
Attending the marriage of Gabriel and Marguerite were Jea n Martin, Pierre Roy, Antoine Roy, Jean Desjardins, Louis N énert and several others.
General Notes: Child - Gabriel Parent
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone)
valyer@cox.net (NEW E-MAIL)
General Notes: Child - Marie Benonie Parent
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone)
valyer@cox.net (NEW E-MAIL)
General Notes: Child - Marguerite Parent
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone)
valyer@cox.net (NEW E-MAIL)
General Notes: Child - Marie Euphrosine Parent
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone)
valyer@cox.net (NEW E-MAIL)
Pierre Roy and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Pierre Roy
Born: 1722 - Québec, Québec, Canada Baptized: 1722 Died: September 3, 1753 - Kamouraska, Qc 1 Buried: September 4, 1753 - Kamouraska, Qc AFN: FZHT-90
Father: Pierre Roy Desjardins 5 6 7 Mother: Marie Anne Bouchard-Deserre 5 6 7
Marriage: November 4, 1748 - Kamouraska, P.Q., Canada 1
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: 1722 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 2 Baptized: 1722 Died: January 24, 1774 - Kamouraska, Qc Buried: AFN: FZJ0-PP
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
Other Spouse: Gabriel Parent 1 - June 10, 1754 - Kamouraska, P.Q., Canada 1
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth, 1722 - Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
1 F Desjardins Marie Catherine Roy 1
AKA: Zzz Born: Baptized: May 29, 1753 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 1 Died: Buried:
2 F Marie Louise Lise Roy Desjardins
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Michel Dumont Guéret 8 Marr: January 11, 1773 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
3 F Marie Anne Roy
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Cote Marr: May 5, 1773 - Kamouraska, P.Q., Canada
4 F Marie Louise Roy
AKA: Zzz Born: 1745 Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Marie Catherine Roy
Born: Baptized: May 29, 1753 - Kamouraska, P.Q., Canada Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Pierre Roy
This work is on going and all should be doubled checked for errors.
General Notes: Wife - Marguerite Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Notes: Marriage
Attending the marriage of Pierre and Marguerite were Jean B aptiste Martin, Baptiste Roy, Antoine Roy and Simon Dumont.
General Notes: Child - Desjardins Marie Catherine Roy
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone)
valyer@cox.net (NEW E-MAIL)
General Notes: Child - Marie Louise Roy
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone)
valyer@cox.net (NEW E-MAIL)
Antoine Leblanc and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Antoine Leblanc
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - St-Pierre, Pont-L'évêque, Calvados, France
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Jacques Leblanc
Born: 1636 - St-Pierre, Pont-L'évêque, Calvados, France Baptized: Died: April 14, 1710 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, Qc Buried: April 15, 1710 - St-Charles-Borromée, Charlesbourg, QcSpouse: Anne Suzanne Rousselin Marr: June 6, 1666 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Jean Baptiste Guerin St Hilaire and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Guerin St Hilaire
Born: February 27, 1798 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: February 28, 1798 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: January 26, 1842 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: January 28, 1842 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
Father: Jean Baptiste Guerin St Hilaire Dit Le Jeune Mother: Marie Angelique Paquet
Marriage: July 24, 1821 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: 1852 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried:
Father: Augustin Boucher Mother: Marguerite Marion
1 F Rose Guerin St Hilaire
Born: February 3, 1832 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: February 4, 1832 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre St Hilaire Pichet Marr: June 26, 1853 - St-Jean-Chrysostome, Cté Lévis, Qc
2 M Jean Baptiste St Hilaire
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Esther Dubois Marr: January 12, 1847 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Rose Guerin St Hilaire
Charles Hus Cournoyer and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Charles Hus Cournoyer
Born: June 1, 1784 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Cté Richelieu, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Hus Cournoyer Mother: Marguerite Hus Millet
Marriage: January 7, 1811 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Cté Richelieu, Qc
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism, June 1, 1784 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Cté Richelieu, Qc
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: November 20, 1792 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Cté Richelieu, Qc Baptized: Died: August 29, 1830 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Cté Richelieu, Qc Buried: August 31, 1830 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Cté Richelieu, Qc
Father: Joseph Marie Boucher Mother: Josette Marquet Chevalier P.Rigord
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, November 20, 1792 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Cté Richelieu, Qc
1 M Pierre Hus Cournoyer
Born: July 26, 1813 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Cté Richelieu, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Charlotte Hus Lemoine Marr: August 9, 1836 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Cté Richelieu, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Charles Hus Cournoyer
Death Notes: Child - Pierre Hus Cournoyer
Jean Baptiste Queret Latulippe and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Queret Latulippe
Born: August 21, 1765 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: Died: October 31, 1840 - Ste-Marie, Cté Beauce, Qc Buried: November 2, 1840 - Ste-Marie, Cté Beauce, Qc
Father: Jean Baptiste Queret Latulippe Mother: Catherine Lefebvre Boulanger
Marriage: October 8, 1793 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Other Spouse: Elisabeth Julie Senechal - October 22, 1833 - Ste-Marie, Cté Beauce, Qc
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism, August 21, 1765 - St-Michel-DE-La-Durantaye, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Francois Carrier and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Francois Carrier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: March 6, 1782 - Lauzon, Lévis, Qc
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Catherine Carrier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Gravel Marr: October 7, 1810 - Québec, Qc
Jean Gagnon and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Jean Gagnon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: June 16, 1858 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Louis Gagnon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Justine Dube Marr: October 25, 1887 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Justine Dube Marr: October 25, 1887 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
2 M Isidore Gagnon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Lumina Hudon Marr: April 9, 1888 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
3 M Arthur Gagnon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Amanda Lavoie Marr: September 18, 1911 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Francois Laberge and Marguerite Boucher
Husband Francois Laberge
Born: June 1669 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: June 12, 1669 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: June 26, 1728 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried:
Father: Robert Laberge Mother: Francoise Gausse Le Borgne
Marriage: April 14, 1692 - Château-Richer, Montmorency, Qc
Wife Marguerite Boucher
Born: October 1675 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: October 27, 1675 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Father: Guillaume Boucher 9 Mother: Marie Jeanne Marguerite Thibault
1 M Guillaume Laberge
Born: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Cloutier Marr: August 27, 1730 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc 10
2 F Marguerite Laberge
Born: October 26, 1701 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: October 26, 1701 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: January 25, 1778 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: January 26, 1778 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Claude Gravel Marr: Château-Richer, Montmorency, Qc
3 M Francois Laberge
Born: October 26, 1697 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: October 27, 1697 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: February 23, 1774 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried: February 23, 1774 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Genevieve Brindeliere Gravel Marr: November 17, 1727 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Guillaume Laberge
Jacques Boutot and Marie Boucher
Husband Jacques Boutot 11
Born: 1649 - France Baptized: Died: - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Buried:
Father: Jacques Boutot 11 Mother: Marie Carrel 11
Marriage: September 14, 1675 - Riviere-Ouelle, Qc 12
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism, Cliponville, Rouen, Normandie, France, May 1, 1649
Wife Marie Boucher 11
Born: - Chateau Richer, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Marriage Contract, Fillion, September 4, 1675
1 M Damien Boutot 11
Born: October 1, 1678 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Elisabeth Stpierre 11 Marr: November 12, 1710 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse, Riviere-Ouelle, Qc 11
2 F Marietherese Boutot 11
Born: - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 F Marieanne Boutot 11
Born: April 11, 1685 - La Pocatiere, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Noel Pelletier 11 Marr: Riviere-Ouelle, Qc 11Spouse: Francois Sirois 13 Marr: November 28, 1713 - Riviere-Ouelle, Qc 13
4 M Pierre Boutot 11
Born: - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Anne Dussault 11 Marr: 1717 11
General Notes: Husband - Jacques Boutot
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General Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
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General Notes: Child - Damien Boutot
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General Notes: Child - Marietherese Boutot
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General Notes: Child - Marieanne Boutot
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General Notes: Child - Pierre Boutot
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Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher 11
Born: - Chateau Richer, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Other Spouse: Jacques Boutot 11 - September 14, 1675 - Riviere-Ouelle, Qc 12
General Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
If you are searching for Patenaudes please visit my other page http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/virginia/670/
Jean Baptiste Guyon Dion and Marie Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Guyon Dion
Born: December 23, 1722 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: December 24, 1722 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: April 26, 1786 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Guyon Mother: Marie Madeleine Trudel
Marriage: - St-Joachim, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: 1723 Baptized: Died: July 13, 1804 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried:
Father: Jacques Boucher Mother: Dorothee Gagnon
Jean Baptiste Levesque and Marie Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Levesque
Born: - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried: August 6, 1899 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Father: Firmin Levesque Mother: Rose Ouellet
Marriage: April 8, 1860 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Obeline Morin - November 25, 1841 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried: July 30, 1891 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Father: Narcisse Boucher Mother: Thecle Meunier
1 M Jean Baptiste Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Virginie Boucher Marr: July 1, 1885 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Clara Paradis Marr: October 5, 1921 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: April 15, 1644 - Quebec, , PQ, Canada Baptized: Died: 1681 Buried:
Father: Marin Boucher Mother: Perinne Malette
Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: February 26, 1663 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Galeran Boucher Mother: Marie Leclerc
Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: February 26, 1663 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Galeran Boucher Mother: Marie Leclerc
Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: February 26, 1663 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Galeran Boucher Mother: Marie Leclerc
Charles Gaudin and Marie Boucher
Husband Charles Gaudin
Born: 1631 - Aubermesmil Beaumais, Normandie, France Baptized: Died: December 1, 1706 - L'ange Gardien, Montmorency, Québec, Canada Buried:
Father: Jacques Godin Mother: Marguerite Nieule
Marriage: November 6, 1656 - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation, FERMIER
Wife Marie Boucher 14
AKA: Zzz Born: 1630 - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada 15 16 17 18 Baptized: April 15, 1644 - St. Anne DE Beaupre, Beaupre, Québec, Canada Died: November 30, 1706 - Hotel Dieu, Quebec, Canada 15 18 19 20 21 Buried: November 30, 1706 - Batiscan, Qc 18 AFN: 94VD-9G
Father: Gaspard Boucher 9 14 22 23 24 25 Mother: Nicole Lemaire Lemer 9 14 22 23 25
Other Spouse: Etienne Lafond - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
2. Alt. Birth - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Marriage Contract - Notaire Audouart
2. Marriage descripti
According to Brent Kelly's data at http://worldconnect. rootsweb.com, "The Jesuit André Richard, great missionary of Cap-Breton, Nipisquit and Miscou, blessed the union of Charles and Marie, probably in the Boucher paternal house, where François Belanger and Claude Auber, future notary of the region, had gathered as witnesses."
3. Marriage Contract, October 1, 1656 - Notaire Audouart
4. Marriage Contract, CT: NOTAIRE AUDOUART, November 1, 1656
5. Alt. Marriage, November 6, 1656 - Beaupré, Charlevoix, Montmorency, Québec
6. Alt. Marriage, November 6, 1656 - Ville DE Québec, Québec
1 F Marie Godin
Born: April 27, 1662 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: April 29, 1662 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Louis Goulet Marr: September 7, 1682 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Pierre Jean Denis Lapierre Marr: October 8, 1687 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc
2 M Charles Gaudin
Born: November 15, 1668 - Chateau-Richer, Qc Baptized: November 18, 1668 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: May 12, 1743 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: May 13, 1743 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Madeleine Perron Suire Marr: October 17, 1689 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Ursule Laisdon Jaladon Champagne Marr: August 28, 1736 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc
3 M Francois Godin
Born: - L'ange-Gardien Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Genevieve Godin
Born: October 1, 1663 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: October 11, 1663 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: July 4, 1737 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pérade, Cté Champlain, Qc Buried: July 5, 1737 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pérade, Cté Champlain, QcSpouse: Francois Gariepy Marr: October 17, 1689 - L'ange Gardien, Montmorency, P.Q.
5 F Marguerite Gaudin
Born: - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada Baptized: - La Visitation, Notre Dame, Chateau Richer, Québec, Canada Died: 1744 - Quebec Buried:Spouse: Guillaume Tardif Marr: April 28, 1687 - L'ange Gardien, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
6 F Louise Gaudin
Born: - L'ange-Gardien, Qc Baptized: - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: December 19, 1752 - Ecureuils, Qc Buried: December 19, 1752 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Charles Vezina Marr: July 27, 1705 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc
7 F Ursule Godin
Born: June 9, 1667 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: June 12, 1667 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: August 23, 1728 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Buried:Spouse: Denis Quentin Cantin Marr: June 24, 1689 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc
8 F Anne Godin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Perron Suire Marr: November 10, 1698 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc
9 F Catherine Godin
Born: April 23, 1672 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: April 24, 1672 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: - Québec, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Pierre Dumesnil Marr: L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc
10 F Marie Anne Godin
Born: December 25, 1670 - L'ange-Gardien Baptized: Died: November 17, 1705 - L'ange-Gardien Buried: November 19, 1705 - L'ange-Gardien
11 F Madeleine Godin
Born: October 11, 1673 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: October 11, 1673 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: 1726 - Québec, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Jacques Rene Desnoux Leveill Marr: November 10, 1698 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Pierre Chauvet Lagerme Marr: April 15, 1709 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
12 M Pierre Godin
Born: - L'ange-Gardien Baptized: Died: Buried:
13 F Angelique Godin
Born: June 1677 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: June 24, 1677 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: - Québec, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, QcSpouse: Jacques Amelot Dit Sanspeur Marr: May 12, 1698 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc
14 M Jean Francois Godin
Born: - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: November 10, 1769 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: November 10, 1769 - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Genevieve Lefrancois Marr: June 8, 1705 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Visitation-DE-Château-Richer, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Marie Anne Auger Marr: April 25, 1746 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Louise Glinel Delinel Marr: May 3, 1751 - Ste-Famille-DE-Cap-Santé, Cté Portneuf, Qc
15 M Alexis Godin
Born: April 4, 1680 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: April 8, 1680 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: March 1764 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: March 31, 1764 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Madeleine Jacob Marr: December 1, 1706 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc 26
16 M Jean Francois Baptiste Godin
Born: - L'ange-Gardien Baptized: Died: November 1779 - Neuville Buried: November 10, 1779 - Neuville, Portneuf
17 F Charlotte Godin
Born: September 18, 1683 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: September 20, 1683 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Vincent Guillot Marr: November 3, 1717 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Jacques Allard Marr: April 16, 1731 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
18 F Francoise Godin
Born: April 10, 1685 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: April 11, 1685 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: May 1, 1765 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: May 1, 1765 - St-Jean-Baptiste, Les Écureuils Donnacona , Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Jean Martin Page Marr: November 17, 1704 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc
19 M Antoine Godin
Born: September 2, 1688 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: September 3, 1688 - L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, Qc Buried: - St-François-DE-Sales, Neuville, Cté Portneuf, QcSpouse: Catherine Jacob Marr: L'ange-Gardien, Cté Montmorency, Qc
General Notes: Husband - Charles Gaudin
General Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Notes: Marriage
CHAN31 Oct 2005
Line in Record @F309@ (MN 35930) from GEDCOM file not recognized:
IDNO Beaupre
Death Notes: Child - Marie Godin
General Notes: Child - Charles Gaudin
Death Notes: Child - Marguerite Gaudin
General Notes: Child - Marguerite Gaudin
this information is true and I personally researched the information, please excuse typos.
General Notes: Child - Marie Anne Godin
General Notes: Child - Pierre Godin
General Notes: Child - Alexis Godin
General Notes: Child - Jean Francois Baptiste Godin
Death Notes: Child - Charlotte Godin
General Notes: Child - Charlotte Godin
General Notes: Child - Antoine Godin
Etienne Lafond and Marie Boucher
Husband Etienne Lafond
Born: 1615 - St-Laurent-DE-La-Barrière, Charente-Maritime, France Baptized: Died: September 1665 - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Buried: September 15, 1665 - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc
Father: Pierre Lafond Mother: Francoise Prieur
Marriage: - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher 14
AKA: Zzz Born: 1630 - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada 15 16 17 18 Baptized: April 15, 1644 - St. Anne DE Beaupre, Beaupre, Québec, Canada Died: November 30, 1706 - Hotel Dieu, Quebec, Canada 15 18 19 20 21 Buried: November 30, 1706 - Batiscan, Qc 18 AFN: 94VD-9G
Father: Gaspard Boucher 9 14 22 23 24 25 Mother: Nicole Lemaire Lemer 9 14 22 23 25
Other Spouse: Charles Gaudin - November 6, 1656 - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
2. Alt. Birth - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
1 M Jean Lafond
Born: May 1646 - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: May 10, 1646 - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Died: May 10, 1716 - St-François-Xavier, Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc Buried: May 10, 1716 - St-François-Xavier, Batiscan, Cté Champlain, QcSpouse: Catherine Senecal Marr: October 12, 1670 - Notre-Dame-Du-Cap-DE-La-Madeleine, Cté Champlain, QcSpouse: Catherine Annennontak Marr: August 28, 1697 - St-François-Xavier, Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc
2 F Genevieve Lafond
Born: - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Died: August 12, 1715 - St-François-Xavier, Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Trottier 27 28 Marr: June 24, 1667 - Notre-Dame-Du-Cap-DE-La-Madeleine, Cté Champlain, Qc
3 M Pierre Lafond Mongrain
Born: April 1655 - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: April 24, 1655 - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Died: - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc Buried: - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Batiscan, Cté Champlain, QcSpouse: Madeleine Rivard 28 Marr: Ste-Geneviève-DE-Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc
4 F Francoise Lafond
Born: July 1658 - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Baptized: July 8, 1658 - L'immaculée-Conception-Des-Trois-Rivières, Cté Maskinongé, Qc Died: October 1717 - Montréal, Qc Buried: October 2, 1717 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, QcSpouse: Charles Lesieur Lapierre Marr: October 11, 1671 - Notre-Dame-Du-Cap-DE-La-Madeleine, Cté Champlain, QcSpouse: Louis Fafard Longval Marr: July 19, 1703 - St-François-Xavier, Batiscan, Cté Champlain, Qc
General Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher 14
AKA: Zzz Born: 1630 - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada 15 16 17 18 Baptized: April 15, 1644 - St. Anne DE Beaupre, Beaupre, Québec, Canada Died: November 30, 1706 - Hotel Dieu, Quebec, Canada 15 18 19 20 21 Buried: November 30, 1706 - Batiscan, Qc 18 AFN: 94VD-9G
Father: Gaspard Boucher 9 14 22 23 24 25 Mother: Nicole Lemaire Lemer 9 14 22 23 25
Other Spouse: Charles Gaudin - November 6, 1656 - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
Other Spouse: Etienne Lafond - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
2. Alt. Birth - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Marriage Contract 18 21, Audouart, October 1, 1656
General Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Louis Michaud and Marie Boucher
Husband Louis Michaud
Born: 1852 - ME Baptized: Died: August 24, 1909 - Fort Kent, Aroostook, ME Buried:
Father: Louis Michaud Mother: Zoe Berube
Other Spouse: Alphonsine Charron - June 16, 1873 - Fort Kent, Aroostook, ME, Maine
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Jacques Gauthier and Marie Boucher
Husband Jacques Gauthier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - St-Gilles-DE-Surgères, Charente-Maritime, France
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Pierre Gauthier Saguingoira
Born: 1629 - St-Gilles-DE-Surgères, Charente-Maritime, France Baptized: Died: December 5, 1703 - Sts-Anges-DE-Lachine, Qc Buried: December 6, 1703 - Sts-Anges-DE-Lachine, QcSpouse: Charlotte Roussel Marr: November 12, 1668 - Notre-Dame-DE-Montréal, Qc
Pierre Graton and Marie Boucher
Husband Pierre Graton
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: - Aubigny, Vendée, France
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Mathurine Graton
Born: 1648 - Aubigny, Vendée, France Baptized: Died: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc Buried: - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, QcSpouse: Pierre Toupin Lapierre Marr: September 30, 1670 - Notre-Dame-DE-La-Nativité, Beauport, Qc
Remi Lavoie and Marie Boucher
Husband Remi Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: August 14, 1890 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Eugenie Dube - April 22, 1873 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Boucher Mother: Emerence Berube
Father: Charles Boucher Mother: Emerence Berube
Other Spouse: Remi Lavoie - August 14, 1890 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
1 M Arthur Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Rosee Gagnon Marr: July 26, 1921 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Remi Lavoie and Marie Boucher
Husband Remi Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Ignace Lavoie Mother: Marcelline Francoeur
Marriage: August 14, 1890 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Eugenie Dube - April 22, 1873 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Boucher Mother: Emerence Berube
Father: Charles Boucher Mother: Emerence Berube
Other Spouse: Remi Lavoie - August 14, 1890 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
1 M Arthur Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Rosee Gagnon Marr: July 26, 1921 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Joseph Levesque and Marie Boucher
Husband Joseph Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: December 5, 1873 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Alma Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Roussel Marr: May 6, 1916 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
2 M Thomas Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Eugenie Lebel Marr: November 1, 1909 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
3 F Lea Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ludger Plourde Marr: November 22, 1898 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
Jacques Tiboutot and Marie Boucher
Husband Jacques Tiboutot
Born: May 1, 1649 - France 18 29 30 Baptized: Died: February 28, 1688 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc 18 29 30 31 Buried: February 28, 1688 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc 18 30 31
Father: Jacques Boutot Mother: Marie Carrell
Marriage: 1678 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc 18 29 32 33 34 35
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism, May 1, 1649 - Cliponville, Rouen, Normandie, France
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: February 26, 1663 - Château-Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada 15 18 36 37 Baptized: - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada Died: - Québec, Québec, Canada 15 18 Buried: Unknown - Québec, Québec, Canada 18 AFN: H2FB-HX
Father: Jean Galleran Boucher 9 25 38 Mother: Marie Leclerc 25 38
Other Spouse: Francois Autin - June 21, 1688 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 15 18 39 40 41 42 43
Noted events in her life were:
1. Census - Beaupré, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
Household listing:
[G]alleran Boucher ; 33 Masson
Marie Le Clercq ; 26 sa femme
Marie Boucher ; 3 fille
pierre Boucher ; 18 mois fils2. Census - Beaupré, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
Household listing: (Jean) Galeran Boucher, 34 ; Marie Le Clerc, sa femme, 26 ; Marie, 5 ; Pierre, 3 ; Philippe, 1.
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Marriage Contract 18 30 44, Fillion, September 4, 1675
2. Marriage Contract 18 45 46, Duquet, September 14, 1675
1 M Adaien Thiboutot
Born: October 1, 1678 - Riviere-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada 18 30 36 Baptized: Died: Buried: Unknown 18
2 M Pierre Boutot
Born: - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Anne Dusseault Marr: October 11, 1717 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
3 M Damien Thiboutot
Born: October 1, 1678 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc 18 47 Baptized: October 2, 1678 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: Buried: Unknown 18Spouse: Elisabeth St Pierre Marr: November 12, 1710 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
4 F Marie Anne Thiboutot
Born: June 2, 1685 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: June 2, 1685 - La Pocatière, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Died: March 16, 1721 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Buried: - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q.Spouse: Francois Sirois Marr: November 28, 1713 - Notre Dame DE Lisse, Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q.Spouse: Noel Pelletier Marr: September 1, 1708 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
5 F Marie Therese Thiboutot
Born: January 23, 1681 - Riviere-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada 18 30 36 Baptized: Died: Buried: Unknown 18
6 F Marie Anne Thiboutot
Born: April 11, 1685 - La Pocatiere, Quebec, Canada 18 29 30 36 Baptized: Died: March 16, 1721 - Riviere-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada 18 29 48 49 Buried: March 19, 1721 - Riviere-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada 18 48
7 M Piere Thiboutot
Born: February 9, 1687 - Riviere-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada 18 30 31 Baptized: Died: Buried: Unknown 18
General Notes: Husband - Jacques Tiboutot
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
General Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Notes: Marriage
Death Notes: Child - Pierre Boutot
Death Notes: Child - Damien Thiboutot
General Notes: Child - Marie Anne Thiboutot
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: February 26, 1663 - Château-Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada 15 18 36 37 Baptized: - Château Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada Died: - Québec, Québec, Canada 15 18 Buried: Unknown - Québec, Québec, Canada 18 AFN: H2FB-HX
Father: Jean Galleran Boucher 9 25 38 Mother: Marie Leclerc 25 38
Other Spouse: Francois Autin - June 21, 1688 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 15 18 39 40 41 42 43
Other Spouse: Jacques Tiboutot - 1678 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc 18 29 32 33 34 35
Noted events in her life were:
1. Census - Beaupré, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
Household listing:
[G]alleran Boucher ; 33 Masson
Marie Le Clercq ; 26 sa femme
Marie Boucher ; 3 fille
pierre Boucher ; 18 mois fils2. Census - Beaupré, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
Household listing: (Jean) Galeran Boucher, 34 ; Marie Le Clerc, sa femme, 26 ; Marie, 5 ; Pierre, 3 ; Philippe, 1.
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
General Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Francois Lizotte and Marie Boucher
Husband Francois Lizotte
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Francois Lizot Mother: Louise St Pierre
Marriage: September 1, 1815 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Josephte Lizotte - March 31, 1788 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Anastasie Levesque - January 28, 1805 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Marie Josephine Lizotte
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Ouellet Marr: January 26, 1841 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Chrysostome Boucher Mother: Marie Josephte Hudon Beaulieu
1 F Marcelline Milliard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ernest Lavoie Marr: November 23, 1847 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
2 M Francois Milliard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Justine Lavoie Marr: November 1, 1848 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Justine Lavoie Marr: November 1, 1848 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Georges Levesque and Marie Boucher
Husband Georges Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Moïse Levesque Mother: Marie Anne Lebel
Marriage: July 11, 1848 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Boucher Mother: Charlotte Paradis
1 F Georgianna Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Felix Levesque Marr: September 4, 1872 - St-Denis-DE-La-Bouteillerie, Kamouraska, Qc
Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher 9
Born: June 8, 1625 - St-Langis, France 16 18 Baptized: Died: - St.Langis, France 16 18 Buried: Unknown 18
Father: Gaspard Boucher 9 14 22 23 24 25 Mother: Julienne Dubaril 9 14 22
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism 16 18, St-Langis-les-Mortagne France, June 8, 1625
General Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
Title: Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec des Origines A1730: AFGS,Woon.RI Vol.1 pg.136
Notes: Marriage
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Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Boucher Mother: Marie Levesque
Henri Hudon Beaulieu and Marie Boucher
Husband Henri Hudon Beaulieu
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Michel Hudon Beaulieu Mother: Athaïs Miville Deschenes
Father: Michel Hudon Beaulieu Mother: Athaïs Miville Deschenes
Marriage: October 26, 1887 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Ignace Boucher Mother: Victorine Miville Deschenes
1 M Charles Eugene Hudon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Charles Eugene Hudon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Angelina Lebrun Marr: October 5, 1920 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Antoine Piet Lefreniere Trempe and Marie Boucher
Husband Antoine Piet Lefreniere Trempe
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Piette Piet Trempe Mother: Marguerite Chemereau
Marriage: May 2, 1711 - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel. Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: April 14, 1693 - Ste-Famille-Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Boucher Mother: Marguerite Agnes Pelletier
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, April 15, 1693 - Ste-Famille-Ile-D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, Qc
1 M Antoine Piet Lafreniere Tempe
Born: May 6, 1718 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Berthier, Cté Berthier, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Therese Mandeville Marr: February 25, 1754 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Berthier, Cté Berthier, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
Death Notes: Child - Antoine Piet Lafreniere Tempe
Nicolas Gonthier and Marie Boucher
Husband Nicolas Gonthier
Born: April 24, 1783 - St-Charles, Cté DE Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Nicolas Gonthier Mother: Marie Louise Clemment Labonte
Marriage: October 4, 1806 - St-Charles, Cté DE Bellechasse, Qc 50
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Theotiste Bernard Gonthier
1 F Marie Marguerite Gonthier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre Therrien Marr: November 18, 1845 - St-Gervais, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Nicolas Gonthier
Antoine Chaudillon and Marie Boucher
Husband Antoine Chaudillon
Born: 1643 Baptized: Died: October 1707 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc Buried: October 6, 1707 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc
Father: Claude Chaudillon Mother: Antoinette Tin
Marriage: May 26, 1672 - St-Augustin DE Desmaures, Cté Portneuf, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: October 1652 - St-Joseph-DE-Sillery, Qc Baptized: October 30, 1652 - St-Joseph-DE-Sillery, Qc Died: December 1713 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc Buried: December 16, 1713 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc
Father: Francois Boucher 9 14 23 25 Mother: Florence Gareman
1 F Catherine Chaudillon
Born: 1672 Baptized: Died: October 1745 - Ste-Anne-DE-Varennes, Cté Verchères, Qc Buried: October 22, 1745 - Ste-Anne-DE-Varennes, Cté Verchères, QcSpouse: Francois Neveu Lemon Marr: October 9, 1688 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, QcSpouse: Jean Charbonneau Marr: September 19, 1700 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc
2 F Charlotte Chaudillon
Born: - St-Pierre-DE-Sorel, Qc Baptized: Died: April 26, 1760 - St-Antoine, Lavaltrie, Qc Buried: April 27, 1760 - St-Antoine, Lavaltrie, QcSpouse: Jean Barthe Bellevillve Marr: July 8, 1707 - Ste-Anne-DE-Varennes, Cté Verchères, QcSpouse: Joseph Desautels Lapointe Marr: September 28, 1693 - St-Enfant-Jésus-DE-Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montréal, Qc
Claude Mazouer and Marie Boucher
Husband Claude Mazouer
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Etienne Mazouer
Born: 1601 - La Rochelle, Aunis, Charente-Maritime, France Baptized: Died: December 1652 - La Rochelle, Aunis, Charente-Maritime, France Buried: December 16, 1652 - La Rochelle, Aunis, Charente-Maritime, FranceSpouse: Marie Merand Marr: July 19, 1626 - La Rochelle, Aunis, Charente-Maritime, France 51
Pierre Nadeau and Marie Boucher
Husband Pierre Nadeau
Born: June 15, 1763 - St-Henri-DE-Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: Died: December 1822 - St-Henri-DE-Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: December 3, 1822 - St-Henri-DE-Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Father: Antoine Nadeau Mother: Marie Therese Marchand
Marriage: August 16, 1785 - St-Henri-DE-Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism, June 19, 1763 - St-Henri-DE-Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Fontaine
1 F Marie Nadeau
Born: February 21, 1788 - St-Henri-DE-Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: Died: July 1872 - St-Henri-DE-Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: July 19, 1872 - St-Henri-DE-Lauzon, Cté Lévis, QcSpouse: Francois Xavier Beaudoin Marr: February 11, 1805 - St-Henri-DE-Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Marin Boucher Mother: Perinne Mallet
General Notes: Wife - Marie Boucher
Feel free to use any of this information you wish to use, and share it with anyone else who is interested.
Francois Milliard and Marie Boucher
Husband Francois Milliard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Milliard Mother: Genevieve St Pierre
Marriage: February 16, 1824 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Chrysostome Boucher Mother: Marie Josephte Hudon Beaulieu
1 M Prudent Milliard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Delphine Ouellet Marr: January 18, 1853 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
2 F Marcelline Milliard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ernest Lavoie Marr: November 23, 1847 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
3 M Francois Milliard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Justine Lavoie Marr: November 1, 1848 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Joseph Milliard and Marie Boucher
Husband Joseph Milliard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Francois Milliard Mother: Julienne Ouellet
Father: Francois Milliard Mother: Julienne Ouellet
Marriage: July 22, 1901 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Remi Boucher Mother: Flavie Levesque
1 M Louis Georges Milliard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Alice Gagnon Marr: November 21, 1938 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Alfred Chenard and Marie Boucher
Husband Alfred Chenard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Alfred Chenard Mother: Marie Louise Lavoie
Marriage: September 24, 1941 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Ernest Boucher Mother: Valentine Lebrun
1 M Reginald Chenard
Born: 1955 - St-Gabriel-Lallemant, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: June 7, 1979 - St-Gabriel-Lallemant, Kamouraska, Qc Buried:Spouse: BoucherSpouse: Boucher
2 F Chenard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Bosse
3 F Chenard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Bosse
Jules Ouellet and Marie Boucher
Husband Jules Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Elie Ouellet Mother: Angele Deschenes
Marriage: May 4, 1880 - St-Pascal, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Boucher - May 4, 1880 - St-Pascal, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Jules Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Nadeau Marr: February 15, 1915 - St-Alexandre, Kamouraska, Qc
2 F Alvina Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Wilfrid Jean Marr: July 15, 1913 - St-Alexandre, Kamouraska, Qc
Jean Baptiste Jean and Marie Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Jean
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Francois Jean Mother: Julie Hudon Beaulieu
Marriage: July 9, 1868 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Hilaire Boucher Mother: Mathilde Levesque
Other Spouse: Joseph Levesque - December 5, 1873 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
Joseph Levesque and Marie Boucher
Husband Joseph Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Honore Levesque Mother: Delphine Berube
Marriage: December 5, 1873 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Hilaire Boucher Mother: Mathilde Levesque
Other Spouse: Jean Baptiste Jean - July 9, 1868 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
1 F Alma Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Roussel Marr: May 6, 1916 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
2 M Thomas Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Eugenie Lebel Marr: November 1, 1909 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
3 F Clara Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ovide Levesque Marr: July 1, 1909 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
4 M Damase Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Levesque Marr: January 3, 1897 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
5 F Lea Levesque
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ludger Plourde Marr: November 22, 1898 - Mont-Carmel, Kamouraska, Qc
Joseph Ouellet and Marie Boucher
Husband Joseph Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Pierre Ouellet Mother: Thecle Gagnon
Marriage: February 27, 1865 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Flavie Laboissonniere - December 2, 1877 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Clement Boucher Mother: Marie Desanges Collin
Germain Ouellet and Marie Boucher
Husband Germain Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Andre Ouellet Mother: Appoline Levesque
Marriage: March 11, 1863 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Joannem Boucher Mother: Marthe Jouvin
Jules Ouellet and Marie Boucher
Husband Jules Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Elie Ouellet Mother: Angele Deschenes
Marriage: May 4, 1880 - St-Pascal, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Boucher - May 4, 1880 - St-Pascal, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Alexandre Boucher Mother: Marie Hudon Beaulieu
1 F Lea Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Eugene Gauvin Marr: April 21, 1903 - St-Alexandre, Kamouraska, Qc
2 F Adele Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Berube Marr: August 29, 1916 - St-Alexandre, Kamouraska, Qc
3 M Jules Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Nadeau Marr: February 15, 1915 - St-Alexandre, Kamouraska, Qc
4 F Marie Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Didier Dionne Marr: August 25, 1908 - St-Pascal, Kamouraska, Qc
5 F Alvina Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Wilfrid Jean Marr: July 15, 1913 - St-Alexandre, Kamouraska, Qc
6 M Ernest Ouellet
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Albertine Pelletier Marr: December 26, 1929 - Rivière-Du-Loup St-Patrice , Qc
Joseph Ladislas Pelletier and Marie Boucher
Husband Joseph Ladislas Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Mother: Angelique Lancoignard Dit Santerre
Marriage: November 28, 1848 - Isle Verte, Québec, Canada
Wife Marie Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Joseph Michel Victor Fiset and Marie Adeline Alice Boucher
Husband Joseph Michel Victor Fiset
Born: April 12, 1896 - Paroisse St-Roch DE Québec, Qc. Baptized: Died: June 27, 1955 - Paroisse St-Malo, Québec, Qc Buried:
Father: Joseph Victor Fiset Mother: Regina Menard
Marriage: September 10, 1917 - Paroisse Notre-Dame-DE-Jacques-Cartier, Québec. Qc
Wife Marie Adeline Alice Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Aurelien Boucher Mother: Marie Adelina Letellier
1 M Joseph Victfernand Fiset
Born: June 10, 1918 - Paroisse Notre-Dame-DE-Jacques-Cartier, Québec. Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Therese Clara Rousseau Marr: May 9, 1942 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Francois Dube and Marie Alice Boucher
Husband Francois Dube
Born: October 27, 1883 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: November 13, 1982 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc Buried: November 17, 1982 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Father: Joseph Henry Dube Mother: Mary Sophie Berube
Marriage: July 22, 1920 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Alice Boucher
Born: May 24, 1902 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: July 26, 1984 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc Buried: July 31, 1984 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Father: Alfred Boucher Mother: Lea Levesque
1 M Clermont Dube
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 F Francesca Dube
Born: February 15, 1929 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: January 15, 2009 - Ste-Foy Ch Laval , Québec, Qc Buried: January 15, 2009 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Paul Giguere Marr: February 5, 1959 - Québec, Qc
Jacques Huard and Marie Angelique Boucher
Husband Jacques Huard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: November 19, 1716 - Lauzon, Lévis, Qc
Wife Marie Angelique Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Marie Angelique Huard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Couture Marr: October 19, 1761 - St-Charles, Bellechasse, Qc
2 F Genevieve Huard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Louis Joseph Demers Marr: July 2, 1752 - Lauzon, Lévis, Qc
Jean Baptiste Richard and Marie Angelique Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Richard
Born: March 25, 1712 - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc Baptized: March 26, 1712 - St-Ignace-DE-Loyola, Cap-St-Ignace, Cté L'islet, Qc Died: November 25, 1755 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Buried: November 26, 1755 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
Father: Pierre Richard Mother: Elisabeth Gamache
Marriage: June 30, 1739 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Angelique Boucher
Born: September 10, 1711 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: September 11, 1711 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: 1781 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Buried: September 27, 1781 - Riviere-Ouelle
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Madeleine Dancosse
Other Spouse: Pierre Francois Miville Deschenes - April 11, 1758 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, September 10, 1711 - Riviere-Ouelle
1 F Marie Anne Richard
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre Mayet Marr: February 5, 1757 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Pierre Francois Miville Deschenes and Marie Angelique Boucher
Husband Pierre Francois Miville Deschenes
AKA: Dit Deschenes Born: January 31, 1702 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Miville 9 14 52 53 Mother: Marie Madeleine Dube 9 14 52
Marriage: April 11, 1758 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q.
Other Spouse: Marie Paradis - August 1, 1727 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q.
Other Spouse: Genevieve Lebel - January 29, 1753 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q.
Other Spouse: Marie Paradis - 1728
Other Spouse: Genevieve Lebel - January 29, 1753 - Riviere-Ouelle
Noted events in his life were:
1. Baptism, Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q.
Wife Marie Angelique Boucher
Born: September 10, 1711 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: September 11, 1711 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: 1781 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Buried: September 27, 1781 - Riviere-Ouelle
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Madeleine Dancosse
Other Spouse: Jean Baptiste Richard - June 30, 1739 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, September 10, 1711 - Riviere-Ouelle
Death Notes: Husband - Pierre Francois Miville Deschenes
General Notes: Husband - Pierre Francois Miville Deschenes
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Marie Angelique Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Angelique Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Madeleine M. Dancosse
Daniel Coutu and Marie Angelique Boucher
Husband Daniel Coutu
Born: - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Berthier, Cté Berthier, Qc Baptized: - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Berthier, Cté Berthier, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jacques Coutu Mother: Marie Louise Brisard St Germain
Marriage: April 24, 1786 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Berthier, Cté Berthier, Qc
Wife Marie Angelique Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Boucher Mother: Marie Josephe Baillargeon
1 M Jean Coutu
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Madeleine Piquet Marr: July 18, 1808 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Daniel Coutu
Louis Dube and Marie Angelique Boucher
Husband Louis Dube
Born: June 18, 1734 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: May 1, 1801 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Buried:
Father: Louis Dube 53 Mother: Cecile Edmond 53
Marriage: - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
Other Spouse: Jeanne Louise Dionne - January 17, 1763 - Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Angelique Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Alexandre Dube
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Jeanne Levesque Marr: November 7, 1727 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
General Notes: Husband - Louis Dube
This work is on going and all should be doubled checked for errors.
Hormidas Lizotte and Marie Anna Boucher
Husband Hormidas Lizotte
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Eugene Lizotte Mother: Marie Louise Emond
Father: Eugene Lizotte Mother: Marie Louise Emond
Marriage: September 8, 1939 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Anna Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Boucher Mother: Marie Louise Berube
1 M Lizotte
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Levesque
2 M Lizotte
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Levesque
3 F Lizotte
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 F Lizotte
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Arthur Lavoie and Marie Anna Boucher
Husband Arthur Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Francois Lavoie Mother: Gaudelie Dionne
Marriage: August 14, 1914 - St-Denis-DE-La-Bouteillerie, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Anna Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Theophile Boucher Mother: Josephine Dube
1 F Therese Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Michel Dionne Marr: November 9, 1943 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
2 M Camille Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Denise Dube Marr: October 23, 1948 - St-Pacôme, Kamouraska, Qc
3 M Aurele Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marthe Ouellet Marr: June 5, 1943 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
4 M Magella Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ouellet
5 M Magella Lavoie
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ouellet
Joseph Martineau and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Joseph Martineau
Born: December 18, 1704 - Lorette Baptized: December 18, 1704 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'annonciation-DE-L'ancienne-Lorette, Qc Died: May 29, 1757 - St-Nicolas Buried: May 29, 1757 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
Father: Mathurin Martineau Mother: Madeleine Fiset
Marriage: - St-Nicolas DE Levis, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: July 5, 1709 - St-Nicolas DE Levis Baptized: July 5, 1709 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: July 30, 1818 - St. Nicolas DE Levis, P.Q. Buried: July 31, 1818 - St. Nicolas DE Levis, P.Q.
Father: Denis Boucher Mother: Marie Jeanne Miville
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, St. Nicolas de Levis, P.Q., July 5, 1709
1 M Joseph Marie Martineau Lormière
Born: December 23, 1727 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: December 25, 1727 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: April 24, 1809 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Angelique Bourassa Marr: November 18, 1748 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, QcSpouse: Genevieve Lemay Marr: November 26, 1753 - Ste-Croix, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
2 M Joseph Marie Martineau
Born: December 25, 1727 - St-Nicolas DE Levis Baptized: Died: April 24, 1808 - St-Nicolas DE Levis Buried: April 25, 1808 - St-Nicolas DE Levis
3 M Pierre Joseph Martineau Lormière
Born: May 1730 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: May 2, 1730 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Frechet Marr: October 22, 1753 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, QcSpouse: Ursule Croteau Vincent Marr: November 14, 1763 - St-Antoine-DE-Tilly, Cté Lotbinière, Qc
4 M Pierre Joseph Martineau
Born: May 2, 1730 Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Genevieve Martineau Lormière
Born: March 28, 1732 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: March 30, 1732 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Etienne Nadeau Marr: St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
6 F Genevieve Martineau
Born: March 30, 1732 - St-Nicolas Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Nadeau Marr: St-Nicolas DE Levis, Qc
7 F Marie Anne Martineau Lormière
Born: 1737 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: Died: December 25, 1818 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: December 26, 1818 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, QcSpouse: Jean Baptiste Frechette Marr: November 24, 1755 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
8 M Etienne Martineau
Born: September 21, 1735 - St-Nicolas Baptized: Died: July 19, 1823 Buried:
9 F Angelique Martineau Lormière
Born: - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Charles Michel Rousseau Marr: August 16, 1763 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
10 F Marie Anne Martineau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
11 F Marie Madeleine Martineau Lormière
Born: July 20, 1747 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: Died: June 7, 1798 - St-Antoine-DE-Tilly, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Buried: June 8, 1798 - St-Antoine-DE-Tilly, Cté Lotbinière, QcSpouse: Etienne Lambert Marr: January 19, 1769 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc
12 F Marie Angelique Martineau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
13 F Marie Madeleine Martineau
Born: June 20, 1747 Baptized: Died: Buried:
14 M Charles Martineau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Joseph Martineau
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Death Notes: Child - Pierre Joseph Martineau Lormière
Death Notes: Child - Genevieve Martineau Lormière
Death Notes: Child - Angelique Martineau Lormière
Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: July 5, 1709 - St-Nicolas DE Levis Baptized: July 5, 1709 - St-Nicolas, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: July 30, 1818 - St. Nicolas DE Levis, P.Q. Buried: July 31, 1818 - St. Nicolas DE Levis, P.Q.
Father: Denis Boucher Mother: Marie Jeanne Miville
Other Spouse: Joseph Martineau - St-Nicolas DE Levis, Qc
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, St. Nicolas de Levis, P.Q., July 5, 1709
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: February 28, 1675 - Riviere-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada 18 36 37 Baptized: Died: Buried: Unknown 18
Father: Jean Galleran Boucher 9 25 38 Mother: Marie Leclerc 25 38
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism 18 37, Riviere-Ouelle Quebec, Canada, February 28, 1675
Charles Francois Marquis and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Charles Francois Marquis
Born: 1700 Baptized: Died: 1754 Buried:
Father: Charles Lemarquis Mother: Agnes Giguere
Marriage: January 20, 1724 - Riviere Ouelle, , PQ, Canada
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Galeran Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
1 M Joseph Marie Marquis
Born: Baptized: April 18, 1729 - Kamouraska, , PQ, Canada Died: Buried:Spouse: Francoise Cote Marr: October 27, 1752 - Trois Pistoles, , PQ, Canada
Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
AKA: Zzz Born: July 31, 1699 - Riv-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada Baptized: August 5, 1699 - , Riviere Ouelle, P.Q., Canada Died: Buried:
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
General Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
This work is on going and all should be doubled checked for errors.
Augustin Sirois and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Augustin Sirois
Born: 1729 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: 1730 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Died: July 27, 1815 - St. Andre, Madawaska, New Brunswick Buried: September 21, 1818 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. Qc AFN: 11GV-M7T
Father: Francois Sirois Mother: Marie Francoise Roy Desjardins
Marriage: June 12, 1754 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc 8
Other Spouse: Marie Anne Louise Claire Levasseur - 1752 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
Other Spouse: Marie Felicite Ruelland
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: December 15, 1731 - Riviere Des Cap, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: December 26, 1731 - Kamouraska, Qc Died: September 1792 - Kamouraska, Qc Buried: September 28, 1792 - Kamouraska, Qc
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Catherine Gueret
1 F Genevieve Sirois
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Louis Nadeau Marr: July 18, 1803 - St. Basile, NB
2 M Augustin Sirois
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Euphrosine Lebel Marr: January 13, 1794 - Kamouraska, P.Q.Spouse: Elisabeth Caron Marr: September 2, 1808 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
3 F Josephte Sirois Duplessis
Born: April 21, 1755 - Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Augustin Choret Charette Marr: November 13, 1780 - Kamouraska, Qc
4 M Germain Sirois
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Charlotte Pelletier Marr: October 10, 1797 - St. Jean Port Joli, P.Q.
5 F Marie Josephte Sirois
Born: June 1, 1755 - Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Augustin Choret Charette Marr: November 13, 1780 - Kamouraska, P.Q.
6 F Marie Catherine Sirois Duplessis
Born: 1757 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Basile Pelletier Marr: August 26, 1776 - Kamouraska, Qc
7 F Catherine Sirois Duplessis
Born: 1756 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
8 F Rose Sirois
Born: July 29, 1760 - Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: July 29, 1760 - Kamouraska, Qc Died: June 8, 1820 - Rimouski, Qc Buried:Spouse: Louis Côme Lavoie Marr: March 3, 1783 - Kamouraska, P.Q.Spouse: Louis Côme Joseph Fulbert Lavoie Marr: January 15, 1783 - Kamouraska, Qc
9 F Marie Anne Sirois Duplessis
Born: July 30, 1764 - Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Alexandre Landry Marr: March 10, 1791 - Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Joseph Laforge Marr: April 2, 1788 - Kamouraska, Qc
10 F Marguerite Sirois Duplessis
Born: February 8, 1774 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: February 9, 1774 - Kamouraska, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Moreau Marr: January 19, 1795 - St. Andre, Kamouraska, P.Q.Spouse: Henri Dionne Marr: August 17, 1812 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, P.Q.
General Notes: Husband - Augustin Sirois
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Notes: Marriage
Attending the marriage of Augustin and Marie Anne were Michel Boucher, Antoine Roy and Pierre Mignault.
Death Notes: Child - Josephte Sirois Duplessis
Death Notes: Child - Marie Catherine Sirois Duplessis
Death Notes: Child - Marguerite Sirois Duplessis
Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: April 28, 1675 - Quebec City, P.Q. Baptized: Died: October 19, 1762 - L'islet, L'islet, P.Q. Buried:
Father: Jean Galleran Boucher 9 25 38 Mother: Marie Leclerc 25 38
General Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
This work is on going and all should be doubled checked for errors.
Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: June 2, 1701 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Madeleine M. Dancosse
Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: June 2, 1701 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Madeleine M. Dancosse
Augustin Sirois and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Augustin Sirois
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Marie Catherine Sirois
Born: 1757 - Kamouraska Que. Can. Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Basile Pelletier Marr: August 26, 1776 - Kamouraska, Que, Canada
Francois Dupolo-Duval and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Francois Dupolo-Duval
Born: 1670 Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Augustin Duval
Born: November 26, 1696 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Genevieve Leclerc-Francoeur
Pierre Simard and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Pierre Simard
Born: June 25, 1739 - Ste-Anne-DE-Beaupré, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: June 26, 1739 - Ste-Anne-DE-Beaupré, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Etienne Simard Mother: Genevieve Blouin
Marriage: October 11, 1762 - St-Joachim, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: December 12, 1734 - St-Joachim, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: December 12, 1734 - St-Joachim, Cté Montmorency, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jacques Boucher Mother: Dorothee Gagnon
1 M Francois Simard
Born: June 11, 1771 - Beaupré, Cté Montmorency, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Côte Marr: August 11, 1794 - St-Pierre, Ile D'orléans, Cté Montmorency, QcSpouse: Marguerite Lessard Marr: July 28, 1800 - Ste-Anne-DE-Beaupré, Cté Montmorency, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Pierre Simard
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Death Notes: Child - Francois Simard
Francois Boutot and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Francois Boutot
Born: 1719 - Kamouraska, Riviere Ouelle, Quebec Baptized: Died: November 18, 1743 - St. Roch Des Aulnais, Que Buried:
Father: Damien Thiboutot Mother: Elisabeth St Pierre
Other Spouse: Marguerite Jean
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Death Notes: Husband - Francois Boutot
Francois Duval and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Francois Duval
Born: 1657 - Ponsot, Bretagne, , France Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Guillaume Duval Mother: Marie Giguelle
Marriage: - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: April 28, 1675 - Québec, Canada Baptized: April 28, 1675 - Québec, Québec, Canada Died: October 19, 1762 - Québec, Québec, Canada Buried: - Québec, Québec, Canada AFN: M6TC-D7
Father: Jean Galleran Boucher 9 25 38 Mother: Marie Leclerc 25 38
Other Spouse: Francois Duval Dupontleau - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
1 F Francois Duval
Born: November 6, 1692 - Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Francois Duval
Born: - Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M Augustin Duval
Born: November 24, 1696 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Jean Baptiste Duval
Born: October 21, 1698 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Marie Anne Duval
Born: September 16, 1700 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: March 16, 1759 - St. Roch Des Aulnaies, L'islet, Quebec, Canada Buried:
6 M Alexandre Duval
Born: November 2, 1702 - L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
7 M Joseph Duval
Born: November 30, 1704 - L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: July 11, 1747 - Hotel Dieu, Québec, Québec, Québec, Canada Buried:
8 F Elisabeth Duval
Born: April 26, 1707 - L'islet, , Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Augustin Lebel
9 F Marie Elisabeth Duval
Born: March 27, 1707 - L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
10 M Louis Joseph Dussault Dit Duval
Born: - L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: April 4, 1755 - L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada Buried:Spouse: Marie Anne Fournier Marr: L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada
11 F Marie Helene Duval
Born: - L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada Baptized: - L'islet, , Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Philippe Pierre Ouellet Marr: December 4, 1744 - St-Jean-Port-Joli, L'islet, Qc
12 M Pierre Duval
Born: July 23, 1714 - L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: August 7, 1714 - L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada Buried:
13 F Marie Genevieve Duval
Born: October 19, 1715 Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Francois Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Notes: Marriage
According to source, Francois Duval was 22 and M. Anne Boucher was 17
years old. The marriage record indicates that Francois was from
"France.Bretagne.Rural", the home of his parents Guillaume Duval and
Marie Giquelle. The parents of Marie Anne were Galeran Boucher and
Marie Leclair. Also listed are Robert Leveque and Miche Bouchard (La
Bouteillere's). The priest was Father J. Bernard Derequeleyne.
General Notes: Child - Francois Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Francois Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Augustin Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Jean Baptiste Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Marie Anne Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Alexandre Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Joseph Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Marie Elisabeth Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Marie Helene Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Pierre Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
General Notes: Child - Marie Genevieve Duval
We will do our best to answer any questions about our tree.
Please send any corrections and additions that will help others climb ourfamily tree. Happy climbing.
PS: Sorry about another E-mail address change - will answer old lettersas found.
Francois Duval Dupontleau and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Francois Duval Dupontleau
Born: 1670 - Le Ponthou, Morlaix, Bretagne, France Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Guillaume Duval Mother: Marie Giguelle
Marriage: - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: April 28, 1675 - Québec, Canada Baptized: April 28, 1675 - Québec, Québec, Canada Died: October 19, 1762 - Québec, Québec, Canada Buried: - Québec, Québec, Canada AFN: M6TC-D7
Father: Jean Galleran Boucher 9 25 38 Mother: Marie Leclerc 25 38
Other Spouse: Francois Duval - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
1 F Francois Duval
Born: November 6, 1692 - Québec, Qc Baptized: November 7, 1692 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre Dancosse Marr: October 7, 1719 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
2 M Francois Duval
Born: - Québec, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Elisabeth Goupil Marr: L'islet-Sur-Mer, L'islet, Qc
3 M Jean Baptiste Duval Dupaulo
Born: October 21, 1698 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: October 23, 1698 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Anne Fortin Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-Bonsecours, L'islet-Sur-Mer, Cté L'islet, QcSpouse: Francoise Morel Ladurantaye Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-Bonsecours, L'islet-Sur-Mer, Cté L'islet, QcSpouse: Marie Catherine Miville Marr: Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
4 F Marie Anne Duval
Born: October 16, 1700 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: October 17, 1700 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: March 16, 1759 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc Buried: March 17, 1759 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, QcSpouse: Joseph Lebel Marr: Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
5 M Louis Duval Dupolo
Born: - Notre-Dame-DE-Bonsecours, L'islet-Sur-Mer, Cté L'islet, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-Bonsecours, L'islet-Sur-Mer, Cté L'islet, Qc Died: April 1755 - Notre-Dame-DE-Bonsecours, L'islet-Sur-Mer, Cté L'islet, Qc Buried: April 5, 1755 - Notre-Dame-DE-Bonsecours, L'islet-Sur-Mer, Cté L'islet, QcSpouse: Marie Anne Fournier Marr: August 6, 1747 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
6 F Helene Marie Genevieve Duval Dupontleau
Born: - Notre-Dame-DE-Bonsecours, L'islet-Sur-Mer, Cté L'islet, Qc Baptized: - Notre-Dame-DE-Bonsecours, L'islet-Sur-Mer, Cté L'islet, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Philippe Pierre Ouellet Marr: April 12, 1744 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Francois Duval Dupontleau
General Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Death Notes: Child - Francois Duval
Death Notes: Child - Francois Duval
Death Notes: Child - Jean Baptiste Duval Dupaulo
Death Notes: Child - Helene Marie Genevieve Duval Dupontleau
Paul Gaumond and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Paul Gaumond
Born: September 17, 1745 - St-Thomas, Cté Montmagny, Qc Baptized: September 18, 1745 - St-Thomas, Cté Montmagny, Qc Died: March 25, 1780 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Buried: March 27, 1780 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Father: Etienne Gaumond Mother: Josette Pepin Lachance
Marriage: September 29, 1766 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: May 21, 1749 - St-Étienne-DE-Beaumont, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: May 21, 1749 - St-Étienne-DE-Beaumont, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Pascal Boucher Mother: Genevieve Vermette
Other Spouse: Boniface Aube - August 20, 1799 - St-Gervais, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
1 M Francois Gaumond
Born: February 21, 1776 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: February 21, 1776 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Francoise Regis Samson Marr: October 26, 1802 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, QcSpouse: Agathe Viens Marr: May 22, 1815 - St-Gervais, Cté Bellechasse, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Death Notes: Child - Francois Gaumond
Jean Baptiste Ducas and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Ducas
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Ducas Mother: Louise Decaruel Belleville
Marriage: - St-Nicolas, Cté DE Lévis. Qc
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: June 13, 1727 - St-Nicolas, Cté DE Lévis. Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Francois Boucher Desrosiers Mother: Therese Lemarie Marie
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, June 15, 1727 - St-Nicolas, Cté DE Lévis. Qc
1 M Louis Ducas
Born: October 18, 1752 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Louise Huard Marr: April 28, 1777 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Death Notes: Child - Louis Ducas
Adelard Rousseau and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Adelard Rousseau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: October 29, 1923 - Beauport, Québec, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Honore Boucher Mother: Leda Robitaille
Other Spouse: Eugene Dionne - July 10, 1939 - Beauport, Québec, Qc
1 F Juliette Rousseau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Octave Bourgelas Marr: October 28, 1944 - Beauport, Québec, Qc
Eugene Dionne and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Eugene Dionne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Paul Dionne Mother: Georgianna Dube
Marriage: July 10, 1939 - Beauport, Québec, Qc
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Honore Boucher Mother: Leda Robitaille
Other Spouse: Adelard Rousseau - October 29, 1923 - Beauport, Québec, Qc
Francois Marquis and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Francois Marquis
Born: May 23, 1700 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, Canada Baptized: May 23, 1700 - Québec, Qc Died: October 1, 1754 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Buried: October 1, 1754 - Kamouraska, Qc AFN: V7QF-6G
Father: Charles Lemarquis Mother: Ange Giguere
Marriage: - Kamouraska, Qc, CT Janneau
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: August 5, 1699 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc 2 Baptized: August 5, 1699 - Riviere Ouelle, P.Q., Canada Died: November 20, 1775 - Kamouraska, Qc Buried: November 20, 1775 - Kamouraska, Qc AFN: FZJ0-JT
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
Other Spouse: Francois Charles Marquis
1 M Joseph Marie Marquis
Born: April 17, 1729 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. Qc Baptized: April 18, 1729 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. Qc Died: March 28, 1809 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. Qc Buried: March 29, 1809 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. Qc AFN: VQPG-8VSpouse: Francoise Cote Marr: October 27, 1752 - Rivière Du Loup, Temiscouata, Québec, CanadaSpouse: Marie Francoise Coste Marr: October 27, 1752 - Riviere DE Loup Quebec Canada
2 M Francois Marquis
Born: 1724 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried: AFN: 1V7F-MSKSpouse: Agnes Genevieve Côte Marr: 1762 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
3 F Agnes Marquis
Born: 1725 - L'islet, St. Roch Des Aulnaies, Québec Canada Baptized: Died: August 10, 1727 Buried: AFN: ZG1R-SC
4 M Joseph Francois Lemarquis
Born: - St-Louis-DE-Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: - St-Louis-DE-Kamouraska, Qc Died: January 6, 1816 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. Qc Buried: January 9, 1816 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. QcSpouse: Agnes Genevieve Côte Marr: 1762 - Notre-Dame-Des-Neiges, Trois-Pistoles, Cté Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc
5 M Alexandre Marquis
Born: June 29, 1731 - L'islet, St. Roch Des Aulnaies, Québec Canada Baptized: Died: Buried: AFN: ZG1R-TJ
6 F Genevieve Marquis
Born: September 12, 1736 - L'islet, St. Roch Des Aulnaies, Québec Canada Baptized: Died: September 9, 1757 Buried: AFN: ZG1R-WV
7 F Marie Anne Marquis
Born: - St. Roch Des Aulnaies, L'islet, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: August 15, 1757 Buried: AFN: ZG1R-X2
8 M Jean Baptiste Marquis
Born: June 20, 1741 - L'islet, St. Roch Des Aulnaies, Québec Canada Baptized: Died: Buried: AFN: ZG1R-Z7Spouse: Marie Madeleine Bourgoin
9 F Madeleine Marquis
Born: 1747 - L'islet, St. Roch Des Aulnaies, Québec Canada Baptized: Died: Buried: AFN: ZG1S-1J
General Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Francois Charles Marquis and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Francois Charles Marquis
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: August 5, 1699 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc 2 Baptized: August 5, 1699 - Riviere Ouelle, P.Q., Canada Died: November 20, 1775 - Kamouraska, Qc Buried: November 20, 1775 - Kamouraska, Qc AFN: FZJ0-JT
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
Other Spouse: Francois Marquis - Kamouraska, Qc, CT Janneau
1 M Francois Louis Marquis
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Agnes Cote Marr: 1762
General Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Charles Pelletier and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Charles Pelletier
Born: 1699 - La Pocatière, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: April 12, 1699 - Riviere-Ouelle, , Qc Died: - La Pocatière, Kamouraska, P.Q Buried:
Father: Jean Joseph Pelletier 54 55 Mother: Marie Ursule Desseint St Pierre
Marriage: - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, Canada
Noted events in his life were:
1. Christened - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: October 7, 1708 - Riviere-Ouelle, , Qc Baptized: October 7, 1708 - Riviere-Ouelle, , Qc Died: 1768 - La Pocatière, Kamouraska, P.Q Buried:
Father: Charles Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Ouellet
Noted events in her life were:
1. Christened - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
1 M Jean Charles Pelletier
Born: October 1729 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: October 28, 1729 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Ursule Bernier Marr: September 4, 1752 - L'islet-Sur-Mer, L'islet, Qc
2 M Jean Charles Pelletier
Born: 1729 - Cap St. Ignace, Montmagny, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: 1813 Buried: AFN: 1V9C-N8CSpouse: Ursule Bernier Marr: April 9, 1752 - L`islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada
3 M Jean Baptiste Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Genevieve Talbot Gervais Marr: October 1, 1759 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
4 M Jean Baptiste Pelletier
Born: September 1736 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Genevieve Talbot Gervais Marr: June 10, 1759 - St-Pascal, Cté Kamouraska, QcSpouse: Marguerite Michaud Marr: June 16, 1794 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
5 M Michel Pelletier
Born: May 7, 1746 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Francoise Aucouturier Marr: January 2, 1768 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, Qc
6 F Marie Felicite Pelletier
Born: Baptized: October 15, 1740 - St-Roch, , Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Paradis Marr: October 20, 1760 - St-Roch, , Qc
7 M Francois Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Judith Miville Marr: November 25, 1754 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Riviere Ouelle, Quebec, Canada
8 M Joseph Pelletier
Born: 1731 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: December 23, 1731 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: 1783 Buried:Spouse: Josephe Paradis Marr: February 7, 1757 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, CanadaSpouse: Pelagie Felicite Brigitte Thibault Marr: November 12, 1770 - Notre Dame Du Bonsecours, L'islet, Québec, Canada
9 M Jean Baptiste Pelletier
Born: 1736 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Genevieve Talbot Dit Gervais Marr: January 10, 1759
10 M Jean Charles Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ursule Bernier Marr: September 4, 1752 - L'islet-Sur-Mer, L'islet, Qc
11 F Anne Judith Pelletier
Born: 1739 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Berube Marr: February 11, 1765 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, Canada
12 F Angelique Pelletier
Born: 1741 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: June 1, 1741 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: 1813 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Buried:Spouse: Joseph Plourde Marr: January 18, 1762 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, CanadaSpouse: Francois Plourde Marr: January 18, 1762 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
13 M Germain Pelletier
Born: 1743 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Rosalie Beaulieu Marr: February 23, 1767 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, Canada
14 M Joseph Michel Pelletier
Born: 1746 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Aucouturier Marr: February 1, 1768 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, Canada
Death Notes: Husband - Charles Pelletier
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
Death Notes: Child - Jean Charles Pelletier
Death Notes: Child - Jean Baptiste Pelletier
Death Notes: Child - Michel Pelletier
Death Notes: Child - Joseph Pelletier
Death Notes: Child - Angelique Pelletier
Joseph Pelletier and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Joseph Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Augustin Pelletier 56 Mother: Marie Magdeleine Thiboutot 56
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Jean Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Anne Lagace
Joseph Pelletier and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Joseph Pelletier
Born: 1694 - Riviere Ouelle, Quebec, Canada Baptized: November 30, 1694 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: 1753 - St-Roch, , Qc Buried: June 23, 1753 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc
Father: Jean Joseph Pelletier 54 55 Mother: Marie Ursule Desseint St Pierre
Marriage: - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
Other Spouse: Catherine Lemieux
Other Spouse: Marie Ursule Desseint St Pierre
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: June 2, 1701 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: June 2, 1701 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: April 1766 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Buried: April 18, 1766 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, Canada
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Madeleine Dancosse
Other Spouse: Joseph Pelletier - February 3, 1721 - Ste. Anne DE La Pocatiere, P.Q.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Christened - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
1 M Jean Gordien Pelletier
Born: 1721 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Anne Migne Dit Lagasse
2 F Felicite Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Paradis Marr: October 20, 1760 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
3 M Joseph Pelletier
Born: 1722 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc Baptized: November 22, 1722 - Ste-Anne-Poc., , Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Anne Caron Marr: L'islet, , QcSpouse: Claire Boutot Marr: January 17, 1785Spouse: Josephe Miville Marr: October 21, 1788Spouse: Brigitte St Pierre Marr: June 16, 1791Spouse: Madeleine Dube Marr: July 23, 1798
4 F Marie Anne Joseph Pelletier
Born: 1726 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: January 26, 1797 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc Buried: January 27, 1797 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, QcSpouse: Pierre Morneau Marr: St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, QcSpouse: Gabriel Asselin Marr: August 23, 1756 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc
5 M Francois Pelletier
Born: 1731 - Qc Baptized: Died: 1759 - St-Roch, , Qc Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Ursule Caron Marr: January 9, 1757 - L'islet, , Qc
6 M Isidore Pelletier
Born: 1733 Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marguerite Boutot Marr: February 17, 1772 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, Canada
7 F Marie Anne Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre Morneau Marr: St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, QcSpouse: Gabriel Ancelin Asselin Marr: August 23, 1756 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, Qc
8 M Augustin Pelletier
Born: 1744 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, Qc Baptized: Died: May 17, 1795 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Buried:Spouse: Louise Berube Marr: January 11, 1779 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, CanadaSpouse: Catherine Soucy Marr: February 4, 1788 - Kamouraska, Qc
9 F Marie Madeleine Pelletier
Born: - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc Baptized: - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Francois Ouellet Marr: September 1, 1747 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, Qc
10 M Jean Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Anne Mignier Lagace Marr: St-Thomas, Cté Montmagny, Qc
General Notes: Husband - Joseph Pelletier
TITL: PLAC dit-Doucet
General Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
The best way for me to describe the relationship, is for
example if you have 6,000 people in your data base
that are connected via interlocking marriges, and
you find that you have a marriage that is interlocked into
one of my people in my data base, then they are related
via interlocking marriages, does not matter how distant.
The difference here is that the interlocking into my data
base would link to over 724,091 people via interlocking
My hobby is working on interlocking marriages,to any
family surname that is in my data,and I exchange with
people to find them,and to assist them in finding lineage
that link into their families.
Otto Palfenier
Death Notes: Child - Joseph Pelletier
Death Notes: Child - Marie Madeleine Pelletier
Marie Anne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: June 2, 1701 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: June 2, 1701 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: April 1766 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Buried: April 18, 1766 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, Canada
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Madeleine Dancosse
Other Spouse: Joseph Pelletier - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
Other Spouse: Joseph Pelletier - February 3, 1721 - Ste. Anne DE La Pocatiere, P.Q.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Christened - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
General Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
The best way for me to describe the relationship, is for
example if you have 6,000 people in your data base
that are connected via interlocking marriges, and
you find that you have a marriage that is interlocked into
one of my people in my data base, then they are related
via interlocking marriages, does not matter how distant.
The difference here is that the interlocking into my data
base would link to over 724,091 people via interlocking
My hobby is working on interlocking marriages,to any
family surname that is in my data,and I exchange with
people to find them,and to assist them in finding lineage
that link into their families.
Otto Palfenier
Notes: Marriage
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Joseph Pelletier and Marie Anne Boucher
Husband Joseph Pelletier
Born: September 14, 1694 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: June 23, 1753 - St Roch Des Aulnets, L'islet, Qc, Canada Buried:
Father: Jean Joseph Pelletier 54 55 Mother: Marie Anne Huot
Marriage: February 3, 1721 - Ste. Anne DE La Pocatiere, P.Q.
Wife Marie Anne Boucher
Born: June 2, 1701 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: June 2, 1701 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: April 1766 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Buried: April 18, 1766 - St. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamoraska Québec, Canada
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Madeleine Dancosse
Other Spouse: Joseph Pelletier - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
Noted events in her life were:
1. Christened - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
1 F Marie Anne Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Joseph Pelletier
Born: November 22, 1722 - La Pocatiere, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: November 12, 1783 Buried:
3 F Marie Madeleine Pelletier
Born: March 16, 1724 - St. Roch Des Aulnaies, L'islet, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Jean Pelletier
Born: November 1724 - St. Roch Des Aulnaies, L'islet, .Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 M Isidore Pelletier
Born: February 7, 1732 - Ste. Anne DE La Pocatiere, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 M Augustin Pelletier
Born: March 8, 1744 - St. Roch Des Aulnaies, L'islet, P.Q. Baptized: Died: 1795 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Buried:Spouse: Marie Louise Berube Marr: January 11, 1779 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q.Spouse: Catherine Soucy Marr: February 4, 1788 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, P.Q.
General Notes: Husband - Joseph Pelletier
Feel free to use any of this information you wish to use, and share it with anyone else who is interested.
General Notes: Wife - Marie Anne Boucher
The best way for me to describe the relationship, is for
example if you have 6,000 people in your data base
that are connected via interlocking marriges, and
you find that you have a marriage that is interlocked into
one of my people in my data base, then they are related
via interlocking marriages, does not matter how distant.
The difference here is that the interlocking into my data
base would link to over 724,091 people via interlocking
My hobby is working on interlocking marriages,to any
family surname that is in my data,and I exchange with
people to find them,and to assist them in finding lineage
that link into their families.
Otto Palfenier
Jean Baptiste Amiot Villeneuve and Marie Archange Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Amiot Villeneuve
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: November 4, 1788 - Berthier, Bellechase, Québec, Canada
Wife Marie Archange Boucher
Born: October 13, 1770 - Berthier, Bellechase, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Francois Boucher Mother: Cecile Josephe Marie Genereux
William Robert Arnold Herrett and Marie Bertha Elise Boucher
Husband William Robert Arnold Herrett
Born: July 6, 1927 - Windham Hill, Nova Scotia, Can. Baptized: Died: June 22, 1981 - Springhill, NS, Canada Buried:
Father: George Ira Herrett Mother: Annie M. Cotton
Wife Marie Bertha Elise Boucher
Born: December 23, 1938 - Acadiaville Parish, NB, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Maryann Roberta Herrett
Born: August 29, 1959 - Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Wayne Hector Reid
2 M Michael Arnold Herrett
Born: October 10, 1961 - Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Dianne Herrett
3 M Wade Roger Herrett
Born: March 22, 1964 - Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Kathy Smith
4 F Susan Anne Herrett
Born: September 22, 1965 - Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Dennis Peter Uhryn
5 F Sandra Margarette Herrett
Born: August 18, 1967 - Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 F Holly Christina Herrett
Born: December 22, 1968 - Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Brian Thomas Arnold
7 M Jesse Robert Herrett
Born: February 25, 1975 - Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Heather Anne Matthews
Marie Catherine Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Catherine Boucher
Born: 1750 Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Catherine Gueret
Alexis Gagne Bellavance and Marie Catherine Boucher
Husband Alexis Gagne Bellavance
Born: 1716 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc Baptized: Died: September 1759 - Québec, Qc Buried: September 13, 1759 - Québec, Qc
Father: Pierre Gagne Bellavance Mother: Genevieve Fournier
Marriage: November 25, 1743 - Berthier-Sur-Mer, Montmagny, Qc
Wife Marie Catherine Boucher
Born: August 19, 1727 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: August 21, 1727 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Boucher Mother: Marguerite Carbonneau
Other Spouse: Jean Roch Ladurantaye Morel - March 5, 1764 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc
1 F Marie Louise Gagne Bellavance
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre Camann
2 M Alexis Gagne
Born: April 11, 1749 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Madeleine Pelletier Marr: April 27, 1778 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, QcSpouse: Marie Josephte Soulard Marr: February 10, 1777 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
3 M Ignace Gagne Bellevance
Born: March 19, 1755 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc Baptized: March 19, 1755 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Josephte Destroismaisons Picard Marr: November 14, 1780 - St-François-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Alexis Gagne
Death Notes: Child - Ignace Gagne Bellevance
Jean Roch Ladurantaye Morel and Marie Catherine Boucher
Husband Jean Roch Ladurantaye Morel
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: March 5, 1764 - St-Pierre-DE-La-Rivière-Du-Sud, Cté Montmagny, Qc
Wife Marie Catherine Boucher
Born: August 19, 1727 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Baptized: August 21, 1727 - Notre-Dame-DE-L'assomption-DE-Berthier-Sur-Mer, Cté Bellechasse, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Boucher Mother: Marguerite Carbonneau
Other Spouse: Alexis Gagne Bellavance - November 25, 1743 - Berthier-Sur-Mer, Montmagny, Qc
Alexandre Dionne and Marie Charlotte Boucher
Husband Alexandre Dionne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Alexandre Dionne Mother: Madeleine Michaud
Marriage: September 1, 1787 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Charlotte Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Boucher Mother: Rosalie Martin
1 F Marie Charlotte Dionne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Stanislas Bouchard Marr: February 22, 1819 - Kamouraska, Qc
2 F Angele Dionne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Germain Dionne Marr: July 24, 1826 - Kamouraska, Qc
3 M Alexandre Dionne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Daris Marr: March 8, 1812 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
4 F Marie Louise Dionne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Maurice Lebel Marr: June 2, 1815 - Kamouraska, Qc
5 M Chrysostome Dionne
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Salomee Dionne Marr: November 1, 1825 - Kamouraska, Qc
Jacques Deneau and Marie Charlotte Boucher
Husband Jacques Deneau
Born: Baptized: Died: March 22, 1759 - Kamouraska, Qc Buried: March 23, 1759 - Kamouraska, Qc
Father: Thomas Deneau Devost Mother: Jeanne Couillard
Marriage: November 10, 1740 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 1 57
Other Spouse: Angelique Mignier Lagace - February 6, 1758 - Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Charlotte Boucher 1
Born: December 18, 1706 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 2 57 Baptized: January 18, 1707 - Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Died: September 20, 1756 - Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 57 Buried: September 20, 1756 - Kamouraska, Qc 1 AFN: FZGF-T0
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
1 F Marie Madeleine Devos
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre Laforest Marr: August 29, 1771 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc
2 F Marie Julienne Devost Deneau
Born: April 9, 1747 - Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: April 14, 1747 - Kamouraska, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Lavoie Marr: August 11, 1767 - Kamouraska, Qc
3 F Genevieve Devost Deneau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jean Baptiste Belanger Marr: November 24, 1777 - Kamouraska, Qc
4 M Joseph Devost Deneau
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Rose Michaud Marr: February 26, 1775 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
General Notes: Husband - Jacques Deneau
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Wife - Marie Charlotte Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Notes: Marriage
Witnesses of the marriage between Jacques and Marie Charlot te were Pierre Hudon-Beaulieu, Joseph Hudon-Beaulieu, Augus tin Labourlière-Laplante, Joseph Labourlière-Laplante, Jose ph Boucher, François Albert and Pierre Michaud.
General Notes: Child - Marie Madeleine Devos
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Death Notes: Child - Marie Julienne Devost Deneau
Jean Baptiste Couillard Dupuis and Marie Christine Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Couillard Dupuis
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Couillard Dupuis Mother: Marie Therese Bernier
Marriage: February 13, 1798 - L'islet-Sur-Mer, L'islet, Qc
Wife Marie Christine Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Boucher Mother: Marie Josephte Cloutier
Other Spouse: Jean Baptiste Couillard Dupuis - February 13, 1798 - L'islet-Sur-Mer, L'islet, Qc
1 M Louis Couillard Dupuis
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Hortense Lebel Marr: May 7, 1841 - Kamouraska, Qc
Jean Baptiste Couillard Dupuis and Marie Christine Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Couillard Dupuis
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: February 13, 1798 - L'islet-Sur-Mer, L'islet, Qc
Wife Marie Christine Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Boucher Mother: Marie Josephte Cloutier
Other Spouse: Jean Baptiste Couillard Dupuis - February 13, 1798 - L'islet-Sur-Mer, L'islet, Qc
1 M Louis Couillard Dupuis
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Marie Claire Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Claire Boucher
AKA: Zzz Born: February 15, 1702 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: February 15, 1702 - , Riviere Ouelle, P.Q., Canada Died: Buried:
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
Other Spouse: Michel Gueret Dumont - February 3, 1733 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc
General Notes: Wife - Marie Claire Boucher
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone)
valyer@cox.net (NEW E-MAIL)
Notes: Marriage
Witnesses were Jacques Guéret-Dumont, Michel Guéret-Dumont , Baptiste Guéret-Dumont, Pierre Boucher, Joseph Boucher, M ichel Boucher and Jean-Baptiste Bouchard.
Michel Gueret Dumont and Marie Claire Boucher
Husband Michel Gueret Dumont
Born: October 6, 1708 - Beauport, Quebec Baptized: - Beauport, Qc Died: September 25, 1774 - Kamouraska, Quebec Buried: - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc
Father: Jacques Gueret Mother: Anne Tardif
Marriage: February 3, 1733 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Marie Rose Levasseur - November 7, 1735 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 8
Wife Marie Claire Boucher
AKA: Zzz Born: February 15, 1702 - Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: February 15, 1702 - , Riviere Ouelle, P.Q., Canada Died: Buried:
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
General Notes: Husband - Michel Gueret Dumont
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
General Notes: Wife - Marie Claire Boucher
This tree is a service to our interconnected families. I am glad to share information with you. However, if you do find common ancestry I would very much appreciate hearing from you so we can continue collaborating. You can contact me at:
Richard Alan Nelson
1636 Great Oak Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-3050 USA
225.769.1273 (home phone)
valyer@cox.net (NEW E-MAIL)
Marie Claire Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Claire Boucher
Born: - Riv-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
General Notes: Wife - Marie Claire Boucher
This work is on going and all should be doubled checked for errors.
Jacques Devost and Marie Claire Boucher
Husband Jacques Devost
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Thomas Devost Mother: Jeanne Couillard
Wife Marie Claire Boucher
Born: - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada 2 Baptized: - Riviere Ouelle, P.Q., Canada Died: Buried:
Father: III Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Anne Michaud
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptised - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
1 F Marie Madeline Devost
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Pierre Laforest Marr: August 19, 1771 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada
2 F Marie Genevieve Devost
Born: May 18, 1745 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Wife - Marie Claire Boucher
Downloaded from Colin Michaud's Rootsweb WorldConnect genealogy pages.
Etienne Jean and Marie Desneiges Boucher
Husband Etienne Jean
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Mother: Emerence Mongeon
Marriage: April 8, 1874 - St-Fabien, Rimouski, Qc
Wife Marie Desneiges Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Edouard Jean
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Anaïs Bellavance Marr: July 19, 1898 - St-Fabien, Rimouski, Qc
Pierre Noel Pelletier and Marie Elisabeth Boucher
Husband Pierre Noel Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Pelletier Mother: Marie Anne Caron
Marriage: July 6, 1784 - Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Elisabeth Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 F Constance Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Benoni Hudon Beaulieu Marr: January 3, 1813 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, Qc
2 M Joseph Marie Pelletier
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Adeline Ouellet Marr: May 3, 1832 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, L'islet, Qc
Marie Elisabeth Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Marie Elisabeth Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Pierre Boucher Mother: Marie Toussaint
Louis Durand and Marie Euphrosine Boucher
Husband Louis Durand
Born: April 5, 1752 - St-Joachim, Châteauguay. Qc Baptized: April 5, 1752 - St-Joachim, Châteauguay. Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Durand Mother: Marie Primeau
Marriage: February 2, 1784 - Ste-Geneviève-DE-Berthier, Cté Berthier, Qc
Wife Marie Euphrosine Boucher
Born: January 5, 1758 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: January 7, 1758 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Marie Boucher Mother: Louise Genevieve Levesque
1 M Louis Durand
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Felicite Buckwell Marr: October 20, 1812 - Notre-Dame-DE-Québec, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Louis Durand
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Euphrosine Boucher
Henri Marie Michaud and Marie Euphrosine Boucher
Husband Henri Marie Michaud
Born: July 28, 1753 - Ste-Pocatiere, , Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Benjamin Michaud Mother: Marie Anne Chasse
Marriage: February 3, 1777 - Riviere-Ouelle, , Qc
Wife Marie Euphrosine Boucher
Born: August 21, 1757 - Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Boucher Mother: Madeleine Salomee Fortin
Denis Morin and Marie Euphrosine Boucher
Husband Denis Morin
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: July 12, 1774 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Euphrosine Boucher
Born: October 13, 1755 - Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Aurelius Darisse and Marie Exite Boucher
Husband Aurelius Darisse
Born: May 25, 1871 - Québec, Québec, Canada Baptized: May 27, 1871 - Québec, Québec, Canada Died: Buried:
Father: Thomas Darisse Mother: Euphemie Marquis
Marriage: July 3, 1899 - Québec, Québec, Canada
Wife Marie Exite Boucher
Born: 1870 - Québec, Québec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Joseph Mario Roland Darisse
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jeannette Arlene Motard
Nicolas Thibaut and Marie Francoise Boucher
Husband Nicolas Thibaut
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: July 23, 1686 - Chateau-Richer, , Qc
Wife Marie Francoise Boucher
Born: April 6, 1664 - Sillery, , Qc Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Francois Boucher 9 14 23 25 Mother: Florence Gareman
Jean Baptiste Phocas Raymond and Marie Genevieve Boucher
Husband Jean Baptiste Phocas Raymond
Born: May 23, 1764 - Saint-Louis-DE-Kamouraska Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Gabriel Phocas Raymond Mother: Marie Josephte Dube
Marriage: April 15, 1793 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska
Wife Marie Genevieve Boucher
Born: November 1, 1773 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Kamouraska Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Jean Baptiste Raymond
Born: May 5, 1797 - Saint-Louis-DE-Kamouraska Baptized: Died: August 23, 1868 Buried:Spouse: Angelique Vaillancourt Marr: July 21, 1823
General Notes: Child - Jean Baptiste Raymond
Joseph Antoine Gagnon and Marie Genevieve Boucher
Husband Joseph Antoine Gagnon
Born: May 1739 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: May 25, 1739 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: November 14, 1791 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Buried:
Father: Antoine Gagnon Mother: Reine Ouellet
Marriage: February 18, 1765 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
Other Spouse: Genevieve Boucher - February 18, 1765 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Genevieve Boucher
Born: - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: July 20, 1790 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Buried: July 21, 1790 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
Father: Philippe Boucher Mother: Marie Dionne
1 F Genevieve Gagnon
Born: December 22, 1765 - Ste-Anne-DE-Le-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: Died: December 22, 1845 Buried:Spouse: Francois Brisson Marr: February 23, 1784 - Ste-Anne-DE-Le-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
2 F Marie Anne Gagnon
Born: October 2, 1768 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: October 3, 1768 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: December 22, 1856 - St-Arsène-DE-Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc Buried:Spouse: Clement Roy Lauzier Marr: September 21, 1789 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
3 M Pierre Gagnon
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Angele Agnes Pare Marr: October 24, 1785 - St-Joachim, Cté Montmorency, Qc
4 M Abondance Gagnon
Born: March 17, 1770 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: March 18, 1770 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: May 17, 1841 - St-Georges-DE-Cacouna. Rivière-Du-Loup, Qc Buried:Spouse: Marie Louise Martin Marr: October 7, 1793 - Notre-Dame-DE-Liesse-DE-La-Rivière-Ouelle, Cté Kamouraska, Qc
5 M Gabriel Gagnon
Born: October 14, 1771 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Baptized: October 15, 1771 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Cté Kamouraska, Qc Died: Buried:Spouse: Honoree McClauklin Marr: January 16, 1797 - St-André-DE-Kamouraska. QcSpouse: Julienne Morin Marr: October 16, 1804 - St-Roch-Des-Aulnaies, Cté L'islet, Qc
Death Notes: Child - Gabriel Gagnon
Isidore Martel and Marie Genevieve Boucher
Husband Isidore Martel
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Martel Mother: Anne Simard
Marriage: August 2, 1751 - St-Joachim, Montmorency, Qc
Wife Marie Genevieve Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Noel Boucher Mother: Anne Deblois
1 F Marguerite Martel
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Henri Brassard Marr: November 11, 1779 - La Malbaie, Charlevoix, Qc
Nicolas Dubois and Marie Genevieve Boucher
Husband Nicolas Dubois
Born: September 12, 1765 - St. Nicolas DE Lauzon, Levis, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Charles Dubois Mother: Marguerite Marcotte
Marriage: October 28, 1783 - St. Nicolas, Lauzon, Levis, P.Q.
Wife Marie Genevieve Boucher
Born: May 12, 1764 - St. Joseph DE La Pointe DE Levis, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Joseph Boucher Mother: Marie Reine Belleau-Larose
Noted events in her life were:
1. Baptism, St. Joseph de la Pointe de Levis, P.Q., May 15, 1764
2. Event, Godfather - Francois Couture
3. Event, GodMother - Genevieve St. Laurent
1 F Scholastique Dubois
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
2 M Etienne Dubois
Born: September 15, 1784 - Neuville, Portneuf, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M Nicolas Dubois
Born: January 15, 1786 - St. Nicolas, Lauzon, Levis, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
4 M Michel Dubois
Born: February 1, 1788 - St. Nicolas DE Lauzon, Levis, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
5 F Marie Felicite Dubois
Born: March 12, 1792 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
6 M Clement Dubois
Born: February 14, 1796 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
7 M Charles Jean Remi Dubois
Born: May 16, 1798 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Marie Louise Lavoie Marr: August 21, 1820 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q.
8 F Marie Charlotte Dubois
Born: February 12, 1802 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
9 M Amable Nicolas Dubois
Born: July 31, 1804 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
10 F Angelique Dubois
Born: July 16, 1805 - Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska, P.Q. Baptized: Died: Buried:
Albert Emond and Marie Jeanne Boucher
Husband Albert Emond
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Alphonse Emond Mother: Alice Dube
Marriage: April 10, 1944 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Jeanne Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Demetrius Boucher Mother: Aimee Dery
1 M Claude Emond
Born: 1950 Baptized: Died: March 16, 2009 - Ste-Anne-DE-La-Pocatière, Kamouraska, Qc Buried:Spouse: Dumont
Joseph Charest and Marie Jeanne Delia Boucher
Husband Joseph Charest
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Ferdinand Charest Mother: Leocadie Therrien
Marriage: February 22, 1892 - St-Michel, Sherbrooke, Qc
Wife Marie Jeanne Delia Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Antoine Boucher Desrosiers Mother: Marie Bibeau
1 M Ludovic Charest
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Rose Amanda Dion Marr: April 18, 1922 - L'immaculée-Conception, Sherbrooke, Qc
Michel Morin and Marie Joseph Boucher
Husband Michel Morin
Born: 1731 - Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Marriage: July 25, 1757 - Kamouraska, Qc
Wife Marie Joseph Boucher
Born: August 20, 1736 - Kamouraska Quebec Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:
1 M Michel Morin
AKA: Michel Morin Born: September 4, 1762 - Kamouraska Quebec Canada Baptized: Died: September 5, 1815 - Rivierre Du Loup Quebec Canada Buried:Spouse: Genevieve Collin Marr: 1794 - L'islet, Quebec
Martin Boulet and Marie Joseph Boucher
Husband Martin Boulet
Born: April 15, 1713 - Montmagny, Cap St Ignace, Quebec, Canada Baptized: April 15, 1713 - Montmagny, Cap St Ignace, Quebec, Canada Died: Buried: AFN: 94TB-ZJ
Father: Jacques Boulet Mother: Francoise Fournier
Marriage: July 29, 1762
Other Spouse: Anne Louise Lemieux - November 12, 1736
Wife Marie Joseph Boucher
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Boucher Mother: Madeleine Leclerc
1 F Charlotte Boulet
Born: September 17, 1766 - Montmagny, Cap St Ignace, Quebec, Canada Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jospeh Mathgurin Jean Goulet
Louis Huard and Marie Josephe Boucher
Husband Louis Huard
Born: June 1763 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Baptized: June 23, 1763 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Jean Baptiste Huard Desilets Mother: Marie Angelique Dubois
Marriage: January 22, 1782 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Wife Marie Josephe Boucher
Born: October 28, 1761 - St-Antoine-DE-Tilly, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Baptized: October 29, 1761 - St-Antoine-DE-Tilly, Cté Lotbinière, Qc Died: Buried:
Father: Denis Joseph Boucher Mother: Marie Josephte Huot St Laurent
1 F Marie Josephe Huard
Born: Baptized: Died: March 5, 1852 - St-Jean-Chrysostome, Cté Lévis, Qc Buried: March 8, 1852 - St-Jean-Chrysostome, Cté Lévis, QcSpouse: Andre Gagne Marr: November 24, 1807 - St-Joseph-DE-La-Pointe-DE-Lévis, Lauzon, Cté Lévis, Qc
Death Notes: Husband - Louis Huard
Death Notes: Wife - Marie Josephe Boucher
1 http://www.kamouraska.ca/Genealogie/gen.
2 Colin Michaud.
3 GEDCOM File : 46438.ged.
4 GEDCOM File : rowland2.ged.
5 Pedigree Resource File CD 34 (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 2001).
6 25799.ftw.
7 1295105.ftw.
8 http://www.kamouraska.ca/Genealogie/gen.
9 Mary Anna (Mullen) Paquette.
10 Jetté.
11 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique des familles du Quebec (Les Presses de L'Universite de Montreal, 1983).
12 Reginald L. Olivier, Your Ancient Canadian Family Ties (Logan, UT: Everton Publ.)
13 Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes (Baltimore: GPC, 1967).
14 Mo Sabourin, Maurice Amedee Sabourin.
15 Brøderbund Software, Inc, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), Tree #0386.
16 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 136.
17 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982), 71186.
18 the gravel family.FTW.
21 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 511.
22 Tanguay, Cyprien, 1819-1902, Dictionnaire G©bn©balogique des Familles Canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'a nos jours / par C. Tangu, Montr©bal : ©ditions ©lys©be, 1975, Volume 1/page 71.
23 Tremblay.FTW.
24 Jette, Rene, Dictionaire Genealogique des familles du Quebec des origines a 1730, Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
25 Denis Savard, Toronto, Ontario, http://savart.info/.
26 Dictionnaire Mgr Tanguay volume 2 page 410.
27 284576.
28 28817.
29 Brøderbund Software, Inc, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), Tree #2874.
30 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 1079.
31 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982), 306,564.
32 Eloi-Gerard Talbot, B.A., B.P.,Mariste, Genealogie (From The Church of Montmagny, L'islet ,Bellchasse), 92,309.
33 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 137,1079.
34 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982), 71,306,564.
35 M. ARMAND PROULX, Mariages of Riviere-Ouelle [1672-1972] (BERGEWRON &FILS ENR'G 9247 24E AVENUE MONTREL QUEBEC), 75,215,421.
36 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982).
37 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 137.
38 GordonLavoie.FTW.
39 Eloi-Gerard Talbot, B.A., B.P.,Mariste, Genealogie (From The Church of Montmagny, L'islet ,Bellchasse), 209.
40 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 34,1079.
41 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982), 19,71,86,306,564.
42 Marguerite Belanger, Mariages of Saint-Louise-de-Kamouraska 1708-1984 (by Armand Proulx), 172.
43 M. ARMAND PROULX, Mariages of Riviere-Ouelle [1672-1972] (BERGEWRON &FILS ENR'G 9247 24E AVENUE MONTREL QUEBEC), 215,353,464.
44 M. ARMAND PROULX, Mariages of Riviere-Ouelle [1672-1972] (BERGEWRON &FILS ENR'G 9247 24E AVENUE MONTREL QUEBEC), 421.
45 Eloi-Gerard Talbot, B.A., B.P.,Mariste, Genealogie (From The Church of Montmagny, L'islet ,Bellchasse), 93.
46 M. ARMAND PROULX, Mariages of Riviere-Ouelle [1672-1972] (BERGEWRON &FILS ENR'G 9247 24E AVENUE MONTREL QUEBEC), 470.
47 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982), 564.
48 Rene Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique familles of Quebec (Unuversite Of Montreal Montreal Quebec), 1053.
49 Mgr Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique of Familles Canadiennes (Quintin-rock P 28 Felsmere Ave.Pawtucket, RI. 1982), 196,564.
50 Mes Aieux.
51 Au temple Calviniste.
52 dancosse.ged.
54 Pelletier.FTW.
55 lucien pelletier.FTW.
56 madawaska.ged.FTW.
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